英语的语调 -- 教学实用方法

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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,1,第四讲,English Intonation,& Tips for Teaching Intonation,英语的语调 - 教学实用方法,Wang Guizhen,Guangdong University of Foreign Studies,王桂珍,广东外语外贸大学,英语语音课程教学培训,课程,2,English Intonation its Structure & Function,Intonation: Types and Structure,Research on Intonation,Concerns about Teaching Intonation,Approaches to Teaching Intonation,Tips for Teaching Intonation with Exercises and Activities,3,Intonation: Types and Structure,Intonation, the meaningful use of pitch on a word or phrase, contributes to the interpretation of discourse meaning, grammatical meaning, and affective meaning.,In discourse, intonation identifies important information for the listener, shows how different pieces of information relate to each other, establishes a level of engagement between the speaker and listener, and manages conversational turns.,In grammar, particular intonation patterns are common with particular structures, helping to distinguish statements from questions or direct object nouns ( /,know,Mary. ),from direct address nouns (e.g.,I know,Mary).,In its affective function, intonation reflects the attitudes and emotions of speakers.,4,Tone languages: the pitch contour on a word that can distinguish lexical meaning.,Intonation languages: using pitch semantically.,5,Tone,Syllable,Meaning,Description of the tone,1,st,m,mother妈,a high level tone,2,nd,m,hemp麻,a tone starting from mid to high,3,rd,m,horse马,a low tone which dips briefly before rising to high,4,th,m,scold骂,a falling tone,Neutral,ma,an interrogative particle吗,A neutral tone with no specific contour, referred to as the light toneor neutral tone,The syllable ma said with different tones,produce different words with different meaning.,6,Intonation: Why?,A.,It shows the relationship of words within and between sentences;,B.,It tells something about the feeling of the speaker.,8,He sold his house, boat and car.,He sold his houseboat and car.,Question: How many things did he sell?,The teacher said, That student is lazy.,“,The teacher, said that student, is lazy.,Question: Who was lazy?,The president said, That reporter is lying.,“,The president, said that reporter, is lying.,Question: Who was speaking?,9,I beg your pardon./?,I beg your pardon.,I beg your pardon?,They re going to,have a,picnic.,They re going to,have a,picnic.,Those who sold quickly made a,profit.,Those,who,sold,quick,ly,made,a,pro,fit.,Those who,sold quickly,made a,profit.,(A profit was made by those who sold quickly.),Those who sold,quickly,made a,profit.,(A profit was quickly made by those who sold.),14,1. Types of English Intonation,1. Falling tone,2. Rising tone,3. Fall-rise tone,15,J,a,m,a,i,c,falling,a,i,c,rising,J,a,m,a,a,falling-rising,J,a,m,a,i,c,a,16,Falling Tone,Questions and Responses,- What would you like?,- Id like a chicken-salad sandwich.,- What will you have?,- Ill have a hotdog and a coke.,- Where are you going?,- To the lab.,17,Falling Tone,Questions and responses,- What would you,like,?,- Id like a chicken-salad,sand,wich.,- What will you,have,?,- Ill have a hotdog and a,coke,.,- Where are you,go,ing?,- To the,lab,.,18,Rising Tone,Yes/no questions and responses,Are you coming later? If I can.,May I help you? Yes, Ill have a hotdog.,19,Rising Tone,Yes/no questions and responses,Are you coming,la,ter? If I,can,.,May I,help,you? Yes, Ill have a,hot,dog.,20,Fall-rise Tone,Questions/statements and responses,- Do you know German?,- I can read it.,-Everyone knows about it.,- Well, not everyone.,21,Fall-rise Tone,Questions/statements and responses,- Do you know,Ger,man?,- I can,read,it.,-Everyone knows a,bout,it.,- Well,not,e,veryone.,2. The Structure of English Intonation,P = Pre-head,H = Head,N = Nucleus,T = Tail,23,Elements in an intonation unit,The nucleus:,the stressed syllable of the last 调核prominent word in a tone unit,The tail:,any syllable or syllables that may 调尾follow the nucleus,The head:,the part of a tone unit that extends from 调头the first stressed syllable up to the nucleus,The pre-head:,any unstressed syllable or syllables that 调冠may precede the head - or the nucleus, if there is no head,24,We are learning a foreign language.,We are,LEARN,ing a,FOR,eign,LANG,uage.,P H N T,P = Pre-head,H = Head,N = Nucleus,T = Tail,25,We see four elements in this tone unit:,Part of the unitSyllables,NNucleus YES,HHead BOUGHT some BOOKS,PPre-head They,TTail terday,26,27,Elements in an intonation unit,P H N T : Shell be able to do it properly.,P H N :It was a very dark night.,P N T : He said so.,P N :Theyll be late.,H N T : Isnt John going?,H N : Go ahead.,N T : Pardon?,N : Thanks.,28,Mark out the elements in the following intonation units.,P H N T : Shell