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Unit 2,Knives and forks are used for most Western food.,外研版九年级下,Module 6,Eating together,1,2,3,4,词汇串新知,提示,:点击 进入习题,5,答案呈现,West,Knives,cut,spoon,wings,6,7,polite,served,答案呈现,课文对对碰,一,答案呈现,课文对对碰,1,三,2,3,Watch the other people. Do as they do.,It means “to follow their customs when you are in foreign countries”.,1,D,二,2,3,4,A,B,C,Knives and forks.,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,轻松夯基础,5,11,12,13,14,15,答案呈现,gentlemen,wings,similar,ladies,cross/angry,D,C,C,A,C,is made from,any more,has been over,at the end of,is expected to,16,17,18,19,20,快乐做阅读,答案呈现,B,C,A,C,D,21,22,23,24,D,B,A,B,25,C,26,27,28,B,D,D,根据短文内容及所给中文提示,在空白处写出,单词,的正确,形式,(,每空限填一词,),。,There are many differences between Eastern,and Western,meals. If you are invited to a foreign meal,the rule,is: Watch the other people. Do as they do. So,when you,eat in the,_1 (,西方,) ,do as Westerners do.,West,_2(,刀,) and forks are used for most Western food. Food is often held with the fork and _ 3(,切,) with the knife. Soup is eaten with a _ 4(,勺子,) .,However, there is some food which you can eat with your fingers, such as chicken _ 5(,翅膀,) and hamburgers.,Knives,cut,spoon,wings,Remember that it is _ 6(,礼貌的,) if you say that you enjoy every dish when it is served, and that you have enjoyed the food at the end of a meal.,If you are invited to dinner by Western friends, you will be expected to stay and talk after the last dish is _ 7(,端上来,) . And it is impolite if you leave as soon as you finish eating.,polite,served,一、速读,Activity 2,,将下列标题与相关段落配对。,Para. 2,Para. 3,Para. 4,Para. 5,Para. 6,Methods of eating,Mealtimes,Things to say and do at the end of a meal,Things you say when you are offered food,Things to say at the start of a meal,二、细读,Activity 2,选择正确答案。,1. When do people usually have lunch in Spain?,A. At 12 pm.B. At 1 pm.,C. At 2 pm.D. At 3 pm.,2. What is often used to cut most Western food?,A. A knife.B. A fork.,C. A spoon.D. A pair of chopsticks.,D,A,3. What is often held in your left hand during a Western meal?,A. A knife. B. A fork.,C. A spoon. D. A pair of chopsticks.,4. Which of the following isnt/arent finger food?,A. Chicken wings. B. Hamburgers.,C. Chicken soup. D. Chips.,B,C,三、 速读,Activity 2,回答下列问题。,1. What tableware(,餐具,) is,used for most Western food,?(,不,超过,5,个,词,),_,2. When a Chinese eats Western food, whats the best,rule according,to the writer,?(,不,超过,10,个,词,),_,Knives and forks.,Watch the other people. Do as they do.,3. What does the title “Do as the Romans do” mean,in your,idea,?(,不,超过,15,个,词,),_,_,It means “to follow their customs when you are in foreign countries”.,一、根据汉语提示写出单词。,1. In the hall there are three,_ (,先生,) talking,.,2. The bird has a long tail and a pair of,beautiful,_,(,翅膀,) .,3. The two words have the _,(,相似的,) meaning.,gentlemen,wings,similar,4. This watch is very popular with _ (,女士们,) .,5. Tina got so _ (,生气的,) when she heard the unbelievable news.,ladies,cross/angry,二、单项选择。,6. In some rural areas of China, free breakfasts,_ every,morning now.,A. serve,B,. serves,C. is served,D,. are,served,D,7.【2021,湘潭,】As is known to all, the 2022,Winter Olympics _ in,China.,A. is,held,B,. will hold,C,. will be,held,C,8,. All eggs look similar _,one,another, but,there arent,two eggs which are the same _,each other,.,A. to,; to,B,. as; as,C,. to; as,D,. as; to,C,9.