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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2018/10/8,#,听力,1. the origin of,2,. give a presentation,sell,out,no rush,ask for sick leave,within,walking distance (of sth),Ecology,majored in chemistry,Dropping out of college,Changing her,major,Ecology,have fast food delivered to my office,relatively,adv,be supposed to do,sth,give,sb a,ring,Lounge,in,touch,Its adequately equipped.,sympathetic.,C. Hes grateful,.,How education shaped his life,.,trade,n,A:,本文是一篇应用文,分别介绍了四种骑自行车游览华盛顿的活动。,Duration,where they blossom.,Reserve,your spot,before availability, and the cherry blossoms disappear,!,Knowledgeable guides,will entertain you with,the most interesting stories about Presidents, Congress, memorials, and parks,.,minimum effort,All riders,are equipped with,reflective vests and safety lights.,book in advance,B:,本文,是一篇新闻报道,介绍了,Susanna Reid,主持的烹饪节目,Save Money: Good Food,。这个节目旨在帮助家庭烹饪省钱、美味又营养的食物。,27.,Para1:,but,she is cooking up a storm in her latest role,showing families how to prepare delicious and nutritious meals,on a tight budget.,和,Para2: In,Save,Money:Good,Food, she visits,.,24.,B. She has started a new programme,.,25.,推理判断题 根据第二段,. with the help of chef Matt Tebbutt .,及第三段,I pay 5 for a portion, but Matt makes them for 26p a portion .,可推知厨师,Matt,帮助,Susanna,做一些烹饪方面的工作。,26.,C,写作目的题 根据第四段可知,Save Money: Good Food,这个节目仿效了,ITV,出品的节目,Save Money: Good Health,。由此可知,这里作者是想介绍,Save Money: Good Food,这个节目的背景信息。,C,:,本文是一篇说明文,主要讲述了随着人类社会的发展,很多语言逐渐消失。,28.,B,事实细节题 根据第一段第二句和第三句,,When the world was still populated by hunter-gatherers . they spoke perhaps 12,000 languages between them.,可知,在游猎采集时代,虽然人口很少,但语言种类很多。,词,义,猜测题,根据,第二段最后一句中的,increasingly,taking over,,意为“越来越占据统治地位”,可知,dominant,意为“占优势的;占支配地位的”,。,事实细节题,根据第三段最后一句,,The median number of speakers is a mere 6,000,which means that half the worlds languages are,spoken by fewer people than that.,以及第四段第一句中的,the total of 6,800,languages,31.,C,主旨大意题 通读全文,可知文章主要讲述随着人类社会的发展,语言的种类越来越少。,settled,increasingly,uneven,relatively,come and go,pattern of speech,independent,of,soon afterwards,compulsory education,take over,mild zones,D,32.,A,推理判断题 根据第一段最后一句,Thats bad news for the environment as these outdated devices consume much more energy than the newer ones that do the same things.,可知,做同样的事,过时的电子设备比新设备耗能更多。由此可推断,作者认为新设备更节能、更环保。,33. D,事实细节题,根据,第二段第一句,To figure out how much power these devices are using, ,可知,,Babbitt,的团队开展研究是为了查明新旧电子设备的耗能量,。,34. B,推理判断题,根据,最后一段,They found that more on-demand entertainment viewing on tablets instead of TVs and desktop computers could cut energy consumption by 44%.,可知,使用平板电脑观看娱乐节目比用电视或台式电脑能减少,44%,的能源消耗。由此可推断,四种电子设备中,平板电脑的耗能量是最少的。,35. A,推理判断题,作者,开篇提出观点:新电子设备比过时的旧设备更节能、更环保。之后又用,Babbitt,团队的研究证明自己的观点,文章的最后作者又再次强调具备多功能的新电子设备的确是更节能。由此可推断,作者建议人们不要再用过时的旧电子设备了。,We may think were a culture that gets rid of our worn technology,at the first sight of,something shiny and new.,句,意为:我们或许会认为自己有这样的习惯:一看见新科技产品就会扔掉我们在用的旧产品。, but the researchers also explored what would happen if consumers,replaced old products with new electronics,that serve more than one function, such as a tablet for word processing and TV viewing,.,句意为:,不过研究者还探讨了如果消费者把旧的产品替换为多功能的新电子设备会发生什么情况,例如可用来处理文字和看电视的平板电脑。,get rid of,go out of style,replace with,conduct the research,outdated,consume,track,vt,mine,accumulate,on-demand,Tablet,electricity consumption of the devices,七选五,38.,D,But good news is that therere really,only three kinds of decisions,you need to make about color in your home:,the small ones, the medium ones, and the large ones,.,且,该段中作者提到小物品如小靠垫、镜子、篮子等的颜色可以给房间带来视觉上的乐趣,以及其他好处。由此可知,本段介绍的是,small color choices,。,39. G,Color choices in this range are a step up from the small,ones in two,major ways,They require,a bigger commitment,than smaller ones, and they,have a more powerful effect on,the feeling of a space.,该,空下一句提到中等物品颜色的选择和小物品作比较的两个方面:一是花费,二是对空间感觉的影响。与选项,G,中的,two major ways,相呼应,。,完形填空,jump at sth,more than that,even,if,appealing,enough to,me,instructor,made it clear that,apply,what we would learn in class,to,our future professions,I managed to get an,A,well beyond,These words ring,true,Make good decisions,analyze a situation,evaluate the best move,评估最好的走法,reduce your risk of,63,(die) early by running.,Dying,It is more effective at, than,walking,All causes,Give,it/ running,a try,语法填空,语法填空,During my last winter holiday, I went to,countryside with my father,the,to visit my grandparents. I,find,a big change there. The first time I went,found,there, they were living in a small house with dogs, ducks, and,another,other,animals. Last winter when I went,here,again, they had a big separate house,there,to raise dozens of,chicken,. They also had a small,chickens,pond,which,they raised,in,或,where,fish. My grandpa said last summer they earned quite a lot by,sell,the fish. I,selling,felt,happily,that their life had improved.,happy,At,the end of our trip, I told my,father,that I planned to return,for,every two years,but,he agreed,. and,next/this/that/lat week,书面表达,Dear Terry,How are you doing these days? I hear youve been invited to dinner at your Chinese friends house. Here is some advice for you.,I strongly advise you to arrive 5 minutes earlier. You may take a gift with you, but it doesnt have to be something of great value. It makes sense to take some fruit.,Now youd better practice using chopsticks or tell your friend you need a knife and fork. As for where you should sit at the table, just listen to your friend. And dont be surprised if you are repeatedly asked to eat more, as it is considered good table manners in China,.,


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