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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Grammar,The Attributive Clause,定语从句,一个,美丽的,女孩,a beautiful girl,beautiful,(形容词作前置定语),一个,穿白色衣服的,女孩,a girl in white,in white,(介词短语作后置定语),一个,正唱歌的,女孩,a girl is singing,who,is singing,(定语从句,修饰或限定名词,girl,),定语,是句子成分之一,可以由单词、短语或从句担当,,对名(代)词修饰和限制,。常有,形容词,充当,,(另外名词、数词、非谓语动词(短语)、介词短语也可以担当定语。),且,单个词,作定语一般前置,,短语和从句,作定语常后置,翻译成,“,的,beautiful,in white,is singing,the tall,the strong,the clever,boy,The,boy,who,is tall,The,boy,who,is strong,The,boy,who,is clever,apple,the red,the green,the small,the big,The apple,which,is red,The apple,which,is green,The apple,which,is small,The apple,which,is big,Beijing is the city where it will host the 2008 Olympic Games.,1.,The girl whose leg was broken in the earthquake was taken to hospital.,2. The girl, who was lying ,was taken to hospital.,3.,The reason why the old man is shouting in the house is on fire.,4. The man ,whose house is on fire is shouting .,定语从句:是指在复合句中,修饰名词或代词的从句,.,被定语从句所修饰的名词或代,词叫做“先行词”,.,引导定语从句的词叫“关系词”。,基本结构:,先行词,+,关,系,词,+,定语从句剩余部分,基础知识,引导定语从句的关系词,who,,,whom,,,that,which,,,whose,where,when,why,关系代词,关系副词,基础知识,关系词作用,1.,代替,先行词,;,.,它还在定语从句中,担任,一定的,成分,;,3.,同时,连接,先行词与它引导的定语从句,.,(把主句和从句连起来),关系代词在定语从句中代替主句中的先行词,所以它在一般情况下都跟在先行词之后,而且它的 人称、数必须和先行词一致。,关系词,判 断 步 骤,:,首先,要看先行词。 如果先行词是指人,关系代词可用,who, whom, whose, that,。,如果先行词指物,关系代词可用,which, that,或,whose,然后,要确定关系词在从句中的成分。请看下表,先行词,作主语,作宾语,作定语,人,who,that,who(m), that,whose,物,which,that,which, that,whose,关系代词,指人,作主语或宾语,(,作宾语可省略),The man,(,who),I talked with is our teacher.,A person,who,steals things is called a thief.,指人,作宾语,(,作宾语可省略,如,介词提前则不能省,),The man,(whom/who),I talked to is Mr. Li.,The man,to whom,I talked is Mr. Li.,3.,that,指人,/,物,作主语或宾语,(,作宾语可省略),Eg. A plane is a machine. It can fly.,A plane is a machine,that,can fly.,eg. He is the man. I told you about him.,He is the man,(that),I told you about.,关系代词,4.whose,是代词的所有格形式,作定语, 它既可以代人也可以代物。,Eg.,Please show me the,book,.,Its,cover is,red.,Please show me the,book,whose cover,is,red.,eg.,I saw a,woman,.,Her bag,was stolen .,I saw a,woman,whose bag,was stolen.,5.which,指物,作主语或宾语,(,作宾,语可省略,如介词提前则不能省,),Eg. These are the trees,which,were,planted last year.,Eg. The TV set (,which),he bought,yesterday is made in Japan.,Eg. Is this the library,(which),you,borrow books from?,Exercise,1.,I have a friend _ likes listening to classical music.,who/that,which/that,whose,3.,The man _ leg broke in a,match used to be a football player.,2.,Yesterday Emily was wearing the,new dress _ I gave her.,4.,My parents live in a house_,is more than 100 years old.,5.,The boy with _ John spoke is,my brother.,which/that,whom,6.,Kevin is reading a book _,is too difficult for him.,which/that,1. when,指时间,在定语从句中作时间状语,eg. I still remember the day when I first came to Beijing.,w,hen = on which,2.where,指地点,在定语从句中作地点状语。,where = in which,eg. This is the house where I lived two years ago.,3.why,指原因,在定语从句中作原因状语,其,先行词只有表示原因的,reason,一词,.,eg. We dont know the reason why he was late for school.,关系,副词,1. that,和,which,that,指人或物,作主语或宾语,作宾语可省略,主语不能。,Which,指物,不指人,作主语或宾语,作宾语可省略,主语不能。,eg. 1. His father works in a factory that/which makes TV sets.,2. Who was hurt in the accident that/which happened yesterday?,3. The coat (which/that) I put on the desk is black.,注意:,The room in which I live is very big. (,在介词后面不能用,that),2.,只能用,that,不能用,which,引导的定语从句:,1),先行词被形容词最高级修饰时,定语从句只能用,that,eg. This is the most interesting story (that) I have ever heard.,2,)先行词被序数词修饰时,定语从句只能用,that,eg. The children like the second lesson that is about “The Football Match”.,3,)先行词被,the only,,,the very,或,the same,等修饰,定语从句只能用,that,引导。