【2021,包头昆都仑区期末,】,_ Here, we,are in,India, so why not try the Indian food?,A. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.,B. No pain, no gain.,C. Youre never too old to learn.,D. Practice makes perfect.,A,10. Im sorry to break your cup.,_.,A. Here you are,B,. Good luck,C. Never mind,D,. Help yourself,C,三、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。,11. (,易,错,题,),会议结束十分钟了。,The meeting,_,_ _,for ten minutes,.,has been over,12,.,我们应该节约用纸,因为纸是由木头做成的,。,We should save paper, because,it _,_ _,wood.,is made,from,13,.,我已经吃了足够多的面包,再也吃不下了。,I have had enough bread and cannot,eat,_,_.,any more,14,.,那家饭店在这条马路的尽头。,That restaurant,is,_ _ _ _,this,road,.,at the end of,15,.,我们,队有望在足球比赛中获得冠军。,Our team _ _ _,win the championship,of the football match.,is expected to,四、完形填空。,Manners are important to happy relations,among people,. No one,_16,a person with bad manners. A,_17 with,good manners never laughs at people when they,are in,trouble,.,16,. A. thinks,B,.,likes C,. hates,D,. finds,17,. A. boy,B,.,girl C,. person,D,. people,B,C,【,点拨,】,句意:没有人喜欢教养不好的人。故选,B,。,Instead, he,_18,to help them. When he,asks for,something, he says “Please”. And when he,receives something, he,_19,says “Thank you,”.,18,. A. tries,B.,needs C,. has,D,. enjoys,19,. A. never,B,.,sometime,C,. usually,D,. hardly,A,C,【,点拨,】,句意:相反,他努力帮助他们。结合动词,to do,的结构,故选,A,。,He does,not interrupt (,打断,),_20,people when they are talking.,He does,not talk loudly or laugh loudly,_21,public.,When he,sneezes or spits,(,吐痰,) , he will use a handkerchief,.,20,. A. every,B,.,some C,. another,D,. other,21,. A. on,B,.,at C,. of,D,. in,D,【,点拨,】,other people,表示“其他人”。,D,【,点拨,】,考查固定搭配:,in public,公开地,当众。,If he,is late for school, he,_22,make an apology to,the teacher,either at the time,_23,after class,.,22,. A. should,B,.,will C,. could,D,.,may,23,. A. or,B,.,nor C,. and,D,. but,B,A,【,点拨,】,考查词组,eitheror,要么,要么,,,故选,A,。,He never,asks _24,questions which make you uncomfortable.,Remember: Try to be a man with good,_25 .,24,. A. polite,B,.,impolite,C,. possible,D,. impossible,25,. A. ways,B,.,hearts,C,. manners,D,. tempers,B,C,五、阅读理解。,【2021,德州改编,】,26. What does “this” in Paragraph 3 refer to?,A. Fast food is delicious.,B. Fast food restaurants are cool.,C. People enjoy fast food.,D. Fast food can cause health problems.,请同学们看,点拨训练,第,44,页原文。,D,【,点拨,】,原句为:,In spite of(,尽管,),this, why are fast food restaurants so attractive(,吸引人的,)?,根据上一句,And studies have shown that burgers and fried chicken, which we enjoy so much, can cause a lot of health problems.,可知答案。,27. According to the passage, ads about fast food _.,A. show you all the facts,B. dont tell you the whole truth,C. make it hard to buy fast food,D. make fast food restaurants out of date,B,【,点拨,】,根据原文第四段中句子,A lot of clever ads(,广告,) have made them the coolest places in town, but none of them has ever told and will never tell you that too much fast food is not good for your health.,可知答案。,28. The author advises _.,A. making the service of fast food faster,B. resisting fast food restaurants,C. changing tastes of fast food,D. making fast food good for health,D,【,点拨,】,根据原文最后一段中句子,Therefore, instead of resisting(,抵制,)fast food restaurants, a better idea may be to persuade(,说服,) them to change their menu!,可知答案。,


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