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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,#,国泰饭店客房,部文员英语,培训,PPT,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,*,0,#,管理培训生课题报告,袖珍,13,客房服务中心,0/,总机,947,工程(水工),949,工程(电工),946,库房,/,布草房,Marvin Liu,Presents,1,内线:客房服务中心,内线:您好!,服务中心,/,总机!,Operator, may I help you?,叫醒服务,借,物相关,维修相关,客,衣送洗,Mirror,镜子,Toilet Paper,卫生纸,Bathrobe,浴袍,Towel,毛巾,Follow Me,!,词汇热身,Dial,13,2,Safe Box,保险箱,Remote Control,遥控器,Bed Cover,床罩,Quilt,被子,Basic,Vocabulary,Internet Cable,网线,Mineral,Water,矿泉水,Whatre these,?,3,Hair,Dryer,吹风机,Ashtray,烟灰缸,Tissue,纸巾,Closet,壁橱,Bed Side Table,床头柜,Electric,Kettle,电热,水壶,Whatre those,?,Basic Vocabulary,Whatre those,?,4,考考你,国泰饭店客房主要客用品配备,Hanger,衣架,h,Comb,梳子,Body Lotion,润肤露,Body,Towel,浴巾,bdi taul,Toothpaste,牙膏,tu:,peist,Shaver/Razor,剃须刀,*国泰套间配备,*明星套间配备,Slipper,拖鞋,slip,5,下,列物品,需要在,“,客人借用物品登记表”,上,做记录,Pillow,枕头,Adaptor For,ipad,苹果电源适配器,*客人有需求,Universal,C,harger,万能充,Scissors,剪刀,Patch,B,oard,接线板,Iron,电熨斗,*饭店共有,5,台,Iron,Board,电熨斗板,*须和熨斗同,时送到客房,6,叫醒服务,Wake-up,Service,酒店住店客人的叫醒受理:,1,、,May I have your name and your room,number,please?,能告诉我您的姓名和房号吗,?,2,、,Could you tell me what time would you like to get up,?,/,May I know your,wake-up,call time,,,please,?请问您需要什么时间的叫醒,?,3,、,May I repeat your room number and the time ,sir,/ madam ?,我重复一遍您的房号和叫醒时间,好吗?,7,Wake-up Call Service,Staff,:,Operator, may I help you?,您好,,总机,,很高兴为您服务!,Guest,:,Id like to make a morning call at 06:45, and then 06:55 call me again.,我,想要个明天早上,06,:,45,分叫醒服务,然后,06,:,55,分再叫我一次。,Staff,:,Certainly, madam,.,Your room number is 5003, and you need twice,wake-up,call,service, the first time is at 06:45 and the second time is at 06:55, all right,?,好的,,小姐,您的房间号是,5003,,您需要两次叫醒服务,第一次叫醒时间,是,06,:,45,分,第二,次叫醒时间是,06,:,55,分,对吗?,Guest,:,You are quiet right, please dont forget it, I have to go to the airport tomorrow.,对,极了,请不要忘记,我明天还要去机场。,Staff,:,Please set your heart at rest, well call you on time.,请,您放心,我们将会准时叫醒您的。,Guest,:,Thank,you.,谢谢你。,Staff,:,Have a good sleep.,晚安,。,D,ialogue,8,淋浴,喷头,S,hower,水龙头,Faucet,Toilet Bowl,马桶,Dialogue:,Blocked Toilet,马桶堵了,Operator:,Operator. May I help you?,Anna:,Yes, there seems to be something,wrong with the toilet.,Operator:,Ill send someone to,repair it right,now. And may I have your name,and room number, please?,Anna:,Anna from Room 3018.,Operator:,I see, wait a moment, please.,Anna:,OK, thanks a lot.,客人拨打,13,反映问题,服务中心做好报修记录,文员拨打,947,通知水工前去维修,9,Dialogue:,The Air Conditioner Doesnt Work,Switch,开关,Lora:,This is Lora from Room 2004, Im afraid that,the heating system doesnt work. Its very cold here.,Room service:,Did you switched on the air conditioner?,Lora,:,Yes. I switched it on an hour ago, but the room is,still very cold now.,Room service:,Were terribly sorry for that. Well send our,staff to fix it now. Or do you want to change your room?,Lora:,I prefer not to move.,Room service:,What else can I do for you?,Lora:,Ah, Im afraid