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UNIT 6 Do you like bananas?,课时,1,Section A(1a,2d),1,bananas,2,hamburgers,3,ice-cream,4,salad,6,7,8,9,10,dinner,birthday,week,food,Then,基础巩固练,提示,:点击 进入习题,5,pears,答案呈现,11,12,13,14,15,tomatoes,milk,vegetables,strawberries,bread,16,17,18,19,20,D,B,C,C,A,答案呈现,基础巩固练,21,22,23,24,A,fruit salad,get an apple,think about,25,eat; strawberries,26,27,28,29,What about,F,B,G,30,D,31,A,能力提升练,一、根据首字母及汉语提示完成下面句中所缺的单词。,1. My good friend Steve likes,b,(,香蕉,).,2. You can see some,h,(,汉堡包,) in the picture.,3. Some girls in our class like,i,(,冰激凌,).,4. The,s,(,沙拉,) looks nice.,5. The three,p,(,梨,) are green.,ananas,amburgers,ce-cream,alad,ears,6. What do you like for,d,(,晚餐,), Jack?,7. Toms,b,(,生日,) and mine are on the same day.,8. I can go to Beijing with my parents next,w,(,周,).,9. Susan and Linda like the,f,(,食物,) here.,10. I dont like bread.,T,(,那么,)lets have some fruit.,inner,irthday,eek,ood,hen,二、用所给词的适当形式填空。,11. The two _ (tomato) are red.,12. Please get the _ (milk) on the table for me.,13. Hi, Tina! Do you like _ (vegetable)?,14. The _ (strawberry) on the table are for Gina.,15. Jenny, let me get some _ (bread) for you.,tomatoes,milk,vegetables,strawberries,bread,三、单项选择。,( )16. What _ do they like?,They like oranges.,A. color B. sport,C. number D. fruit,D,( )17. _ your brother like salad?,No, he doesnt like _.,A. Does; them B. Does; it,C. Do; them D. Do; it,【,点拨,】,salad,在此句中是不可数名词,用,it,代替。,B,( )18. ,安徽亳州风华中学月考,We have much _ and some _ after dinner.,A. ice-cream; strawberry,B. ice-creams; strawberries,C. ice-cream; strawberries,D. ice-creams; strawberry,C,( )19. Some bread _ in the box and some apples _ on the table.,A. is; is B. are; are,C. is; are D. are; is,C,( )20. Tina likes milk.,Yes. _.,A. Youre right B. She is,C. She has D. She is right,A,( )21. Lets have some bananas.,Great! That sounds _.,A. good B. difficult,C. boring D. tidy,A,四、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。,22.,萨拉喜欢水果沙拉。,Sarah likes _ _.,fruit salad,23.,你能给我拿一个苹果吗?,Can you _ _ _ for me?,get an apple,24.,我们必须考虑一下食物。,We must _ _ the food.,think about,25.,我们吃一些草莓吧!,Lets _ some _!,eat strawberries,26.,沙拉怎么样?,_ _ salad?,What about,五、从方框中选择恰当的句子补全对话,有两项多余。,安徽淮北开渠中学月考,A:,Hi, Linda!,27_,B:,Yes, Henry.,My birthday,is next week.,A. But my mother likes strawberries.,B. Do you want to have a birthday dinner?,C. Does your mother like strawberries?,D. How about you?,E. How about your mother?,F. Is your birthday next week?,G. What fruit do you like?,F,A:,28_,B:,Yes, I do.,A:,Then lets think about the food. 29_,B:,I like apples and bananas. 30_,A:,Well, I like pears and strawberries. Do you like strawberries?,A. But my mother likes strawberries.,B. Do you want to have a birthday dinner?,C. Does your mother like strawberries?,D. How about you?,E. How about your mother?,F. Is your birthday next week?,G. What fruit do you like?,B,G,D,B:,No, I dont. 31_ What about vegetables?,A:,For vegetables, I like tomatoes.,B:,Me, too. Lets go to the supermarket (,超市,) now.,A:,Great! Lets go!,A. But my mother likes strawberries.,B. Do you want to have a birthday dinner?,C. Does your mother like strawberries?,D. How about you?,E. How about your mother?,F. Is your birthday next week?,G. What fruit do you like?,A,


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