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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,必修一Unit One,语言知识点,Warming-up,add v. 增加,addition n. 增加,附加物,additional adj. 附加的,另外的,常用搭配,add A to B 把A加在B上,add up 把加起来,add to 增加了,add up to 总共,合计,add A to B 把A加在B上,The fire is getting out. Would you please add some wood to it?,add up 把加起来,The student is too young to add up those figures.,add to 增加,The bad weather added to our difficulty.,add up to 总共达,合计达,These number add up to 1000.,add练习,用add的短语搭配填空,1. Five,seven makes twelve.,2. The pupil is too young to,those figures.,3. The amount of money he gets from the factory a month,over 1000 yuan.,add练习,完成句子,1. 暴风雪增加了我们的困难。,The snowstorm,our difficulties.,2.学生共计100人。,The students,100.,Warming-up,point n. & v.,1. n. 分数,He is three points behind the winner.,他比胜利者落后三分。,2. n. 观点,论点,I see your point and agree with you.,我理解你的观点而且也同意。,3. n. 点,地点,尖,Do you have a pencil with a sharp point?,你有尖一点的铅笔么?,point v. 指着,指向,Point at 指着,Point to 指向,Point out 指出,Point sth. at/towards,把指向, 把对准/瞄准,It is rude to point your fingers at people.,point练习,用适当的介词填空,1. Stop pointing,me.,2. He pointed,my mistakes.,3. The hands of the clock pointed,a quarter past one.,point练习,完成句子,1. 他指着他想要的那本书。,He,the book he wanted.,2. 他指出了我们的错误。,He,our mistakes.,Warming-up,upset,1. v. 使不安,upset sb. 使某人不安,Dont say anything that upset him.,2. adj. 苦恼的,不安的,Be upset about/at over sth. 因不安,He was upset about his illness.,他为他的病感到担忧/不安。,Warming-up,clam,1. v. 使平静,calm dowm 平静下来,calm him dowm,2. adj. 平静的,镇静的,常与stay,remain,keep连用,I tried to stay calm and just,ignore,him.,我试图使自己保持平静而不理他。,Ignore v. 无视,n. ignorance,adj. ignorant,be ignorant of 对无知,Warming-up,concern v. 使担忧,常用搭配,concern sb./sth. 涉及,与有关,是某人担忧,concern oneself with/about sth. 对感兴趣,be concerned about 关心,be concerned with 与有关,as far as Im concerned 就我而言,= in my opinion,Warming-up,cheat v. 欺骗,诈骗,作弊,常用搭配,cheat sb. (out) of sth. 骗取某人某物,cheat sb. into doing sth. 骗某人做某事,练习:,翻译:她说她被人骗走了100美元。,She said she was,100 dollors.,Warming-up,should have done 本应该做某事,表示过去应该做某事而事实上却没有做,反:shouldnt have done 本不应该做某事,must have done 一定,对过去发生事情的肯定猜测,would have done 本来想要做某事,原本想要做某事却没有做,could have done 本来可以做某事,过去本来可以做某事却没有做,may/might have done 可能已经,过去可能发生了某事,Should have done练习,用所给动词的适当形式填空,1. I missed the first part of the film. It was really a pity.,-You,(leave)home an hour earlier.,2. I was really anxious about you.,You,(leave)home without a word.,3. My English-Chinese dictionary has disappeared. Who,(take)it?,4. It,(be)around 9:00 when I drove back home because it was already dark.,5. He,(go)to the cinema last night, but I am not sure.,Reading,go through,1. 经历,经受,He has gone through too many wars.,他经历了太多的战争。,2.检查,浏览 =look through,The teachers have gone through all the paper of the students.,教师们已经批阅了学生们的试卷。,3.通过考试、议案=get through,He has gone through the exam. 他通过了考试。,4.完成,做完,I have gone through all work.,我完成了所有的工作。,Reading,set down 写下,=write down,=note down,与set相关的词组,set off 出发,使爆炸,set about doing 着手做,set out 动身,出发,set out to do sth.