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单击此处编辑母版文本样式,英语(RJ),主干回顾 夯基础,核心探究 破疑难,考点对练 全突破,必修二Units 12,Unit 2 The Olympic Games,1 petevi.比赛;竞赛;竞争;比得上,和某人对抗,We need to compete with them for the right.,compete with sb./ sth.与媲美,比得上,Their products cant compete with ours.,compete in参加比赛/竞争,How many countries competed in the ancient Olympic Games? (P9),compete to do sth 竞争做某事,Several advertising agencies are competing to get the contract. 几家广告公司在竞争这份合同。,competitor n.比赛者;对手,即学即练,(1)Over 1 000 athletes will _ the race.将有1 000多名运发动参加赛跑。,(2)The two teams _ each other _ the championship. 这两个队竞争冠军。,(3)Several advertising agencies are _ the contract. 几家广告公司在竞争这份合同。,compete in,competed against,for,competing to get,即学即用,(1)为了和别人更有效地展开竞争,越来越多的人谋,求高层次的教育来充实自己。, more and more people equip themselves with a higher education.,(2)约翰想在学校里谋个职位,但没有成功。,John,a place in a school, but he didnt get it.,To compete more effectively with others,competed for,2.admit 。,1)admit +n./doing (having done)/that-clause,成认某事/已经做了某事,He admitted her beauty.,He admitted lying to his mother.,H eadmitted having lied to his mother.,They freely admit (that) they still have a lot to learn.,admit sb. / sth. to be 成认某人/某物是,He finally admitted Lily to be his daughter.,He finally admitted Team A to be the best.,v.成认;准许进入;容纳,2)admit sb./sth to /into.准许某人进入或参加,The ticket will admit three persons to the concert.,3)be admitted to/ into 被 接纳,被 录取,He was admitted to/into the famous university.,4) admit of 容许,This matter admits of no delay,此事刻不容缓。,5) It is admitted that. 人们公认,It is admitted that Fan Bingbing is a very attractive woman.,即学即练,(1)You must _ the task _ difficult.你必须成认这项任务是艰巨的。,(2)He _ the bicycle. 他成认偷了自行车。,(3)The ticket will _ three persons _ the concert.,这张票可允许三个人参加音乐会。,(4)_ the plan is unreasonable.,普遍认为这个方案不合理。,admit,to be,admitted stealing,admit,to,Its admitted that,3.,replace,vt. 替换,取代;更换; 把放回原处,A new vase replaced the old one.,replace sb as 取代某人而成为,He replaced his father as the manager.,replace sth. with/by sth. 用替换,My mother replaced the old vese with a new one.,in place ofin ones place 代替,We use gas in place of coal in cooking.,=,We use gas in coals place in cooking.,take ones placetake the place of 代替,Tractors have taken the place of horses in many places,即学即用,1有什么能取代母亲的爱和关心吗?,Can anything _?,2课堂上,电脑永远不会取代教师。,Teachers will never _ by computers in class,( 3) 她取代汤姆成了当地的教师。,She _Tom _the local teacher .,( 4)把书放回书架上,_ the book on the shelf.,( 5)我用新轮胎替换了旧轮胎,I _ the old tyres _ new ones.,replace a mothers love and care,be replaced,replaced,as,replaced,with,Replace,4.,charge,charge sb. for sth,.因向某人收费,He charged me for the coffe.,charge sb. with sth.,指控某人犯有,Police charged him with murder.,I charge him with stealing my lamb,我指控他 偷了我的羊,charge sth. (up),充电,free of charge,免费,vt,. &,vi,.收费,控诉;,n,.费用,in charge of sth./sb掌管,负责, 照料表主动,An experienced engineer is in charge of the job. 一位有经历的工程师负责这工作。,Mary is in charge of the children. 玛丽负责照顾这些孩子。,in/under the charge of sb .在的掌管下/由某人主管=in /under sb charge 表被动,The job is in the charge of an experienced engineer. 这工作由一位有经历的工程师负责。=The job is in an experienced engineers charge.,take charge of掌管;负责,John will take charge of the next meeting. 约翰将主持下一次会议。,即学即用,1旅馆向他们收效劳费。,Hotels _ them _ services.,2他被指控犯有谋杀罪。,He was murder.,3父亲去世后他掌管了农场。,He the farm after his,fathers death.,4这项研究由怀特教授负责。