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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,词汇考查,A),用括号中词的正确形式填空。,1.We were _(surprise) at what,he said.,2.It is _(possible) for an,ordinary to fly to the moon.,3.I want to learn how to eat_,(health).,surprised,impossible,healthily,4.Everyone says the novel is worth,_(read) because it is very,interesting.,5.What a fine day it is today ! What,about _ (go) swimming ?,B).,根据汉意提示,补全单词。,6.America is a _(,发达的,),country, but India isnt.,reading,going,developed,7.Many people think its better to give,than to _(,收到,).,8.We often get information by reading,newspapers , _(,杂志,),and all kinds of books.,9.My mother was very _(,自豪,),of me when I got the prize.,10.Youre not _(,允许,) to drink,until you have to be 18 years old.,receive,magazines,proud,allowed,语法与情景选择,1.-How far is it from your home to,the school?,-Its about _.,A. 10 minutes walk,B. 10-minutes walk,C. 10 minutes walk,D. 10 minutes walk,2.My sister likes playing _ piano, but,I like playing _ chess.,A. / ; the B. the ; the,C. / ; / D. the ; /,C,D,3.The weather in Guangdong is hotter,than _ in Qinghai.,A. this B. that C. these D. those,4.We found _ necessary to protect,the environment .,A. it B. this C. that D. what,5.Be quiet ! I have _ to tell you.,A. anything interesting,B. something interesting,C. interesting something,D. interesting anything,B,A,B,6.-Remember this, children. _ careful,you are, _ mistakes you will make.,A. The more ; the more,B. The fewer ; the more,C. The less ; the less,D. The more; the fewer,7.Jim runs _ to catch the early bus.,A. enough fast B. fast enough,C. enough,fastly,D.,fastly,enough,D,B,8.The film _ for five minutes. Why,are you so late?,A. began B. has began,C. was on D. has been on,9.-There _ a football match on,TV this evening.,-Yeah, thats great.,A. are going to be D. is going to be,C. is going to have D. will have,D,B,10.-I feel tired and sleepy ?,-Why not stop_ a rest?,A. having B. to have C. have D. had,11. -How many people will come to,Beijing for the Olympic Games,in 2008?,- Its hard to say. _people , I,think.,A. Million of B. Millions of,C. Two millions of D. Two million of,B,B,12.Its very nice _ you to give me,the chance.,A. of B. for C. to D. at,13.Study hard, _ you are sure to,have a good result in the exam.,A. or B. and C. for D. but,14.-Do you know _ I could pass the,exam?,- Sorry, Ive no idea.,A. that B. whether,C. what D. which,A,B,B,15.-You have never been to,Nanjing,have you?,-_. But I will go there next week.,A. Yes, I have B. No, I have,C. Yes, I havent D. No, I havent,16.-Is this your Chinese teacher?,-No, He teaches _,maths,.,A. our B. we C. us D. ourselves,D,C,17. The dinner didnt start _ all the,friends arrived.,A. when B. while,C. until D. whether,18.,Yao,Ming is a famous basketball,star _ is playing in the NBA?,A. whose B. who C. what D. which,19. -I usually go to bed late at night,and you?,-_.,A. So do I B. So I do,C. So am I D. So I am,C,B,A,20.-Would you like to go out for a,walk with us?,-_, but I must finish my,homework first.,A. Of course not B. Thats all right,C. Id love to D. Yes, I do,21.Im not sure when Im free, but,lets meet _ next week.,A. some time B. sometime,C. some times D. sometimes,C,B,22.-Dont make any noise , your,father is sleeping.,-_.,A. Sorry, I wont B. It doesnt matter,C. Excuse me , Im wrong,D. Certainly, I wont,23. -How long have you had the bike?,-_ 2001.,A. In B. Since C. For D. After,A,B,24. -Im flying to Beijing for my,holiday this weekend.,-Great !_.,A. I hope so B. With pleasure,C. Have a good time D. Why not I ?,25.