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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,精品课件,*,Tourism English,Unit 1 Meeting on Arrival & Seeing off on Departure,精品课件,Lecture Time Assigned,PART,MODULES,CONTENTS STUDIED,I,Lead-in,Tour Guides general tasks,Question for discussion,II,Oral practice,Know-how for A National / Local Tour Guide Meeting the Guests,III,Writing,Draft a welcome & farewell speech,Homework,Case Problems,精品课件,Learning Objectives,Get to know the tour guides principle duties,Master how to receive tourists at the airport,Learn to write a welcome & farewell speech,精品课件,A Tour Guide,someone assigned by a travel service,to organize,to conduct a trip,to take care of every detail of a tour,a person that the guests pay for the convenience,familiar with geography and history of a certain area.,精品课件,Part I A Tour Guides General tasks,A. some basic service,-,meeting and seeing off,checking in and checking out,arranging food and accommodation,providing ontour service,promoting optional tour products,giving tour advice,dealing with complaints and emergencies,doing pre-tour and post-tour job and son on.,educators, instructors and all-around experts-,history,geography,architecture,Art and other interdisciplinary knowledge,精品课件,A Tour Guides General Tasks,B,:,the public face of a travel agency,Help shape the first impression to visitors.,His/Her quality of service is conductive to the direct promotion of sales of local tour products, make great contribution to increasing the income of foreign currency,C: a goodwill culture ambassador, an unofficial spokesperson for the destinations,working at the forefront of the travel industry and meeting people from all over the world and with diverse backgrounds ,a guide acts as to foreign guests, facilitate foreign tourists to enhance their understanding about China and eliminate prejudice against China,精品课件,Questions for Discussion,Does a tour guide have to perform an array of tasks at the same time?,Does a tour guide need to refer to a large sum of relevant sources of information?,Is proper dress very necessary for a tour guide?,Whats the purpose of talking about some latest news?,In how many respects should a guide get prepared?,精品课件,Part II Know-how for A Tour Guide Meeting the Guests,1. Introduction,2. Preparations before meeting the guests,3. Procedures for meeting visitors at the airport,4. Useful sentence patterns & situational dialogues,精品课件,Introduction,Meeting the tourists at the airport is the first important step throughout the whole reception in tourism. As well begun is half done, you should play the role of a tour guide well at the very beginning, and you should,be warm-hearted, humorous and considerate.,The procedure of meeting guests at the airport includes,finding the guests, greeting the guests, counting the number of the guests and checking the luggage. Then, you lead the guests to the bus.,During the course, you should always welcome the guests to your city or your country and ask them for questions or requests. Express your willingness to serve them sincerely and honestly, and wish them a pleasant journey and an enjoyable stay in your city or your country.,精品课件,Preparations before receiving tour group,group number,the tour leader,the national guide,the charging schedule,the places of accommodation,the activity items,the service standards,special requirements and so on.,(1) Be familiar with the reception plan. These include:,精品课件,(2),Implement of various tasks.,To Confirm transportation, accommodation and all kinds of invoices, and contact the reception units.,(3),Be mentally prepared for the tour.,To be psychologically prepared to face the complaints, blames and accusations from certain tourist, as well as the emergencies that may arise.,(4),Prepare all the necessary items,such as the tour,Flags/banners, badges, guiding