,The research is _ Professor White.,charge,charged with,took charge of,for,in the charge of,(1)bargain with sb. about/over/for sth.,和某人就某事讨价还价,She bargained with the fishmonger over the price. 她与鱼贩讲价钱。,(2)make a bargain with sb.和某人达成协议、约定,He has made a bargain with his father.,(3)a good (bad) bargain买得不合算,(4) strike a bargain with sb. 与某人成交,(5) Its a bargin. 这可是廉价货。,(6) a bargain price (a low price) 廉价,即学即练,(1)These shoes are _ at such a low price.,这些鞋子价格这样低,真是廉价货。,(2)He _ his wife,“You do the shopping and I will cook.,他和妻子达成协议:“你去买东西,我做饭。,(3)We _ her _ the price.,我们跟她议价。,a real bargain,made a bargain with,bargained with,about,deserve sth. (eg. consideration/attention),=be worth sth 值得考虑/注意,Youve been working all morning-you deserve a rest.,你已经干了一个上午了,该休息一下了。,deserve to do应该做某事主动,deserve doing = deserve to be done应该被做;值得被做被动,The child deserved to be rewarded/punished.,rewarding/punishing.,这孩子该奖/罚。,You deserve it. 这是你应得的。,vi.& vt.值得;应受报答或惩罚,即学即用,1不劳者就该挨饿。,Those who do not work _ starve.,2他做了这样的事,应该受到惩罚。,He_ for what he did.,=He for what he did.,3这些看法值得认真考虑我们注意。,These views _serious_,_.,deserve to,deserves to be punished,deserves punishing/punishment,deserve,consideration,our attention,【辨析】,take part in/join/join in/join sb. in doing sth./attend,重点短语,即学即用,(2)他们不停地跳舞,直到我们中许多人都参加了进,去。,They danced and danced until a lot of us,.,(3)我和全家人一道祝你有一个幸福的将来。,All the family,wishing you a,happy future.,joined in,join me in,学以致用,1,用,take part in,,,join,,,join in,,,join,(,sb.,),in,,,attend,填空,_social practice is becoming popular among students.,To_the Party,he took an active part in a variety of activities.,Since you have no time,you need not_the tea party.,Would you like to_us in the discussion tomorrow?,答案:,Taking part in,join,attend,join,2.as well,1)相当于too 和 also,用于肯定句中,,表示“也,又,而且,用于句尾,不用逗号。,If you go, Ill go as well.,要是你去,我也去。,Are they coming as well?,他们也来吗?,2)as well 在口语中也可用于句中, 作“也好, 也行或“倒不如解, 用来缓和语气。,You may as well go.,as well as常用来连接两个并列的成分, 作“也, 还解。它强调的是前一项, 后一项只是顺便提及。因此连接并列主语时, 谓语动词与前一项一致;而用not only .but also.连接时, 谓语动词与后一项一致。如:,Your wife as well as you is friendly to me. 不仅你而且你的妻子也对我很友好.Not only you but also your wife is friendly to me.,as well as 用来表示同级比较, 指“一样好。,You look as well as you did ten years ago. 你的身体看起来还和十年前一样好。,as well as的涵义是“还有、“不但而且。值得注意的是,在A as well as B的构造里,语意的重点在 A,不在 B。因此,“He can speak Spanish as well as English的译文应该是:“他不但会说英语,而且会讲西班牙语,may/might as well 表示委婉的建议,一般是,针对当时的情况提出另外的提议。意思是“我们不,妨,我们还是吧。,Eg.We may/ might as well start it now.,我们不妨现在就开场吧。,In that case ,I might as well bring them back with me 那样的话,我还是拿回去吧。,3.stand for,代表;主张;象征;表示;容忍,eg.What do the five rings on the Olympic flag,stand for,?,奥运旗上的五环,代表,什么?,This symbol,stands for,strength.,这个符号,象征,着力量。,No one can,stand for,the way he speaks to his mother.,没有人能,容忍,他跟他母亲说话的方式,Would you just,stand by,and watch?,你愿意,坐以观望,吗?,Her bright red hair made her,stand out,from the others,她那亮红色的秀发使她格外,显眼,与 stand 搭配的短语拓展,:,stand by 支持;袖手旁观,stand out 突出;显眼;坚持,stand aside 让开;站到一边,stand up 站起来,stand back 退后,即学即用:用以上stand短语完成句子,1.P.O._ post office or postal order .,2._ and let us pass.,3.He _in everything he does,4.Please _ when we call your name.,5.Dont worry .we ll _ you.,stand for,Stand aside,stands out,stand up,stand by,No other countries could join in,nor could slaves or women!,别的国家不能参加,奴隶和妇女也不能参加!,句型“nor/neither系动词/助动词/情态动词另一个主语用于否认陈述句之后,表示“也不,相当于either 用于否认句。