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课时,3 Grammar,Unit 6 Caring for your health,牛津沪教版九年级下,答案呈现,6,7,8,B,D,9,10,B,11,12,13,if/whether; knew,when,;,will,14,15,where to,he; then,if/whether; would,A,A,1,2,3,why,that,4,5,how,whose,who,语法通关练,提示,:点击 进入习题,答案呈现,16,17,18,that,who,19,20,how,that,why,21,22,23,what,that,whether,能力提升练,一、选用合适的连接词填空。,1,. I dont know,_ (how/why),so,many people like,making friends with him,.,why,2. Do you know _ (whose/whos) shirt it is?,whose,3. I am sure _ (where/that) he will go to school tomorrow.,that,4. Can you tell me _ (when/who) was the first person to get to school this morning?,who,5. I really dont know _ (how/ where) I can do better.,how,二、单项选择。,6.【2021,成都,】 How wonderful the,school concert,is! I wonder,_our,school will,hold it,next year., Sure. Its our school tradition!,A. how,B,. if,C,.,where,B,7. Could you tell me _ we can start a conversation with a foreigner?, Talking about weather is a good choice.,A. how,B,. why,C,. where,D,.,when,【,点拨,】,从答语“谈论天气是一个好的选择”可知,发话者问的是与一个外国人开始会话的方式,应用,how,引导宾语从句。故选,A,。,A,8.【2021,天水,】Always tell your parents _ you are going and _ you are expected to be home.,A. what; where,B,. when; where,C. where; what,D,. where;,when,D,9.【2021,山西,】 Chinas womens soccer team beat Team South Korea on April 13th. I wonder _., They never gave up and fought to the last minute in the game.,A. how they won the game,B. why they played the game,C. where they played the,game,A,10.【2020,锦州,】Wow. Your dress is so beautiful. Could you tell me _?, Oh. I bought it in an online store.,A. when you bought it,B. where you bought it,C. how much you spent on it,D. how long you have had it,【,点拨,】,根据答语,:,是在网店买的,可知是问在哪买的,故选,B,。,B,三、按要求完成句子,每空一词。,11. Jeff asked his students, “Do you know it is important,to protect,the earth,?”,(,改为复合句,),Jeff asked his,students_ they,_,it was important to protect the earth,.,if/whether knew,12. He said, “I am living with a British family now.”,(,改为复合句,),He said that _ was living with a British family _,.,he,then,13. When will Ms. Zhu leave? I dont know.,(,改为复合句,),I dont know _ Ms. Zhu _ leave,.,when,will,14. “Will the expo be held in Shanghai?” Olivia asked her secretary.,(,改为复合句,),Olivia asked her secretary,_,the expo,_,be held in Shanghai,.,if/whether would,15.【2020,南通,】The teachers are still talking about where they will hold the concert.,(,改为简单句,),The teachers are still talking about _ _,hold the concert.,where to,四、用适当的连接词补全短文,。,(,荣德原创,),Many people have suffered from stress. They,have been,so worried 16 _,they,have a headache or even,cant sleep,at night. They worry so much about something,that the,bad feelings in their mind make them angry, sad,or scared, or even give them a stomachache or a headache,.,that,Most people may think 17_ stress is a serious matter. However, some kinds of stress is good. Stress might happen to those 18_ are called to give a speech at school. You feel nervous but excited. This kind of stress can help you to get things well done, which can explain 19_ you do a better job in your test if the stress pushes you to prepare more ahead.,that,who,why,On the other hand, bad stress can last long if you dont know 20_ to solve your problems. You may not feel well if your parents have a quarrel or if anything else makes you unhappy. That kind of stress actually lets you do worse in your daily life. You may wonder 21_ the best way is to fight the stress. It matters most 22_ you have a balanced life or not.,how,what,whether,To cancel out stress, youd better make sure 23_ you get enough sleep and eat properly. Have some regular exercise. Get advice from your parents, teachers and friends. Soon after that, youll probably get away from your stress.,that,


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