人教新目标七年级下册unit 6 It`s raining !period1课件43

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人教新目标七年级下册unit 6 It`s raining !period1课件43_第1页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 6,Its raining.,Sanhe Middle School,Joy Lu,Red,sun ,yellow,sun,Were having fun,Black,clouds ,white,clouds,Were milking cows,Big,rain ,small,rain,Were catching the train,Heavy,snow ,light,snow,Were staying at home,-Whats she doing?,-Shes playing computer games.,-Where ?,- ,-Whats he doing?,-Hes ,ing,.,-Where ?,-What is ?,-Hes ,-Whats ?,-Shes ,Whats ?,-She is,cook,ing.,-She is a,cook,(厨师),.,-What they ?,-They are run,n,ing.,-What ?,-Theyre,study,ing.,-How is the,weather,?,-It is,rain,ing.,on a,rain,y day,on a,snow,y day,-It is,snow,ing.,-How is the,weather,?,-,How,is the weather,in Hangzhou?,=,What,is the weather,like,in ,?,- It is sun,ny,.,plant,ing,trees,March 12th,The more trees, the better weather.,树越多,气候越好.,-Hows the weather,in ?,=,Whats the weather,like in ,?,- It is wind,y,.,Moscow,Paris,-Hows ? =,Whats,like ?,cloud,s,-It is cloud,y.,Boston,What do they mean?,sun,ny,cloud,y,wind,y,rain,y,snow,y,snow,ing,rain,ing,Unit 6 Its raining!,Its cloudy,Hows the weather in Shanghai ?,Match the words with the pictures.,1a,a,e,d,b,c,a,b,e,e,1b Listening,Toronto,Boston,Shanghai,Moscow,2a Listening,2,3,4,1,1._ Uncle Joe a. is playing computer games,2._ Jeff b. is cooking,3._ Mary c. is playing basketball,4._ Aunt Sarah d. is watching TV,2b Listening,c,b,a,d,-Hows the weather?,-Its,-Whats he doing?,-He,is,- Where,practice,hike,fly kites,have a school trip,take photos,Xiazhu Lake,have a picnic,boat,fish,watch birds,drink Hongdou Tea,A : It is sunny / (rainy )today .,We are having a school trip.,Look, (Lucy) is .,B: is ,C: and ,D: ,We are having great fun.,Group work,Dear pen pal ,I am very happy to write to you .,It is a,sunny,/,rainy,Friday today.,We are having a school trip to Xiazhu Lake .,Look , _,_,we are having great fun.,yours,Writing,GOOD BYE,


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