,(1)“neither/nor/so系动词(情态动词或助动词)主语是一个倒装句型,表示前面的情况也适用于后者,so用于肯定场合,neither/nor用于否认场合。,(2)如果前句有两个分句,谓语局部不同,或者既有肯定又有否认,要用so it is with.或Its the same with.句型。,(3)如果表示对前面的内容的进一步肯定,那么要用“so主语be/助动词/情态动词意为“确实是这样。,(4)“主语do/did/doesso表示“某人这样做了,本构造中的助动词不能改为be或情态动词。,He isn,t a doctor,and,nor/neither is his brother,.,他不是医生,他哥哥也不是。,If you go to school early tomorrow,,so shall I,.,如果明天你早点去学校,我也早去。,Mary was born in Australia and she lived in the United States.,So it was with Jane./It was the same with Jane,.,玛丽在澳大利亚出生,在美国居住。简也是。,It was cold yesterday.,昨天很冷。,So it was,.,确实如此。,The doctor asked him to eat more vegetables,and he did so.,医生让他多吃蔬菜,他就这样做了。,学以致用,1,完成句子,他昨天上学迟到了。,He came to school late yesterday.,他确实迟到了。,_.,他完成了作业,我也完成了。,He has finished his homework,_.,这个女孩很聪明,但是她不认真学习。,The girl is clever,but she doesnt study hard.,她哥哥也是如此。,_her brother.,答案:,So he did,and so have I,So it is with/It is the same with,I lived in what you call“Ancient Greeceand I used to write about the Olympic Games a long time ago.,我生活在你们称之为“古希腊的地方,我过去也经常写有关很久以前奥运会的情况。,what引导宾语从句,并在从句中作call的宾语,“Ancient Greece作宾补。what用作代词,在意义上译法非常灵活,它可以指“的东西“的人“的时间“的地点等;在句中可以作主语、宾语、表语,相当于定语从句中的“先行词关系代词。,Before the sales start,I make a list of what my kids will need for the coming season.(指代“的东西,相当于the thing(s)/something that),在大减价开场之前,我先列一张孩子们在下个季节所需要的东西的清单。,In my opinion,you should owe your success mostly to your parents.,我认为你的成功主要归功于你的父母。,You are right.They have brought me up and made me what I am.(指代“的人,相当于the person that/who。),对,是他们把我培养成我现在的样子。,After a long journey,they came to what was called “Gebi Desert(指代“的地方,相当于the place that),长途跋涉之后,他们来到了被称之为“戈壁滩的地方。,After what seemed to be a long time,the soldier came back to life.(指代“的时间,相当于the time that)似乎过了很长时间之后,士兵苏醒了过来。,学以致用,2,完成句子,我们生活在所谓的信息时代。,We live in_the Information Age.,时间是我们所需要的东西。,Time is_.,他所缺乏的是信心。,_is confidence.,答案:,what is called,what we need,What he lacks,Theres as much competition among countries to host the Olympics as to win Olympic medals.,国与国之间争取奥运会承办权的竞争就跟争夺奥运奖牌一样剧烈。,as.as像那样,正如。第一个as为副词,修饰形容词或副词原级。第二个as可以是连词,引导让步状语从句;也可以是介词,后加名词或代词。,(1)asadj./adv.as.像一样,(2)asadj.a/ann.as.和一样,(3)as many/much as.与一样多,多达,(4)asmany/muchn.as.和一样多的,(5)否认句式:not as/so.as.意为“不如。,(6).times asadj./adv.as.“是的几倍表达倍数的词必须置于比较构造之前。,She is as tall as her mother(is),她和她母亲一样高。,Getting rid of a bad habit is as much a struggle as forming a good one.,摆脱坏习惯就像养成好习惯一样需要艰辛努力。,I have as many books as you have.,我和你的书一样多。,She is not as young as she was.,她不如从前那么年轻了。,学以致用,3完成句子,Tom是和他弟弟一样努力的孩子。,Tom is _ his brother.,老实地说,我不像从前那样忙碌了。,To be honest,Im not_before.,她花在衣服上的钱是我花的两倍。,She spends_money on clothing as I (do),答案:,as hardworking a boy as,so/as busy as,twice as much,Reading,AN INTERVIEW,the person who asks questions (采访者),the person who answers questions (被采访者),What is an interview ?,It,is an meeting at which a reporter asks questions in order to find out his view,.,Interviewer :,Interviewee :,1. Do you know any differences between the ancient and modern Olympic Games? List two of them.,2. When and where will the,next Olympic Games be held?,3. Do you know him?,Pre-reading,希腊地理学家和历史学家,著,有?希腊志?一本关于古,希腊地志和历史的十分有价值,的书。他描述了奥林匹亚和德尔斐的宗教艺术和建筑,雅典的绘画和碑铭,卫城的雅典娜雕像,以及(城外)名人和雅典阵亡战士的纪念碑。引述J.G.弗雷泽的说法:“如果没有帕萨尼亚斯,这些希腊废墟多半会成为没有线索的迷宫,没有解答的谜团。