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Unit 2 We must keep the camp clean.,安徽外研版九年级下,Module 4,Rules and suggestions,1,2,3,4,11,12,13,14,15,基础巩固练,5,答案呈现,hang,tent,soft,still,blood,D,C,B,A,C,提示,:点击 进入习题,6,7,8,9,10,to study,softly,reading,sleepy; asleep,Suddenly,21,22,23,24,25,能力提升练,答案呈现,C,A,C,B,D,17,18,19,20,reached out,make; noise,looks out of,26,27,28,29,A,D,C,B,30,基础巩固练,16,Every time,remember putting,C,35,36,能力提升练,答案呈现,Smoking can break down your skins elasticity and may even make your hair become gray.,To ask people to cut down three bad habits and keep healthy.,32,33,34,B,B,I should find professional help.,31,A,一、根据首字母及汉语提示完成单词。,1. You,may,h,(,挂,) your coat on the hook.,2. He went camping with us and taught us how to put up,a,t,(,帐篷,).,3. The young mother told the story in a,s,(,柔和悦耳,的,) voice and the baby was very happy soon.,ang,ent,oft,4. Please keep,s,(,不动的,),while I am taking a picture of you.,5. Eating too much salt increases the risk of high,b,.,(,血,) pressure.,till,lood,二、用所给词的适当形式填空。,6. Teenagers should be allowed,_(,study) in groups.,to study,7. 【2020,上海,】 Lily asked her son to close the door _ (soft) in order not to disturb others.,softly,8. When I walked past the classroom, I saw Liu Ying _ (read) a book.,reading,9. Mr Li was so _ that he fell _ quickly. (sleep),sleepy,asleep,10. _(sudden), we heard a loud noise outside in the woods.,Suddenly,三、单项选择。,11,. My grandma is ill. I have to,_ her,at home.,A,. look for,B,. look out,C. look at,D,. look after,D,12. Must I finish the work tonight?, No, you,_.,But you _,finish,it tomorrow.,A,. cant; need,B,. mustnt; may,C. neednt; must,D,. mustnt;,can,C,【,点拨,】,由,must,提问,肯定回答用,must,,否定回答用,neednt,或,dont have to,。,13,. (,易错题,) ,Its time to work now.,OK. Ill wake Carl up. He _,for,an hour.,A,. has fallen asleep,B,. has been asleep,C. fell asleep,D,. falls asleep,B,【,点拨,】,句中,“for an hour”,是指一段时间,,fall asleep,“入睡、睡着”是非延续性动词词组,要转换成延续性动词词组,have been asleep,。,14. Whose dictionary is it?, _ It,be Alices. Look at her name on the cover.,A,. must,B,. can,C,. may,D,.,should,A,【,点拨,】,进行有把握的推测,肯定用,must,,否定用,cant,。由,Look at her name on the cover,这句话,可以判断这是有把握的推测。,15,. I saw the music teacher _,the,piano in the music classroom when I walked past the window.,A. play B,. to play,C,. playing,D,. played,C,四、根据汉语意思完成句子。,16.,每次玛丽和他说话的时候,他总会脸红。,_ _ Mary talks to him, he always turns red in the face.,Every time,17.,这个孩子伸出一只手去够树上的苹果。,The child _ _ a hand for the apples on the tree.,reached out,18,.,在图书馆里,我们不能制造任何噪音。,We cant _ any _ in the library.,make noise,19.,吉姆经常在上课时向窗外看。,Jim often _ _ _ the window when he is in class.,looks out of,20.,我记得把我的英语书放在这里了。,I,_,_,my,English book here.,remember putting,五、完形,填空。,When you step into a new environment, you must have a strong wish to fit in. Fitting in means making more friends, _21,more,influence(,影响,),on others and getting,more chances,to live a happier,life.,21,. A. had,B,. to have,C,. having,D,. have,C,Here is some,_22,that,can help,you,.,22. A. advice,B,. advices,C. suggestion,D,. suggestions,A,Be confident,. Confidence attracts most people. Everyone is special and there is nobody like you in this world. Spend _23 thinking about your strong points. If so, you will be able to build up confidence step by step. You wont have much difficulty fitting in.,23. A. sometimes B. some times,C. some time D. sometime,C,Be kind to everyone,. Kindness is the bridge to,your own,happiness.,_24,people notice your kindness,they will,return it one day,.,24. A. Though,B,. When,C,. Until,D,. That,B,Always give more than you receive, and,think more of others than of,_25.,A person who cares for others is popular everywhere,.,25. A. you,B,. your,C,. yours,D,. yourself,D,Be active in group activities,. Various activities,like playing,football,_26,help you to be known to others,. You,may add more friends to your circle,.,26. A. can,B,. have to,C,. neednt,D,. cant,A,At the same time, youll be amazed to see how much they like you.,_27 wasting,time being alone, go out to dance and,sing together,with others to develop friendships,.,27,. A. As soon as,B,. As well as,C. As long as,D,. Instead of,D,Be optimistic,(,乐观的,). Optimism makes both you,and others,feel pleased. It makes a good first,impression (,印象,).,A pleasant smile costs the,_28,and does the,most.,28. A. little,B,. less,C,. least,D,. fewest,C,Humor(,幽默,),catches others attention as well.,People will,like you for making them,live _29.,29,. A. friendly,B,. happily,C,. clearly,D,. luckily,B,If you follow what is mentioned above, you,_30 by people,around you. As a result, you will fit in very,well and,enjoy your new life,.,30,. A. will accept,B,. wont accept,C. will be accepted,D,. wont be accepted,C,六、阅读理解,。,31,. Knowing how to stay safe at home is important,. You,need to talk over it with your,_.,A. parents,B,. teachers,C. friends,D,. classmates,请同学们看,点拨训练,第,25,页原文。,A,【,点拨,】,根据原文第一段中句子,Again, this is something you need to talk over with your mum, dad, or both of them.,可知答案。,32,. What might kids who are home alone worry about?,A. They,are locked at home,.,B. Someone breaks into the house and hurts them.,C. They dont have enough food to eat.,D. Their parents dont come back home on time.,B,【,点拨,】,根据原文第二段中句子,Kids who are home alone might worry that someone could break into the house and hurt them.,可知答案。,33,. Whats the best title for the passage?,A. How to ask for help,B. How to stay safe at home,C. How to cook in the kitchen,D. How to remember phone numbers,B,【,点拨,】,本文开头第一句,“Knowing how to stay safe at home is just as important as knowing the family rules,”,就强调待在家中保持安全非常重要,这也是本文的中心思想。,七、任务型,阅读。,34. If you cant get out of your sadness, what should you do?,(不超过,5,个词,),_,请同学们看,点拨训练,第,25,页原文。,I should find professional help.,【,点拨,】,根据原文第二段中句子,If youve been fighting against your sadness for more than two weeks, be sure to find professional help.,可知答案。,35. What are the harmful effects of smoking?,(,不,超过,15,个,词,),_,_,Smoking can break down your skins elasticity and may even make your hair become gray.,【,点拨,】,根据原文第三段中句子,Smoking can break down your skins elasticity (,弹性,). Your smoking habit may even make your hair become gray.,可知答案。,36. Whats the authors purpose in writing the passage?,(,不,超过,15,个词,),_,_,To ask people to cut down three bad habits and keep healthy.,【,点拨,】,根据原文第一段中句子,Cut down the following habits today for a more beautiful, healthier tomorrow.,可知答案。,


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