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,冀教版九年级下,Lesson 48,Supper with the Bradshaws,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,基础巩固练,提示,:点击 进入习题,5,11,12,答案呈现,13,14,15,chalk,tradition,react,gun,doll,D,C,C,C,D,Blacks,officer,politely,luckily,simply,答案呈现,21,22,23,24,25,Jenny invited us to the concert,What did you take as her present,The food tastes like chocolate,基础巩固练,Would you like to pass the ball to me,There are all kinds of fruits in this shop,16,17,18,19,20,do with,been busy with,cant help but,At the end of,been ready for,答案呈现,26,27,28,polite to offer,is based on,from place to place,基础巩固练,29,30,how to get into,at last,31,32,33,C,B,A,34,35,B,A,答案呈现,能力提升练,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,5,to,with,become,anything,back,cut,to eat,anything,to show,across,11,12,13,14,15,a good breakfast,While eating a quiet dinner with their family.,They like to be quiet (while eating).,答案呈现,能力提升练,Eating at restaurants is also different.,他们想要一个安静的地方好好地吃顿饭,远离外界的嘈杂。,一、根据句意及所给提示填空。,1. He drew a circle on the blackboard with a piece,of _ (,粉笔,).,2. In Britain it is a _,(,传统,)to celebrate Christmas,.,3. How did he _,(,反应,)to,your suggestion,?,chalk,tradition,react,4. I bought a toy,g,as a gift for Tom. His dream is to be a soldier.,5. What a lovely _ (,玩偶,)it is!,un,doll,二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。,6. We will have dinner with the,_(,Black),this evening,.,Blacks,7. Her husband is a police _(office).,officer,8. He picked up the pen and passed it to David _ (polite).,politely,9. We got the beautiful present _ (lucky).,luckily,10. It was _ (simple) a question of time.,simply,三、单项选择。,11,. He always dreams of,_ a,scientist.,A. is,B,. be,C. to be,D,. being,D,【,点拨,】,of,后面要跟,doing,形式。,12,. ,中考,上海, The workers are,busy _ windows,to the new building these days.,A. fix,B,. fixed,C. fixing,D,. to,fix,C,【,点拨,】,be busy doing,是一个固定短语,意为:忙于做,。,13,. _,Li,Ming has learned English for only,half a,year, he can speak it very well.,A. But,B,. So,C. Although,D,. And,C,14,. We each,_ excited,about the sports meeting,. Each,of us _,to,take part in it.,A. are; want,B,. is; wants,C. are; wants,D,. is;,want,C,【,点拨,】,We each,表复数,后面跟,are,。,Each of us,表单数,后面用,wants,。,15,. 2020,保定模拟, I really enjoyed the,fresh fish,in that restaurant. It _,delicious,.,A. felt,B,. sounded,C. smelt,D,. tasted,D,四、从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空。,16. I have no idea what to,_ the,old car.,be ready for, be busy with, at the end of,do with, cant help but,do with,17. I have _ my homework.,be ready for, be busy with, at the end of,do with, cant help but,been busy with,18. When a friend invites you to his party, you _ go.,be ready for, be busy with, at the end of,do with, cant help but,cant help but,19. Before his mother gets up, Jack has _ the trip.,be ready for, be busy with, at the end of,do with, cant help but,been ready for,20. _ the street, there is a post office.,be ready for, be busy with, at the end of,do with, cant help but,At the end of,五、连词成句。,21. concert, the, invited, Jenny, us,to,_.,Jenny invited us to the concert,22. present, did, what, you, her, take, as,_?,What did you take as her present,23,. tastes, the, food, chocolate, like,_.,The food tastes like chocolate,24,. of, are, fruits, kinds, shop, there, in, this, all,_.,There are all kinds of fruits in this shop,25,. me, you, like, ball, pass, the, to, would, to,_,?,Would you like to pass the ball to me,六、根据中文提示完成句子。