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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,话题三 居住环境,(Living environment),重 点 单 词,家具,1. furniture,家具,2. desk,桌子,3. telephone,电话,4. chair,椅子,5. sofa,沙发,6. bookcase,书架;书柜,7. bed,床,8. fridge,冰箱,9. clock,时钟,10. mirror,镜子,11. computer,电脑,12. floor,楼层;地板,13. TV,电视机,14. table,桌子,15. radio,收音机;无线电广播,居室,1. house,房子,2. room,房间,3. basement,地下室,4. bedroom,卧室,5. bathroom,浴室,6. toilet,厕所,7. kitchen,厨房,8. hallway,走廊,9. study,书房,社区,1. building,建筑物,2. block,街区,3. corner,角落,4. street,街道,5. government,政府,6. hospital,医院,7. museum,博物馆,8. bookstore,书店,9. police station,警察局,10. post office,邮局,11. theater,戏剧院,12. bank,银行,13. restaurant,饭店,14. library,图书馆,15. environment,环境,16. restroom,洗手间;公共厕所,17. supermarket,超市,18. cinema,电影院,其他,1. between,在,和,之间,2. opposite,在,对面,3. guard,守卫,4. flower,花,5. beautiful,漂亮的,6. rubbish,垃圾,7. bright,明亮的,8. countryside,乡村,9. central,中心的;中央的,重 点 短 语,1. take place,发生,2. in our hometown,在我们家乡,3. pay phone,投币电话,4. across from,在,对面,5. in front of,在,前方,6. go straight,直走,7. turn left,左转,8. on the right,在右边,9. next to,在,旁边,10. there used to be,曾经有,11. flower shop,花店,12. lie in the south of,位于,的南边,13. plenty of/a lot of/lots of,许多;大量,14. swimming pool,游泳池,15. in our community,在我们小区,16. the way to,去,的路,17. train/railway station,火车站,18. bus stop/station,公共汽车站,19. in the center of,在,中心,20. be full of/be filled with,充满,21. a good place to do,一个做,的好地方,22. betweenand,在,和,之间,23. (be) close to,接近;靠近;在,附近,24. far (away) from,远离,25. at the first crossing,在第一个十字路口,26. on the left of,在,的左边,27. in/on/to the south of,在,的南部,重 点 句 型,1. There are three bedrooms in my house.,我家有三间卧室。,2. There is a sofa and two desks in my uncles house.,我叔叔家有一张沙发和两张桌子。,3. I live in centre of the city.,我住在城市中心。,4. Library is a good place for people to do some reading.,图书馆是人们读书的好地方。,5. We should keep our rooms clean and tidy.,我们应该保持我们的房间干净、整洁。,6. Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in our country.,上海是我国最大的城市之一。,书面表达,雾霾渐渐侵蚀我们的城市,如果大家绿色出行,这将会为环保做一份贡献。请根据上文所提供的信息和下面的提示,以“,Lets Ride Bikes,!”为题写一篇短文,介绍骑自行车出行的好处。,内容包括:,1.,自行车不贵,每个家庭都消费得起。,2.,自行车停靠方便。,3.,骑自行车出行有助于锻炼身体。,4.,骑自行车出行既不会污染环境,还能节约能源。,作文要求:,1.,不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真实姓名。,2.,语句连贯,词数,80,个左右。作文的标题已经给出,不计入总词数。,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,Nowadays,,,you can see more and more people riding bikes on the road. Why,?,Let me tell you the reasons.,First,,,its not expensive to buy a bike and every family can afford one or more. Second,,,it is hard to get the place for a car to park. But things,are opposite to bikes. Third,,,riding bikes are,Lets Ride Bikes,!,_,_,_,_,_,are opposite to bikes. Third,,,riding bikes does good to our health and the most important thing is that riding bikes can not only reduce pollution but also save energy.,Lets ride bikes from now on,!,话题二 家庭、朋友与周围的人、人际交往,(Family, friends and people around, interpersonal communication),重 点 单 