,eg. 1. It is the only word (that) I know in the passage.,2. Where is the very book (that) I bought just now?,3. This is the (same) bicycle (that) I lost.,4,)先行词为,everything,,,something,,,anything,,,all,,,none,,,much,,,little,,,few,等不定代词时,定语从句只能用,that,Eg.,1. I want everything (that) I want.,2. I am writing to tell you about something very strange that happened to me last week.,5),先行词被不定代词,all, any, no, every, little, much, many,修饰时,只能用,that,eg. Here is all the money (that) I have.,6),先行词是同时含有“人和物”的名词时,定语从句只能用,that,eg. I can remember well the persons and some pictures (that) I see in the room.,7),定语从句所修饰的词为,the one,时,定语从句用,that,引导,eg. Is it the one,(,that,),you want,?,8,)为了避免重复,在疑问词,who,之后,用,that,引导定语从句,Eg. Who is the girl that won the first place?,3. who,和,whom,who,指人,在句中作主语和宾语,作宾语可省略。,Whom,指人,在句中只能作宾语,可省略,但在介词后面不能省略。,Eg.,1. Who is the teacher that Xiao Li is talking to?,2. The doctor with whom she went to the United States last month is very famous.,=The doctor who/whom/that she went to the United States with last month is very famous.,单项选择,1. This is the bag _ my mother bought yesterday.,A. that B. who C. whom D. this,2. The man _ lives next to us is my English teacher.,A. whom B. whichC. whoD. /,3. The girl _ you saw in the street is Mary.,A. that B. whose C. whichD. as,4. Is this the factory _ a lot of students visited yesterday?,A. the one B. whichC. who D. whom,5. Is this factory _ a lot of students visited yesterday?,A. the oneB. that C. which D. /,which/that,who/that,whom /that /who,which/that,C,A,A,B,C,6. The only language _ is easy to learn is the mother tongue.,A. whichB. thatC. / D. it,7. The girl handed everything _ she had picked up in the street to the police.,A. whichB. in which C. that D. all,8. _ cleans the blackboard should be praised.,A. That B. Who,C. The one whoD. The students who,9. Please show me the book _ you bought yesterday.,A. which B. whomC. whoseD. this,10. This is the best book _ I have been looking for all this year.,A. who B. whom C. whichD. /,B,C,C,A,D,which/that,that / /,11. This is the only article of these that _ written by him.,A. was B. were C. isD. are,12. The man _ was here just now is a doctor.,A. whomB. whoC. /D. he,13. The boy _ has two lovely dogs.,A. who live next doorB. which lives next door,C. whom lives next doorD. that lives next door,14. Those _ made no mistakes in todays exercises please raise your hands.,A. which B. whom C. that D. who,15. Dont go in, this is the shop _ we have just been _.,A. /, toB. that, /C. where, to D. which, there,A,D,B,A,D,16. He is the most careful boy _ I know.,A. what B. whichC. asD. /,17. This is the school _ Mr. Smith once taught.,A. in thatB. whenC. whereD. there,18. Have you visited the house _ the famous scientist was born?,A. whereB. in that C. that D. which,19. The factory _ Mr. Li used to work was closed last week.,A. whenB. whereC. thatD. which,20. Do you still remember the day _ we first met?,A. thatB. whenC. whatD. on that,B,B,C,A,D,21. The first time _ I saw Premier Zhou was in 1958.,A. when B. where C. which D. that,22. October 1, 1949 is the day _ well never forget.,A. when B. that C. where D. in which,23. October 1, 1949 was the day _ the Peoples Republic of China was founded.,A. which B. when C. where D. in which,24. Is this the shop _ sells childrens clothing?,A. which B. where C. in which D. what,25. Is this museum _ they visited last month?,A. thatB. whichC. where D. the one,D,A,B,B,D,26. I still remember the sitting-room _ my mother and I used to sit in the evening.,A. what B. which C. thatD. where,27. Did you tell your mother all _ you had seen on the way home?,A. what B. why C. that D. which,28. Its one of the most important meetings _ this years.,A. that has been held B. which has been held,C. that have been held D. which have