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英语:,unit2(theenvironment),资料(,10,)(译林牛津版,5,),Reading,板块:教学设计,课件,Unit,2,The economy or the environment-must we choose?,Unit 2,课件描述:,本课件主要对,Reading,文章部分涉及的一些语言上的难点和重点进行梳理和罗列,并设有相关的活动和练习帮助教师指导和组织学生对知识点进行有效巩固。,Presentation Time,Revision of Reading,Lin Shuiqings,speech,large areas of the world,Factories produce,poisonous chemicals,place,atmosphere,make us sick,water,sea,kill sea creatures,be wiped out by fishing boats,catch fish without giving them time to lay eggs,a lasting effect upon the number of fish,more people,more land,more food,6.5 billion,be damaged by_,be destroyed,have died,animals,industrial waste,=,cut back on production,reduce the amount of things,environmentally friendly ways of living,Suggestions in,Lin Shuiqings,speech,recycling,factories,clouds of dirty smoke,a pipe pouring chemical waste into a river,as an economist,be seen as being against the environment,businessmen,escape from the responsibilities to,the environment,money,economic development is _for the environment,factories,&,industries,control the amount of pollution,spend money repairing the damage,very concerned about the environment,lose the jobs,cut back on amount of things,bad,recycling,more from recycled materials,less directly from the environment,more effective laws,higher taxes,the key to helping both sides,produce,preserve the environment,do harm to the environment,have to pay to do it,Mr Qian Liweis suggestions,Language points,1.I am talking to you today about,the way,large areas of the world are damaged by industrial waste.,the way,是先行词,后接一个定语从句,,way,后面的关系词,that/in which,可以省略。,I dont like the way,_,you speak to her.,A that B which C in that D where,What surprised me was not what he said but _ he said it . A. the way B. in the way that C. in the way D. the way which,2.,In addition, many sea creatures are being,wiped out,by fishing boats.,in addition (to sth./doing sth.),=as well as; besides,除,之外;另外,In addition, there is one more point I would like to make.,In addition to,the sandwiched, Aunt Mary gave us cookies to bring to the picnic.,wipe out, destroy completely,The deadly disease almost,wiped out,the entire population., clean something using a cloth,Can you,wipe out,the inside of the coffee pot?,3.These boats catch large number of fish without giving them time to,lay,eggs.,lay vt.,放置;产卵,下蛋,Please,lay,the book on the desk.,请把书放在桌子上。,lie,-lied-lied-lying vi.,撒谎,lie,-lay-lain-lying vi.,躺,卧;位于,lay,-laid-laid-laying vt.,放置;产卵,1.I always feel relaxed when I _,in bed, listening to music.,2.Would you please _ the books,on the table?,3.You should always be honest and,never tell_ to your friends.,4.Cuckoos(,布谷鸟,) _eggs in other birds nests.,lie,lay,lies,lay,4.This will,have a lasting effect upon,the number of fish,left,for us to eat.,have a positive/good/deep effect on sth,have a negative/bad/side/effect upon sth,effect n.,影响,affect vt .,影响,effective adj.,有效的,The conference has been help to discuss the effects of tourism _ the wildlife in the area.,A. in B. on C. at D. with,5. The worlds population has grown to,more than,six times what it was,in 1800.,倍数的表达方式:, times + as + adj./ adv. + as + , times + the comparative degree of adj./ adv. + than + , times + the width (size, length, breadth, level, value, velocity) of + , times + what,从句,The box is,four times as light as,that box.,The cotton output was,four times greater than,that of 1996.,Earth is,49 times the size of,the room.,TheYangtzeRiverisalmost,three times what,thePearlRiver is.,这座新楼是那座旧楼的四倍高。,The new building is,_ _ _,_ _,the old one.,The new building is,_ _ _,_,the old one.,The new building is,_ _ _,_ _,the old one.,The new building is,_ _ _,the old one is .,four,times,as,high,as,times,three,higher,than,four,times,the,height,of,four,times,what,1,At a rough estimate, Nigeria is _Great Britain.,three times the size as,B. the size three times of,C. three times as the size of,D. three times the size of,2. It is reported that the United States uses _ energy as the whole of Europe.,A. as twice B. twice much,C. twice much as D. twice as much,高考链接,6.My,suggestion,is that we,should try,to,cut back on,production and reduce the amount of things we make and buy.,suggest,作“建议”,讲时,与,suggest,suggestion,有关的主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句均用虚拟语气,should,可省,suggest,还可作“暗示”、“表明”“使人想起”,等解,这时主语往往是物,后面接宾语从句时,其谓语动词要用陈述语气。,1. I suggest that a doctor _ immediately.,A. be sent for B. was sent for,C. must send for D. should send for,2. His red face suggested that he _ a lie.,A. told B. tell C. tells D. telling,3. My suggestion is that he_ a few people to help them.,A. sends B. sending C. send D. be sent,cut back on,:,reduce,To save money, we should,cut back on,our spending.,Many companies are,cutting back on,staff at the moment.,7.,It is obvious that,you,are,very,concerned about,the present situation of our environment.,It is obvious that ,很显然,,,it,作形式主语,,that,引导主语从句。,be concerned about /with,对,关心,He expressed his,concern,to her.,n.,The boys poor health,concerned,his parents .,V.,使,担心,The letter,is concerned with,export goods .,关于,涉及,He,is concerned for/about,her safety.,担心,He,is very concerned with/about,her .,关心,Other important phrases,环境保护协会,展开自由讨论,工业废物,有毒的化学药物,稳定的经济,循环材料,此外,摧毁 消灭,对,有持久的影响,关心,消减 缩减,the society for Environmental Preservation,open the floor for discussion,industrial waste,poisonous chemicals,stable economy,recycled materials,in addition,wipe out,have a lasting effect on,be concerned about,cut back on,


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