九年级英语下册 Module3 Now and then课件 外研版

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Module3 Now and then,育新中学武爱萍,Learning aims,1. Learn about comparative,(比较级,) and superlative,(最高级),.,2. Master,(,掌握,),the sentence patterns,(,句型,),and grammar points,3. Know about the rules, such as:,asas,原级,:,(much) too, so ,quite,very,比,较,级,than,比 and比,the 比,the 比,much, even ,a lot,最高级,:,one of,the序数词最高级,课文重现,Learn,Unit1,alone and make notes about what people do now and did in the past.,1,.,2,.,3,.,4,.,People are,_,_ and live _ today than 50,years ago.,(health),People dont have to work _ _ _ they worked 50 years ago,.(work),Transport,is_, but it makes_ pollution.,Today we know_ about medicine and we are better at _ _, but we dont take _ _ _ _ they did,.(medicine),Learn by oneself,healthier,longer,more,preventing illness,as much exercise as,faster,more,as hard as,Learn by oneself,Learn,Unit2,alone and fill in the table.,In the past,Now,Family,smaller,Parents jobs,Both of them go out to work.,Lifestyle,eat ready-made food,Marriage,About the city,less traffic,bigger,Father,went out to work.,Mother stayed at home,.,The food was always freshly cooked.,Most couples meet at work.,Their parents usually decided who they married.,(They were young.),There are more buildings,and so much more traffic.,基础知识,Key words,debate illness,prevent,medicine,suppose,relaxed,eldest,married,couple,diet,disease,Can you use the words?,跟踪训练,根据句意及首字母提示完成单词,What p_ you from joining us last night?,2.,A person who wants to become a doctor has to study m_.,3.,Mary doesnt go to school because of her i_.,4.,I s_ you are very tired after working all day.,5,.,Its important to have a healthy d_.,revented,edicine,llness,uppose,iet,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。,1. The Browns have four children and Lucy is the_ (old) child.,2.The experiment was much _ (easy) than they had expected.,3. Today many women continue to work after they get _ (marry).,4. There were many young _ (couple) taking part in the activity.,5. I think food that is _ (fresh) cooked is healthier than ready-made food.,oldest,easier,married,couples,freshly,Main phrases,1. preventfrom,2. be good at/do well in,lead alife,do/try ones best to do sth,talking/speaking of,all ones life,7.,get married (to),8.,pick up,9.,the number of/a number of,10.,fall off,阻止做某事,擅长,过(某种生活),尽某人最大努力做某事,谈到,终身,一生,结婚,捡起;接,的数量/大量的,(从,)跌落,跟踪训练,根据汉语意思完成句子,我将尽我的最大努力赶上别人。,I will _ _ _ _ catch up with others.,2,.,过去人们因疾病和饥饿过着困难的生活。,The people in the past _ _ _ _ because of diseases and hunger.,3.,树木能够阻止土壤流失。,Trees can _ soil(,土壤,)_running away.,4.,说到钱,它对我们生活很重要但不是万能的。,_ _ money, it is necessary for our life but it is not everything.,do/try my best to,led a hard life,prevent from,Talking of,5. 他从树上跌落,伤了双脚。,He _ _ a tree and hurt his feet.,6. 他们是去年结婚的。,They _ _ last year.,7. 爷爷一生都住在北京。,Grandpa has lived in Beijing _ _ _.,他比起写更擅长画。,He _ _ _drawing than writing.,fell off,got married,all his life,is better at,does better in,跟踪训练,语法交际,词 尾,变 化,原级,比较级,最高级,1.,单音节词在词尾加-er(比较级)或-est(最高级),tall hard,2.,以不发音的e接尾的词加r或st,large,wide,3.,以重读闭音节结尾的词,应双写辅音字母再加er或est,big hot,4.,以辅音字母加y结尾的词变为i再加er,或est,happy dry,5.,多音节词和多数双音节词在其前面加more 和most,difficult popular,1. 