英语初级听力Lesson 2

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Dilogue 1:,A:,I,think a docto,r,should be a friendly person.,B:,Yes,I agree.,Dilogue 2:,A:,Would you like something to drink?,B:,Just coffee,please.,A:,Are you sure?,B:,Quite certain.Thank you.,Dilogue 3:,A:,What are you doing in New York?,B:,Im writing a story for YES magazine.,A:,I see.,Dilogue 4:,A:,What are you doing in Cairo?,B:,Im visiting my parents.,A:,Really!,Dilogue 5:,A:,Why are you visiting Hongkong?,B:,Im just on holiday.,Dilogue 6:,A:,Why are you in London?,B:,Im here on business.,A:,Oh,.,Dilogue 7:,A:,Thanks a lot for putting me up.,B:,Thats OK,.,A:,Do come and see me when youre,in,New York.,B:,Sure,Thatll be great.,Dilogue 8:,A:,Have you heard the news?,B:,No.,A:,Theres been a terible air crash.,B:,Oh dear!Where was it?,A:,A town called Banford.,Dilogue 9:,A:,Excuse me ,how do yo say that word,C-U-S-T-O-M-S?,B:,Customs,.,A:,I see,Thank you.,Dilogue 10:,A:,Would yo like some more potatoes?,B:,Im sorry I cant manage any more.Thank you.,A.Conversation.,Male:Pubs?You must have good people.If the people are good,the pub will be good.,Male,:,You must have a good landlord,and people with a sense of humor behind the bar. if the landlord,is,bad,the pub will be bad.,Female:I love old pubs.If its one of those modern places.I wont go in.,Male:And a good pub must have good beer. If the beers no good.people will look for another place.,Female:I wont go if there isnt a garden. I,have,children,and if the pub doesnt have a garden or family room,we,cant go in.,A.Conversation.,Male:Pubs?You must have good people.,If the people are good,the pub will be good,.,Male,:,You must have a good landlord,and,people with,a sense of humor,behind,the bar,.,if the landlord,is,bad,t,he pub will be bad.,Female:I love old pubs.If,its one of those modern places.,I wont go in.,Male:And a good pub must have good beer. If,the,beers no good.,people will look for another place.,Female:I wont go if,there isnt a garden,. I,have,children,and if,the pub doesnt have a garden or family ro,om,we,cant go in.,B.Story.,My grandfather used to have a beautiful gold pocke,t,watch. He wore it on a fine gold chain across the front of his waistcoat, and when I was small he promised to leave it to me in his will.,When Im gone.he said,this is going to be yours.,Unfortunately that will never happen now. About three months ago,my grandfather came up to London to visit us. The first Sunday morning after he arrived,my yo,u,ngest son said he wanted to go to the park.,Well do better,than that,said my grandfather.well go and feed,the,pigeons in Trafalgar Square.So off they went. They got home about tea-time and my grandfather was looking very upset.,My watch,he said,its gone.Someone must have stolen it while we were feeding the pigeons.,B.Story.,My grandfather used to have,a beautiful gold pocke,t,watch.,He wore it on a fine gold chain,across the front of his waistcoat, and when I was small,he promised to leave it to me in his will.,When Im gone.he said,this is going to be yours.,Unfortunately that will never happen now.,About three months ago,my grandfather came up to,London,to visit us. T,he first Sunday morning after he arrived,my yo,u,ngest son said he wanted to go to the park.,Well do better,than that,said my grandfather.well go and,feed,the,pigeons,in Trafalgar Square.So off they went. They got home,about tea-time,and my grandfather was looking very upset.,My watch,he said,its gone,.Someone must have stolen it while we were feeding the pigeons.,Dictation 1:,My name is Daniel.,I am French.,I live in a small town.,I work in hotel,but I do not live in the hotel.,I live with my parents.,My home is near the hotel,so I walk to work every day.,Dictation 2:,There is some sugar,there is some coffee an,d,there is a,lot of tea,but there is not much jam.,There are some tomatoes,but there are not any eggs or biscuits and there is not much milk.,So we want jam, eggs, biscuits and milk.,


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