开场做,Set up 建立,Reading,强调句:,It is/was +被强调局部+that/who+其他成分,用来强调除谓语以外的其他成分,如主语、宾语、状语等,强调谓语用do、does、did,Mary lost her watch yesterday.,It was yesterday that Mary lost her watch.,强调状语,It was Mary that/who lost her watch yesterday.,强调主语,It was her watch that Mary lost yesterday.,强调宾语,Mary did lose her watch yesterday.,强调谓语,如何判断强调句,方法:,去掉 It is/wasthat/who后,句子意思通顺完整,那么为强调句,It was surprising that Mary won the first place.,It was Mary that won the first place.,强调句练习,依次强调句中划线局部,I met Tom in the street yesterday., , It was I that/who met Tom in the street yesterday,.,It was Tom that/who I met in the street yesterday., I did meet Tom in the street yesterday,., It was in the street that I met Tom yesterday., It was yesterday,that I met Tom in the street,.,扩展:,与it有关的主要句型,1. 强调句,2. It takes+时间段+for sb.+ to do sth.,某人花费了多长时间做某事,It generally takes time to reach this point.,3. 表示“据说/据报道/人们认为/相信/建议等,Its said that.,Its reported that ,Its believed/thought/suggested that,Its suggested that we should have a meeting to discuss the problem .,4. Its +形容词/名词+连词+名词性从句/to do sth./ doing sth.,It will become more and more important to have a good knowledge of English .,Its a pity that I didnt think of it earlier.,Its no use going there so early.,5. find / make / think / feel it +形容词/名词+连词+名词性从句/to do sth./doing sth.,Our teacher thinks it no good learning without practice.,Didnt I make it clear to you that I was not coming ?,We found it strange that no one would take the money.,与it有关的主要句型 练习,单项选择:,1. Nobody thinks,very polite to be always cutting in when another person is talking.,A. that B. this C. itD. there,2. I was disappointed with the film, I had expected,to be much better.,A. this B. that C. oneD. it,3. He tore up my photo and,upset me.,A. this B. it C. which D. what,4. It was with great courage,the boy told the truth,he had stolen the money.,A. which ; that B. when ; what,C. as ; that D. that ; that,5. Nancy is expecting another baby and hopes,will be a boy.,A. heB. thatC. it D. there,Reading,on purpose 成心地,on purpose to do sth. 特意/成心做某事,for/with the purpose of,为了,抱着的目的,He didnt say anything on purpose.,他成心不说话。,I come here on purpose to see you.,我特意来这里看你。,By chance,=by accident,偶然地,意外地,Reading,happen v. 发生,happen to do sth. 碰巧做,I happened to see the lost bike.,我碰巧看见过那辆丧失的自行车。,It happened that碰巧,It happened that he was upstairs.,=He happened to be upsyairs. 他碰巧在楼上。,What happened to you?发生了什么事?,How could this happen to me!,这种事怎么会发生在我身上!,happen 不用于被动语态,Reading,crazy adj. 疯狂的,痴迷的,be crazy about sb./sth.对痴迷,be crazy of sb. to do sth.,=sb. be crazy to do sth. 某人疯狂地做某事,like crazy 发疯似地,拼命地,He run like crazy.他发疯似地奔跑着。,Reading,It is the first time that sb.,have/has done sth,.,It was the first time that sb.,had done sth,.,这是某人第一次做某事,itthis,that,the firstthe second,the third.the last,It is the first time that I have been here.,这是我第一次来这里。,This was the second time that he had been to the Summer Palace.,这是他第二次去颐和园了。,Learning about language,get/be tired of 对感到厌倦,get/be tired from因而疲惫,Im never tired of drinking tea.,对于茶我百喝不倦。,He is tired from reading.,他读书读累了。,get/be tired 练习,翻译句子,1. 