2013年浙江中考英语第一轮复习课件教材梳理 人教新目标九年级UNITS 1~2

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2013年浙江中考英语第一轮复习课件教材梳理 人教新目标九年级UNITS 1~2_第1页
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2013年浙江中考英语第一轮复习课件教材梳理 人教新目标九年级UNITS 1~2_第3页
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浙江名师预测,要点各个击破,跟踪训练,基础知识梳理,按,ESC,退出,首页,浙江三年中考,浙江名师预测,要点各个击破,跟踪训练,基础知识梳理,按,ESC,退出,首页,浙江三年中考,浙江名师预测,要点各个击破,跟踪训练,基础知识梳理,按,ESC,退出,首页,浙江三年中考,浙江名师预测,要点各个击破,跟踪训练,基础知识梳理,按,ESC,退出,首页,浙江三年中考,浙江名师预测,要点各个击破,跟踪训练,基础知识梳理,按,ESC,退出,首页,浙江三年中考,英 语,2013,年浙江中考第一轮复习,九年级,Units 1,2,1,(2012,台州,),Dont smoke any more.Its bad for your health.,Im trying to _. Its really hard, you know.,A,turn it on,B,put it off,C,give it up,D,take it out,解析:,考查动词短语辨析。,turn on“,打开”;,put off“,延期,推迟”;,give up“,放弃”;,take out“,取出”。根据句意选,C,。,答案:,C,2,(2012,杭州,),Its your _ as a teacher to protect your students.,A,duty B,hobby C,habit D,manner,解析:,考查名词辨析。,duty “,责任,职责”;,hobby “,爱好”;,habit“,习惯”;,manner “,方式,规矩”。根据句意“作为老师保护学生是你的职责”,故答案选,A,。,答案:,A,3,(2012,宁波,),Judy, I guess you are only twentyfive years old, is that true?,Oh, its a _.,A,suggestion B,secret,C,reason D,problem,解析:,考查名词辨析。,suggestion“,建议”;,secret“,秘密”;,reason“,理由”;,problem“,问题”,由于前句提到年龄问题,而年龄对许多人来说是个人隐私,故选,B,。,答案:,B,4,(2012,杭州,),Hes poor at spelling. He made a lot of spelling m_ in his writing.,解析:,由,be poor at,可知为很多错误,,a lot of,后接名词复数。,答案:,mistakes,5,(2010,杭州,),_ we deal with our problems, we can easily become unhappy.,A,Unless B,Until C,Though D,Whether,解析:,句意为“如果不解决我们的问题,我们会很容易变得不开心”。此题为,unless,引导的条件状语从句,常与,if not,互换,故选,A,。,答案:,A,6,(2010,绍兴,),Fred is studying Japanese in one evening school.,Is that true? He has _ told me about it.,A,ever B,even C,already D,never,解析:,通过答语“,Is that true,?”可知,Fred,没有告诉过“我”这件事,故选,D,。,答案:,D,I had just finished my homework _ the time my father got home.,A,by B,at C,until D,when,答案:,A,答案:,D,一、单项填空,1,Its very difficult to learn English well, but you cant _.,A,put it up B,take it up,C,look it up D,give it up,解析:,考查短语辨析。,put up“,张贴;抬高”;,take up“,占据”;,look up“,查阅”;,give up“,放弃”。根据句意可知选,D,项。,答案:,D,2,In summer, food goes bad easily_it is put in the refrigerator.,A,until B,if C,unless D,but,解析:,考查连词用法。,until“,直到,才,”,;,if“,如果”;,unless“,除非,如果不”;,but“,但是”。根据句意可知选,C,项。,答案:,C,3,When I was a child, I used to _ strawberry.,A,liking B,like,C,liked D,likes,解析:,used to do sth.,意为“过去常常做某事”。,答案:,B,4,_joining the English club you can improve your spoken English and you can also practice your listening skills.,A,By B,With C,On D,From,解析:,考查介词用法。,by“,用,手段或方式”,后接动名词形式;,with“,用,方法”,后跟名词;,on,,,from,在此意义不符,故选,A,项。,答案:,A,5,If you dont know the meaning of a word, youd better _ in a dictionary.,A,pick up it B,pick it up C,look it up D,look up it,解析:,pick up“,捡起”;,look up“,查找,查阅”。这两个短语为动副型短语,代词作宾语时,必须放在中间,根据句意可知,C,项正确。,答案:,C,跟踪训练,.,单项填空,(15,分,),1,How far is it from here to Mount Tai?,About_in a car.,A,3 hours ride B,3 hours walk,C,3 hours flight D,3 hours,解析:,由“,in a car”,可知为驾车出行,故选,A,项。,答案:,A,2,Lucy has trouble _ herself because she is only three years old.,A,dress,B,to dress,C,dressed,D,dressing,解析:,have trouble (in) doing sth.“,做某事有困难”,固定用法,故选,D,项。,答案:,D,3,My brother didnt go to the party, because he is a little shy and afraid _ to strangers.,A,to say B,saying C,to talk D,talking,解析:,be afraid to do sth.“,害怕而不敢做某事”,固定用法。,say“,说”,强调说的内容;,talk“,交谈”,强调与人交谈。故选,C,项。,答案:,C,4,Would you like to play computer games with me?,Sorry, I have _ playing them.,A,made up B,given up C,picked up D,got up,解析:,make up“,编造”;,give up“,放弃”;,pick up“,捡起”;,get up“,起床”。由句意可知应选,B,项。