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Unit 1,How do I write my homework on the,computer?,Module 7 Computers,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,基础巩固练,提示,:,点击 进入习题,5,答案呈现,saves,box,Finally,paper,print,click,keyboard,screen,learn,mouse,11,12,13,14,15,A,A,A,B,D,答案呈现,26,27,28,29,print the document,turn on,What/How about,30,make; plan; holiday,21,22,turns on,save the document,23,24,25,look at,is good at,16,17,18,19,20,C,D,B,A,C,基础巩固练,three pieces of paper,learn to,答案呈现,41,42,43,44,B,A,C,C,45,B,36,37,A,B,38,39,40,A,D,A,31,32,33,34,35,B,E,G,D,F,能力提升练,46,47,48,D,B,A,49,50,C,B,一、 根据首字母及汉语提示完成单词,。,1. Is this a new,m,(,鼠标,)?,2. My brother,s,(,保存,)the,email and,walks out,of the room.,3. The,b,(,盒子,)is,too heavy to carry.,4.,F,(,最后,),the girl,finishes,her homework,and goes,home,.,aves,ox,inally,ouse,5. They go to the shop to buy some,p,(,纸,).,6,. ,安徽合肥市瑶海区期末, You can use it,to,p,.,(,打印,) your,homework.,7. ,安徽合肥包河区期末, You can,c,(,点击,) “,play” to listen to music,.,aper,rint,lick,8,. Alice uses the,k,(,键盘,)to,write,her homework,on the computer.,9. Sorry, I cant see the words on the,s,(,屏幕,).,10. John thinks its a little,difficult,to,l,(,学习,) Chinese,.,eyboard,creen,earn,二、单项选择,。,11. I can write my homework,_ the,computer.,A. on,B,. in,C,. to,D,. of,A,12. Can you connect the monitor,_ the,computer?,Yes, I can.,A. to,B,. at,C. on,D,.,in,A,13,. Dont _,the,TV. My baby is sleeping now.,A. turn on,B,. turn off,C. look at,D,. pick,up,A,14,. Do you know _,to,start the computer?,A. when,B,. how,C. where,D,. what,B,15. My brother,_ his,camera _,photos,.,A. use; take,B,. use; to take,C. uses; take,D,. uses; to,take,D,16,. ,安徽合肥蜀山区期末, If you want to go online, you,can click “Internet Explorer” with a _,first,.,A. keyboard,B,. monitor,C. mouse,D,. screen,C,17. ,_ do,I save the document?,You click “save”, and write a name for it.,A. What,B,. When,C,. Where,D,.,How,D,18,. _,seeing,the TV play,All is well,(,都,挺好,),?,Thats a great idea.,A. How many,B,. How about,C. How old,D,. How often,B,19. Please,_ the,door and now the door is _,.,A. open; open,B,. open; opens,C. opens; opened,D,. opening;,open,A,20,. ,中考,安徽, May I do some sports,after finishing,my homework?, _,.,It is good for your health.,A. I hope not,B,. Sorry, you cant,C. Of course,D,. Yes, Id love to,C,【,点拨,】,句意为“,我可以在完成作业后做一些运动吗?,_,。这对你的健康有好处。”,I hope,not,“我,希望不要这样”,表示不希望,; Sorry, you,cant,“抱歉,,你不可以”,表示拒绝,; Of,course,“,当然可以”,,表示允许,; Yes,Id,love,to,“,可以,,我乐意”,表示接受。从答语第二句知,应答者对发话者的请求表示允许。,三、从方框中选择合适的短语并用其适当形式,填空。,21,. He,_ his,computer and then listens to music.,turn on, be good at, look,at, learn,to, save the document,turns on,22. How can I,_ on,the computer,?,turn on, be good at, look,at, learn,to, save the document,save the document,23,. Please _,the,blackboard and listen to me,.,turn on, be good at, look,at, learn,to, save the document,look at,24,. He is a famous player and he _,playing,basketball,.,turn on, be good at, look,at, learn,to, save the document,is good at,25,. Do you want to _,swim,?,turn on, be good at, look,at, learn,to, save the document,learn to,四、根据汉语意思完成句子。,26.,你能教我如何打印这个文件吗?,Can you teach me how,to _,_ _,?,print the,document,27.,我需要三张纸写信。,I need,_,_ _ _,to write,a letter,.,three,pieces of,paper,28,.,请帮我打开收音机。,Please help me _ _,the,radio,.,turn,on,29,.,妈妈,给我买一些糖果好吗?,_ _,buying,me some candy, Mum,?,What/How,about,30,.,我想为今年暑假制订旅游计划。