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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,秋九年级英语全册UnitHowcanwebecomegoodlearnersSectionAac,课前预习,Lets talk,What is a good learner?,How can we learn better?,课前预习,a good learner,good grades,good ways to study,课前预习,How can we learn better,be active in study,preview the new lesson,review the lesson,use the time well,课文解析,1.The teacher spoke,so,quickly,that,I did not understand her most of the time.,老师说得如此快,以致于大多数时间我不能理解她说的。,so,+形容词/副词+,that,+句子为固定句式,意为“如此以致于”。若,so,位于实义动词后,,so,后面就用副词。,如:She is so young that she cant understand the meaning.,课文解析,2.But I,was afraid to,ask questions,because of,my,poor,pronunciation.,我害怕问问题,因为我的差的发音。,(1),be afraid to,+动词,意为“害怕做某事”,;,be afraid of+,名词或代词,意为“害怕某事”。,(2),because of/ because,都是“因为”的意思,,,区别:,because of,+名词或代词,,because,+句子。,(3),poor,为形容词,意为“差的:穷的”,也可用来表达某人语言差。,如:,My French is very poor.,我的法语太差了。,课文解析,3.I,discovered that,listening to something interesting is the,secret,to language learning.,我发现听有趣的事情是语言学习的秘诀。,(1),本句含有由,that,引导的宾语从句,从句的主语是,listening to something interesting。,(2),discover,为及物动词,意为”发现”。,(3),secret,为可数名词,意为“秘密”。,secret to,+名词,意为“的秘密/秘诀”。,课文解析,4.I want to learn new words and more,grammar,so that,I can have a better understanding of English movies.,我想学会新单词和更多的语法,因此我能更好的理解英语电影。,so that,+句子,,意为“因此”,引导结果状语从句,可以与,sothat,互换。,如:,He,studies hard so that,he can get A.,= He,studies so hard that,he can get A.,Practice,1. I can understand the meaning by watching their,_ and the _ on their faces.,2.I can get the meaning by listening for just the _.,3.My pronunciation improved by listening to the _ in English movies.,4. I learned _ sentences like “Its a piece of cake” by watching the movies.,5. I can find the meaning of new words by looking them up in a _.,3b,. Complete the sentences with what Wei Fen learned from watching movies. Use words and phrases from the passage.,Grammar Focus,1) The house was destroyed,by,fire.,房屋被火烧毁了。,2) travel,by,air / land / sea,航空(陆路,航海)旅行,3) go,by,train / boat / bus,乘火车(船,公共汽车),4) shake sb.,by,the hand,和某人握手,5) I study English,by,watching English movies.,我通过看英文电影学英语。,by,的用法,by,是介词, 表示“通过方法或途径”的意思, 译成“靠, 通过”, 后面可加名词、名词短语或动名词。可用来回答,how,引导的特殊疑问句。,继续学习by的用法,Grammar Focus,另外,by,作为介词的意义有很多。 例如:,1)在,旁边,靠近,There is a power station,by,the river.,河边有一个电厂。,2)沿着,经由,to enter,by,the door 由门进去,3)由于,by,mistake 由于差错;错误地,Grammar Focus,4)被,由,some articles written,by,Lu Xun,一些由鲁迅写的文章,5)表示相(乘)除(以计算面积),a room 5m,by,4m,一个长五米宽四米的房间,6)逐一;连续,one,by,one 一个接一个,by、in、with,1)by,:通过方法、手段等。,2)in,:用某种材料(如用墨水、铅笔等)或用某种语言,或表示衣着、声调特点等。,3)with,:使用工具、方法或人体部位等。,小口诀:,有形,with,无形,by,,语言、单位、材料,in,,特征、方面与方式,心情成语惯用,in,。,练一练,用by的相关短语完成句子,a. I think the best way to learn English is,_,(通过大声朗读).,b. He usually goes to work,_,(乘地铁).,c. First walk,_,(经过银行旁边), and then turn left.,by reading aloud,by the bank,by subway,d. Can we sit,_,(在窗子旁边)?,e. You must be back home,_,(到十点为止).,f. There are lots of trees,_,(沿河).,g. You must do your homework,_,(你自己).,h. English is widely used,_,(被人们) all over the world.,by the window,by ten oclock,by the river,by yourself,by people,4a,.,Match the questions and answers.,How do you practice speaking?,By watching English programs.,How do you learn new words?,How do you improve your writing?,How do you improve your pronunciation?,How do you practice listening?,How do you learn grammar?,By listening to a tape and repeating out loud.,By having conversations with friends.,By taking notes, doing exercises and reading a lot.,By making word cards.,By writing e-mails to my pen pals.,Practice,4b,Make sentences using the structure “do sth. by doing” with the subjects in the box and information that is true for you.,math physics chemistry Chinese history geography,e.g. I usually practice my English,by taking notes/ speaking English with my classmates / memorizing sentence patterns.,Practice,A:,Do you learn English by doing grammar exercises?,B:,Yes, I do.,A:,How often do you do them,B:,.,4c.,Check () what you do to learn English.Then interview your partner.,yes,no,yes,no,doing grammar exercises.,taking notes in English.,reading English books/magazines.,writing in an English diary.,using an English dictionary.,I learn English by .,how often,how often,My partner learns,English by .,Practice,Practice,THE END,THANKS,谢谢大家!,


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