走了这么远的路我很累。,I am,walking so a long distance.,2. 我对他那一套言论烦了。,I,all his remarks.,Learning about language,直接引语与间接引语,直接引语间接引语,=直接引语宾语从句,1. 直接引语为陈述句时,1注意时态的变化,直接引语原来的时态,间接引语的时态,一般现在时,一般过去时,现在进行时,过去进行时,现在完成时,过去完成时,现在完成进行时,过去完成进行时,一般将来时,过去将来时,将来进行时,过去将来进行时,一般过去时,过去完成时,Learning about language,直接引语与间接引语,2注意指示代词、时间状语、地点状语等的变化,直接引语,间接引语,指示代词,this,that,these,those,地点状语,here,there,动词,come,go,直接引语,间接引语,时间状语,now,then,today,that day,tonight,that night,this morning/afternoon/evening,that morning/afternoon/evening,yesterday morning/afternoon/evening,the,morning/afternoon/evening,before,the day before yesterday,two days before,tomorrow,the next day,next week/month/year,the next week/month/year,last week/month/year,the week/month/year,before,Learning about language,直接引语与间接引语,例句,She said,My father will be back tomorrow.,She said that her father would be back the next day.,“We started learning French last year,said John.,John said (that)they had started learning French the year before.,Learning about language,直接引语与间接引语,3时态不变的特殊情况,a.当直接引语是客观真理时,如,He said,Light travels faster than sound.,He said that light travels faster than sound.,“I joined the Party in 2000, he said.,He said he joined the Party in 2000.,c.当从句谓语动词是现在及将来有关时态时,如,She says,My father is a doctor.,She says that her father is a doctor.,Learning about language,直接引语与间接引语,疑问句,时,除了,时态、人称代词、指示代词、时间状语、地点状语,等遵循以上变化之外,还要注意以下几点:,a.主句转述动词多用ask,有时用其他动词,c.一般疑问句、选择疑问句、反意疑问句转为间接引语时,常用if或whether作连词,d.特殊疑问句转为间接引语时常用原本的特殊疑问词作连词,如who,whom,whose,what,how,which,when,where,why等,e.疑问句语序陈述句语序,f.直接引语中的问号句号,Learning about language,直接引语与间接引语,c.一般疑问句、选择疑问句、反意疑问句转为间接引语时,常用if或whether作连词,He asked,Does Mary work in New York?,He asked whether Mary worked in New York.,d.特殊疑问句转为间接引语时常用原本的特殊疑问词作连词,如who,whom,whose,what,how,which,when,where,why等,“Why do you come so late?Ann asked.,Ann wanted to know why he came so late.,=asked,直接引语与间接引语,练习,将直接引语改成间接引语,将间接引语改成直接引语,1.She asked the boy,Is it raining?,2.Do you want to say something for yourself?Mom asked Tom.,3.Jim said to me,Tom has finished the job.,4.He asked us what we wanted to eat that day.,5.The boy asked the girl if it snowed in winter in that city.,直接引语与间接引语,练习,6.Mary said that she had already eaten lunch.,7. “What has happened?mother asked.,8.He said,I was born in May in 1987.,9.I want to have a try,the girl said.,10.Ill help you out of trouble,he said to me.,Using language,trouble n./adj./v. 麻烦,have trouble with sb.,be in trouble,=get into trouble处于困难/苦恼之中,put sb. to the trouble of dong sth.,Using language,advice U建议 =suggestion C,advise v. =suggest,a piece of advice= a suggestion,some advice=some suggestions,ask sb. for advice,follow/take ones advice承受某人的建议,act on/upon ones advice听从某人的建议,Using language,参加,take part in 参加会议或者群众性活动,并起到一定的作用;多指参加活动,join in参加正在进展着的活动,如游戏、讨论、辩论、谈话等;多指参加竞赛,join参加某组织或团体,强调成为其中的一员,attend正式用语,指参加会议、仪式、婚礼、葬礼、上学、上课、听报告等。,“参加 练习,用take part in、join in、join、attend的适当形式填空,1.We,a country club that year.,2.Do you know how many countries,World War .,Goodbye,


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