maps, etc.,精品课件,The checklist of things before meeting guests,Itinerary,Passenger lists, with person in charge noted,Booking information: the hotel, coach, meals, the attractions,transportation for next stop.,Coupons to the restaurants and attractions, tickets.,Checks or vouchers for payment,Flag of the travel service,Name badge,精品课件,Meeting Guests at the airport,Procedures to remember:,Come to the airport at least 30 minutes in advance; check the arrival terminal to confirm the actual arrival time and arrival gate,.,Arrange luggage transfer, walk to the gate, establish a meeting/waiting site for the group, and note the location of the baggage claim area.,Receive the group and offer a friendly greeting, inquire about their trip, and give brief but clear instructions as to the immediate procedures.,Help tourists when they collect their luggage, and remind them to check if there is any damage. And then transfer the luggage to the vehicle.,Escort the tourists to their motor coach.,Deliver A Welcome Speech,精品课件,Useful Expressions,Receiving guests at the airport:,Excuse me, sir. Are you Mr. Ronald from America?,Excuse me, madam, but are you Ms. Lynn Davis from Australia?,Excuse me, Im looking for a tour group from the U.S. . The leaders name is Maria.,Good morning, sir, I am a guide to meet a guest from New Zealand. Are you Mr. Davis?,精品课件,Greeting:,How do you do, Mr. James.,Good morning, Mr. Smith. Welcome to China.,Nice to meet you, Nick.,Did you enjoy your trip in Xian?,How was your trip?,Is this your first visit to China?,Have you been to China before?,How long will you stay in China?,精品课件,Confirming guests and luggage:,Could you tell me if everyone in the group is here, Mr. Lynn?,Is everybody here, Mr. Brown?,Mr. Hugo, do you have all your guests here?,How many pieces of luggage do we have?,May I have your baggage check, please?,精品课件,Moving out of the airport:,Are we ready to go now?,Could you tell the guests to follow my flag since its so crowded here?,Shall we move to the coach now?,Our coach is waiting in the parking lot.,Our coach number is 54369. Please try to,remember it.,There will be 40 minutes before we arrive at our hotel.,精品课件,Part III. Writing,How to write a speech,Get to know a Speech format (Chengdu),Sample,Write a welcome& farewell speech,精品课件,四川文化产业职业学院,文旅学院,Welcome Speech,致欢迎辞,1,3,4,Briefly introduce Chengdu and tourist sites,大致介绍成都以及景点,Greeting & Welcome,问候并表达欢迎,Dont forget to wish them,have a good time,别忘了表达祝愿,2,Briefly introduce hotel,大致介绍入住酒店,精品课件,Welcome Speech,致欢迎辞,四川文化产业职业学院,文旅学院,Hospitality,热情,Requirement,解说要求,Patient,耐心,Careful,细致,Linking Words,连接词,Personalized,introduction,个性化介绍,Humor,幽默,Cautions,注意事项,精品课件,四川文化产业职业学院,文旅学院,第一步:表达欢迎,1,Greeting,问候,开口第一句,说什么呢?,Good morning,,,Ladies and Gentlemen!,早上好,女生们、先生们,!,精品课件,四川文化产业职业学院,文旅学院,第二步:一句话介绍成都,1,在你的心目中,成都是一座什么样的城市呢?,天府之国,一座来了就不想离开的城市,蓉城,The land of abundance,A city you dont want to leave once you come,The City of Hibiscus,熊猫故乡,The Pandas Hometown,欢迎来到天府之国,-,成都。,Welcome to Chengdu, the land of abundance.,精品课件,四川文化产业职业学院,文旅学院,Panda,Bowl Tea,Hotpot,第二步:成都的记忆点,提到成都,你会想到什么呢?,精品课件,9/23/2024,Hotpot,9/23/2024,精品课件,9/23/2024,Panda,9/23/2024,精品课件,9/23/2024,Bowl Tea,And youll enjoy Sichuan Opera here.,9/23/2024,精品课件,四川文化产业职业学院,文旅学院,成都的著名景点和名胜古迹有哪些呢?,第二步:成都景点,Mt.Qingcheng,Panda Base,Wuhou Temple,Dufu Thatched Cottage,9/23/2024,精品课件,四川文化产业职业学院,文旅学院,第三步:介绍入住酒店,1,Living Hotel,下榻宾馆,Living Hotel,:,name+ address + star level,Eg: Now, we are approaching to Shangri-la Hotel. Its along the bank of Jinjiang River. And its one of best five-star hotels in Chengdu.,2,Cautions 注意事项,Eg: Ladies and gentlemen, please bring your belongings and check-in at the reception.,Eg: Watch your steps!,9/23/2024,精品课件,四川文化产业职业学院,文旅学院,第四步:表达祝愿,1,Best wishes,衷心祝愿您旅途愉快!,I sincerely wish you a pleasant and comfortable stay here.,Useful expressions:,希望您旅途愉快,I