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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,A,类(研究生)辅导课程,情景对话,主讲老师:姜天元,一、题型概述,1.,考核目的,情景对话题是以书面形式来考查学生用英语进行口语交际的能力,包括特定交际场合的表达方式、交际用语的功能、语境中的词汇和语法知识等。,考生在解答该题型时,要注意中西方文化背景的差异,避免母语的干扰,并能使用英语习惯表达方式去思考。,2.,出题形式,试题为补全对话的形式,给出四个选项,要求考生根据语境选择最佳答案。情景对话题放在,Vocabulary and Structure,部分考察,一般为两小题。,3.,试题特点,对话较短,对话长度不超过,10,句;,重视语境对语言的影响。脱离了语境,交流能力测试就失去了意义;,重视语言的真实性。试题中使用的对话、问题,均采用现实生活中的语言。,二、答题步骤,1.,认真审题,明确语境,通读整篇对话,弄清对话是在什么地方、什么情况下进行的,参与对话的人是什么身份、地位。这有助于充分理解对话所涉及的内容,了解对话双方的目的和意图。,2.,浏览对话,上下对照,做补全对话题时,要紧密联系上下文,不能孤立地去看某些句子。既要瞻前,又要顾后。要将自己置身于对话之中,站在对话人所处的位置上,全面地考虑,留意问什么就答什么;或答了什么,就问什么。要紧紧抓住对话主题,围绕对话人的目的和意图,结合语境,逐步推敲。,3.,沉着做答,重读复核,在补全对话之后,要将整段对话再默读一遍,对所选答案进行验证。要从所填内容是否符合语境,上下文意思是否连贯,是否符合英美人的交流习惯等方面进行复查。,三、解题技巧及真题串讲,1.,根据上下文语意判断,做情景对话题,最重要的就是联系上下文,从已有部分中推断出未知部分,通常句子中会出现与之相关的关键词或句子的提示。最常用的方法就是,代入法,,把不合适的一一排除。,【,例,1】2008,年,A,类初赛,Customer: I think Ill have the tomato soup to start.,Waiter: Right. And would you like croutons in your soup?,Customer: No, thank you. _,Waiter:,How would you like your steak,? Rare, medium or well done?,A. And Id like some tea.,B. And Id also like a steak.,C. And perhaps some orange juice.,D. And Id like to order now.,【,例,2】2010,年,B,类决赛,Im going to have steak and chips.,I,fancy,the spaghetti but I always drop it down the front of my shirt.,A. Can I help you, sir?,B. Do you have a menu in Chinese?,C. What do you fancy?,D. May I see the wine list?,【,例,3】2009,年,C,类决赛,Faith: How many people do you think will show up for dinner?,Louis: Only two of the people we invited cant come, so there should be six people.,Faith: _ I,cleaned out,the store when I bought the food for tonight.,A. We can make do with paper towels.,B. These steaks look great but expensive.,C. I have to stay up late cleaning up.,D. Were going to have a lot of extra food.,【,例,4】2010,年,D,类初赛,Emily: _?,Scott: Yes, it certainly is.,Emily: About time tooafter all that,rain,we had.,Scott: Yes, I know. Thats why we went away this year.,A. Is there anything I can do for you?,B. Is it suitable for you to go?,C. Is it a sunny day today?,D. Isnt this weather fantastic?,【,例,5】2012,年,A,类初赛,Man: Look at this baby patting device. It helps the baby fall asleep by patting it.,Woman: _.,Man: How?,Woman: If the baby moved around and the patter patted it on the head, it could,injure the baby,.,A. The possible disadvantage is that it could actually harm the baby.,B. Theres a baby doll in it.,C. Most of the patting device is made of steel.,D. I think the device is big enough for the baby.,【,例,6】2010,年,B,类决赛,Here I am. I got lost in the gift shop. There was so much to look at.,_,I was going to, but I thought I would see if things were cheaper in the old part of town first.,A. Did you buy anything?,B. How much did you spend?,C. What did you buy?,D. Well, are they on sale?,【,例,7】2007,年,A,类初赛,Receptionist: Hello, Skips Gym. This is Kathy speaking. _?,Caller: Hi. Ive just seen your advert in the local paper. Could I speak to someone about becoming a member?,Receptionist: Certainly_.,Caller: OK. Dainty, Luke Dainty.,A. How do you do; your phone number, please,B. How can I help; can I have your name, please,C. Any problem; whats your exercise item,D. Anything I can do for you; Are you a local