held,29. Do you know who lives in the building _ there is a well? A. in front of it B. in front of whose,C. in front of which D. in the front of which,30. Ill never forget the day _ I joined the League.,A. on which B. which C. in which D. at which,C,A,C,C,D,31. She showed her new watch to my wife, _ was kept in a box.,A. who B. which C. that D. it,32. She had three sons, all _ became doctors.,A. who B. whom C. of them D. of whom,33. This is the new type of plane _ parts are made of plastics.,A. that B. what C. which D. whose,34. _ is known to all, China is a developing country, belonging to the third world.,A. It B. That C. As D. Which,35. Is this the leaning tower _ Galileo did experiment centuries ago?,A. that B. where C. which D. when,D,D,B,C,B,将下列两句话合并成一句,.,1. I cant find the book. I bought a book yesterday.,2. The girl is my sister. The girl is standing on the stage.,3. The West Lake lies in Hangzhou. The West Lake is one of the most famous lakes in China.,4. I dont know that boy. The boy is in blue shirt.,5. My brother likes the singers. The singers write their own music.,6. The cat is mine. The cat is playing with a ball.,1. I cant find the book,that/which/ /,I bought yesterday.,2. The girl,who/that,is standing on the stage is my sister.,3. The West Lake is one of the most famous lakes in China,that,lies in Hangzhou.,4. I dont know the boy,who/that,is in blue shirt.,5. My brother likes the singers,who/that,write their own music.,6. The cat,which/that,is playing with a ball is mine.,Homework:,Revise the attributive clause.,2.Write 10 sentences with the attributive clause.,THE END,Thank you!,Definition,定语从句:,是在复合句中充当定语作用的主谓结构,又称形容词从句,通常修饰它前面的名词或代词,即它的先行词(,Antecedent)。,定语从句有限制性和非限制性两种,,引导词有关系代词和关系副词两种。,一、限 制 性 定 语 从 句,当定语从句与被修饰词关系密切时,则用限制性定语从句,引导定语从句的关系代词,1,) who,指人,作从句的主语或宾语。,a. This is the professor who teaches us chemistry.,b. The boys who are playing football on the playground are my classmates.,whom,指人,只作从句的宾语。,a. The man (whom) you met in the street,yesterday is our English teacher.,b. This is the girl (whom) you have been looking for.,3) whose,指人或物,在从句中作定语。,a. The girl whose father is our history teacher,is a good singer.,b. The house whose windows face south is very beautiful.,4) which,指物,作从句的主语或宾语。,eg. This is the dictionary (which) I bought yesterday.,5) that,指人或物,作从句的主语或宾语,相当于,which,或,who,whom,。,a. The man that/who is talking to her is a friend of hers.,b. I dont like the play (that/which) we watched on TV last night.,2.,引导定语从句的关系副词,1),when,作从句的时间状语。,Do you remember the week when we were in,Shanghai?,b. I wont forget the day when I joined the League.,where,作从句的地点状语。,a. This is the factory where we worked 3 years ago.,b. This is the place where Marx was born.,why,作从句的原因状语。,is the reason why (=for which) she decided to go back to China.,The man lives next door is a writer.,The woman I visited last week is a famous writer.,Beijing is the city has got the chance to host the 2008 Olympic Games.,A dictionary is a book you can use to learn more words.,The little boy eyes are blue is holding a dog.,He is such a man never tells a lie.,who / that,who / whom / that,which / that,which / that,whose,who,7. He is the model worker we should learn from.,8. A dictionary is a book often helps us to know the meanings of the words.,9. This is the film I like best.,10. The boy father is a professor is one of my best friends.,11. The house roof was blown away by the storm will be rebuilt soon.,whose,whose,whom/who,which,which,二、非 限 制 性 定 语 从 句,非限制性定语从句和主句的关系并不什么密切,只是对先行词作些附加说明,如果去掉,主句的意思还是比较明确的。,1. 一般不用,that,引导,2. 非限制性定语从句中,关系词不可省略。如:,Bejing, which is the capital of,China,has,a very long history.,Yesterday I met Li Ping , who seemed to be very busy.,3.