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Unit 2,We must keep the camp clean.,外研版九年级下,Module 4,Rules and suggestions,1,2,3,4,词汇串新知,提示,:点击 进入习题,5,答案呈现,asleep,heard,open,hang,clean,课文对对碰,一,6,7,8,9,sudden,sticks,turned,still,1,二,2,3,4,open,hang,clean,1,A,2,3,4,B,C,D,noise,5,still,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,轻松夯基础,5,11,12,13,14,15,答案呈现,guns,woods,soft,tent,blood,B,B,C,B,A,reaches out,putting up,make a noise,tidy up,Looking up,16,17,18,19,20,快乐做阅读,答案呈现,A,A,B,C,D,21,22,23,24,A,B,C,D,25,C,26,27,28,29,She had a snack stand.,She felt a bit sad.,She was from a mountain area.,In order to live a better life.,30,To get something better, sacrifice is a must.,根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出,单词,的正确形式,(,每空限填一词,),。,I,had an unforgettable experience about camping,in the,forest. On the first evening, we were tired and soon,fell _1(,睡着的,).,In the middle of the night, I _,2(,听到,)a,noise outside. The next morning, I found the bag of,food was,_,3(,打开的,).,Joe thought we should _,4(,悬挂,) the,food in a tree that night.,asleep,heard,open,hang,During the second night, the bears came again. I told them we must keep the camp _ 5(,干净的,). Ben told us that if we saw a bear, we should not make any _ 6(,突然的,),moves. The next day, I saw a baby bear playing with some _ 7(,木棍,),and stones. His mother arrived soon, and I was so afraid that I _ 8(,变得,),pale. I just kept _ 9(,静止的,). The bears walked away.,clean,sudden,sticks,turned,still,一、阅读,Activity 2,,选择正确答案。,1. Whats the writing order of this passage?,A. Time. B. Place.,C. People. D. Logic.,2. Where did we camp?,A. By the river. B. By the stream.,C. By the lake. D. By the sea.,A,B,3. What was the baby bear doing when I saw him?,A. Sleeping.,B. Eating some food.,C. Playing with some sticks and stones.,D. Crying.,C,4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?,A. The writer went for a walk in the forest,with his,friends.,B. There were 4 people in this story.,C. The mother bear hit the writer.,D. The writer was,scared(,害怕的,) when he noticed,the mother bear.,D,二、细读,Activity 2,,完成下面的表格。,Time,What happened,What I/we did,On the first evening,I heard a strange,1 _; the bag of food was 2_ .,We should 3_,the food in a tree.,On the second night,The bears came,again and took the,food from the tree.,We should keep the camp 4 _.,open,hang,clean,noise,Time,What happened,What I/we did,On the third day,We tidied up and,moved on.,We tried to sleep.,On the fourth day,I saw a baby bear and his mother.,I stood 5 _.,still,一、根据汉语提示写出单词。,1. The three hunters carried their,_(,枪,)and went into,the forest.,2. My family likes camping. Sometimes we may camp,in the,deep _,(,树林,).,3. I like listening to _,(,柔软的,) music which,makes,me relaxed.,guns,woods,soft,4. It is a good idea to buy a _ (,帐篷,)when we go for a picnic.,5. A lot of volunteers offer their _ (,血,)to help the sick.,tent,blood,二、单项选择。,6. My elder brother was born,_ 13th,July, 1993.,A. in,B,. on,C,. at,D,. by,B,7,. Youd better keep the door _,when,you are,at home,alone.,A. close,B,. closed,C,. open,D,.,opened,B,8,. Nothing could stay _,when,the storm started.,A. shy,B,. happy,C,. still,D,. silent,C,9. 【2021,盐城,】The biggest challenge we all,face is,to prevent further environmental disasters.,We _ take,action before it is too late.,A. can,B,. must,C,.,may,D. might,B,10. 【2021,上海浦东新区月考,】 If you,travel around,the world, you will be surprised at,_.,A. how different the foreign customs are,B. how the foreign customs are different,C. how different are the foreign customs,D. how are the foreign customs different,A,三、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。,11,.,我们应当每天整理房间,。,We should,_,_,our room every day,.,tidy up,12,.,这个小男孩伸手去摘树上的梨子。,This little boy _ _,a,hand for,the pears,on the tree.,reaches out,13.,他正在为自己家搭建新的篱笆墙。,He is,_,_,a,new fence for his,house.,putting up,14,.,不要制造噪音,小宝宝正在房间里睡觉。,Dont,_,_,_,.,The baby,is sleeping,in the room,.,make a noise,15.,仰望夜空,你会看到许多星星。,_,_,at,the sky at night, you will see,a lot,of stars.,Looking up,四、完形填空。,Bad habits are easy to make, but hard to end.,_16 habits, on the other hand, tend,to(,趋向,) take,more,time to make.,16,. A. Good,B,. Useful,C. Helpful,D,. Hard,A,_17,scientists agree that the average,person needs _18,three weeks to form a good habit. For,more specific,means of doing this, this article should help,.,17,. A. Luckily,B,.,Firstly,C. Exactly D. Finally,18,. A. at last,B,. at least,C. at most,D,. at once,A,B,Make a _19 of the benefits(,益处,) of your new habit. For example, if you stop smoking, you are likely to become healthier.,19. A. wish B. deal C. list D. call,C,See to the habit. If you want to change, you have,to work at it. Do not _20 if you have one failure. And dont blame yourself for the failure, _21. Its usually not,your fault,.,20,. A. make out,B,. get in,C. put up,D,. give up,21,. A. either,B,. too,C,. also,D,. neither,D,A,Set your own goals, and reward yourself.,_22 the goals,down, and post them all around. In your kitchen, bedroom, office, even the bathroom if necessary,.,22,. A. Cut,B,. Write,C,. Go,D,. Look,B,_23 youve,met those goals, treat yourself to a movie or,a pizza,. As long as the treat isnt,_24,youre trying,to give up.,23,. A. Though,B,.,Before,C,. Once,D,. Unless,24,. A.,nothing B,. something,C. everything,D,. anything,C,D,Start slowly. If you want to become stronger or faster, choose short exercises at first. Then, make them larger, in order to adapt,to(,适应,) the,habit,.,Even,after your goals are set, dont continue,to smoke,or stop exercising. You need to,_25,this,a lifetime,thing if youre serious about it, and you,cant stop,after just three weeks,.,25. A. let,B,.,have C,. make,D,. get,C,五、任务型阅读。,【2021,泸州,】,26. What business did Aunt Jia have in the,neighborhood?,_,请同学们看,点拨训练,第,28,页原文。,She had a snack stand.,【,点拨,】,根据原文第一段中句子,Aunt Jia had a snack stand(,摊位,) in our neighborhood.,可知答案。,27. How did Aunt Jia feel after a large family visited her stand?,_,She felt a bit sad.,【,点拨,】,根据原文第二段中句子,As they were leaving, I noticed Aunt Jia felt a bit sad.,可知答案。,28. Where did Aunt Jia come from?,_,She was from a mountain area.,【,点拨,】,根据原文第三段中句子,But I have to stay here. Im from a mountain area, where it would not be easy to make money.,可知答案。,29. Why did Aunt Jia work,hard?,_,In order to live a better life.,【,点拨,】,根据原文第三段中句子,But in order to live a better life, I must work hard.,可知答案。,30. What rule can we learn from Aunt Jias,experience?,_,To get something better, sacrifice is a must.,【,点拨,】,根据原文最后一段中句子,To get something better, sacrifice(,牺牲,) is a must.,可知答案。,


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