财务管理专业英语unit 1课件

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Reading Fun,Sub topics go here,*,Unit,one(A,),:,Introduction to Financial Management,Teaching objectives:,After learning this section, the students are required to:,grasp some of basic theories related to financial management;,grasp some important words and expressions;,have a better understanding of the financial management and financial manager;,understand briefly the financial management decision.,Wisdom,Money,begets(or,breeds or,gets)money,.,Anonymous,Boundless risk must pay for boundless gain. William,Momis,Mini case,Dell Computer manufactures, sells, and services personal computers. The company markets directly to its customers and builds computers after receiving a customer order. This build-to-order model enables Dell to have much smaller investment in working capital than its competitors. Dell has grown quickly and has been able to finance that growth internally by its efficient use of working capital and its,profitabillity,.,Read the mini case and think:,1. Whats the Dells Sales philosophy?,2. Find the specialized vocabulary of financial management?,Dell,销售理念,按照客户要求制造计算机,并向客户直接发货,使戴尔公司能够最有效和明确地了解客户需求,继而迅速做出回应。这个直接的商业模式消除了中间商,这样就减少了不必要的成本和时间,让戴尔公司更好地理解客户的需要。,words study,1.financial management,财务管理,2.decision-making,决策,决策的,investment decisions;,financing decisions;,3.acquisition,收购(,purchase) acquire,取得,acquisition,and loss of ownership,所有权的取得和丧失,4.publicly traded corporations,上市公司,listed corporation,stock is,publicly,traded,but most is held by a few shareholders,who have no plans to sell,股票公开买卖,但是大部分股票被少数不计划卖出的股东控制,。,5.vice president of finance,财务副总裁,chief financial,officer(CFO,),首席财务官,chief executive,officer(CEO,),首席执行官,6.pivotal,关键的,Any deviation from this economy,pivotal,task endangers our material base.,离开了经济建设这个中心,就有丧失物质基础的危险。,7. allocate(,资源、权利)配置,capital allocation,资本配置,allocate shares,分配股份,8. Volatility,不稳定性,Interest rates and financial market,volatility,would remain,high due to the market uncertainty.,市场前景不明朗,亦会令利率持续高起,金融市场波动。,9.balance sheet,资产负债表,income (profit) statement,利润表,cash flow statement,现金流量表,10.capital budgeting,资本预算,capital structure,资本结构,working capital management,营运资本管理,Capital,Budgeting,and Long-term Financing management,资本预算及远期财务管理,11. stockholder,(,shareholder),股东,None of the,shareholder,attend the AGM.,没有一个股东出席年度股东大会。,12.tradeoff,权衡,折中,risk-return tradeoff,风险,-,收益权衡,13.inventory,存货,make an inventory of,盘点,;,编制,.,清单,14.patent,专利,trademark,商标,international protection of,patent,专利权的国际保护,What,trademark,is it?,什么品牌的,?,15.creditor,债权人,He come to an arrangement with his,creditor,.,他与债权人达成解决纠纷协议。,16.mix of debt and equity,负债与股票的组合,cash dividend,现金股利,dividend policy,股利政策,dividend-payout ratio,股利支付比率,risk aversion,风险规避,stock repurchase,(,stock buyback),股票回购,stock offering,股票发行,financing mix,融资组合,common stock,普通股,preferred stock,优先股,current asset,流动资产,current liability,流动负债,stockholders equity,股东权益,marketable security,流动性证券,tangible fixed assets,有形固定资产,intangible fixed assets,无形固定资产,1.1 Financial Management and Financial Manager,1.2 Financial Management Decision,1.3 RiskReturn Tradeoff,Text study,Financial Management and Financial Manager,Financial management,is an integrated decision-,making process concerned with acquiring, financing,and managing assets to accomplish some overall goal,within a business entity.,managerial finance,corporate finance,business finance,CEO-,chief executive officer,CFO- chief financial officer,vice president of finance,Who are the people of the financial managers?,The person associated with the financial management function is usually a top officer of the firm such as a vice president or the chief financial officer (CFO),What are the duties and responsibilities of the financial manager ?,The two main