九年级英语上册 module 4 unit 8 surprise endings period 2课件 (新版)牛津深圳版

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九年级英语上册 module 4 unit 8 surprise endings period 2课件 (新版)牛津深圳版_第1页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Unit,8,Oxford English,Module 4,A taste of literature,Period 2,Reading (2),Surprise endings,1,Show time,In groups, read the story.,2,Learn the words,cent,knee,sign,watch chain,comb,hair goods,3,The gifts,Read paragraphs 3 to 12. Then put the sentences in the correct order.,Della put on her old brown jacket and her old brown hat. Then she went out of the door and down the stairs to the street.,She stopped at a store. The sign in front of the store read “Hair Goods”.,“Will you buy my hair?” asked Della.,“Twenty dollars,” the woman said.,Then Della searched through the stores,looking for,a present for Jim.,She found it at last. It was a watch chain. The,bill,was twenty-one dollars.,At seven oclock, the coffee was made and dinner was ready.,Jim was never late. Della heard his,steps,on the stairs.,The door opened and Jim walked in. He stopped inside the door. His eyes were,fixed on,Della, and there was an expression in them that she could not read.,“Jim,” she cried, “dont look at me that way. I sold my hair to buy you a Christmas present.”,Della put on her old jacket and old hat and went outside.,1,Della saw the strange expression in Jims eyes.,6,Della looked for a gift for her husband.,3,Della made the dinner and waited for her husband.,5,Della stopped at a hair goods store and sold her beautiful hair.,2,Della bought a watch chain for $21.,4,Read paragraphs 1 to 12 again. Then complete the table below.,When Della ,she felt ,counted the money,went out,saw the hair goods store,searched through the stores,found the watch chain,waited for her husband at home,saw her husbands expression,upset.,worried.,hopeful.,eager.,excited.,anxious.,nervous.,anxious eager excited hopeful nervous upset worried,Read paragraphs 13 to 17. Then answer the questions.,Jim drew a box from his pocket and put it on the table.,Della opened it. There lay the,set,of combs that she had always wanted. Now they were hers, but her hair was gone.,She smiled and,held out,Jims present. “I hunted all over town to find it. Give me your watch. I want to see how it looks on it.”,Instead of obeying, Jim sat down, put his hands behind his head and smiled.,“Della,” he said, “I sold the watch to get the money to buy your combs.”,How did Della feel when she opened the box Jim gave to,her?,How does the story end?,She felt sad and happy.,The couple have sold their most valuable possessions to buy gifts for each other.,4,Comprehension,D1,Read the short story on page 115 and complete the sentences below.,Tomorrow will be Christmas, and I only have,(1)_,. I cant,(2)_,for Jim. What should I do?,one dollar and eighty-seven cents,afford a present,I must buy a Christmas,present for my dear Della.,I must buy a Christmas present for my dear Della.,Theres only one possession which Im proud ofmy,(3)_,. I can,(4)_,to get,the money.,beautiful hair,sell it,I must buy a Christmas,present for my dear Della.,My,(5)_,is very valuable, but I have to sell it. To me, Della is more valuable than this.,gold watch,This,(6)_,looks great! Jim will be,happy to use it with his,watch.,watch chain,I must buy a Christmas,present for my dear Della.,Della will surely be,very happy if I give,(7)_,to her.,this set of combs,Look at the picture below and discuss what they are thinking.,_,_,_,I must buy a Christmas,present for my dear Della.,_,_,_,5,Strategy,Read the strategy below and learn how to understand surprise endings in the stories.,*D2,Discuss and answer the questions below with your classmates.,1 What did the expression in Jims eyes mean when he,saw Della?,2 What is the surprise ending in the short story?,3 What do you think of Della and Jim?,It meant he was surprised/disappointed.,Della sold her beautiful hair to buy Jim a watch,chain. Jim sold his gold watch to buy Della a set,of combs. It is a surprise because they did not,expect each other to do so.,They loved each other very much. They gave up their most valuable things for each other.,6,Ask and answer,What can you learn from the story?,The couple love each other very much./Love is much more valuable than any gift.,7,Vocabulary,C2,Complete the article below with the words from the box. Change their forms if,necessary.,looked for,drew,fixed,holding out,at last,on,H,Homework,抄写单词和短语:,cent,,,knee,,,sign,,,goods,,,chain,,,step,,,comb,;,look for,,,fix on,,,hold out,。,2.,撰写主阅读篇章的小说梗概。,3.,将主阅读篇章改编成课本剧,并分角色表,演。,4.,完成,综合练习册,第,126,页,Vocabulary,和,第,134,至,135,页,Reading B,,,C,的练习。,


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