be,able to do it,pro,perly.,29,Mark out the elements in the following intonation units.,P H N T : Shell be,able to do it,pro,perly.,30,P H N :It was a,very dark,night,.,31,P H N :It was a,very dark,night,.,32,P N T : He,said,so.,33,P N T : He,said,so.,34,P N :Theyll be,late,.,35,P N :Theyll be,late,.,36,Mark out the elements in the following intonation units.,H N T :,Isnt John,go,ing?,37,Mark out the elements in the following intonation units.,H N T :,Isnt John,go,ing?,38,H N :,Go a,head,.,39,H N :,Go a,head,.,40,Mark out the elements in the following intonation units.,N T :,Par,don?,41,Mark out the elements in the following intonation units.,N T :,Par,don?,42,Mark out the elements in the following intonation units.,N :,Thanks,.,43,Mark out the elements in the following intonation units.,N :,Thanks,.,44,Mark out the elements in the following intonation units.,P H N T : Shell be,able to do it,pro,perly.,P H N :It was a,very dark,night,.,P N T : He,said,so.,P N :Theyll be,late,.,H N T :,Isnt John,go,ing?,H N :,Go a,head,.,N T :,Par,don?,N :,Thanks,.,45,The Stress Rules,1. Stress tends to fall on content words within an utterance.,2. Only a word,s stressed syllable carries the sentence stress.,3. Within an intonation unit, there may be several words receiving stress but only one has the nucleus.,4. New information tends to receive prominence and generally occurs towards the end of an utterance.,46,The teacher likes teenagers.,If you leave the bus, someone may steal your seat.,Do you feel like a piece of pie and some coffee with cream and sugar?,47,The,tea,cher,likes,teen,agers.,If you,leave,the,bus,some,one may,steal,your,seat,.,Do you feel like a piece of pie and some coffee with cream and sugar?,48,Wheel this,meat out of here,.,Jake! What the,hell is going on here,?,You throw,a stick in the air around here,49,Wheel this,meat out of here,.,Jake! What the,hell is going on here,?,You throw,a stick in the air around here,50,3. The Use of English Intonation,The falling tone,- indicating definiteness and completeness.,Types of sentences:,Ordinary statements,WH questions,Imperative sentences (strong commands),Exclamatory sentences,51,The rising tone,- indicating uncertainty,incompleteness or politeness.,Types of sentences,:,Yes-no questions,Statements intended as questions,Statements intended to be soothing/encouraging,Repetition questions,52,The falling-rising tone,- showing contrast, implication, disagreement,contradiction, or warning, etc.,Types of sentences:,Statements where contrast is implied,Statements which imply reservation,Statements showing disagreement or contradiction,Warnings,53,Utterances,Question,Statement,1. He left already.,2. Sally,s moving.,3. John missed his flight.,4. It,s snowing in New York.,54,Utterances,Sure,Unsure,1. Your name,s George, isn,t it?,2. It,s going to rain tomorrow, isn,t it?,3. You wanted to go, didn,t you?,4. We should offer to help, shouldn,t we?,55,Utterances,Yes-no,Choice,1. Are you coming Friday or Saturday?,2. Can you meet us at eight or nine?,3. Would you like beer or wine?,4. Are you going to Spain or Portugal?,56,Research on Intonation:Final intonation patterns,Final falling and final rising intonation patterns in English are traditionally linked with different types of sentences:,Declarative sentences and information questions typically end with falling intonation;,yes-no,questions end with rising intonation.,57,The dialogue below illustrates the three sentence types and their typical intonations.,58,Pitch range and level,Range of pitch,the difference between the highest and lowest notes produced in an utterance, can also differ from language to language.,The transfer of a narrower pitch range into English could contribute to the,“,flat,”,intonation used by many ESL students.,59,Studies of Second Language (L2) Learners Intonation,The intonation of intermediate to advanced learners and show that their intonation is influenced by the native language system.,Finding: with explicit training, learners were better able to notice prosodic differences, especially differences in the placement of highlighted words.,The intonation used by the more-proficient learners was more Englishlike than that of less-proficient learners.,Conclusion: there is a need for explicit instruction in the form of intonational features and their functions.,60,Concerns About Teaching Intonation,Dalton and Seidlhofer describe intonation as the,“,problem child,”,of pronunciation teaching.,One concern is that intonation is hard to,“,pin down,”,; a given sentence can be pronounced with different intonation patterns, sometimes, but not always, creating a clear difference in meaning.,Context sharply reduces the number of intonation choices.,61,Another difficulty is that