resident,【,例,8】2008,年,D,类初赛,Do you want to eat out tonight or shall we cook something?,_ I cant afford to eat out again.,A. I really need a coffee.,B. Lets cook.,C. Lets do that, then. D. That would be nice.,【,例,9】2010,年,A,类初赛,Miranda,: Its getting late. What time is the last subway train, Joe?,Joe,: I think its already gone.,Miranda,: Are there any night buses?,Joe,: Im not sure. Sorry.,Miranda,: _,Joe,: Go ahead.,A. Do you mind if I stay here for the nigh?,B. Do you mind if I use your phone to call a taxi?,C. Could you give me a ride?,D. Could you call a taxi for me?,2.,根据语法判断,根据对话中句子的结构、时态、语态、单词的特殊用法等来判断正确选项。,【,例,1】2010,年,A,类决赛,Mary,: Are there any more points? Have we covered everything?,Peter,: _,Andy,: Neither have I.,John,: Just one thing. Id like to remind everyone that the next meeting will be on Monday afternoon.,Mary,: Thanks. Id forgotten that. So, if everyone agrees, Id like to leave it there.,A. I have one thing to add.,B. Can I make an announcement?,C. Thats a good point.,D. I have nothing to add.,【,例,2】2009,年,D,类初赛,Was the driving pleasant when you vacationed in Canada last summer?,No, it _ for many days when we arrived, so the roads were very muddy.,A. was raining B. would be raining,C. had been raining,D. rained,【,例,3】2010,年,C,类初赛,Would you like me to go to the dentist with you?,No, you _ with me.,A. need not to go,B. need not go,C. do not need go D. not need go,【,例,4】2010,年,C,类决赛,Why cant you and Sarah go to the movies tonight?,We are _ a mathematics test tomorrow and I must prepare for it.,A. supposed to have,B. supposedly to have,C. supposed to having D. supposedly to having,【,例,5】2012,年,B,类决赛,I thought you werent going to be able to attend the seminar.,I _ if my employer hadnt paid all the expenses.,A. wouldnt,B. wouldnt have,C. wasnt D. werent,【,例,6】2007,年,C,类初赛,Did you get any information from Peter?,He _ an expert, but he doesnt seem to know much.,A. believes to be,B. is supposed to be,C. thought to be D. is claimed being,3.,根据答句,yes/no,判断,当答句为,yes/no,时,则上一句一般为为一般疑问句或反意疑问句。,【,例,1】2007,年,C,类初赛,The radios terribly loud. Could you turn it down a little?, Sorry! _,Yes, and something elsewouldnt it be an idea to buy your own soap?,A. Is it disturbing you?,B. I forgot where I put my soup this morning.,C. A football match was broadcast live on it.,D. Could you repeat what you said?,【,例,2】2010,年,C,类决赛,Woman,: Who is Jackie Tow? I have a parcel here for him.,Jackie,: Thats me. _,Woman,: Yes, please put your name here.,Jackie,: Thank you. It must be the new pair of shoes I bought online.,A. This is the receipt for it.,B. Do you have the senders address?,C. I have to check the package.,D. Do I have to sign for it?,4.,根据特殊疑问词判断,根据,how long/much/many/often,等特殊疑问句来判断答句的内容,或根据答句提供的时间、地点或方式等细节信息判断特殊疑问词。,【,例,1】2010,年,A,类决赛,Julie,: Do you know everybody here?,Paul,: No. Hardly anybody.,Julie,: How do you know Sam?,Paul,: Hes a friend of Marks. How do you know him?,Julie,: Sam and I go to the same gym.,Paul,: Hes a nice guy. _,Julie,: About a year or so.,Paul,: Who else do you know here?,Julie,: Well, theres Sams girlfriend, Clare .,A. How long have you known him?,B. What do you know about him?,C. How well do you know him?,D. Why do you want to know him?,【,例,2】2011,年,B,类初赛,How long do you