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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,英语句子转换,1.,同义句变换,2.,简单句与复合句的互换,同义句转换,(1),用同义词、近义词、反义词等进行互相转换。,(2),用不定式、介词短语、名词短语分词性短语等替换一个从句。,(3),通过意思相同、结构不同的句型进行转换。,(4),对于题目中的两个句子,通常要将并列句中成分相同的部分用连词合并起来,使其成为一个简单句。,(5),通过连接词把两个分句合成一个复合句。,1.He doesnt live here any longer.,He _ _ _ here .,2. You shouldnt eat the food which is rich in fat and sugar.,You _ _ eat the food _ a lot of fat and sugar.,3. His head hurts badly.,Hes _ a _ _.,no longer lives,oughtnt to,containing,got bad headache,4.I didnt know her name until you told me.,_ _ you told me _ _ know his name.,5. All we could do was (to) wait.,We could do _ _ _.,We had no _ but _ _.,6.,Those African festivals are quite similar.,Those African festivals _ _,_ _.,Not until did I,nothing but wait,choice to wait,have much,in common,7.He and his friends are playing football.,He, _ _ _his friends, _ playing football.,8.The professor wont attend the meeting, if you dont invited him to.,The professor wont attend the meeting _ _ _.,The professor wont attend the meeting _ _ .,9.I,spent 50 yuan buying this dictionary.,This dictionary _ _ 50 yuan.,as well as,is,invited to,unless,cost me,without,invitation,10.After a rest, they went on with their work in the field.,After a rest, they _ _ in the field.,11.We will win the match without doubt.,_ _ _ _ that we will win the match.,11.He kept silent at the meeting .,He _ _ at the meeting .,continued working,There is no doubt,said nothing,12. A good sleep does good to health .,A good sleep _ _ _ health .,13. I think we should use more of this new technology.,_ _ _ , more use of this new technology should _ _.,14.I,shouted to him as loudly as I could.,I shouted to him _ _ _ _ _ _ .,is good for,In my opinion,be made,at the top of my voice,复合句与简单句互变,主语从句与简单句互变,一、句型“,It happens,/seems that,主语,+,谓语动词,+”,用“主语,+happen/seem,+,不定式” 例如:,1. It happened that the teacher saw him playing in class.,The teacher,happened to see,him playing in class.,2. It seemed that he had seen the film already.,He,seemed to have seen,the film already.,二、句型,It is said/reported/thought / believed that +,主语,+,谓语动词,+,可以转化为:,主语,+be +said(reported, thought, believed ) to do ,It is said that the sports meeting will be put off because of the heavy rain.,The sports meeting is said to be put off because of the heavy rain.,2. It is reported that scientists have found evidence of life on the Mars.,3. It is believed that she is the right person for the position.,She is believed to be the right person for the position .,Scientists are reported to have found evidence of life on the Mars.,宾语从句与简单句互变,A.,用“,及物动词,+,不定式,”结构可以将含有,that,引导的某些宾语从句的复合句转换成简单句。例如:,1. He decided that he would buy a digital camera online.,He decided_ _ a digital camera online.,2. We hoped that we would come back soon.,We hoped _ _ back soon.,3. I expect that I shall finish my work by this Sunday.,I expect,_,_my work by this Sunday.,to,buy,to come,to,finish,B.,用“,疑问词,+,不定式,“结构可以将某些含有,连接代词或连接副词,引导的宾语从句转换简单句,。