theres something wrong with the TV.,The picture is wobbly.,Room service:,I see. Ill send an electrician to fix it right now.,客人拨打,13,反映问题 服务中心做好报修记录 文员拨打,949,通知电工前去维修,10,Dialogue,客人拨打,13,(客房服务中心)咨询洗衣相关事宜,文员用对讲机呼叫楼层服务员上门收取客衣并送交布草房,946,(布草房)来电通知文员做好当日和次日应回客衣记录,待洗衣厂送回客衣后文员通知夜班服务员将洗衣送到客人房间,Operator:,Operator. May I help you?,Guest:,Yes, I have a laundry.,Operator:,May I have your room number?,Guest:,Six-Zero-Three-Five.,Operator,:,OK, I see. Please put your dirty clothes in the laundry bag,and I ll send someone right up to fetch your laundry immediately.,Guest:,By the way, could you tell me how long will it take to have my,laundry done?,Operator:,It takes,about twelve,hours to wash your laundry.,For quicker service, please tick “RUSH SERVICE”,but it will have a fifty percent additional charge.,Guest:,Twelve hours is ok. Thank you very much.,Operator:,Youre welcome.,11,Dialogue,:,Doing,Laundry,Housekeeping:,Housekeeping. May I come in?,Addison:,Yes, Id like to have this laundry done, please.,Housekeeping:,Could you fill out the laundry form, please? Its in the drawer.,Addison:,Oh, I see. Ill do that then.,Housekeeping:,Thank you, sir. By the way, could you tell me how to wash,your sweater?,Addison:,Well Id like this sweater washed by hand in cold water. It might,shrink otherwise.,Housekeeping:,By hand in cold water. I understand, sir.,服务员:您好,服务员。我可以进来吗?,爱迪生:请进,这些衣服要洗。,服务员:请您填写洗衣单,就放在抽屉里。,爱迪生: 哦,好的。,服务员:谢谢您,先生。顺便问一下,您的毛衣该怎么洗?,爱迪生:哦,这件毛衣要用冷水手洗,否则可能会缩水。,服务员:用冷水手洗,我明白了,先生。,对话场景:,楼层,服务员收取洗衣,12,外线:,总机,0 / 65683366,电话铃响三声接起,,,分别用中英文,清晰报出酒店名称:,您好,!北京国泰饭店!,Gotel Capital Hotel. May I help you?,转接分机,电话占线,无人接听,转入客房,长途电话,指路相关,国泰定制,13,Transferring Calls,转接电话,转接时,,对,来电方要说:,请,稍等!,Hold on ,please !,Ill switch you to Room,4025.,我,马上给,您,转,接,4025,房间,。,总机,接线员转接电话用语。“,switch”,字面意思是“开关”,这里引申为“转接”。,What number are you calling?,问,客人需要转接的号码是多少,,,若是,找人的电话,就,问:,Who,would you like to talk to,?,请问,受话人姓名?,Could you hold the line, please?,请,稍等一会好吗,?“,hold the,line,”,是常用的电话用语,表示“别挂断电话”。,14,The lines busy,电话,占线,电话,占线,时,要对客人说:,对不起,电话占线,请您稍后再拨。,Sorry,the line is,busy. Please,call back later!,Dialogue:,Staff,:,Gotel Capital Hotel. May,I help you?,您好,,北京国泰饭店,,请问有什么可以帮您?,Guest,:,Yes, I would like to speak to Rita,Hong.,我想找一下丽,塔,.,洪小姐,。,Staff,:,May I have the room number, please?,请问房间号码是多少?,Guest,:,5015.,Staff,:,Ill put you,through, sir. Sorry, the,line is busy.,我帮您接过去,先生。不好意思先生,电话占线。,Guest,:,Well,Ill call back later.,呃,,我等一下再打来。,Staff,:,Thank you for calling.,谢谢,您的来电。,15,Nobody,answer,无人,接听,Staff,:,Gotel Capital Hotel. May I help you?,您好,,北京国泰饭店,请问有什么可以帮您?,Guest,:,Yes, I,want to connect to room,6001,Mr. Ben.,帮,我,接通,6001,房,,本先生。,Staff,:,Certainly, madam. May I have your name, please?,好的,,夫人,请问您贵姓?,Guest,:,Angela, his wife.,安吉拉,,他的妻子。,Staff,:,Wait a moment, please Mrs. Angela. Ill transfer,you.,Sorry,to keep you waiting. Mrs. Angela, there is no,answer,would,you like to leave a message?,请,稍等,安吉拉夫人,我帮您,转接,,不好意思让您久等了,,,安吉拉夫,人,电话没有人接听,请问您需要留言吗?,Guest,:,Yes. Please tell him to call me back tonight at,10:00.,好的,,请告诉他今晚,10,:,00,回我电话。