,I want to _,a,travel _,for,this summer,_,.,make plan,holiday,五、补全对话,(,有两项多余,),A. I dont use my computer very often.,B. Yes, I have one. I like it very much.,C. What about your parents?,D. Do you send emails?,E. I use the computer to download music.,F. What do you do with your computer?,G. Do you visit websites to get information for your,homework?,Tony,: Do you have a computer at home, Lingling?,Lingling,:,_31,B,A. I dont use my computer very often.,B. Yes, I have one. I like it very much.,C. What about your parents?,D. Do you send emails?,E. I use the computer to download music.,F. What do you do with your computer?,G. Do you visit websites to get information for your,homework?,Tony,: What do you do on the computer?,Lingling,:,_32,Tony,:,_33,Lingling,: Yes. It is useful to do homework with the computer.,E,G,A. I dont use my computer very often.,B. Yes, I have one. I like it very much.,C. What about your parents?,D. Do you send emails?,E. I use the computer to download music.,F. What do you do with your computer?,G. Do you visit websites to get information for your,homework?,Tony,:,_34,Lingling,: Yes, I do. I send emails to my friends in English,. _35,D,F,A. I dont use my computer very often.,B. Yes, I have one. I like it very much.,C. What about your parents?,D. Do you send emails?,E. I use the computer to download music.,F. What do you do with your computer?,G. Do you visit websites to get information for your,homework?,Tony,: I usually download games from the Internet. I,never send,emails to,my classmates,but I often chat,with them,on the Internet.,六、完形填空。,Today computers are very popular all around,the world,. Look at the,_36.,The old people in the,picture are,learning how to,_37,the computer carefully, too,.,36. A. picture,B,. wall,C. blackboard,D,. book,37,. A.,save B,.,use C,. work,D,. watch,A,B,Now many young people like to,_38,their,friends in,computer terms,(术语,),.,38. A. talk to,B,. listen to,C. go with,D,. play with,A,But most,_39,cant,speak their,grandchildrens hi -tech,(高科技),languages,(语言),. So,they start to,_40,something about computers,.,39. A. brothers,B.,sisters,C. parents,D,. grandparents,40,. A. learn,B,. cook,C,. buy,D,. grow,D,A,“I want to know what my grandchildren are,_ 41,” says,Grandmother Wang,.,41. A. playing with,B,. talking about,C. turning on,D,. looking for,B,She is a student at a (n),_42,school,. She,lives in Beijing. There are many computer schools,all around,the big,_43.,42. A. computer,B,. dance,C,. music,D,. English,43,. A. house,B,. town,C,. city,D,. room,A,C,These,_44,people learn Microsoft Word,Windows and,the Internet,surfing,(冲浪),. But the teaching,method,(,方法),is,_45,. “I have to teach them again and again,” says,a computer teacher,.,44. A. young,B,. great,C,. old,D,. famous,45,. A. healthy,B,. different,C,. good,D,. kind,C,B,七、阅读理解。,46. What does Jack use the computer to do?,A. To play games.,B,. To download music.,C. To listen to music.,D,. Both A and B.,请同学们看,点拨训练,第,50,页,原文。,D,【,点拨,】,根据原文中句子,Jack uses it,to play games and download,(,下载,),music from the Internet,.,可知答案。,47. Mike uses the computer to send,_ to his grandparents,.,A. fruit,B,. emails,C,. gifts,D,.,money,B,【,点拨,】,根据原文中句子,Mike uses,the computer to send emails,to his,grandparents, because they,live in,America.,可知答案。,48,. What does Lucy like to do?,A. To write.,B,. To sing.,C. To talk.,D,. To dance.,A,【,点拨,】,根据原文中句子,Lucy uses,the computer,to write something. She likes writing.,可知答案。,49. Why does the writer use the computer to,check the,timetable?,A. Because the writer has no time.,B. Because the writer likes computers.,C. Because the writer likes travelling.,D. Because the writer is always busy,.,C,【,点拨,】,根据原文中句子,I often check,the timetable,(时刻表),on the computer because,I like,travelling,.,可知答案。,50,. The teacher uses the computer for,_.,A. her students,B,. her class,C. her parents,D,. her grade,B,【,点拨,】,根据原文中句子,Our teacher,uses it for her class. She gets information for,her lessons,.,可知答案。,


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