intonation is hard to hear, and even trained transcribers disagree on how certain examples should be transcribed.,Minimal dialogues (one-word exchanges) are useful for focusing students,attention on final intonation patterns.,62,A:Ready,B:No,A:Why,B:Problems,A:Problems,B:Yes,A:What,B:Babysitter,A:Who,B:John,A:John A babysitter,63,Approaches to Teaching Intonation,Traditional,In many textbooks, intonation patterns are linked to different types of sentences or phrases.,The association of intonation patterns with grammatical structures (sentence types, phrase types) is both teachable and learnable.,64,The traditional approach to teaching intonation, however, has been criticized as overly simplistic and inadequate because the rules it presents are not always reflected in natural speech.,The use of isolated sentences does not reveal the communicative role that intonation plays in connected speech.,65,Discourse Intonation,A more recent alternative for teaching intonation is discourse intonation.,The basic building block of discourse is the tone unit.,Tone units have at least one prominent word and the last prominent word is defined as having tonic stress. Speakers decide which words to highlight as a means of guiding the listener to the most important information.,66,Intonation patterns that end a tone unit are chosen according to whether the speaker believes the information in the tone unit is new or shared.,Rising tones also indicate that the speaker holds the dominant position in the discourse or is offering help to the listener. Speakers choose falling tones to introduce new information into discourse.,Level tones are used when the speaker is using language that is formulaic or needs to give himself time to think,67,Brazil,s approach to teaching discourse intonation involves:,listening to and repeating authentic speech samples;,identifying tone units, prominent words, and pitch changes;,discussing why speakers made the intonation choices they did;,and predicting intonation.,68,Tips for Teaching Intonation with Exercises and Activities,Teach highlighting of key words to help students make their meaning clear.,Use short utterances to illustrate intonation patterns.,Teach intonation patterns that occur at the ends of utterances.,Practice the intonation of communicatively useful language that your students know how to use.,Integrate intonation work with classroom work on other English skills.,Provide film dialogue dubbing practice for role play and the use of intonation for communication,69,Highlighting,A: Why do you look so tired?,B: There was a party in the building last night, a very loud party.,A: Why do you look so tired?,B: There was a PARTY in the building last night, a very LOUD party.,70,Contrastive Stress,Contrastive stress is like highlighting, except that two words are pronounced with salient pitch and stress.,71,Contrastive Stress: Which is better?,Chart A for Student A,72,Chart B for Student B,73,Steps for the activity,Ask the class what is important when they look for a place to live.,Check two of the items on the board and contrast them in a sentence like,“,For me, loCAtion is more important than SIZE.,“,Show how to use your voice to show the contrast.,Listen and repeat some useful patterns.,After the pair work, ask students which apartment share they preferred and why. Provide feedback on the pronunciation of contrasting words.,74,Final Intonation Patterns,Specific intonation patterns are often linked to sentence types. The link, however, is a loose one.,Bolinger reports that,yes-no,questions end with falling intonation almost as often as they end with rising intonation (1998).,Research on the role of gender and intonation in,yes-no,questions shows that women are more likely to use rising intonation than men (Syrdal andJilka 2003).,WH,questions can end with either falling or rising intonation: a true information question, intonation falls; when used to ask for a repetition or clarification, it rises.,75,Comprehension Checks and Tag Questions,Comprehension checks, tags like,OK?,or,Right?,are appropriate for all levels of students. Comprehension checks are added to the ends of statements and pronounced with rising intonation.,These expressions are easy for students to use and are communicatively useful,76,Tag questions,Tag questions like,isn,t he?,or,can you?,end in either falling or rising intonation. When the speaker is asking for confirmation, the falling pattern is used. When the speaker is expressing uncertainty, rising intonation is used.,77,Requesting confirmation or Expressing uncertainty,That was a nice party, wasn,t it?,You are from Canada, aren,t you?,78,Intonation with Lists, Choice Questions, and Non-Final-Thought Groups,The first items in a list are