人教版学海导航高中英语总复习必修二M2 unit5 Music

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,*,立足教育 开创未来,高中新课标总复习(第,1,轮),英语,福建,人教版,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,本课件主要使用工具为,office2003,,,Mathtype5.0,几何画板,2011,届高中新课标总复习,第(,1,)轮,B,(闽,RJ,),Unit5,Music,Module 2,1.,vt. & vi.,滚动,;,n.,摇晃,_,2.,vt.,(,使,),组成;形成,_,3.,n.,过路人,_,4.,vt.,挣得,_,5.,adj.,额外的,_,roll,form,passer-by,earn,extra,重 点 单 词,要点集结,3,重 点 单 词,要点集结,6.,vi.,依赖,_,7.,adj.,吸引人的,_,8.,adj.,自信的,_,9.,adv.,后来,_,10.,vt. & vi.,表演,;,履行,_,rely,attractive,confident,afterwards,perform,4,重 点 短 语,要点集结,1.,梦见;梦想,_,2.,说实在地,_,3.,戏弄,_,4.,大约,_,5.,打碎,;,解体,_,dream of,to be honest,play jokes on,or so,break up,5,重 点 短 语,要点集结,6.,分类,_,7.,坚持,_,8.,最重要,;,首先,_,9.,认为有,(,重要性、意义,) _,10.,用现金,_,sort out,stick to,above all,attachto,in cash,6,重 点 句 型,要点集结,1.,你是否曾梦想过在音乐会上面对成千上万的观,众,大家都在欣赏你的音乐,为你鼓掌?,Have you ever dreamed of playing in front of thousands of people at a concert,at which,everyone is clapping and appreciating your,music,?,2.,弗雷迪和他的乐队走到哪里都会有人跟随。,Freddy and his band,could not go out anywhere,without being followed,.,7,重 点 句 型,要点集结,3.,感到不安和敏感的弗雷迪和他的乐队最后意识,到, 他们必须趁自己还未感到太痛苦时, 赶紧离,开国土。,At last feeling very upset and sensitive, Freddy and his band realized that they must leave the country,before it became too painful for them,.,8,目 标 词 汇,考点突破,1. form,(1),vt.,使组成,构成,形成,;,开始存在,;,成立,;,创立,form an impression of sth. / sb.,形成对某人,/,物的印象,form a habit of,养成,的习惯,(2),n.,形状,;,形式,;,表格,different forms of government,各种政体,in the form of,以,的形式,literary form,文学体裁,fill in a form,填写表格,9,目 标 词 汇,考点突破,2. perform,v.,表演,;,履行,;,工作,运转(好,/,不好),perform ones duties,尽某人的责任,perform a play,演一出戏,perform the operation,进行手术,He doesnt perform well at school and cant get,good grades in the final exam.,他在学校表现不太好,期末考试成绩不理想。,10,目 标 词 汇,考点突破,give / put on performances,表演节目,give a performance of,表演,拓展,3. sort,(1),v.,分类; 整理,sort out 把分类; 整理,Recycling waste means that waste is collected,品收集、分类、处理然后再利用。,11,目 标 词 汇,考点突破,(2),n.,种类, 类别,a sort of 一种; 某种的,sort of=kind of 有几分地; 有点(副词短语, 尤其,用在口语中),Hearing your description, I sort of take interest in,the trip.,听了你的描述, 我对这次旅行有点兴趣了。,12,目 标 词 汇,考点突破,4. unknown,adj.,未知的,;,不详的,不出名的,an unknown disease,一种未知的疾病,an unknown artist,一位没有名气的艺术家,拓展,as is well known众所周知,It,s well known to all that众所周知 ,unknown to sb. 不为某人所知,13,目 标 词 汇,考点突破,表示“被所知”时,known 后接介词to 而不是by。,Mr. Smith, would you please make yourself,known to us?史密斯先生, 您能向我们自我介绍,一下吗?,w,ell,-,known(=famous) 著名的,a well,-,known writer 一位著名的作家,温馨提示,14,目 标 词 汇,考点突破,5. pretend,v.,假装;佯装,She pretends that she likes them so that she,can get their help.,她假装很喜欢他们,借以获得他们的帮助。,He pretended not to notice.,他假装没注意。,15,目 标 词 汇,考点突破,pretend后面可以跟从句作宾语,也可以跟动词不定式作宾语,动词不定式有一般现在时、进行时和完成时。