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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,词 类 转 换,1,灵活运用,1. He said it would rain, but I _ (agree) with him I was sure it wouldnt rain.,2. When a boy leaves college and begins to earn money he can live a life of _ (depend).,disagreed,independence,2,3. A cool drink_ (fresh) me after my long walk.,4. I find his rudeness_ (bear).,5. It would be_ (believe) that such an honest fellow should have betrayed his friends!,refreshed,unbearable,unbelievable,3,6. I am very _ (comfort) lying on this hard, cold floor.,7. After she hit her head she was _ (conscious) for several minutes.,uncomfortable,unconscious,4,8. Because there is so much_ (employ), the competition for jobs is fierce.,9. If some athletes use drugs, it is _ (fair) for the others.,10. He is _ (fit) to drive because he is drunk now.,unempoyment,unfair,unfit,5,11. Two middle-aged passengers fell into the sea._ (fortunate) neither of them could swim.,12. They are so _ (like) that nobody would believe they were sisters.,Unfortunately,unlike,6,13. The most _ (usually) car was a Benz which had only three wheels.,14. His temper is _ (change) this week, so do not annoy him.,unusual,changeable,7,15. Last night was the most_ (enjoy) time Ive had in a month of Sundays.,16. The country is heavily dependent on its exports of_ (agriculture) commodities.,enjoyable,agricultural,8,17. I think it _ (nature) that such a hardworking student should pass the exam.,18. The salesman was so _ (success) that in the end he hived from (脱离) the firm into his own business.,natural,successful,9,19. After _ (care) consideration, weve decided to accept their offer.,20. To tell you the truth, your plan is very _ (attract), but it doesnt seem to be _ (practice).,21. Beethoven was a great_ (music).,careful,attractive,practicable,musician,10,22. Most of the _ (America) use their cars mostly for their jobs.,23. Shakespeare is a giant among _ (write).,24. He often eats out at an instant _ (China) restaurant.,Americans,writers,Chinese,11,25. I hope his dream of becoming a _ (piano) will come true.,26. He has got brilliant _ (achieve) in the field of physics.,27. The _ (develop) of agriculture and industry needs careful planning.,pianist,achievements,development,12,28. She got a divorce after years of _ (unhappy).,29. We all have our little _ (weak).,30. Do you believe that theres a _ (connect) between smoking and heart disease?,unhappiness,weaknesses,connection,13,31. The patient is seriously ill and is being kept under continuous _ (observe).,32. The English in this story has been _ (simple) to make it easier to understand.,observation,simplified,14,33. She inquired of the _ (library) whether they had got the book.,34. He was amazed at the_ (amaze) news.,librarian,amazing,15,35. Tonight the temperature has fallen to 3 degrees below _ (freeze) and Im feeling_ (freeze).,36. I must _ (apology) for not being able to meet you.,37. She tried to understand the instructions, but she was _ (complete) at sea.,freezing,freezing,appologize,completely,16,38. Her story moved me_ (deep).,39. In the crash he suffered severe _ (injure) to the head and arms.,40. September is the _ (nine) month of the year.,deeply,injuries,ninth,17,41. He received a _ (twelve) of the money.,42. Its very important to teach the children about road _ (safe).,43. He was treated with _ (cruel).,twelfth,safety,cruelty,18,44. In America, the number_ (three) is often considered to be unlucky.,45. Five times eight is _ (four).,46. Mary was very _ at the news, so she looked _ at her husband, her eyes full of _ (sad).,thirteen,forty,sad,sadly,sadness,19,47. He_ football very well and he was one of the best _ in yesterdays football match. (play),48. Look! How _ Kate is laughing! She seems to be the _ girl in the world (happy).,played,players,happily,happiest,20,49. To our_ , the headmaster was very _ with our report. (satisfy),50. Edison was a great_ . During his life he had many _. (invent),51. I should _ my task and make it _ to finish it. (simple),satisfaction,satisfied,inventor,inventions,simplify,simpler/simple,21,52. The boy having the _ of being half starved _, never to be seen again. (appear),53. The police _ the pot and _ a plot against the President. (cover),appearance,disappeared,discovered,uncovered,22,54. You are so _ to help me. Thank you for your _. (kindly),55. Everything is becoming _ than before and many college students have to work to make some money for their college _. (expend),expenses,kind,kindness,more expensive,23,二、语篇填空,A father sat at his desk looking at and carefully studying his 1 _ (month) bills when his young son rushed in and announced, “Dad, because this is your birthday and youre 55 years old, Im going to give you 55 kisses, one for each year!” But the father exclaimed, “Oh, Andrew, dont do it now, Im too busy!”,monthly,24,The youngster immediately fell 2_ (silence) as tears flew down from his big blue eyes. 3_ (Apological) the father said, “You can finish later.”,The boy said nothing but 4_ (quiet) walked away, 5_ (disappoint) written over his face. That evening the father said, “Come and finish the kisses now, Andrew!” But the boy didnt respond.,silent,Apologically,quietly,disappointment,25,6_ (fortunate), the boy had an accident and was drowned. His heartbroken father wrote.,“If only I could tell him how much I regret my 7 _ (thought) words, and could be assured that he knows how much my heart is aching.”,Unfortunately,thoughtless,26,.Love is a two-way street. Any loving act must be 8 _ (warm) accepted or it will be taken as 9_ (reject) and can leave a scar. Nothing is more 10 _ (importance) than responding with love to the cry for love from those who are near and precious to us. Because there may be no chance at all as in the case of the little boy.,warmly,rejection,important,27,Thank you!,28,


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