Unit 1 21世纪大学英语电子教案II大二

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,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Unit One: Great Men,What is it that makes someone great?,New Words and Expressions,New words requiring explanation,amid,prep. In the middle of, Surrounded by,eg,.,The 29th Beijing Olympic Games was opened,amid,harmonious circumstances.,The13th,Bai,Hua,Awarding Ceremony was ended amid,warmful,circumstances.,2.,disastrous,a. extremely bad, among,-ous,suff (,with,ns,forming,adjs),eg. anxious, serious, mountainous,poisonous,disaster,n.,various disasters,flood,drought,tsunami,mud-rock flow,earthquake ;quake,sandstorm,New Words and Expressions,3. grief,n. a feeling of extreme sadness; trouble or difficulty (countable&uncountable),eg. Many fans,was in greif,after hearing the death of their favorite singer Michael Jackson .,Everyone in China was,in grief,when Sichuan encountered the terrible earthquake.,grieve,vt.,To cause to,be sorrowful; distress.,vi. To experience or express,gri,(- for),eg. Her husbands death grieved her.,She is still grieving for her dead husband.,New Words and Expressions,4. retreat,n. the act or process of withdrawing; a place affording peace, quiet, privacy, or security.,vi. To fall or draw back; withdraw or retire.,n. eg. Cheng De is a good,summer retreat,in He Bei.,eg. In the movie,Assembly, none of the soldiers retreated from the battle because they didnt heart the assembly.,New Words and Expressions,5.,rescue,vt. &n.,v. To set free, as from danger or imprisonment; save.,I was embarrassed as I couldnt answer teachers question; fortunately my partner,came to my rescue.,n. An act of rescuing,n. attributive. Often used to modify another noun:,a,rescue,team; a,rescue,mission.,救援队; 营救任务,New Words and Expressions,7.,magic,n.& a.,magical a. magic; unbelievable,magician,8.,distract,vt. Take ones mind/sb off sth,distract sb. from,eg .Nothing can,distract,me,from,playing the computer games., Children are easily,distracted.,New Words and Expressions,9.,Contemplate,vt.,To look at attentively and thoughtfully注视,She lay back on the grass to,contemplated,the high, blue sky.,To consider carefully and at length仔细、长久地考虑,Have in mind as an intention打算,contemplat,ion,n. contemplat,or,n.,contemplate,d,a. contemplat,ive,a.,预期的 沉思的,冥想的,New Words and Expressions,10.,blank,a.,1)Without writing,print or other marks,not filled in, vacant,eg. a blank sheet of paper, a blank page,2)expressionless, without understanding,eg. a blank face,New Words and Expressions,n.,An empty space or place; a void:,eg. During the exam my mind was a blank.,An empty space eg. a blank screen.,An empty space on a document to be filled . a blank questionnaire.,Containing no information; unrecorded or erased:,blank tape; a blank diskette.,New Words and Expressions,vi.,To become abstracted:走神:使分心,心不在焉:,eg. My mind blanked out for a few seconds.,To fade away:逐渐消失:,The music gradually blanked out.,New Words and Expressions,11.,unaccustomed,a. not used to sth; not usual,accustomed,a. regular; usual,customary,Prefix:,un-,Eg. uncommon, unconventional, unimportant (in front of adj.),undress, unlock, unburden, unmask, unman,( in front of v. and less often n.),New Words and Expressions,12.hesitantly adv.,adj.? vi.? n.?,hesitant,hesitate: To be slow to act, speak, or decide.,hesitance/hesitation/hesitancy,New Words and Expressions,13.Precaution n.,Pre-,:,earlier; before; prior to:preliminary:In advance: in front of:,eg.,preview, premature,Post-,eg. postwar, postgraduate,caution n.&v. cautious adj.,.,Vt. To advise to take heed; warn or admonish. (-sb to do),teacher,cautioned,him,against,being late.,New Words and Expressions,14.Plunge vi.&vt.&n. -into/in, begin (sth.) suddenly or hastily 突然或仓促地开始(某事), to push, jump, or rush suddenly or violently all the way into (sth. deep, thick, etc) 跳入;冲进;把插入, to bring or force suddenly into (the stated esp. unpleasant condition) 使陷入,e.g., The death of Michael Jackson,plunged,his fans,into,deep sorrow.,He,plunged into,the river to save the drowning man.,The country (was),plunged into,civil war after the death of the President.,New Words and Expressions,Overcome,(,often pass,.),(by, with),take control and influence ones behavior,eg. He,was overcome by grief,when hearing the bad news.