,(通常用于否定句和疑问句)自诩;自称;自认为,pretend也可以用作形容词,意为“假装的;想象的”。,拓展,16,目 标 词 汇,考点突破,I don,t pretend to know as much as he does,about it.,我不敢说我对此事的了解有他那样多。,He pretended to have known the answer to the,problem.,他假装早就知道了问题的答案。,拓展,17,目 标 词 汇,自我评估,一、根据首字母填空,1.,Bad habits are easy to f_ but difficult to get,rid of.,2.,During festivals and holidays, many railway,stations provide e_ trains.,3.,The students put on p_ on the street,in order to collect money to save their classmate,who was expecting an operation in hospital.,form,extra,performances,18,目 标 词 汇,自我评估,一、根据首字母填空,4.,The side effect of the medicine is yet u_,to scientists, so it is not safe to take.,5.,A government should try to meet peoples,b_ needs for food, clothing and housing.,6.,At the dinner, the guest p_ to be,enjoying the meal to show his politeness.,unknown,basic,pretended,19,目 标 词 汇,自我评估,二、指出下列句中“,for”,的中文含义,1.,Ill use plastics for iron to make some parts of,the machine. ( ),2.,Are all these gifts for me? ( ),3.,What can I do for you? ( ),4.,We admire him for his bravery. ( ),5.,Ill change my green dress for a black one.( ),6.,Are you for or against the decision? ( ),代替,给,为,因为,交换,赞成,20,重 点 短 语,考点突破,1. play jokes (a joke) on sb.,戏弄某人,play a trick on sb. 捉弄某人,make fun of 取笑,laugh at 嘲笑,另外, joke可用作动词。,I didn,t mean that seriously; I was only joking.,我不是那个意思, 我只不过是开个玩笑。,链接,21,重 点 短 语,考点突破,2. or so,大约,常用来修饰数词, 放在被修饰词之后。与or so 意思相同的还有:about / around / some, 它们都放在被修饰词之前。,We haven,t met with each other for about /,around / some 20 years (20 years or so).,我们大约有20年没见面了。,22,重 点 短 语,考点突破,more or less 差不多; 或多或少。该词组一般用来修饰动词、形容词或副词。,We hope our explanation will prove more or less helpful.,希望我们的说明或多或少有些帮助。,链接,23,重 点 短 语,考点突破,3. break up,分裂, 解体; 打碎; 解散; 结束,The crowd started to break up when the,darkness fell.,天快黑时人群开始散开了。,Their marriage broke up.,他们的婚姻破裂了。,The company top meeting didn,t break up,until midnight.,公司高层会议到半夜才结束。,24,重 点 短 语,考点突破,break into,破门而入,break away from,摆脱, 脱离,break down,出故障; 分解; 崩溃,break out,爆发,break through,突破,链接,25,重 点 短 语,考点突破,Chance is that,Chances are that,There is a chance that,这三个句型都表示“有可能”,(=It,s possible that),4. by chance,(=by accident / accidentally),偶然, 意外地,take a chance 冒险; 碰运气,链接,26,重 点 短 语,考点突破,Don,t go deep into the cave. There,s a chance that you,ll meet with some danger.,别往洞内走得太远了, 有可能你会遇到某种危险。,chance of (doing) sth.