规则变化,tall,er,tall,est,hard,er,hard,est,large,r,large,st,wide,r,wide,st,big,ger,big,gest,hot,ter,hot,test,happ,ier,happ,iest,dr,ier,dr,iest,more,difficult,most,difficult,more,popular,most,popular,原级,good,well,bad,ill,many,much,little,far,old,比较级,最高级,2、不规则变化,best,better,worse,worst,more,most,less,least,farther farthest,further furthest,older oldest,elder eldest,Grammar points,asas,原级,:,(much) too, so ,quite,very,.,1.The boy is as_ as his father. (tall),2.Its very _ to play on the road.,(danger),tall,dangerous,Do exercises:,4.Its much too_,today.,5.It was quite_, but not perfect.,3.The boy ran so _that I couldnt catch him.,fast,cold,good,.,比,较,级,than,比 and比,the 比,the 比,Which/Who is , or?,the,比 of the two,much, even ,a lot, any,is_thanBeijing.(busy),is _, your sister or his? (thin),3._(much) food you eat, _,(fat) you will be.,busier,thinner,The more,the fatter,Do exercises:,is _ofthe twins.(short),the shorter,spring comes, the weather is getting,_and _. (warm),warmer warmer,6.,Jim has been even_ in Chinese since Mr. Green taught him.(interest),more interested,最,高,级,in/of,one of,the序数词最高级,Which/Who is , , or?,Yellow River is the second_,river in China. (long),longest,2.Which skirt is _ ,yours,hers or mine?(fashionable),the most fashionable,Do exercises:,have _ books in my family.(many),the most,4.He is one of _(popular),singers in China.,the most popular,1.It takes,(little)time to go to Beijing by plane than by train,2. Who is,(famous)running star in your school?,3.Ben jumps,(high) than some of the boys in his class.,4.Fangfang is,(tall) of the two.,5.My eyes are,(big) than hers.,6.Mary is,(quiet) in my family.,综合练习,less,the most famous,higher,the taller,bigger,the quietest,7.Which is,(heavy),the elephant , the pig or the duck?,8.I think English is as,(important) as math.,9.Do the girls get up,(early)than the boys? No,they dont.,10. She studies,(hard) in our class.,11.In our city, its hot in July, but its even,_(hot)in August.,12.Mr Smith thought the Century Park was the second,(large) park in Shanghai.,the heaviest,important,earlier,the hardest,hotter,largest,链接中考,Who runs _, Tom or Jim?,(长沙中考),2.,The dish is delicious!,(杭州中考),- Well, at least its _ the one I cooked yesterday.,A,.,as good as,B.,worse than,C.,as well as,3.,Of all the students,Linda draws_ carefully.,(朝阳,),A.,much,B.,more,C.,most,4. Mike looks _than Paul, but they are of the same age.,(朝阳中考),A. the youngest B. very young C. younger,5. There _ a number of animals in the zoo. The number of them_ two thousand.,(宁波中考),A. is, are B. are, is C. is, is,Choose the right answer.,6. The dish smells _ and youd better throw it away.(潍坊中考),A. good B. well C.bad,7.The ticket is on the floor, please_. (烟台),A. pick up it B. look it up C. pick it up,8. When an earthquake happens, and you are outdoors, you should stay cool and go to an open area as _ as possible.(盐城中考),A. slowly B. quickly C. quietly,9.,Stephanie Suns latest album,Backlight,came out in April,2007. It _ as expected.(德州中考),Was sold as good B. was sold as well,C. Sold as good D. sold as well,10. -How long will Philip stay here?,- Two _ weeks till he leaves. (09南京),A. many B. much C. more D. most,2. -Which of those radios sounds _?,-The smallest one. (09无锡),A. good B. well C. better D. best,3. Of the two T-shirts, Id choose the _ one to save some money for a book. (09苏州),A. cheapest B. cheaper,C. more expensive D. most expensive,5. Im much _ than my two friends, but I jump _ of us three. (09南通),A. taller; higher B. shorter; higher,C. taller; highest D. shorter; highest,18. Helen learns to dance three times a week. Now she dances _ Anita does. (08宿迁),A. so good as B. as well as,C. as good as D. so well as,6. -Was Henry late for the concert yesterday?,-No. He got there even ten minutes _ than us two. (09扬州),A. earlier B. earliest C. later