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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 5,The Far and the Near,Thomas Wolfe, Group Five,1.Wolfe was born in,Asheville, North Carolina, the youngest of eight children of William Oliver Wolfe (18511922) and Julia Elizabeth Westall (18601945).,2.His father, a successful stone carver, ran a,gravestone,business. His mother took in boarders and was active in acquiring,real estate,.,3.,Wolfe was a good student at the local elementary school, and in 1912 he was sent to a private school. At the ripe age of fifteen, he entered the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In 1922, Wolfe graduated from Harvard with his masters degree, although he remained in Cambridge, Massachusetts, writing plays.,1.Thomas Clayton Wolfe,(October 3, 1900 September 15, 1938) was a major American,novelist,of the early 20th century.,2.Wolfe wrote four lengthy novels, plus many short stories, dramatic works and novellas. He is known for mixing highly original, poetic, rhapsodic, and impressionistic prose with,autobiographical,writing.,3.His,books, written and,published,from the 1920s to the 1940s, reflect vividly on,American culture,and,mores,of the period, albeit filtered through Wolfes sensitive, sophisticated and hyper-analytical perspective. He became very famous during his own lifetime.,4.He remains one of the most important writers in modern,American literature, as he was one of the first masters of,autobiographical fiction,. He is considered North Carolinas most famous writer.,Works,Look Homeward, Angel,(,1929,),Of Time and the River,(,1935,),From Death to Morning,(1935),The Story of a Novel,(,1936,),The Lost Boy,(,1937,),The Web and the Rock,(,1939,),You Cant Go Home Again,(,1940,),The Hound of Darkness,The Hills Beyond,(,1941,),Mannerhouse: A Play in a Prologue and Four Acts,(,1948,),A Western Journal: A Daily Log of the Great Parks Trip, June 20-July 2, 1938,(,1951,by University of Pittsburgh Press),The Letters of Thomas Wolfe,(,1956,),Short Novels of Thomas Wolfe,(,1961,),The Mountains: A Play in One Act; The Mountains: A Drama in Three Acts and a Prologue,(,1970,),Welcome to our City: A Play in Ten Scenes,(,1983,),Beyond Love and Loyalty: The Letters of Thomas Wolfe and Elizabeth Nowell,edited by Richard,1,.,Outskirt,【,常作,s】,n. outlying districts of a city or large town.,E.g. 1. The hotel is situated in the,outskirts,of the city.,outskirts / periphery,city n. We live in New York,City,.,town n. He was born in a small,town,fifty miles away from Chicago.,country n. We lived in the,country,for more than ten years.,countryside n. He grew up in the,countryside,.,downtown a. Our,downtown,office stays open till eleven.,urban a. In some developing countries more and more,people are migrating to,urban,areas.,Words and phrases:,2,.,ghastly,a.,causing horror or fear.,E.g. So, the sooner you cooperate, The sooner I can finish up with this,ghastly,Angel business.,I feel,ghastly,about it.,/fearful /horrible /dreadful /frightful,3.,timorous,a. shy or timid.,4.cluster,klst,n:,(同类事物或人的)一串,一束,,一簇,一群,一组,E.g.,A,cluster,of grapes / flowers / bees,一串葡萄/ 一束鲜花 / 一群蜜蜂,v:,使集成一串,群集,丛生,E.g.,The men,clustered,together for warmth.,6.,thoughtful,saqacious,wooden,seamed,weathered,meager,(pinched),excited,(cheerful),florid,glossy,charming,beautiful,cute,smooth,fair,smiling,sallow weary,(tired),The Organization of the Passage,The Far,The Near,He image that the town and the woman are beautiful and unchangeabled and they has a fathers love towards the two women,the town seems so unfamiliar much different from how it has looked from his train cab and the woman whom he has idealized all of those years appears different,.,Part1(,Paragraph1):,The article starts out with a description of a little town, which contains a small cottage on its outskirts.,Part2(,Paragraph2-6):,For more than twenty years, the engineer remains focused on the vision of the two women, an image that he thinks is beautiful and unchangeable,.,Part3(,Paragraph7-13):,As a result,he resolves to visit the women on the day he retires,he realizes that he has lost all hope ,because,the town seems so unfamiliar much different from how it has looked from his train cab and the woman whom he has idealized all of those years appears different.,Character Analysis,The engineer was the hero of this fiction.,The woman and the girl were the symbol of beauty in the heart of the engineer.,The psychological description of the engineer.,In the train:,the two women gived him the most extraordinary happiness and everything about the two women was beautiful.,In reality:,everything about the two women was strange, unreal and disquieting.,All the beauties bursted like a soap bubble.,所有的美好如肥皂泡般破灭。,The description of the woman and the girl.,In distance,(远距离):,they waved their hands,boldly, freely,with enthusiasm.,Face-to-face,(近距离):,they were unfriendly and their faces were full of suspicion, timidity and anxiety .,What a great contrast!,一个巨大的反差。