(做)某事的可能性,Is there any chance of us getting that many tickets?,我们有可能买到那么多票吗?,链接,27,重 点 短 语,自我评估,选择正确的短语并用其正确的形式填空,break away from, break down,break into, break out, break up,1.,The bus _ on the way to school,so I was late.,2.,The ship hit a large rock and _.,3.,The Chinese government will never allow,Taiwan _ our motherland.,broke down,broke up,to break away from,28,重 点 短 语,自我评估,4., I dont know how to complete such a large,project?, I suggest you _ it _ into several,steps and get them down one by one.,5.,We were discussing an important issue when,the guard _ the meeting room.,break,broke into,up,29,经 典 句 型,考点突破,1.Have you ever dreamed of playing in front of,thousands of people at a concert,at which,everyone is clapping and appreciating your,music,?,你是否曾梦想过在音乐会上面对成千上万的,观众,大家都在欣赏你的音乐,为你鼓掌?,at which everyone is clapping and appreciating your music,为定语从句,先行词为,concert,。,30,(1)most of which.,是“介词关系代词”引导的定语从句。,其中指人通常用,whom,,指物通常用,which,。,The two things,they felt very proud were his,marks and health.,他们引以为自豪的事情是他的成绩和健康。,I saw a man,,,on the head of whom stood a bird.,我看到一个人,他头上站着一只鸟。,This is the best way,he can remember the,31,2)be based on,以,为依据,(,base sth. on /upon sth.),They based their arguments upon/on facts.,他们以事实作论辩根据。,We should,on/upon hard work.,我们应该把希望寄托在努力工作上。,32,经 典 句 型,考点突破,2. Sometimes they may play to passers-by in the,street or subway,so that,they can earn some,extra money,有时他们可能在街上或地铁里为过路者演奏,以便有一些额外收入,so that,相当于,in order that,,引导目的状语从句。,33,经 典 句 型,考点突破,so that,也可引导结果状语从句。其区别在于:,so that,引导的目的状语从句时,从句中的谓语常含有,can, could, be able to,等情态动词,而结果状语从句中没有,另外结果状语从句常用逗号与主句隔开,但目的状语从句一般不用。,so that,引导的目的状语从句在许多情况下可改写为,so as to,或,in order to,引导的不定式短语。,34,经 典 句 型,考点突破,3. Freddy and his band,could not go out anywhere,without being followed,.,弗雷迪和他的乐队走到哪里都会有人跟随。,without,常用于否定句中,构成句子的双重否定,以加强语气。,35,not.without.,没有,就不能,。双重否定表肯定。所谓双重否定,通常指的是一个句子中包含有两个否定成分的表达,即否定之否定结构。,Plants cant live without water.,没有水植物不能生存。,We never see each other without talking about sports first.,我们每次见面无不是从谈论体育开始的。,36,常见的双重否定结构还有:,no(not).no(not).,没有,没有,no(never ).without.,没有,不,;除,不,cannot.too.,越,越,;无论怎样,也不为过,cannot wait, 不定式急于做某事,cannot help,v,.ing,形式,禁不住;不能,不,37,You,cautious.,你越谨慎越好。,A man cannot have too many friends.,一个人拥有的朋友越多越好。,I cant wait,the book.,我急于要读这本书。,cannot be too,to read,38,经 典 句 型,自我评估,完成句子,1,.,I received his phone call,_,_,(邀请我参加他的婚礼).,2.,I,ll call you this evening,_,_,(向你汇报会议内容).,inviting me to his,wedding,reporting to you,on the meeting,39,经 典 句 型,自我评估,完成句子,3.,Large clouds are gathering,_,_,(暗示大雨即将来临).,4.,Mum sent her son abroad,_,_,(希望他有一个美好的,未来).,suggesting a,heavy rain is coming,hoping he would,have a bright future,40,经 典 句 型,自我评估,完成句子,5.,He said in a loud voice,_,_,(以便大家都能听到那个消息).,6.,You,d better write it down,_,(趁你还没忘记).,so that all could hear,the news,before you forget it,41,经 典 句 型,自我评估,完成句子,7.,It,s strange that he should have left,_,_,(没跟我们讲一声).,8.,Hurry up, or we,ll go,_,(不等你啦).,without,telling us,without you,42,


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