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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2018/7/14,#,Professor,Bilveer Singh,grades,hundreds of,papers,each year. In every group, he says, there are always a few,that are less than,original,.,Nowadays, the,suspect,source,is usually the Internet. “Ive caught students,quoting,paragraph after paragraph,” says Singh. “But they are getting smarter.”,Hence,the rise of A and A or “,alteration,and,amendment,”: cutting a sentence here, pasting(,粘贴,) a,phrase,there,all the while,using the,on-screen terms,to,replace,complicated,words,with,age-appropriate,ones.,For all its,benefits, the rise of technology in the classroom has made it,far easier,for students to,cheat,and,get away with,it. In the,pre-wired,days,plagiarism,meant carefully copying,paragraphs,out of the books; today, kids can simply find the text, copy and paste a much simpler and,neater,process. The practice is becoming,popular,around the globe. According to a,survey,by the Josephson,Institute,for,Ethics,74% of U.S. high-school,students,cheated,in 2002. (“And those are just the ones,admitting,it.” says the Institutes Terry Harrison.),Fortunately, the same,technology,that makes it so easy for students to cheat,is aiding,teachers in catching them. The most popular,antiplagiarism,service,Turnitin. com,compares,a students term paper,with,everything on the Internet,as well as,to Ts own,database of papers,. (Of course, as many teachers know, Google, another,well-known,search engine company, works pretty well, too.),T,has users in 51 countries; in Britain, nearly all 700 public,universitie,s have,signed up,for the service.,Educator,s are trying to,upgrade,their,inclass,measures,as well,.,Experts,say teachers should make it more difficult for students to “,cut and paste,” by changing the,assignment,every year and requiring more analysis than,description,. And teachers shouldnt,assume,that kids even know what,plagiarism,is, as many just arent,taught,how to,source or reference,properly. But even when they know better, kids might do the same under the,heavy academic pressure,and time limits they face.,Critics,blame,parents and educators for,emphasizing,results over,academic honesty,.,1. The “A and A”,phenomenon,mentioned,in paragraph 1,summarizes,_,A. the,progress,of the,digital,age B. the application of the Internet,C. the rise of computer technology D. the new features of,cheating,in schools,2. The expression “the pre-wired days” in paragraph 2 refers to the time before _.,A. electricity was used B. the computer was widely used,C. the wire was invented D. the radio and television came into being,3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?,A. The rise of computer technology makes it easier to cheat in the classroom.,B. Teachers are trying to find new measures to check cheating in schools.,C. Computer technology can be used to find out the cheating of students.,D. Teachers are praised for their emphasis on students academic results.,4. The last two paragraphs are mainly concerned with _,A. the importance of academic honesty,B. some measures to fight against plagiarism,C. some well-known search engine companies,D. experts suggestions on anti-plagiarism,比尔维尔辛格教授每年都要,批改,几百份论文。他说,在每一组中,总会有一些缺少,原创,。现在,,可疑的来源,通常是互联网。辛格说:“我发现学生们,一段又一段,地,引用,。”“但他们正变得越来越聪明。“,因此,的,A,和,A,的增加或“,变更和修改,”,:,这里剪切一个句子,那里粘贴一个短语,同时使用,适龄的荧屏术语,来取代,复杂,的单词。,尽管它带来了诸多,好处,,但在课堂上,技术的兴起让学生们更容易作弊,并,侥幸逃脱,。在,前连线时代,,,剽窃,意味着要小心地将段落从书中复制出来,;,今天,孩子们可以简单地找到文本、复制和粘贴,一个更简单、,更简洁,的过程。这种,做法,在全球范围内,流行起来,。根据约瑟夫森道德研究所的一项调查,在,2002,年,,74%,的美国高中生作弊。(“而那些只是承认这一点的人。”该研究所的,Terry Harrison,说。),幸运的是,,使得学生们很容易作弊同样的技术,这,有助于,老师们抓住他们。最受欢迎的,反剽窃,服务,,Turnitin,。将学生的学期论文与互联网上的所有东西,进行比较,以及,T,自己的论文数据库,。(当然,正如许多教师所知道的那样,另一家知名的搜索引擎公司谷歌也表现得相当不错。),T,拥有,51,个国家的用户,;,在英国,几乎所有,700,所公立大学都,报名参加,了这项服务。这教育工作者也在努力,升级,他们的,课中措施,。专家们说,老师们应该让学生们每年都要通过改变任务来阻止“剪切和粘贴”,并且要求更多的分析而不是描述。老师们不应该,假设,孩子们甚至知道剽窃是什么,因为很多人只是不知道如何正确地,获取或引用,。但即使他们知道得更好,孩子们也会在他们面临的沉重的学术压力和时间限制下做同样的事情。,批评人士,指责,家长和教育工作者,强调,结果而不是,学术上的诚实,。,DBDB,


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