伤心至极,Win a victory over; defeat,eg.,overcome,difficulties; 战胜困难,overcome,the shortcomings 克服缺点,It is not easy to,overcome,a bad habit.,over-,1),(with ns forming ns, vs, adjs and advs),above ,outside, across,overcoat, overhead,2),(used widely with ns, vs, adjs and advs),to excess, too much,overact overeat , overdrink,odd, (after numbers) a little more than the stated number,(在数字后)稍多于,以上的, strange; unusual,奇怪的;不寻常的, not part of a pair or set,(一双中)单只的;(一套中)单个的, not regular; occasional,不规则的;临时的, (of numbers) not even; not exactly divisible by two,(指数字)奇数的,odd,e.g.,There are 600 odd children in this school.,She wears rather odd clothes.,He is wearing odd socks.,He made a living by doing odd jobs.,1, 3, 5, and 7 are odd numbers.,Winston Churchill,Winston Churchill,Winston Churchill,1.,Who was Winston Churchill? What positions did he hold in the British government?,Conservative保守党 statesman, orator, and writer, noted for his leadership during World War II,Hold various posts both Conservative and Liberal government:,First Lord of the Admiralty, Chancellor of the Exchequer(财政大臣), Prime Minister,Winston Churchill,Writings:,The world Crisis, The Second World War, A History of the English-speaking Peoples,Won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1953,I have learned in my textbook an excellent speech from Churchill,Speech on Hitlers Invasion of the U.S.S.R.,关于希特勒入侵苏联的讲话,from,The Second Word War,Analysis of the text,Paragraph one- Paragraph two,Why he was depressed and began to paint?,Language points: begin ones love affair, be involved in, pay the price, be removed from, retire to, come to ones rescue,Analysis of the text,Paragraph three- Paragraph eleven,The course of learning painting,At the beginning:,Then :,At the end :,The function of painting for him:,Analysis of the text,Language points:,chance upon, try ones hand, work ones magic, from the day forward, be in love with, be delighted with, distract sb from, rush off, be filled with, turn out to be, plunge into, hit back, take refuge,Analysis of the text,Paragraph twelve and paragraph thirteen,Churchills following political life and his paintings.,Language points: struggle to do, awaken sb to do, date from to, keep sth/sb company,Sentence structure:,1.Past participle used as adv.,2. So it is & so is it,Analysis of the Text,1.Past participle used as adv. P15,2. So it is & so is it P15,Tasks,To mark the excellent sentences and clarify (at class, discuss in groups),Complete the related exercises,Preview text B,Exercises,老伴60多岁中风(stroke)时, 那位72岁的退休教授不胜悲痛。无人依靠的生活对他来说将是非常困难的。,When his wife,died of,a stroke,in her 60s,the 72-year-old,retired,professor was,overwhelmed by,grief. Life would be too difficult for him without anybody to,rely on.,Exercises,两位业余画家上个月在伦敦举办了一次个人画展。许多人前去参观,其中包括一些著名的专业画家。,Last month, two,amateur,painters held an exhibition of their pictures in London. Many people went to see it, including a few,celebrated,professionals.,Exercises,当20世纪80年代中期,7名宇航员在“挑战者”号的灾难中遇难时,全世界一下子陷入了震惊和悲痛之中。,When seven astronauts died in the Challenger,disaster,in the mid-1980s, it,plunged the whole world into,shock and grief.,Exercises,在结束了其第二次首相任期后,她仍积极参与政治事务。当政府遇到困难时, 她屡次前来帮忙。,After completing her second,prime ministry, she remained actively,involved in,political affairs. She,came to the rescue,several times when the government was in difficulty.,Exercises,大选失败之后,史密斯博士隐退到一个小村庄,在那里尝试耕作。,After his failure in the election campaign, Dr. Smith,retired to,a small village, where he,tried his hand at,farming.,只要你一辈子不停努力工作,你在回忆往事时就会感到心满意足的。,As long as,you keep working hard all your life, you will,recall,your past with,a glow of,satisfaction.,Exercises,我们必须唤醒人们认识到环境保护的重要性。否则,就为时太晚了。,We must,awaken,people,to,the importance of environmental protection, or it will be too late.,那位官员因卷入一件政治丑闻(scandal)而被撤职。如果早知道会落到这般地步,他当初也许就会以不同的方式行事了。,That official,was removed from,office for,being involved in,a political scandal.,Had he know this would happen, he might have acted differently,.,Test B Little Sister of the Poor,New words,Group discussion about,the article,Text B Little Sister of the Poor,Paragraph one: one- sentence introduction,(the theme) compared with the first sentence of text A,Expressions:,A will of iron, a heart of love,Text B Little Sister of the Poor,Paragraph two:,the Death of Mother Teresa (numbers of people went to mourn for her),Words and Expressions:,hospitalize, complain of , some,Text B Little Sister of the Poor,Paragraph three :,Mother Teresa was widely regarded as a living saint.,a comparison between she and the pope,Words and Expressions:,Living saint, transcent, as to, calling,Text B Little Sister of the Poor,Paragraph four to Paragraph ten:,What had she done for the needy?,Para. Four: teach slum children, comfort a dying woman, make her decision to help the needy,Words :,Stroke, vocation, minister to,Text B Little Sister of the Poor,Para. Five- Para. Ten: Her clinics were built around the world.,the development of her great career,At the beginning: only a hostel, neighborss complaining,Then : build new clinics,Her order developed fast.,Finally: her honors grew . She won the Nobel Prize for Peace,Text B Little Sister of the Poor,New words and important expressions:,convertto, object to, take over,number v. domestic violence, resolve,give way to, be identified with,Text B Little Sister of the Poor,Paragraph eleven: criticism about Mother Teresa,Advocates of womens right,Medical authority,Catholic church,8:509:00收音机调试,发答题卡,9:009:30作文(30min),9:30发试题册,9:309:45快速阅读(15min),9:4510:00收答题卡一(作文,快速阅读)最后的调试试音,准备听力(预览选项),10:0010:35听力(35min) 注:题目前没有指令,10:3511:30选词填空仔细阅读完型填空,翻译(5min),11:20全体起立,收答题卡二,


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