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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,英汉翻译之,“表”与“里”,1,所谓表与里,就是指语言表象及其内涵。在翻译过程中译者应由表及里,表里结合,全面分析,译出文字深层的含义。也就是说要深入原作,尽可能地译出原文字里行间的寓意(between the lines), 文字背后的精神(behind the lines)以及言外之意(beyond the lines).,2,一, 正确处理字里行间的寓意:,译出字里行间的寓意就是要充分全面地把握词在原文语言语境中的确切交际意义。,1,密切联系上下文与情景:,翻译时不盲目照搬词典,而是根据上下文确定该词特有的交际作用。,3,-lets have coffee out in a little caf by the market.,-Oh,please!,After that leaden meal?,-咱们出去到市场旁边的小咖啡馆里喝咖啡吧。,-啊,,算了。,吃了那种劣质的饭菜,还去喝什么咖啡呀?,4,H-See to them bags afore someone grabsem. I will get a porter.,W-What do you want with a porter?,H-For the baggage.,W-We managed fine till now,thank you!,How much cashve we got to waste?,H-Youre right. I am rotten about money.,5,-看着包,别让别人拿走。我去找个搬运工。,-找搬运工干什么呀?,-搬行李呀!,-没有搬运工不是也坚持到现在了吗?算了吧!你有多少钱可以浪费呀?,-你说的对。我这个人花钱真没数。,6,Never have I thought brush and heart have so failed each other.,我从未想到过这样笔不从心。,“Since she left, I have done the cooking and baked the cakes, but mine are never as good as hers.” “,Nonsense, my dear, I dont think Lissies cakes were any better than yours,” said Mr. Priestly,loyally.,7,“她走以后由我来做饭和烤饼,不过我烤得饼没有她烤得好吃。”,“,哪儿的话,,亲爱的,我可不觉得你做的比莉希差,”普里斯特利,认认真真地,说。,8,I have no pity, I have no pity. The more the worms writhe, the more I yearn to crush out their entrails! It is a,moral teething,and I grind with greater energy, in proportion to the increase of pain.,我没有怜悯,我没有怜悯,虫子越扭动,我越想挤出它们的内脏!这是一种,精神上的出牙,!它越是痛,我就越要使劲磨。,我才不讲怜悯呢!我才不讲怜悯呢!虫子越是扭动,我就越恨不得挤出它们的内脏!,这种心理作用,就像出牙一样,,越觉得痛,我就磨得越起劲。,9,I spent most of the day in a,mental fog,wondering aimlessly through crowds of laughing , happy people.,我精神迷惘,在欢笑的人群中毫无目的地闲逛,消磨了差不多一整天。,10,When the lady ticket-seller saw me, her,otherwise,attractive face turned sour, violently so.,当女售票员看见我时,她,那在其他情况下,还挺妩媚的面孔突然变色,变得怒气冲冲。,女售票员一见到我,,原本,颇为动人的面孔刷地一沉,变得煞是难看。,11,I believe then that I would die there, and I saw with a,terrible clarity,the things of the valley below.,这时我觉得我要死在那儿了,而且,清晰可怕地,看见了下面山谷里的景物。,这时我觉得我要死在那儿了,而下面山谷里的景致却看得,异常清晰,。,12,I wonder how she would feel if she learned that the Negro before whom she had behaved in such an unlady-like manner was,habitually,a white man.,我心想:她在一个黑人面前表现得这样没有淑女风度,如果她得知这个黑人,习惯上,是个白人时,不知她会有什么感觉。,我心想:在一个黑人面前表现得如此有失淑女风范,她若得知这个黑人,其实,是个白人时,不知作何感想。,13,His,snorting,response was,interrupted by,the arrival of a much older man wearing a warm,Christmas,smile.,他,刚露出一副不屑一顾的模样,就过来,一位年纪比他大的多的人,满脸喜气洋洋的过节神情。,14,I have read your article, I expected to meet an older man.,我读过你的文章,想不到你这样年轻。,15,By comparison with the narrow, ironclad days of fathers, there was an,expansiveness, I thought, in the days of mothers. They went to see neighbors, to shop in town, to run errands at school, at the library, at church.,跟父亲那种狭窄的,、,一成不变的,日子相比,我觉得母亲的日子过得比较,阔绰,。她们去看望邻居,上城里买东西,到学校,、图书馆、教堂办事情。,跟父亲的那种狭窄、,紧张的,生活相比,我觉得做母亲的日子过得比较,宽松自在,。她们上邻居家串门,去城里买东西,到学校,、图书馆和教堂跑跑腿儿。,16,2,注意一些特殊的语言现象;,1),反语的真实含义与字面含义恰好相反,所以不能只照字面翻译。,“big help you are!”,你真帮大忙了!,你倒会帮忙啊!,“you are a good friend indeed!”,我算知道了,,你可真是一个好朋友!,17,2),委婉的意义比较隐晦,有时照字面翻译会给译文读者带来理解上的困难。在这种情况下,不如直接了当将其隐含意义译出。,rest house 精神病院,enhanced radiation device 原子弹,to have uncontrolled contact with the ground,飞机失事,social disease 花柳病(性病),18,3),习语、俚语等英语中惯用表达的意义绝非字面意义的简单叠加。翻译时切不可望文生义。,“You do the washing-up and I will put the baby to bed!”,“Right, it is a,bargain!”,“你洗碗刷锅,我哄孩子上床。”,“好,,就这样吧!,”,19,Boy, was she stacked?,乖乖,她怎么胖成这样了?,Be careful how you live it up; you may never live it down.,不要那样纵欲放荡,也许你永远不能改变人们对你的印象。