,26.,在公交车上给老人让座是礼貌的。,It is,_,_ _,your,seat to the,old on the bus.,polite to offer,27.,我们的想法是建立在科学实验的基础上。,Our idea,_,_ _,our scientific experiment.,is based on,28,.,我们的风俗习惯因地域不同而各不相同。,Our customs are,different,_ _,_,_.,from place,to place,29,.,你能告诉我怎样进入这所房子吗?,Can you tell,me,_ _ _ _,this,house,?,how to get,into,30,. ,中考,天津,最后他成功地解决了这个问题。,He successfully solved the problem _ _,.,at,last,七、语法专,练。,31,. 2020,邯郸模拟, She was happy to get a,gift from,her friend,_ it,was only a card.,A. if,B,. unless,C,. though,D,. because,C,32,. She enjoys learning English,_ it,takes,her a,lot of time.,A. unless,B,. though,C. because,D,.,for,B,33,. 2019,临沂, A recent survey shows that,44 percent,of Americans want to use,self-driving cars, _,34,percent believe that they,will make,the roads more dangerous.,A. although,B,. because,C. if,D,. so,A,34,. 2019,连云港,_we,didnt win the,basketball game, we were satisfied with our hard work.,A. If,B,. Although,C. Since,D,.,Because,B,35,. 2020,保定模拟, _,he,was tired, he,went on,working.,A. Though,B,. So,C. But,D,. Because,A,一、 根据短文内容或所给提示,在文中的空白处,填入正确,的词。,America is a beautiful country,. When,we go to America,we should,pay attention,_1 table manners,. Dont circle,your plate,_,2,your arms. If you,do so, you will _,3,(become) the,focus(,焦点,) of,the table,.,to,with,become,Everyone,will wonder, “Is there _,4,(something),wrong with,the food?” This may give a wrong message that,you dont,like the food,.,Dont push the plate,_5,when finish it. Leave,it where,it is. Do you want to let the,hostess(,女主人,) know that,youve just done a labour?,anything,back,Dont lean(,倚靠,) back and say “Im through.” or“ Im full.” Just put the fork and the knife on the plate. Thats all.,Dont _6 (cut) up everything before you start _7 (eat). Cut only one or two bites(,块,) at a time.,Never take a huge mouthful of _8 (something). Do you want _9 (show) how hungry you are? Dont do that. Its not so good.,cut,to eat,anything,to show,Its,never good to reach,_10,(cross) the table,for anything,. If the thing you want is not at hand, simply ask,the nearest person for help, like “Mrs. Smith, could you,pass me the dish?”,across,二、任务型阅读。,11,题完成,句子,11. Many Americans think that one should start the,day with _.,请同学们看,点拨训练,第,25,页原文。,a good breakfast,【,点拨,】,根据原文第一段中句子,Many Americans agree that one should start the day with a good breakfast, but their ideas about lunch and dinner are different.,可知答案。,12,题简略回答,问题,12. When do American people usually talk about their,day?,_,While eating a quiet dinner with their family.,【,点拨,】,根据原文第二段中句子,Also a quiet dinner at home with all the family talking about their day is a way to take a good rest after a long, hard day of work.,可知答案。,13,题,简略回答,问题,13. In America, do people like to talk and laugh loudly,or be,quiet while eating?,_,They like to be quiet (while eating).,【,点拨,】,根据原文最后一段中句子,In America it is not like this. They want a quiet place where they can eat a good meal far away from the noises of the outside world.,可知答案。,14,题找出并写下第三段的主题句,14._,Eating at restaurants is also different.,【,点拨,】,第三段第一句话,Eating at restaurants is also different.,即为本段主题句。,15,题将文中画线句子翻译成汉语。,15._,_,他们想要一个安静的地方好好地吃顿饭,远离外界的嘈杂。,【,点拨,】,原句为:,They want a quiet place where they can eat a good meal far away from the noises of the outside world,.,


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