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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 1,Wed better get you,to hospital.,Module 5,Look after yourself,become a,couch potato (,成天躺着或坐在沙发上看电视的人,),Advise her to eat less and do more exercise.,What should you do?,break your arm,What should you do if you have an accident?,hurt your shoulder,cut your finger / knee,Cover the wound with a clean cloth.,Try to stop bleeding.,Go to the doctors.,Dont move.,Fasten it to a piece of wood.,be bitten by a dog,get burnt by hot oil,Wash the wound with running water until the pain stops.,Ask the doctor for help.,What should you do if you have an accident?,1. Has Tonys dad ever had an accident?,2. How long did it take for the wound to get better after Tonys dad cut his finger?,Listen and answer the questions.,2,Yes, he cut his finger once, and he fell off his bike.,It took a month for the wound to get better.,Read and answer questions.,3,1. Where are they?,2. What are they doing?,3. Who has an accident?,They are in the mountains.,They are walking in the mountains.,Daming.,Read and complete the accident report.,in the mountains,Daming,He fell over when he was running down the steps.,He hit his head and cut his knee.,Read again and answer the questions.,They had an agreement to stick together, and its going to rain, so Mr. Jackson decided to go back and look for them.,Daming fell over. He hit his head and hurt his leg., Why did Mr. Jackson decide to go and look for Tony and Daming?, What happened to Daming?, When did the accident happen?,The accident happened about 10 minutes ago./The accident happened when Daming was running down the steps.,more slowly than them,Tony came calling for help,Complete the sentences.,1. Mr. Jackson and Betty have to wait for Tony and Daming because _,_.,2. As soon as Mr. Jackson decided to look for them, _.,they were walking,3. The reason why Daming had an accident is,that _,_.,4. Daming has got a wound in his leg. However,Mr. Jackson _.,he fell over when he was running down the steps.,says it is nothing serious,We had a(an) _ to stay together, but Tony and Daming were too slow. We stopped to wait for them to _. But Daming had a(an) _ and _ himself. He was afraid of going _ because he could not see very well. It was nothing serious, though. However, we had to call off the walk and go home.,accident agreement blind catch up hurt,Complete the passage with the words,and expressions in the box.,agreement,catch up,accident,hurt,blind,Describe the four pictures and write a short passage about 70 words.,Have a try!,Please raise your head and,look at,the blackboard.,You can,look for,a new job.,You,look like,as strong as ten years ago.,You should,look up,the right pronunciation of this word in the dictionary.,常见的,look,短语还有,: look at, look for, look like, look up,等。如:,知识链接,【2012,江苏苏州,】14. Maggie wanted an evening job that would allow her to _ her son during the day. A. look at B. look around,C. look after D. look out,【2013,广东,】34. Again and again the doctor _ the crying baby girl, but he couldnt find out what was wrong with her.,A. looked over B. looked after,C. looked for D. looked out,【2013,湖北十堰,】30. Here is the book. First _ it and then tell me what you think of it.,A. look intoB. look through,C. look upD. look after,2. Theyll,catch up,in a few minutes.,catch up,追上,赶上,He drove fast enough to catch up the train.,If you miss a lot of lessons, its very difficult to catch up.,Ill help _ the city parks.,A. catch up B. cheer up C. clean up,catch up with,赶上,/,追上,keep up with,跟上,不落在,后面,come up with,赶上,;,接近,走近想出,提出,提议,知识链接,After discussing, the students _ some good ideas to work on the project. (2008,陕西中考,),A. put up B. set up,C. caught up with D. came up with,In the race Wu Dong ran fastest. No one could _ him.,A. get on with B. hurry up,C. give up D. catch up with,5. we have to,call off,the walk and go back home.,call off,取消;决定终止,The match was called off because of bad weather.,由于天气不好,比赛取消了。,If it rains, we shallcall offthe picnic.,如果下雨,我们就取消野餐。,Exercise,have been to call for help,catch up with wait for happened to,Choose the proper phrases in the box.,1. You will have work harder to _ the top students in your class.,2. I hear you _ Africa as a volunteer.,catch up with,have been to,3. The children cant _ the coming New Year.,4. The young man had to _ at once on his mobile phone.,5. The girl is missing. Whats _ her?,wait for,call for help,happened to,Fill in the blanks with the right form of the verbs given.,1. An old woman asked him what was _ (miss).,2. Suddenly, a car stopped in front of him and he _ (fall) off his bike.,3. Its getting late. Youd better _ (take) a taxi to the airport.,missing,fell,take,3.,她出差时我将照看她的孩子。,I will _ her child when she is on a business trip.,look after,4. 他坐下来要了一些啤酒。,He sat down and _ some beer.,假如碰到问题,请给我打 。,Please _ me if you have problems.,called for,call,


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