,1.,当主从句的主语一致时:,1) I dont know what I shall do next.,I dont know what to do next.,2)John didnt decide which shirt he would buy.,John didnt decide which shirt to buy.,3.We wonder where well go this Sunday.,We wonder _ _ _ this Sunday.,where to go,2.,当主句的谓语含有双宾语时,如果间宾与从句(直宾)中的主语一致时:,1)Can you tell me how I can get to the police station?,Can you tell me how to get to the police station?,2)Please show me how I should start the recorder.,Please show me how to start the,recorder.,3.Could you please teach me how I can search the Internet?,Could you please teach me _ _ _ the Internet?,how to,search,3.,当主句的谓语动词是,order, require,等时,如果主句和从句的主语 不一致,宾语从句可转化为“名词(代词),+,不定式”,The headmaster ordered that we should start at once.,The headmaster ordered us to start at once.,The boss required that we (should) keep it a secret .,The boss required us to keep it a secret .,3),用复合宾语,即,主语,+,谓语,+,宾语,+,宾补,这种结构语改写。如:,I saw he went into that house just now,I saw _ _ _ that house just now,I heard she was singing in English,I heard _ _ in,English,3.Toms mother found that he was a very good boy.,Toms mother found him a very good boy.,him,go into,her singing,4),用,名词或名词短语,改写。如:,Do you understand what I said,?,Do you understand _ _,?,Can you tell me what he means?, Can you tell me,_,_,?,my words,his meaning,当主句的谓语是一些可带非谓语动词作宾补的动词,如,see ,hear ,watch , notice, find , get , have, feel,等都可以如此转换。,1.I forgot who wrote the poems.,2.He admitted that he had made a mistake.,3.That you will succeed is quite possible.,4.The fact that he is silent proves his guilt.,1.I forgot the author of the poems.,2.He admitted his mistake.,3.Your success is quite possible.,4.His silence proves his guilt.,4.,其他转换:,1)He insisted that he should go with us.,He,insisted on going with us.,2) The doctor suggested he should stop smoking.,The doctor suggested his stopping smoking .,2)We,found that the box was very heavy.,We,found the box very heavy.,We suggested / advised / proposed that he (should) go and make an apology to his teacher.,我们建议他去向老师道歉,.,We suggested / advised / proposed his going and making an apology to his teacher.,动词,keep, leave, find, make, feel, think, consider,后跟宾语从句,从句中是主,+,系,+,形容词时可以换成主语,+ keep,(,leave, find, make, feel, think, consider,),+,宾语,+,形容词。,状语从句转换成简单句,1),含有,sothat,引导的结果状语从句,(,否定,),的复合句用“,tooto”,结构可以转成简单句。如:,1. The boy is so young that he cant look after himself.,The boy is _ _ _look after himself.,2. The question is so difficult that I cant,answer it,.,The question is,_,_,_,me _ answer,.,too young to,too,difficult,for,to,注意:第,2,句的主从句主语不一致,用,for +sb.(,宾格,),连接,2),含有,so that ,引导的,结果状语从句(肯定),的复合句用“,enough +,不定式,”结构可以将变为简单句。例如:,1. The girl is so tall that she can reach the apples on the tree.,The girl is _ _ _ _the apples on the tree.,2.This hall is so large that it can hold 2000 people.,This hall is large _ _ _ 2000 people.,3. The table was so light that the little boy can carry it.,The table was _ _ _ the little boy _ carry.,tall enough to reach,enough to hold,light enough for,to,注意:,第,3,句的主从句主语不一致,用,for +,sb. (,宾格,),连接,3),含有,so that,引导的,目的状语从句,的复合句用“,in order +,不定式”或“,so as +,不定式”结构可以转换为简单句。,如:,1. She decided to buy a camera online so that she could receive it soon.,She decided to buy a camera online _ _ _,receive it soon.,2. I went over my composition again and again so that I couldnt make any mistakes.,I went over my composition again and again _ _ _ _ make any mistakes.,3.Marybought a camera so that she could take pictures in Beijing.,Mary bought a camera _ _ _ take pictures in Beijing.,in order to,so as to,in,order not to,so as not to,in order to,so as to,4),某些含有状语从句的复合句用作表语的,形容词,+,不定式,可以转变成简单句。例如:,1. I was glad when I heard the good news .,I was _ _ _the good news.,2. Toms parents were very surprised as they knew all about it.,Toms parents _,_,_,to know all about it.,glad to hear,were very surprised,5)if,条件状语从句可为转换“祈使句,,and/or+,简单句,.”,。肯定可转换为,祈使句,+and+,简单句,。