五年级英语上册 unit1 Part EFG课件 苏教牛津版

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,一、教学目标,掌握单词、词组:,house, flower, go and play there,2.,能阅读,E,部分对话并进行表演。,3.,进一步掌握句型:,How many are there in the ? There are ,4.,了解字母,a,发,ei,的单词归纳总结。,5.,会唱歌曲,Two jackets,二、重点难点能自编对话谈论一个场所。,第一部分 简要说明,牛津小学英语5A,Unit 1,The first day at school,(Part E F G H),Ask and answer,slide,reading room,table tennis room,garden,swing,toilet,Is there,a,/,an, in the school?,Are there,any, in the school?,Ask and answer,How many desk,s,are there in the classroom?,There are.,Look, read and learn,h,ou,se,h,ou,se,Look, read and learn,Ask the questions,1. Is there a slide in the park?,Yes, there is.,2. Are there any swings in the park?,Yes, there are.,Look, read and learn,A: Is there a park near your house?B: Yes. Its a small one, but there are a lot of flowers and trees.A: Are there any swings?B: Yes. And theres a slide, too.A: Shall we go and play there?B: Good idea.,Look, find and say,str,ee,t,(街道),Look, find and say,How many are there in the street?,There are,Sing a song,Sing a song,How many jackets are there? There are two jackets on the chair.Are there any jackets on the bed? There arent any on the bed.,Sing a song,Listen and repeat,c,a,ke gr,a,pe pl,a,te t,a,ble,a ,t,a,ke m,a,ke l,a,te l,a,ke g,a,me g,a,te,On the t,a,ble, there are some c,a,kes and gr,a,pes on the pl,a,te.,本节课中,教师首先带领学生复习了这个单元已经习得的知识,为后面的学习打下了基础。然后教师针对不同的板块设计了不同形式的学习方法。在,E,对话和,F,看图说话部分,教师利用情景进行教学,并给学生自由发挥的空间,锻炼了他们灵活运用语言的能力。在语音部分,教师并未直接呈现句子,而是先让学生回忆具有类似读音规律的单词。在这样的板块复习课型中,教师既要注重单元知识的巩固,也要注重新知识的教授,同时还要兼顾趣味性和实用性。,第三部分 说明,


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