,Of the 20 students who have started on the course, two at least seem unlikely to make the grade.,在学习本课程的20名学生中,至少2名难以达到标准。,A business must,stay in the back,to keep up.,一个企业必须盈利才能维持下去。,20,Last winter, Stanfords new e-commerce elective was the hottest thing on the business schools campus, with 28 students using their single “,silver bullet,” to secure one of the 66 available spots.,去年冬天,斯坦福大学新开设的电子商务选修课成为商学院最热门的课程,28名学生使出了各自的,“银弹”,?,以求在66个听课席中争得一席。,21,二,重视文字背后的精神:,重视文字背后的精神,就是充分理解和把握,作者,或,作品中讲话人,借自己的,作品,或,言语,所表达的热爱与憎恨,冷漠与同情,支持与反对,命令或请求等感情和态度,在译文中如实地,恰如其分地表达出来。,22,Some public officials,make nice to,politicians they cannot stand because they need their good will.,有些当官的对那些他们吃不消的政客不得不,哄着、拍着,,因为这些人开罪不得。,23,24,译者在翻译句子的过程中,还要注意传达好原文的语气。,英语表示语气的语言符号,一是ah, eh, oh, hum, m, alas, ha, well 之类的叹词,一是“?” “!”之类的标点;但跟汉语不同的是,英语没有汉语所具有的那种,附在句末,的语气词。,25,汉语的语气助词大致有三类:,陈述语气词:了,罢了,而已,呢(呐),啦等。,疑问语气词:吗,呢,吧,么等。,祈使语气词:吧,呀,啊等。,初学翻译的人往往忽视汉语语气词的运用;在译文中恰当增补语气助词可以使译文增色添彩。,26,Dont take it seriously. It is only a joke.,不要认真,嘛,!这不过是个玩笑,而已,。,We think we have freed our slaves, but we have not. We just call them by a different name.,我们自以为奴隶已经解放了,实际上并没有。我们只不过用一种不同的名字来称呼他们,罢了,。,27,but to almost everybody she was a fine and picturesque country girl,and no more.,.不过,几乎在每一个人看来,她只不过是一个标致如画的乡下姑娘,而已。,“,my dear Mr. Bennet,” replied his wife, “how can you be so tiresome! You must know that,I am thinking of his marrying one of them.”,,,我正在琢磨他娶她们中的一个做太太,呢,。“,28,Then what? well, mankind is not doing very good job of running the earth right now. maybe, when the time comes, we ought to step,gracefully,aside and hand over the job to someone who can do it better.,那时候会怎样呢?对了,,人类现在也没有做好管理地球的工作。也许到了那个时候,我们应该,优雅地,让到一边,把工作交给更能干的去做。,到那时候会怎样呢?唉,,反正人类现在也没有做好管理地球的工作。也许到那时候,我们真应该,豁达大度地,让到一边,把工作交给更为称职的去做。,29,三,考虑言外之意:,一般说来,会话遵守合作原则(principle of cooperation),即有问必有答,有要求必有反应,有命令必有行动。这种情况下,不难理解不难翻译;,30,量的准则:(所说的话应包含交谈目的所需要的信息;所说的话不应该包含超出需要的信息),质的准则:努力使你说的话是真实的(不要说自知是虚假的话;不要说缺乏足够证据的话),关系准则:要有关联,方式准则:要清楚明白(避免晦涩;避免歧义;简练;井井有条),31,-Theres a young lady with him, sir.,-Pretty?,-I should say shes pretty, sir, in a quite inoffensive way.,32,A: Where is my box of chocolates?,B: I was feeling hungry.,A: 我那盒巧克力哪去了?,B: 我那会儿饿了。,33,但是,在不少情况下,会话双方并不遵守或不完全遵守合作原则,似乎也不影响他们之间的沟通。然而,在作为第三方的译者看来,似乎难以沟通。面对这种情况,翻译应采取什么对策?,34,A: what happened to that steak I left thawing on the window still?,B: the dog was looking very pleased with himself when I came in.,A: 我放在窗台上化冻的牛排哪去了?,B: 我进来时看见那条狗好像很得意。,35,A: I wonder what time it is.,B: the milkman has just come.,A: 不知道现在几点了。,B: 送奶的刚来。,36,小张:喂,小陈,你和你女朋友关系怎么样了?,小陈:没说的,你就等着吃喜糖吧!,译文 1:Xiaozhang: Hi, Xiaochen, how are getting on with your girl friend?,Xiaochen: Needless to say. Please just wait to eat the candy.,37,Xiaozhang: Hi,xiaochen, how are you getting on with your girl friend?,Xiaochen: We are going to get married.,38,-,you have got a rich uncle?,-My father.,-Father?,-The hardware is Papas.,-It cant be. Not that whole huge shop!,-Its more than twice as larger as it used to be. They moved here three years ago.,-You are pulling my leg, tell me it isnt true?,-Its true.,你有一位阔叔叔?,我的父亲。,父亲?,五金店是父亲的。,39,你有一位阔叔叔?,不是阔叔叔,而是阔父亲。,父亲?,那家五金店就是爸爸的。,40,-why dont you believe me?,-,you have stolen my question.,-what do you mean?,-it is as plain as your nose in your face.,-为什么你不信任我?,-,我正想问你呢。,-此话怎讲?,-还不是秃头上的虱子-明摆着。,41,


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