functions of the financial manager concern acquiring and allocating funds among a firms activities. They also acts as a liaison between others in the finance department and management personnel from other departments.,Financial Management Decision,Long-term investment decisions,(,What long-term investments should the firm undertake?),Long-term financing decisions,(How should the firm raise money to fund these investments?),Working Capital Management Decisions,(How should the firm manage its short-term assets and liabilities?),Long-term investment decisions,In what lines of business should the firm engage?,Should the firm acquire other companies?,What sorts of property, plant, and equipment should the firm hold?,Should the firm modernize or sell an old production facility?,Should the firm introduce a more efficient distribution system than the current one?,1.The notion of the capital budgeting ?,Process of planning and managing a firms long-term investments is called budgeting.,2.The investment principle ?,The firm should invest in assets and projects yielding a return greater than the minimum acceptable hurdle rate.,Long-term financing decisions,Does the type of financing used make a difference?,Is the existing capital structure the right one?,How and where should the firm raise money?,Should the firm use funds raised through its revenues?,Should the firm raise money from outside the business?,If the firm seeks external financing, should it bring in other owners or borrow the money?,How to raise fund externally?,The financial manager arise funds externally by incurring debts, such as through bank loans or the sale of bonds, or by selling ownership interests through a stock offering.,Working Capital Management Decisions,How much of a firms total assets should the firm hold in each type of current asset such as cash, marketable securities, and inventory?,How much credit should the firm grant to customers?,How should the firm obtain needed short-term financing?,RiskReturn Tradeoff,risk aversion,investors should expect a higher return for taking on higher levels of risk,Unit,one(B,),:,Introduction to Accounting English,Questions,1.Why do we learn it?,(,1,),MNC (multinational corporation ),跨国公司,(,2,),international operations,国际业务,(,3,),international investment,国际投资,2. What are the Learning objectives?,Grasp the core words about accounting English.,Grasp the base knowledge about western accounting.,Have the ability of making accounting document and accounting reports in English,。,3.How to learn it successfully?,Interesting, words, reading, writing,Some knowledge about accounting,1.,What is accounting?,In general sense, accounting can be defined as a “business information system” which communicate the economic activities,and condition of a business (in monetary terms) to the business stakeholders, so that, they can make right decisions.,2.Who are the users of accounting information? - business stakeholders,External business stakeholders,(,financial accounting information,),: Creditors,债权人,(e.g. bankers), owners,所有者, shareholders,股东, Customers,客户, suppliers,供应商, governments (e.g. legislation,法律, tax,税,),Internal business stakeholders (managerial accounting information): Directors, CEO,(首席执行官), managers, supervisors,(主管), employees,3. Accounting as a profession,(会计职业),A person who specializes in the accounting field is known as an accountant.,Forexample,:,Financial accountant (,财务会计,) / Cost accountant (,成本会计,)Managerial accountant,(管理会计),/ CFO (chief financial officer),(首席财务官),Internal auditor,(内部审计),/ tax accountant (,税务会计,)CPA,(注册会计师),/ External auditor (,外部审计,),4. Accounting knowledge system,(会计学科体系),Accounting,会计学,AccountantFinancial Accounting,财务会计,Financial accountantCost Accounting,成本会计,Cost accountantManagerial Accounting,管理会计,Managerial