否定可转换为,祈使句,+or+,简单句,;如:,If you use your head, youll find a way.,_your head, _ youll find a way.,If you arent brave, youll lose your chance., _ _Be brave, _ youll lose your chance.,Use,and,Be,brave,or,6)because,引导的原因状语从句与,because of,的转换。如:,He was late for school because it rained heavily.,He was late for school,_,_the,_ rain.,7)if not,引导的条件状语从句转化为,without,短语。如:,I cant pass the exam if you dont help me.,I cant pass the exam _ your _.,because of,heavy,without,help,8),把时间状语从句转化为一个介词短语。如:,I could swim when I was eight years old.,I could swim,_,_,_,_eight,.,He went home after he finished his work.,He went home _,_,his work.,at,the,age,of,after,finishing,9),时间状语从句之间可以相互转化,when/before/after notuntil,John will go to bed after he finishes his homework., John _ _ to bed _ he finishes his homework.,He stopped playing the game when his father came back.,He _ _playing the game _ his father came back.,wont,go,until,didnt,stop,until,10),用非谓语动词转换状语从句:,当主从句的主语一致时,可以把从句变为非谓语动词。,When I saw him, I smiled.,Seeing him, I smiled. /When seeing him, I smiled.,2. When the park is seen at the top of the mountain, it looks very beautiful.,Seen at the top of the mountain, the park looksverybeautiful.,3. Since she was ill, she couldnt attend the meeting.,Being ill, she couldnt attend the meeting.,4. Because she was deeply moved by what he had done, she could not help crying.,Deeply moved by what he had done, she couldnot help crying.,1. When they heard the news, they all jumped with joy.,2. Because we were so poor in those days, we couldnt afford to take the boy to hospital.,1.,Hearing the news, they all jumped with joy.,2.,Being so poor in those days, we couldnt afford to take the boy to hospital.,状语从句的复合句改为简单句,改写的方法是: 当主句与从句主语相同时, 若从句谓语是主动形式, 用现在分词改写, 若从句谓语是被动式, 就用过去分词改写。,用独立主格结构代替状语从句,When there was no bus, we had to take a taxi home.,We have no classes because it is Sunday today.,If the weather permits, we shall visit the Heaven Temple.,There being no bus, we had to take a taxi home.,It being Sunday today, we have no classes.,Weather permitting, we shall visit the Heaven Temple.,定语从句转换成简单句,1),当定语从句是,主动语态,并且用的是,进行时态,时,可将定语从句改为,现在分词短语,;当定语从句中的谓语动词是表示,经常性的动作,时,可将定语从句改为,现在分词短语,。如:,The man,who is talking with Mary,is my brother.,The man _ _Mary is my brother.,A chemists shop is a shop which sells medicine.,A chemists shop is a shop,_,_.,talking with,selling medicine,2),当定语从句是,被动语态,时,可将定语从句改为过去,分词短语,;当定语从句是表示,将要发生的动作,或具体某种情态意义时,可将定语从句变为不定式短语。如:,This is a book which was written by a worker.,This is a book _ _ a worker.,There is a lot of homework that we should do.,There is a lot of homework _ us _ _ .,written,by,for,to,do,3),当定语从句中含有,介词短语或形容词短语或者名次短语,做表语时,可将定语从句改为,介词短语,。如:,1.The,girl,who is in a hat,is Lucy King.,The girl _ _ _ is Lucy King.,2.China is a great country which has a long history.,China is a great country,with,a long history.,3. We welcome the friends who come from all the parts of the world.,We welcome the friends,from,all the parts or the world.,in,a,hat,将下列含定语从句的复合句改为简单句。,1. The man who is standing there is our Englishteacher.,2. The road which was built last year is wide.,3. The road which is to be built next year is long,4. The road which is being built now is very wide.,1. The man standing there is our English teacher.,2. The road built last year is wide.,3. The road to be built next year is long.,4. The road being built now is very wide.,


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