D. latest,8. Lily is _ hard-working than any other student in her class. (09淮安),A. much B. more C. most D. the most,10. -Mark speaks English well, but you _ him.,(09常州),A. speak as badly as B. speak worse than,C. dont speak so badly as D. speak much better than,17. -How are you today, Bob?,-Im even _ now. I dont think the medicine is good for me. (08南通),A. better B. worse C. happier D. unluckier,12. Peter drives _ Amy, so it will take Peter _ time to get to the hotel. (08常州),A.much faster than; less B. more slowly than; less,C. as fast as; more D. as slowly as; more,13. This morning Jack came to school _ than _ student in his class. (08无锡),A.much late; any B. much late; any other,C. much later; any D. much later; any other,14. Daniel is a careful driver, but he drives _ of my friends. (08苏州),A. more carefully B. the most carefully,C. less carefully D. the least carefully,16. Havent seen you for ages! You are now much _ than I. (08淮安),A.tall B. taller C. tallest,1.We hope the weather will be fine, but it is getting even _(bad). (08常州),2.The _(high) you climb, the more beautiful view you will see. (08徐州),3.The girl is a top student in her school. Shell go abroad for _ (far) study next month. (08扬州),4. Nancy doesnt go to the club any more, so she has _(much) free time than before. (08南通),5. The weather today becomes even _(bad). Why not take a raincoat with you? (08宿迁),7. -This pair of shoes is too tight. Could I try a pair in a _(big) size? (09南京) - Of course. Here you are.,8. Maggie doesnt think skating is _,(和一样有趣) skiing. (09连云港),9. Of the two coats, Ill choose the _(便宜) one to save some money for a book. (09盐城),worse,higher,further,more,worse,bigger,as interesting as,cheaper,词汇:,Write a composition about,life today and in the past,Homework,In the past,Today,health,less food,live longer, have a better diet,transport,no buses/cars/planes,walk less,house,small,big,work,hard,hard,environment,dirty,clean,参考范文,In the past, the life was not easy. Most girls never went to school. They helped on the farm or cooked at home for their families. People didnt have a healthy diet. They knew less about medicine, and that made life less healthy. They didnt live as long as we do today.,There were no houses or cars. People went to work on foot or by bike. So they did more exercise. Today more and more people use their own cars. They walk less and become lazier. And faster transport makes more pollution.,In the past the family was very big. They lived in a small house. They cooked on the fire. Now there are many tall buildings to live in. life is better than it was in the past, isnt it?,Thank you,!,链接中考,(2010武汉)词与短语填空。先阅读短文,然后,根据句意及首字母提示完成单词,使全文在逻辑上正确。5分),Id like to tell you a story about my best friend Jane. Last week in school we had a big fight, and she didnt t_,1,_ to me. It all started when she asked me if she could copy my homework. I asked her why she wanted to do that, and she said that she had forgotten to do hers. I said I didnt think it was a good idea for her to copy my homework. She wanted to know why I didnt think it was a good idea. I said it would start a bad h_,2,_ and she should do her own work. She got really m_,3,_ at me and said she didnt want to be my best friend anymore. I said that was OK and that I was sure she would g_,4,_ over it. And she did. Yesterday she told me she was s_,5,_. She said it was much better if she did her own work.,【主旨大意】主要是讲学生为抄作业而发生的一些小摩擦,及后来好朋友认识到抄作业的弊端,两人重归于好。,


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