accountantTax Accounting,税务会计,Tax accountantAuditing,审计学,Internal auditor /External auditor,Others:Accounting,Theory,会计理论,International Accounting,国际会计,5.Professional accounting bodies,(专业会计团体),(1) Examples of foreign professional accounting bodies,:,ACCA,英国特许公认会计师协会,AICPA,America,美国注册会计师协会,CGA Canada,加拿大注册会计师公会,CPA Australia,澳大利亚注册会计师公会,CPA China,中国注册会计师协会,(2) The “Big Four” international accounting companies,(全球规模最大的四个会计师事务所),KPMG,(毕马威),Ernst & Young,(,E&Y,),(,安永,),Pricewaterhouse,Cooper,(,PWC,),(,普华,-,永道),Deloitte,Touche,Tohmatsu (D&T),(德勤),Arthur Andersen (AA)(,安达信,),美国(,2002,年因“安然破产事件”已停止营业),2008,年综合评价前,20,家事务所为:,普华永道中天、安永华明、德勤华永、毕马威华振、中瑞岳华、立信、信永,中和、大信、万隆、利安达信隆、天华、中审、浙江天健、天职国际、中和,正信、天健华证中洲、北京京都、安永大华、北京兴华、中磊会计师事务所。,会计师事务所的职责,1.,审计业务,Auditing,2.,验资业务,Verification,3.,税务代理业务,Tax agent,4.,管理咨询业务,Consulting,5.,财税业务培训,Tax professional training,6.,资产评估,Asset Evaluation,6.Accounting policies and accounting standard,(会计的法规体系和基本会计准则),Our countrys financial accounting regulations system is constituted by Accounting Law, Corporate accounting standards, corporate accounting regulations (,我国企业财务会计法规体系由会计法、企业会计准则、会计制度构成),Other important accounting regulations in the world include:,IAS,国际会计准则,FRS,英国财务报告准则,AASB,澳大利亚会计准则,FAS,美国财务会计准则,SEC,证券交易委员会的财务会计文件公告,GAAP,企业会计实务公认会计原则,7.Four Basic accounting assumptions (,会计核算的基本假设,),(,1,),Economic Entity Assumption,(“会计主体”假设),Economic Entity Assumption assumes that the business is a separate entity from its owners.,(,2,),Going Concern Assumption,(“持续经营”假设),Going Concern Assumption assumes that the business will be in operation for an infinite time.,(,3,),Monetary Unit Assumption,(“货币计量”假设),Monetary Unit Assumption Assumes a stable currency is going to be the unit of record. In our country, the monetary unit is Chinese,¥,(,4,),Periodicity Assumption,(“会计期间”假设),Periodicity Assumption assumes that the business operations can be recorded and separated into different periods.,Our provides that our countrys accounting period is one year, which is from every years 1st/01 to 31st/12 It is also called a financial year (,财政年度,),。,For some countries, the financial year starts from 1st/07and end to 30/06.,8.Important basic accounting principles (,会计核算的基本原则,),(1) Principle of objectivity,(“真实性”或“客观性”原则),(2) Historical Cost principle (“,历史成本”原则,) (3) Revenue recognition principle,(收入确认原则),(4) Matching principle,(“配比制”原则),(5) Principle of conservatism,(“谨慎性”原则),.(6) Principle of full disclosure,(“重要性”原则),(7) Principle of materiality,(实质重于形式原则),.(8) Principle of consistency,(一致性原则),(9) Principle of Comparability,(“可比性”原则),(10)accrual basis principle,(权责发生制原则),(11)timeliness principle,(及时性原则),(12) the understandability principle,(明晰性原则),(13) the principle of division of revenue expenditure and capital expenditure,(划分收益性支出与资本性支出的原则 ),Words Review,财务管理,f,inancial management,投资决策,i,nvestment decisions,融资决策,f,inancing decisions,资产负债表,b,alance sheet,资本结构,capital structure,上市公司,p,ublicly traded corporations,财务副总裁,v,ice president of finance,首席执行官,c,hief executive,officer(CEO,),资本配置,c,apital allocation,资本预算,c,apital budgeting,营运资本管理,w,orking capital management,负债与股票的组合,mix,of debt and equity,最低门槛利率,h,urdle rate,现金股利,c,ash dividend,股利政策,d,ividend policy,股利支付比率,d,ividend-payout ratio,股票回购,s,tock repurchase,股票发行,s,tock offering,普通股,c,ommon stock,优先股,p,referred stock,流动资产,c,urrent asset,流动负债,c,urrent liability,流动性证券,marketable security,有形固定资产,tangible fixed assets,无形固定资产,intangible fixed assets,股东权益,stockholders equity,融资组合,financing mix,风险规避,r,isk aversion,利润表,income (profit) statement,现金流量表,cash flow statement,不稳定性,volatility,收购,acquisition,所有权,ownership,关键的,pivotal,股东,stockholder,(,shareholder),权衡,折中,tradeoff,存货,inventory,专利,patent,商标,trademark,债权人,creditor,


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