hope you will enjoy your tour.,9/23/2024,精品课件,四川文化产业职业学院,文旅学院,语音模拟,Preview,Welcome Speech II,Each step should have linking words,Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Chengdu, the land of abundance.,1. Greeting,Chengdu is a city with a long history and bright culture. The well-known tourist sites youre going to visit including Wuhou Temple, Dufu Thatched Cottage, Mt. Qingcheng and Panda Base.,2. Tourist Sites,Now, were approaching to Jinjiang Hotel. Its a five-star hotel, where you will stay for many days. Its located in Southern People Road. The hotel offer five-star services both food and bed.,3. Hotel,4. wishes,I hope you will enjoy the tour. Oh, the coach is fast, weve arrived at Jinjiang Hotel. Please take your belongings and get off the coach. We will check in the hotel. Thank you for your attention!,9/23/2024,精品课件,Useful expression,知识点回顾,四川文化产业职业学院,文旅学院,1. Next, Id like to introduce something about this city.,接下来,我想要介绍一下有关这个城市的一些情况。,2. Therere many famous scenic spots and historical sites in Chengdu.,在成都有很多著名的景点和名胜古迹。,3.Its one of the best four-star hotels in the city.,它是这个城市最好的四星级酒店之一。,4. I hope you will enjoy your stay there.,我希望你能在那住得愉快。,9/23/2024,精品课件,Useful expression,知识点回顾,5. We will do our best to make your trip more enjoyable and memorable.,我们将尽最大努力使你们的旅行更有趣、更难忘,6. Lets get off and go to the reception desk.,让我们下车去接待处。,7. Watch your steps!,请注意脚下。,8.,连接词:,Now, ladies and gentlemen, everybody,9.,提示词:,Look out! May I have your attention?,10.,序数词:,Firstly, secondly, then, finally,精品课件,四川文化产业职业学院,文旅学院,怎样表达热烈地欢迎呢?,Practice time,you will give the welcome speech to American tourists.,你将向美国游客致欢迎词,请准备一段不短于,5,分钟的英语欢迎词。,精品课件,四川文化产业职业学院,文旅学院,项 目,分 值,评分标准与各项分值,得 分,说明性知识,10,地点、名称、时间距、路距、特点等要素交代,取材与主题,20,取材得当,开门见山,与题目结合好,内容与信息,40,内容翔实,丰满、生动,方法与技巧,20,讲解扣人心弦,善于归纳,能熟练地应用讲解方法与技巧,总体印象,10,好,较好,一般,评分标准,Practice time,精品课件,Sample 1,Ladies and Gentlemen,Welcome to Xian. My name is Linda. Im from Xian China International Travel Service. Ill be your local guide during your stay in Xian. Now I would like to introduce to you Li Jing, your national guide. He will be traveling with you during your entire trip in China. He is a very experienced guide and has traveled extensively both in China and overseas. Im sure you will find him a great help.,This is Mr. Yang, our driver. His bus number is 12345. If you need any help, please dont hesitate to let us know. Well try our very best to make your stay a pleasant one.,More than any other city, Xian offers a splendid microcosm of both modern and traditional China. It contains so many sights within its vicinity that one short visit is definitely insufficient. However, “half a piece of toast is better than no bread at all.” I hope that your visit to this ancient city will be a happy and memorable experience. Thank you all.,精品课件,Sample 2,Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen,You are welcome. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Linda Wu. Wu is my surname, so you may call me Xiao Wu. And this is Mr. Liu, our driver, who has had 20 years of driving experience. We come from the Guangzhou Travel Service. We are glad to have you here. On behalf of our company and our colleagues, wed like to extend a warm welcome to you all.,Ill be your local tour guide during your four-day tour in this city and well be at your service at any time. Well do everything possible to make your visit a pleasant experience. If you have any problems or suggestions, please dont hesitate to let us know.,We have reserved two suites and eight Suites for you at the White Swan Hotel. It offers the best services in this city. We shall meet at the hotel lobby at 7:30 a.m. for our first visit tomorrow. Please do remember the plate number of our bus. The number is 862569. Thank you.,We hope youll enjoy your stay in this city.,精品课件,Farewell speech,导游欢送词是导游人员在旅游者离开一地, 临分别前向客人表达依依惜别之情的致辞。