,Staff,:,Let me repeat it (repeat the message), ,Is,that all right?,我,重复一,次,,,,对吗?,Guest,:,Yes, you are quite right. Thank you.,是,的,谢谢你。,Staff,:,You are welcome.,不用客气。,Dialogue,16,转入,客房,A,、 请问您找那位?,Who would you like to speak to,?,B,、 对不起,没有这个姓名的客人。,Sorry , theres no guest with that,name.,C,、 您能告诉我他是住客还是访客?,Excuse me for asking but is he a visitor or a hotel guest?,17,Long distance call &,International call (IDD),Staff:,Good afternoon. Operator,.,How can I help you?,下午好!总机,能为您效劳吗?,Guest:,Good afternoon. Id like to call my friend. He is staying in main building of the hotel. Could you put me through?,下午好!我想打电话给住在酒店主楼的朋友,你可以帮我转接吗?,Staff:,For room-toroom calls, please dial the room number directly. There is no charge for house calls.,房与房之间互打请直接拨房间号即可,房间之间互打电话是免费的。,Guest:,Thank you for the information. By the way, how shall I get through to a client in another hotel of the city?,谢谢你,顺便问一下,请问如何拨打本市的另一间酒店的电话呢?,Staff:,please dial,8,first and then the number.,请先,拨,8,,,然后再拨电话号码。,Guest:,I see. Well, what about phone calls outside the city? Id like to call Guangzhou.,那外地电话又是怎么打呢?我想拨打广州的电话。,Staff:,For calls outside the city, please dial,8 first,and then the area code and the number.,打外地电话,请先,拨,8,,,再拨区号和电话号码。,Guest:,How can I make an international call?,请问国际电话又是怎么打呢?,Staff:,The country codes are listed in the Service Directory in your room. Please dial,8,before the country code,and then,dial the area code and the number.,打国际长途电话,请先,拨,8,、,再拨国家号码、区域号码和电话号码。另外所有国家的区号代码在您房间内的服务指南里都有标注。,Guest:,I see. Thank you very much.,我知道了,谢谢你。,Staff:,Youre welcome, sir. Thank you,for calling,.,不客气,,谢谢来电。,18,为,客人指路常用英语,Route 1 (From West):,Follow,JianGuomen Avenue leading to the east, pull into the side road at the second traffic light. Then drive down to the side road, turn right when you see Bao Steel,Building,turn left when you see No.119 Middle School at the end of the street. Gotel Capital is after approximate 100 meters, just opposite to the south gate of LG Building.,Route 2 (From East):,Follow,North Tonghuihe Avenue, drive down to the side road , turn right when you see YongAnli Middle Rd, then go down the street and then turn right, our hotel is after around 200 meters passing No.119 Middle School, just opposite to the south gate of LG Building.,19,国泰定制,常见问题,Theres no Wi-Fi in the room, internet cable connection only .,The Wi-Fi is available only in the lobby,and Share Space,on each floor.,Our,hotels,Wi-Fi name is ceng/,GOTEL, and it doesnt need a password.,At Gotel,breakfast buffet,starts at half past,six in the morning and,finishes at ten oclock a.m.,GOTEL CAPITAL,is neither a starred,hotel nor a,budget,hotel.,Its actually,a,boutique,hotel, and,we,are sure you will enjoy,your stay here.,20,


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