,Character Analysis,The engineer is the hero of this article. A lot of words are used to describe him, especially for his psychological description.,The woman and the girl are the symbol of beauty in the heart of the engineer.,The psychological description of the engineer.,In the train:,the two women give him the most extraordinary happiness and everything about the two women is beautiful.,In reality:,everything about the two women is strange, unreal and disquieting.,All the beauties burst like a soap bubble.,所有的美好如肥皂泡般破灭。,The description of the woman and the girl.,In distance,(远距离):,they wave their hands,boldly, freely,with enthusiasm.,Face-to-face,(近距离):,they are unfriendly and their faces are full of suspicion, timidity, anxiety .,Purpose of the text,Wolfes motives behind the story,. The previous decade, the 1920s, had been a very positive time, since the nation had a strong economy. Many people assumed that the economy, and life in general, would continue to improve .,In the 1930s, when Wolfe wrote the story, the United States was caught in the grip of the Great Depression, many people were overcome with despair and hopelessness, just like the engineer.,Purpose of the text,Wolfes motives behind the story,In the story, the engineer staked his faith on an idyllic vision in the past, which has failed to come true in the present. In fact, the present reality is horrible for him, and it destroys his optimism and hope.,Since the work was written during the Great Depression, the loss of hope that takes place in the story would have been extremely familiar to us.,Within its few pages, Wolfes short story emphasizes the potentially devastating effects on a person who is forced to confront the reality behind a vision.,As Elizabeth Evans calls The Far and the Near a sentimental story and notes how the destruction of the engineers idyllic scene leaves him disappointed and lonely, since the reality of the unfriendly cottage inhabitants precludes his hopes of friendship with them and indeed ruins his memory. This painfully negative ending is a huge contrast to the extremely positive beginning. This distinct difference between the two halves of the story gives it more impact.,This essay is filled with a good amount of philosophical meaning. it may be perfect When it is far; it is so bad while it is near.,the distance,makes beauty,Can distance produce beauty?,Distance lends enchantment to the view,距离产生美,It goes without saying that the distance bring out lot of beauty. Such as the things Cao Ling present,ed,. Beside,it also bring some other beauty to us. Now we will talk about this.,The rule still works when it comes to the contact of human beings.,Distance lends enchantment to the view,Example:,There is one couple,The male,The female,The distance was destroyed little by little.,So was,the beauty.,He was gentlemanlike, cute ,romantic,considerate,and so on,.,She was the goddess. She was the queen . She was pretty, tender, and irreplaceable,.,When they are together,.,Several year ago, When the boy was wooing(追求) the girl,.,He is slovenly(邋遢),indifferently(冷淡) and mind changing.,She is,nagging,she has a bad temper,she,just,looks like a tigress.,Distance lends enchantment to the view,Example:,When they are together,00000,Several year ago, When the boy was wooing(追求) the girl,There is one couple,The male,The female,It seems that they are made for each other.,Distance lends enchantment to the view,Example:,There is one couple,The male,The female,Several year ago, When the boy was wooing(追求) the girl,He was gentlemanlike, cute ,romantic,considerate,and so on,.,When they are together,Distance lends enchantment to the view,Example:,There is one couple,The male,The female,Several year ago, When the boy was wooing(追求) the girl,.,He was gentlemanlike, cute ,romantic,considerate,and so on,.,She was the goddess. She was the queen . She was pretty, tender, and irreplaceable,.,When they are together,Distance lends enchantment to the view,Example:,There is one couple,The male,The female,Several year ago, When the boy was wooing(追求) the girl,He was gentlemanlike, cute ,romantic,considerate,and so on,She was the goddess. She was the queen . She was pretty, tender, and irreplaceable,When they are together,.,He is slovenly(邋遢),indifferently(冷淡) ,She is,nagging,she has a bad temper,she,just,looks like a tigress.,All of the things get worse.,He is slovenly(邋遢),indifferently(冷淡) and mind changing.,It must be declare that Im not intended to persuade you not to get married.,I just told the truth.,Do you agree with me?,The ending of the novel full of grief.,his act of hope and tenderness ultimately feels like a shameful one, and at the end of the story, he must live with the tragedy of tainted memories and a failed dream.,it is a kind of sentiment that all good things like soap bubbles burst : he know all the beautiful fantasy flash away, and never again .,1: In the novel,Distance cant produce beauty,Distance