think the meeting will last?,_,Shall we get started early?,OK. Shall we say eight?,A. From time to time. B. At about nine.,C. In the middle of the day.,D. Probably all day.,【,例,3】2010,年,C,类初赛,Beata:,Ive put the job advertisement in the newspaper, Mr Trim.,Trim:,Good. _,Beata,: Well, it was a bit more than the $10 that they quoted us.,Trim,: As long as it wasnt $10 a day.,A. How to schedule it?,B. How much was it?,C. How often was it put there?,D. Flow about the newspaper?,【,例,4】2012,年,D,类初赛,OK. First, I have to ask you a question. _,Almost three years now.,Fine. Well now fill in this form to apply for your loan.,A. How often do you loan from the bank?,B. How about a loan for three years?,C. How long have you been at your regular job?,D. How old is your daughter now?,5.,根据转折词判断,转折词表示与现实情况不符或与说话人意见不同等,通过转折词之前或之后的内容,可以推断出空白部分所表达的意思。,【,例,1】2012,年,B,类初赛,To talk to her you wouldnt think shes just lost her job.,I know. Shes obviously upset but shes_.,A. playing it by foot,B. putting a brave face on it,C. putting her finger on it,D. on the tip of her tongue,【,例,2】2012,年,C,类决赛,Do you know the students have been protesting against the increased tuition?,Ive heard about the protest, but _,Ive joined in it to support the students.,B. I dont see any good it will do.,C. I do know the reason for it.,D. I think itll be a great success.,【,例,3】2009,年,D,类初赛,Karen: Can you tell me if my proposal was accepted?,Mitchell: _ But, you can come see me if you have any better ideas.,A. Thats very good. B. Its very kind of you.,C. Im glad you did that.,D. It was turned down.,【,例,4】2009,年,B,类初赛,How often do you eat out?,_, but usually about twice a month.,A. No idea,B. As usual,C. It depends,D. Generally speaking,6.,根据搭配、习语等判断,【,例,1】2011,年,B,类决赛,My boss at work is a real bully.,In that case, make sure you dont_ to her, and whatever happens, dont be tempted to_ your notice.,A. give up; hand in B. give in; hand over,C. give up; hand down,D. give in; hand in,【,例,2】2010,年,C,类决赛,My brother still hasnt made a decision _ the new engineering project.,Its really a hard choice.,in spite of B. on account of,C. with regard to,D. in proportion to,【,例,3】2009,年,B,类初赛,Vicki:,Hey Matt, are you feeling ok? I dont think youre looking too well today.,Matt:,No, not really. Ive got a temperature, a headache, a sore throat. I think Im _ something.,A. coming down with,B. bringing down,C. cooling down D. getting over,【,例,4】2009,年,B,类决赛,Learning a language isnt easy. It takes time.,I agree._. Theres no short cut.,A. All roads lead to Rome,B. Rome wasnt built in a day,C. Time and tide wait for no man,D. Slow but sure wins the race,7.,根据标点符号来判断,不同标点符号表达不同的感情色彩,做题时,可根据一些特殊的标点符号来判断空白处内容。,【,例,1】2011,年,B,类初赛,How do you feel about soaps?,Soap operas! _ I watch them all. Ive just,finished watching Desperate Housewives.,Oh really? So what happened this week then?,A. Brilliant! Its one of my favourites.,B. I think theyre rubbish.,C. Theyre really not my taste.,D. I love them.,8.,根据交际礼节等来判断,【,例,1】2011,年,C,类决赛,Rose, mind your step! Jane slipped on the wet floor and broke her leg yesterday.,_.,A. Its none of your business,B. It doesnt matter to me,C. Thank you for telling me,D. I dont care at all,Thank you,!,


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