同欢迎词一样, 致欢送词要恰到好处,感情要真挚、诚恳。欢送词应该言简意赅, 不宜过长,其内容取决于具体的游览行程, 但一般应该包含以下几点:,回顾旅游活动,感谢大家的合作;,表达友谊和惜别之情;,诚恳征求旅游者对导游工作的意见和建议;,导游人员可借致欢送词之际就旅游服务的不足之处向客人表示歉意;,对客人所要前往的下一站作简要介绍;,向客人致以良好的祝愿。,精品课件,Ladies and Gentlemen,I would like to tell you that it has been a great pleasure for me to spend the last few days as your guide. I have had the opportunity to meet and get to know you, and we have spent a great deal of time together. I hope you have enjoyed these days as much as I have. We have tried to make your stay here as pleasant and as enjoyable as possible.,We sincerely hope that you have enjoyed being here and that one day in the future you will return to visit us again. If there is ever anything we can do to make this possible, please feel free to call on us. We look forward to seeing you all again soon. Please have a pleasant journey home.,Thank you for coming to Beijing and for using our travel service.,Sample 1,精品课件,Cause I know, for the past 14 days. And I hope that you will agree with me. Weve met some really tough much. I mean, he has been our friend, he has been our teacher, our father, our brother and everything else as you can think of.,He has been so organized. He nicknamed us the red bus, the speedy ones. But you know, we were speedy because of his help, his organization, his skills at getting us together and working together.,Script,精品课件,He found out our strong points and he built on them. He was resourceful. And every time we ask a question for him. He always had an answer.,He gave off himself. He told of his personal life, his parents, his family and how he grew up. And he built bonds, OK, at things that we will never forget, well always remember this special trip with him.,Script,精品课件,Beyond that, he was caring, he taught us to go with the flow. One time he asked us how did you like the Peking Duck dinner?. we all were very quiet and said Mark, we like the chocolate, we like the birthday cake the best.,When he asked us how we like the dumplings, we answered we like the Shandong Beers. so we went with the flow. He was our good teacher. But above and beyond, we can all agree Mark dealt us well, he took care of us.,Script,精品课件,Our group was very demanding in that we had people that need extra care. And we couldnt have done that without Marks priority to keep us safe. And I think thats one of the best and most desirable thing that we can ask of a tour guide.,So as far as I am concerned. His big name mean Taiji Master. But you know what? He is the Tour Guide Master, right? So I stand here with mixed feeling because I know its time to say goodbye.,Script,精品课件,But you know what? There will be a next time because Mark will always live in our heart. He taught us in Xian the 24 Karaoke. He taught us how to open up our hearts and gave up each other.,And these are some memorable events we have for our China trip. Thank you, Mark! On behalf of the Hawaii Contingency group, wed like present to you a small token of our appreciation.,Script,精品课件,Word bank,Personnel,全体人员,职员,Travel agent,旅行代理人,Array,大批, 排列,FIT operator,国外旅游散客批发商,Interdisciplinary,跨学科的,Inbound agent,入境代理商,Simultaneous,同时的,Ticket agent,售票代理商,Impair,削弱,Commercial agency,商务旅行社,Expenditure,花费,Cooperate price,单位团体价格,Priority,优先权,Discount rate,优惠价,Civility,礼貌,谦恭,Commission rate,佣金率,Domestic itinerary,国内旅游路线,Departure,团组,Select routine,精选路线,entry requirement,入境须知,精品课件,Part VI. Case Problems,What can be done if the tour group asks to change meals at short notice?,What remedial effort can be made before the group showing strong complaints about the local food?,What can be done if the tourists ask to change to a better hotel?,How should the guide deal with the price difference arising from the original room arrangement after one tourist is willing to live in a single room?,精品课件,


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