非限制性定语从句还可以拿句子或句子的一部分作先行词,常由,which,引入,用逗号分开。,如:,Some of the roads were flooded, which made our journey more difficult.,He has smoothly entered a key middle school, which makes his parents very happy.,He said he had no bike, which was not true,.,4.,非限制定语从句有时形式上是从句,实质上其功用相当于一个分句。这种从句常被唤作连续性从句(,continuative clause),如:,Then he met Mary, who invited him to a party.,Some of the roads were flooded, made our journey more difficult.,He has smoothly entered a key middle school, makes his parents very happy.,Mr,King, legs were badly hurt, was quickly taken to hospital.,He said he had no bike, was not true.,We shall make a decision about Ms King,story I have just told you.,which,which,whose,which,whose,6. He made the same mistakes again ,_ made his parents very angry.,7. Yesterday I bought a dictionary,_ cost me more than 100 yuan .,8. Mr Smith,_ gave a talk several months ago,will come again.,9. My uncle has come back from abroad,_ I havent met for along time,which,which,who,whom,试比较,Group One,1.The travelers who/that knew about the floods took another road.,(,知道涨大水的旅客走另一条路),(,旅客都知道涨大水了,他们走另一条路),Group Two,1. The wine which/that was in the cellar (,地窖),was all ruined.,2.The travelers, who knew about the floods, took another road.,(,藏在地窖里的酒坏了),(,酒藏在地窖里,全都坏了),2. The wine, which was in the cellar, was all ruined.,(昨天来过这里的那个男人又来了.),(这个男人昨天来过这里,他又来了.),2. The man ,who came here yesterday ,has come again.,(,我的姐姐20岁了,她在银行工作。),Group three,1. The man who came here yesterday has come again.,Group four,1. My sister who is twenty works in a bank,.,(,我20岁大的姐姐在银行工作。),2. My sister, who is twenty, works in a bank.,Group five,The man who greeted me is my teacher.,向我打招呼的那个人是我的老师.,John, who greeted me, is my teacher.,John,是我的老师,他向我打过招呼.,Translation,1. This is the man who came to see me yesterday.,2. Bill, who was here yesterday, asked me a lot of questions.,3. She has found the necklace that she had lost two weeks ago.,4. His speech, which tired everyone, went on and on.,5. I told the story to Tom, who later told it to John.,6. Mr. White, whose home is not far from here, is a doctor.,7. In the old days, when I was a little boy, the city has no industry to speak of.,1.,I want to buy the house which has a garden.,2.I want to buy the house, which has a garden.,3.The earth is round, which is known to all.,4.,Shes very like Miss Catler, whom I used to meet at Dumdum.,5.Yesterday, I met Li Ping, who seemed to be very busy.,1. This is the bag _ my mother bought yesterday.,A. thatB. who,C. whom D. this,2. The man _ lives next to us is my English teacher.,A. whom B. which,C. whoD. /,3. The girl _ you saw in the street is Mary.,A. thatB. whose,C. whichD. as,A,C,A,定语从句练习,4. Is this factory _ a lot of students visited yesterday?,A. the oneB. Whose,C. which D. /,5. The language _ is easy to learn is the mother tongue.,A. whichB. that,或,which,C. /D. it,C,B,定语从句练习,6. The girl handed the key _ she had picked up in the street to the police.,A. whomB. in which,C. thatD. all,7. Please show me the book _ you bought yesterday.,A. whichB. whom,C. whose D. this,C,A,定语从句练习,8. This is the book _ I have been looking for all this year.,A. whoB. whom,C. it D. /,9. This is the article _was written by him.,A. whoB. that,C. thisD. whose,10. The man _ was here just now is a doctor.,A. whomB. who,C. /D. he,D,B,B,定语从句练习,11. The boy _ has two lovely dogs.,A. who live next door,B. which lives next door,C. whom lives next door,D. that lives next door,12. Those _ made no mistakes in todays exercises please raise your hands.,A. whichB. whom,C. thatD. who,13. The farm _ we visited last week is a lovely place for a holiday.,A. when B. where,C. that D. at that,D,D,C,定语从句练习,Goodbye!,


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