Module 8 主题培优练课件

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,Module 8,主题培优练,Module 8,提示,:,点击 进入习题,四,一,二,三,五,六,七,八,一、,Daming,和,Sam,在玩,“,我问你答,”,的游戏。请你看图并听一听,选出正确的答语。,(,)1.,(,)2.,(,)3. (,)4.,A. Yes, it is.,B. No, it isnt.,A,B,B,B,二、,Tom,和,Amy,在家里玩,他总向,Amy,提问,请你听一听,Tom,的问题,帮,Amy,选出答语。,(,)1. A. Its black.,B. Its a book.,(,)2. A. Its in the bag. B. Its a cat.,(,)3. A. Its a bag. B. Yes, it is.,(,)4. A. Its a kite. B. Im nine.,(,)5. A. Its blue. B. No, it isnt.,B,A,B,A,B,三、你知道这些物或人在哪里吗,?,请你根据,Amy,和,Lingling,的对话,在正确的图片前打,“”,。,(,)1.,(,)2.,(,)3. (,)4.,(,)5.,四、下面是,Amy,的书包和,Sam,的书桌,请你观察图片,选择恰当的句子回答问题。,(,填序号,选项可重复,),(,)1. Wheres the pencil?,(,)2. Is the book in the schoolbag?,(,)3. Is the cap in the desk?,A. Yes, it is.,B. No, it isnt.,C. Two schoolbags.,D. Its in the desk.,E. Its in the schoolbag.,F. I dont know.,E,B,B,(,)4. Is it a dog in the schoolbag?,(,)5. Wheres the cat?,(,)6. How many schoolbags?,(,)7. Is the ball in the schoolbag?,A. Yes, it is.,B. No, it isnt.,C. Two schoolbags.,D. Its in the desk.,E. Its in the schoolbag.,F. I dont know.,F,D,C,B,五、,Lingling,送给,Amy,的生日礼物,Amy,喜欢吗,?,一起来看看吧,! (,选择正确的选项补全对话,),Amy:,1._,Lingling:,Happy birthday!,2. _,Amy:,Thank you! 3. _,A. Is it a cat?,B. No, it isnt.,C. Whats this?,D. Heres your present.,E. Today(,今天,)is my birthday.,E,D,C,Lingling:,Guess(,猜,), please!,Amy:,Is it a pen?,Lingling:,4. _,Amy:,5. _,Lingling:,Yes, it is a yellow cat. Look!,Amy:,Oh, I like(,喜欢,)it.,A. Is it a cat?,B. No, it isnt.,C. Whats this?,D. Heres your present.,E. Today(,今天,)is my birthday.,B,A,六、,Lily,写了一篇小短文介绍自己和学校的情况。请你读一读,判断下列句子是,(T),否,(F),与短文内容相符。,Hello, Im Lily. Im eight. Im a pupil. Mr Liu is my teacher. Now Im in the classroom. Look, my new schoolbag! Its green. My desk and chair are blue. Wheres my English book? Oh, its in the desk.,(,)1. Im Lily. Im a pupil.,(,)2. My classmate(,同学,)is Mr Liu.,(,)3. Now, Im in the classroom.,(,)4. My new schoolbag is green.,(,)5. My desk and chair are blue.,(,)6. My English book is in the chair.,T,F,T,T,T,F,七、,Lily,画了几幅画,她想给画配上英语描述的句子。请你选择恰当的单词补全句子。,(,单词可重复,),cap, pencil, schoolbag, book, cat, desk, bird,1. The is in the .,2.Wheres the ? Its,in,the .,3.Is a in the ? Yes, it is,.,4,.,The is in the .,1. 2. 3. 4.,cat,cap,bird,desk,pencil,desk,book,schoolbag,八,、,Sam,的小狗找不到,了,他,很着急。,读一读,下面的,对话,看,Sam,是否找到了小狗。,1. 2.,3.,Wheres my dog?,I dont know.,No, it isnt.,Is it in your desk?,Oh, yes.,Look! Its in your schoolbag!,是,(,读对话略,),一、,1.Is it a kite?,2. Is it a panda?,3. Is it a pencil?,4. Is it a bag,?,二、,1.Whats this?,2. Wheres the cat?,3. Is that a bag?,4. Whats that?,5. Is it a bird kite,?,三、,1. Wheres my kite,? ,Its in the desk.,2,. Wheres my cat,? ,Your cat is in the cap.,3,. Is your pencil in the bag,? ,Yes, it is.,4., Where is my Chinese teacher?,She is in the classroom.,5,. Where is my pen,? ,Its in the book.,


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