produce beauty, and this kind of beauty cant be touched;,People can only wanted a good, no communication between people ;,Good things and emotion,Probably Just,someones,Wishful Thinking, once touch, to be able to let a person disappointed.,In the emotion, sometimes distance cant produce beauty. In,contrary, it make the beauty away. Humans emotion is capricious, which need to constantly communicate to deepen our relationship.,Too long apart, we even dont know whether friends can find common language yet.,Not in the same space, we even dont know the other partys difficulties.,Sometimes need a deep feeling of look in the eyes, a warm embrace, but can not always in a few sentences words instead of . And gradually it become the beauty of memory and then by the time memory will slowly fade.,2: In the real world,Distance makes people become more cold.,Distance makes people easy to misunderstand each other.,Distance will dilute feelings.,Distance is love killer.,In the world, the most distance is not factual distance but the distance between the heart and another,If,the heart and the heart can close to each other,,,horizon is the same as right close,。,Beauty is in our heart, it has nothing to do with the near and far, and has nothing to do with distance,Beauty is in our heart,The furthest distance in the world,Is not between life and death,But when I stand in front of you,Yet you dont know that I love you,The furthest distance in the world,Is not when I stand in front of you,Yet you cant see my love,But when undoubtedly knowing the love from both,Yet can not be together,The furthest distance in the world,Is not being apart while being in love,But when plainly I can not resist the yearning,Yet pretending you have never been in my heart,The furthest distance in the world,Is not you have never been in my heart,But using ones indifferent heart,To dig an uncrossable river for the one who loves you,世界上最遥远的距离,不是生与死之间的距离,而是我站在你面前,你却不知道,我爱你,世界上最遥远的距离,不是我站在你面前,你却看不到我对你的爱,而是感受到对方坚定的爱意 却不能在一起,世界上最遥远的距离,不是相爱的人不能在一起,而是明明不能停止思念,却装作对方从未走进自己心间 世界上最遥远的距离,不是我的心里没有你,而是用冷漠的心,为爱你的人,挖掘一条无法穿越的鸿沟,The furthest distance in the world,Moonlight city. You just couldnt see an end to it.It wasnt what I saw that stopped me ,MaxIt was what I didnt see.Take the pianoKeys begin. Keys end.You know there are 88 of them.Theyre not infinite. Youre infinite.And on those keys, the music that you can make is infinite.I like that. That I can live by.But you get me up on that gangway, and you roll them out in front of me.Keyboards have millions and billions of keys that never end.That keyboard is infinite.Then on that keyboard theres no music you can play.Thats Gods piano.,偌大的城市,绵延无尽。并非是我眼见的让我停住了脚步。而是我所看不见的,你能明白吗?拿钢琴来说。键盘有始亦有终。你确切地知道88个键就在那儿,错不了。它们并不是无限的,而你,才是无限的。你能在键盘上表现的音乐是无限的。我喜欢这样,我能轻松应付。而你现在让我走过跳板,走到城市里。等着我的是一个没有尽头的键盘。我又怎能在这样的键盘上弹奏呢?那是上帝的键盘啊!,Did you see the streets?Therere thousands of them.How do you choose just one?One woman, one house, one way to die.You dont even know where it comes to an end.Arent you ever just scared of breaking apart with thethought of it?I was born on this ship.And the world passed me by.But 2000 people at a time and therere old wishes here .But nevermore that fit between prow and stern.You played out your happiness bit on a piano that was notinfinite.I learned to live that way.,你看到那数不清的街道吗?如何只选择其中一条去走?一个共渡一生的女人,一幢属于自己的屋子,一种生与死的方式你甚至不知道什么时候才是尽头。一想到这个,难道不会害怕、会崩溃吗?我在这艘船上出生。世事千变万化,然这艘船每次只载2000人。这里有着希望,但仅在船头和船尾之间。你可以在有限的钢琴上奏出你的欢欣快乐。我习惯了这样的生活。,Land?Land is a ship too big for me,Its a woman too beautiful, a bridge too long, perfume tostrong, music I dont know how to play.I can never get off this ship.At best, I didnt step off my life.After all, I dont exist for anyone.,陆地?陆地对我来说是一艘太大的船。太漂亮的女人,太长的旅程,太浓烈的香水,无从着手的音乐。我永远无法走下这艘船。这样的话,我宁可舍弃我的生命。毕竟,我从来没有为任何人存在过,这是每个人讲完之后引入下一个人的台词,曹:At first,welcome 王志凯 to talk something about the author Tomas wolfe for us,王志凯: Its no doubt that the author is a,laborious,writer ,for he create so many good works for us in his short life. Ok, next, lets welcome 贵元香 to lead us to learn some important vocabularies of the text.,贵元香:自己准备一下啊,卢小庆:As we know ,in a novel , the description of the characters is very important. So , in this novel ,how so did the author describe the characters?, next ,please allow 何少青 talk something about it for us .welcome !,何少青: ok , these are the texts Figure description characteristics. So , what did the author want to express in the novel ? Next,Let 肖家福 tell us something about it . Welcome !,肖家福没有台词,曹:Ok, until now , I believe you already have a knowledge of this text。 In this text ,Tomas want to tell us that distance can make beauty and some things may be perfect when it is far ,but be bad while it is near. But today ,we live in a diffferent times and environment . Are you still agree with Tomas? OR ,you will have the different points . Next , please allow 郑从光、蒲芳、杨源 and 陈燕梅 to share their standpoints with us.,


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