,答案:,B,5,(2012,温州市实验中学模拟,),Maybe I have heard of this story, but I can _ remember it.,A,nearly B,hardly C,really D,exactly,解析:,由,but,可知句子前后为转折关系,应选含否定意义的词,故选,B,项。,答案:,B,6,The menu has so many good things. I cant decide,_.,A,what to eat B,how to eat,C,where to eat D,when to eat,解析:,句意为“菜单上有如此多的好东西,我不能决定吃什么”。故选,A,项。,答案:,A,7,(2012,杭州市第二中学调研,),Would you like to go to the cinema with me?,Id love to, _ Im afraid I have to help my mum.,A,so B,or C,and D,but,解析:,句意为“你乐意和我一起去看电影吗?”“我很乐意,但恐怕我要帮妈妈”。此处前后两句为转折关系,故用,but,。,答案:,D,8,I find it too difficult to learn English well. I want to drop it.,English is very important in our daily life. Never _.,A,give up it B,give it up,C,give away it D,give it away,解析:,本题考查短语,give up,的用法。,give up,意为“放弃”,接代词时,将代词放在该短语中间。,答案:,B,9,How do you keep healthy and strong?,By _every day.,A,playing sports B,watching TV,C,read lots of books D,eat a lot of vegetables,解析:,by,为介词,后跟动词时要用,-ing,形式,由句意可知选,A,项。,答案:,A,10,I _ a lot, but I dont play very often now.,A,use to play tennis,B,was used to play tennis,C,am used to play tennis,D,used to play tennis,解析:,句意为“我过去经常打网球,但是现在我不常打了”。,used to do sth.“,过去常常做某事”。,答案:,D,(,)1.A.above B,over C,near D,under,解析:,live near the lake“,住在湖边”。,答案:,C,(,)2.A.and B,but C,so D,or,解析:,“努力工作”与“生活仍然困苦”形成转折关系,故用转折连词,but,。,答案:,B,(,)3.A.money B,time C,roomD,energy,解析:,由,buy food,判断应用,money,。,答案:,A,(,)4.A.happy B,surprised,C,sad D,scared,解析:,看到她们生活的困难,天鹅很伤心,决定要帮助她们。,sad“,伤心的”符合题意。,答案:,C,(,)5.A.presents B,golden coins,C,feathers D,collections,解析:,由下文“,.they can live a happy life with the money selling my feathers.”,判断天鹅将送给她们的是羽毛。,答案:,C,(,)6.A.flew B,ran,C,climbed D,walked,解析:,根据常识,天鹅是飞着来的。,答案:,A,(,)7.A.something B,everything,C,nothing D,anything,解析:,without“,没有”,否定词,后跟,anything,表示“没说任何话”。,答案:,D,(,)8.A.duller B,better C,busier D,harder,解析:,有了金羽毛后,生活应是变得更好了。,答案:,B,(,)9.A.brothers B,sisters,C,sons D,daughters,解析:,根据上文可知妇人跟女儿们生活在一起,故她是跟女儿们说话。,答案:,D,(,)10.A.his B,her C,theirD,our,解析:,由上文“,She lived in a lake.”,判断此处用宾格,her,代指天鹅。,答案:,B,(,)11.A.hurt B,save C,protect D,refuse,解析:,妇人要拔走天鹅所有的羽毛,所以此处用,hurt“,伤害”。,答案:,A,(,)12.A.mother B,daughter,C,chicken D,swan,解析:,句意为“当天鹅像往常一样来时”。此空格指天鹅。,答案:,D,(,)13.A.heard of B,changed into,C,looked for D,came from,解析:,句意“金羽毛变成了鸡羽毛”。,change into“,变成”。,答案:,B,(,)14.A.trouble B,help,C,teach D,invite,解析:,句意为“可怜的妈妈,我来帮助你,你却要杀我”。,help“,帮助”符合题意。,答案:,B,(,)15.A.sometimes B,always,C,usually D,never,解析:,天鹅受伤后,绝不会再回来,应用表否定的副词,never,。,答案:,D,1,解析:,介绍了公园开放时间。,答案:,D,2,解析:,本段介绍到达公园的最好交通方式。,答案:,B,3,解析:,主要介绍了在,Kilauea Visitor Center,可以学到和看到的东西。,答案:,C,4,解析:,本段介绍了一些需遵守的注意事项。,答案:,A,A,What to obey,B,How to get there,C,What to see D,When to visit,5,Which is the best title for the passage?,A,Hawaii Volcanoes National Park,B,Hawaii State Bird,C,Hawaii Famous Beach,D,Hawaii Huge Rock,解析:,通读全文可知文章主要介绍了夏威夷火山国家公园。,答案:,A,参考范文:,How to learn English well,English is important and useful to us. How can we learn it well,?,Here are my suggestions.,First, we should often listen to the tapes, English songs and programs. Watching English movies is also helpful to us. Second, we should speak English in class as much as possible. Dont be afraid of making mistakes. The more you speak, the fewer mistakes youll make. Wed better join the English club and practice with others. Third, we can read more English newspapers and magazines. Its good for us. At last, we should recite some good passages and keep diaries. In a word, as long as we do more listening, speaking, reading and writing, we will learn English well.,Thanks!,


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