词,家庭成员,1. father,父亲;爸爸,2. mother,母亲;妈妈,3. daughter,女儿,4. son,儿子,5. brother,兄;弟,6. sister,姐;妹,7. husband,丈夫,8. wife,妻子;太太,9. baby,婴儿,10. child,孩子,11. granddaughter(,外,),孙女,12. grandson(,外,),孙子,13. uncle,舅父;叔父;姑父;姨父,14. cousin,堂兄,(,弟、姊、妹,),;表兄,(,弟、姊、妹,),15. aunt,姑母;姨母;伯母;婶母;舅母,16. grandparent,祖父,(,母,),;外祖父,(,母,),17. grandmother/grandma(,外,),祖母;奶奶;外婆;姥姥,18. grandfather/grandpa(,外,),祖父;爷爷;外公;姥爷,人际交往相关的动词,1. advise,劝告;建议,2. excuse,原谅,3. catch,赶上;抓住,4. invite,邀请,5. refuse,拒绝,6. agree,同意;赞成,7. accept,接受,8. borrow,借,9. touch,感动;触摸,10. print,打印,11. forget,忘记,12. deal,协议;交易;处理,13. allow,允许,14. communicate,交流,15. discuss,讨论,16. argue/quarrel,争吵,17. call(,给,),打电话,18. play,参加;玩耍,人际交往相关的形容词,1. fair,合理的;公正的,2. quick,快的;迅速的,3. usual,通常的;寻常的,4. right,正确的,5. friendly,友好的,6. confident,自信的,7. happy,高兴的,8. sad,悲伤的,9. brave,勇敢的,10. nervous,紧张的,11. awful,极坏的;讨厌的;使人敬畏的,12. believable,可相信的;可信任的,其他,1. colleague,同事,2. friend,朋友,3. man,男人,4. woman,女人,5. boy,男孩,6. girl,女孩,7. photo,照片,8. neighbor,邻居,9. member,成员,10. replace,代替,11. relation,关系,12. tired,疲劳的,13. polite,有礼貌的,14. customer,顾客,15. laugh,大笑,16. smile,微笑,17. rude,粗鲁的,18. greet,问候,19. relative,亲戚,20. classmate,同学,21. schoolmate,校友,22. think,思考,23. feeling,感情,24. cry,哭;叫喊,重 点 短 语,1. live in,住在,2. thank sb. for doing sth.,谢谢某人做某事,3. a photo of my family,我的一张全家福,4. be friendly to sb.,对某人友好,5. in the same class,在同一个班,6. write to sb.,写信给某人,7. play with,和,一起玩耍,8. get together,相聚,9. make friends with,与,交朋友,10. so that,目的是,11. receive a better education,接受更好的教育,12. live a better life,过上更好的生活,13. fail an exam,考试不及格,14. help with,帮助某人做某事,15. have trouble in life,在生活中遇到困难,16. encourage sb. to do sth.,鼓励某人做某事,17. deep love,深深的爱,18. not onlybut also,不但,而且,19. say thanks to sb.,向某人说谢谢,20. Happy Fathers Day,! 父亲节快乐!,21. askfor help,寻求帮助,22.solve the problem,解决问题,23. worry about,担心,24. be angry with sb./be mad at sb.,对某人生气,25. be proud of/take pride in,以,为骄傲,26. feel lonely,感觉孤独,27. deal with,处理,28. be afraid of sth./sb.,害怕某事,/,某人,29. shake hands,握手,30. talk with/to sb.,和某人交谈,31. be interested in,对,感兴趣,32. be surprised at,对,感到惊讶,33. be excited about,对,感到激动,34. be supposed to do,应该做,35. keep in touch with,与,保持联系,36. good manners,有礼貌的,(,表现,),37. bad manners,没有礼貌的,(,表现,),38. be strict with sb.,对某人要求严格,39. care about,关心,40. say hello to sb.,向某人问候,重 点 句 型,1. This is Jennys family and she is my friend. She lives in Canada.,这是珍妮的家人,她是我的朋友。她住在加拿大。,2. Here are photos of me and my twin sister Liu Ying.,这里有一些我和我的双胞胎姐姐刘英的照片。,3. Could you give me a hand,? 你能帮我一下吗?,4. Thanks for all that you have done for me over the years.,感谢您这么多年来为我所付出的一切。,5. Could you please give me some advice about traveling,? 请问,你能给我一些关于旅游的建议吗?,6. They agree me to join their group.,他们同意我加入他们的组。,7. Would you mind turning off the window,? 你介意关上窗户吗?,8. Laughing at others is impolite.,嘲笑他人是不礼貌的。,书面表达,初中阶段你印象最深的老师是哪位?请用英语写一篇题为“,The Teacher I Never Forget”,的作文。,内容包括:,1.,简单介绍一下老师的性格或特长。,2.,列举一个事例,说明老师是如何在学习上帮助或鼓励你取得进步的。,3.,感谢并祝福老师。,作文要求:,1.,不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真实姓名,老师的姓名请一律使用,Mr.Zhang,或,Ms.Zhang,。,2.,语句连贯,词数,80,个左右。作文的标题和开头已经给出,不计入总词数。,The Teacher I Never Forget,How time flies,!,Three years has passed since I became a middle school student. I had very good memories of my classmates and teachers. The teacher I never forget is,_,_,_,_,_,Mr.Zhang,,,an English teacher. He is very kind and friendly. He helped us not only in class but also after class. About two years ago,,,Mr.Zhang noticed that I was worried about my,poor pronunciation,_,_,_,_,_,_,so he offered me many suggestions to improve it,,,and he also gave me every chance possible to speak in class. With his help,,,my pronunciation has greatly improved. I must say many thanks to Mr.Zhang. I wish him a healthy and happy life in the future,!,


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