usually pronounced with rising intonation. The last item is pronounced with falling intonation to indicate that the list is complete.,Choice Questions: The choices are in different thought groups; pitch rises on the first choice(s) and falls on the last.,79,Can,you come on Friday or Saturday?,Can,you come on Friday or Saturday?,Can,you come on Friday or Saturday?,80,Non-Final-Thought Groups,Non-final-thought groups can end with a slight rise or fall. Pitch does not rise or fall to the level it does at the end of an utterance.,81,Appositives and Parentheticals,Appositives are phrases that follow a noun and provide additional information about the noun. They are pronounced in a group by themselves, set off from the rest of the sentence.,Parentheticals are expressions that are set apart from the main utterance.,82,Intonation, Emotions, and Attitudes,informational interpretations of intonation,affective interpretations of intonation,An example of an informational interpretation of falling intonation is,“,finished,”,or,“,certain,”,.,Affective interpretations include evaluations of whether a speaker is angry, friendly, confident, or sad.,83,The attitudes and emotions we want our students to express more appropriately are tamer: confidence, interest, friendliness, and so on. These are positive attitudes that are likely to extend conversation, create more opportunities for practice, and, ultimately, lead to greater learning.,84,Pairwork: present the dialogue with appropriate intonation.,A:He likes it,B:Yes he says its beautiful,A:Give him another,B:Give him another We have only one left,A:We can order more if you like,B:We can get as many as we like,A:Of course,B:We dont need to pay,A:No They are presents,B:Presents Free Oh I cant believe it,85,Tips for Teaching Intonation with Exercises and Activities,Nucleus,Highlighting,Contrastive Stress,Final Intonation Patterns,Comprehension Checks and Tag Questions,Intonation with Lists, Choice Questions and Non-final Thought Groups,Appositives and Parentheticals,Intonation, Emotions and Attitudes,86,Good morning, Master!,Panda! Panda! Wake up!,Hes quit.,What do we do now, Master, with the panda gone? Who will be the Dragon Warrior?,All we can do is resume our training and trust that in time, the true Dragon Warrior will be revealed.,What are you doing here?!,Hi! Good morning, Master! l thought ld warm up a little.,Youre stuck.,Stuck? Nah. What? Stuck? Nah. This is one of my. Yeah, lm stuck.,Help him.,Oh, dear. Maybe on three. One, two.,Thank you.,Dont mention it.,No, really, l appreciate. Ever.,You actually thought you could learn to do a full split in one night? lt takes years to develop ones flexibility! And years longer to apply it in combat!,Put that down! The only souvenirs we collect here are bloody knuckles and broken bones.,Yeah! Excellent.,Lets get started.,Are you ready?,l was born re.,lm sorry, brother. l thought you said you were ready.,That was awesome! Lets go again!,lve been taking it easy on you, panda. But no more. Your next opponent will be me.,All right! Yeah, lets go!,Step forth.,The true path to victory is to find your opponents weakness.and make him suffer for it.,To take his strength and use it against him. until he finally falls.or quits.,A real warrior never quits. Dont worry, Master. l will never quit!,lf hes smart, he wont come back up those steps.,But he will.,原声,Hes not going to quit, is he?,Hes not going to quit bouncing, lll tell you that.,原声,男声,女声,功夫熊猫原声.mpg,87,Good morning, Master!,Panda! Panda! Wake up!,Hes quit.,What do we do now, Master, with the panda gone? Who will be the Dragon Warrior?,All we can do is resume our training and trust that in time, the true Dragon Warrior will be revealed.,What are you doing here?!,Hi! Good morning, Master! l thought ld warm up a little.,Youre stuck.,Stuck? Nah. What? Stuck? Nah. This is one of my. Yeah, lm stuck.,Help him.,Oh, dear. Maybe on three. One, two.,Thank you.,Dont mention it.,No, really, l appreciate. Ever.,You actually thought you could learn to do a full split in one night? lt takes years to develop ones flexibility! And years longer to apply it in combat!,Put that down! The only souvenirs we collect here are bloody knuckles and broken bones.,Yeah! Excellent.,Lets get started.,Are you ready?,功夫熊猫原声.mpg,l was born re.,lm sorry, brother. l thought you said you were ready.,That was awesome! Lets go again!,lve been taking it easy on you, panda. But no more. Your next opponent will be me.,All right! Yeah, lets go!,Step forth.,The true path to victory is to find your opponents weakness.and make him suffer for it.,To take his strength and use it against him. until he finally falls.or quits.,A real warrior ne


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