-Which do you prefer, milk or tea?,-_, thanks. Id like some coffee.,A. Either B. Neither,C. Both D. None,C,B,动词应用,1.Mr. Li told us _(not copy),homework.,2.I dont know how _ (get) to,the post office.,3.The bridge _(build) in 1998.,4.Have you ever _(hear) from,your parents ?,not to copy,to get,was built,heard,5.What were you _(do) when the,teacher came in?,6.If I _(be) you, I would say sorry,to her.,7.Youd better _ (not leave),at once.,8.My father decided to give up,_(smoke).,9.Our teacher told us that the earth,_(go) around the sun.,10.You_(not pass) the,exam if you dont work hard.,doing,were,not leave,smoking,goes,wont pass,选择方框中动词词组的适当形式填空,1. I want to be an astronaut like Yang,Liwei,when I _ the college.,2.We should _ to be happy,in the future,find out graduate from try our best,was pleased with agree with,graduate from,try our best,3.It took him a long time to _,who stole his bike.,4.The smile on the teachers face,showed that he _,our answer to the question.,5.-Do you think Art is as interesting,as music?,-No, I cant _ you.,find out,was pleased with,agree with,句型转换,1.How long have you been here?,Could you tell me ? (,宾语从句,),Could you tell me how long _ _,been here ?,2.He said that his,favourite,food is dumplings.(,同义句,),He said that he _ dumplings _.,you have,likes best,3.You cant solve the problem. I think.,(,合并句子,),I _ think you _ solve the,problem.,4.Your friend said something bad,about you. (,否定句,),Your friend _ say _,bad about you.,dont can,didnt anything,5.Mr.Li teaches English in our school.,(,被动语态,),English _ _ by Mr. Li,in our school.,6.The mother told her son, “ Dont,read in bed”.(,合并句子,),The mother told her son _ _,read in bed.,is taught,not to,7.Alice said , “ I dont have a pen pal”,(,改为间接引语,),Alice said that _ _ have a,pen pal.,8.My parents prevent me from playing computer games.(,同义句,),My parents dont _ me _,play computer games.,she didnt,allow to,9.When I get to Beijing, Ill make a,telephone call to you at once.(,同义句,),Ill make a telephone call to you as,_ _ I get to Beijing.,10.She did very well in her English,exam.(,一般疑问句,),_ she _ very well in her,exam ?,soon as,Did do,情景反应,A: Please answer my question, young,man. What skills do you have?,B: Let me see. I am able to sing,English _, I think.,A: Anything _?,B: I _ play the guitar and piano well.,A: Are you _ to do everything,carefully?,songs,can,able,else,B: Yes, I am.,A: Congratulations ! You _ have,the job.,B: Thanks.,can,根据汉语提示补全句子,1. Mary,在上学途中捡到了一个钱包。,Mary picked up a purse _ her,_ _ school.,2.,他的梦想是长大以后当个老师。,His dream is to be a teacher when he,_ _.,on,way to,grows up,3.,你应该学会与人相处。,You should learn how to _ _,with others.,4.,昨天,我们没有呆在家里,而是去,游泳了。,We went swimming _ _,staying at home yesterday.,5.,据说,Bill Gates,是世界上最富有的人,.,_ _ _ Bill Gates is the,richest man in the world.,get on,instead of,Its said that,改错,1.The boy,name,Jack,comes,from,Canada,.,2.There,is,important something,in,todays,newspaper.,3.Beijing,is,one of,the oldest,city,with a long history.,name-named,important something-something important,city-cities,4.Mr. Green,has,arrived,in,China,for nearly two years.,5.Although it,began,to rain,heavily,but,they,didnt stop,the match.,6.,Have,you,ever,read,such,interesting,a book,before?,arrived-been,but-,去掉,such-so,书面表达,假如明天是星期六,你班将组织一次野,外徒步旅行,请你拟一份,7-8,句的口,头通知。通知包括下列内容。,活动时间,:明天,(,星期六,),活动内容,:野外徒步旅行,(hike on,ones field trip);,登山,(mountain),顶、,在山上野餐。,携带物品,:,带些食物饮料,穿结实的鞋,.,集合时间,:,早上七点半,要按时到,集合地点,:校门口,要求,:语句通顺,语意连贯,要点齐全,书写清晰,紧扣主体,适当发挥,.,Attention, please !_,_,_,Thats all. Thank you.,参考范文,Attention, please. Tomorrow is,Saturday. We are going to hike to the,top of a mountain. Please wear strong,Shoes and bring some food and drink,with you. We are going to have a,picnic on the mountain. Well meet at,the school gate at 7:30 tomorrow,morning. Dont be late. Thats all,thank you.,


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