,Pausanias,帕萨尼亚斯 (143176年),Reading,What does the passage tell us?,the ancient Olympic Games,the modern Olympic Games,good & bad effects of the,Olympic Games,the similarities between them,the differences between them,Can every athlete take part in the modern Olympic Games?,2.What is the difference between winter Olympics and Summer Olympics?,3.Why does every country which host the olympic Games build the special village?And what are in the village?,4.Why does every country want to host the Olympic Games?,5.What does the Olympic motto mean?,Ask and answer,1. Can every athlete take part in the modern Olympic Games?,Only athletes who have reached the agreed standard for their event will be adimited as competitors.,2. What is the difference between Winter Olympics and Summer Olympics?,There is no running race or horse riding events in winter Olympics. Instead there are competitions like skiing and skating which need snow and ice.,For each Olympics, a special village is built for athletes to live in, there is a main reception building, several stadiums for competitions, and a gymnasium in it as well.,3.Why does every country which host the olympic Games build the special village? And what are in the village?,4.Why does every country want to host the Olympic Games?,Because it is not only a great responsibility but also a great honor to host Olympic Games.,5.What does the Olympic motto mean?,The Olympic motto “Faster, Higher, Stronger means every athlete should try to run faster, jump higher and throw further.,Scan the passage to find out the characteristics and similarities of the ancient and modern Olympics.,3 only competitors from Greece,2 no women or slaves can take part,4 all round the world,2 anyone can take part if they reach,the standard,3 competitors from all over the world,5 more than 250 events,3 no prize money for winners,2 held every 4 years,4 seen as most important competition,Read the passage carefully and answer,the following questions.,1 What mazes Pausanias about the Olympic Games?,2 Why does he think Athens and Beijing should feel proud?,3 Why does he think people may be comparing for money in the Modern Olympic Games?,1 What mazes Pausanias about the,Olympic Games?,Pausanias is amazed that many countries,tale part in the Olympic Games and,women too and there are two sets of,Games the winter and the Summer,Olympics.,2 Why does he think Athens and Beijing should feel proud?,Because Li Yan has explained that it is a great honour to host the Olympic Games.,3 Why does he think people may be comparing for money in the Modern Olympic Games?,He thinks that so many things have,changed in the Olympic Games that he,fears that spirit of the Olympics may,have changed too.,Discuss this questions in groups:,Why do many countries want to,host the Olympic Games while,others do not? Use the mind map,below to help you.,Reasons to host the,Olympic Games,a great honour,great responsibility,new,investment,national pride,new sports facilities,tourism,Reasons not to host,the Olympic Games,too expensive,much planning,pressure / stress,accommodation,many stadiums,accidents / attacks,The Olympic Games are the biggest sports meeting in the world, which include two kinds, the _and the _ Olympics. Both of them are _ every _ _.,Summary of the interview,Summer,Winter,held,four years,All countries can take part if their athletes reached the _ to the games. Women are not only _ to join in but playing a very _ role. A _ _ is built for the competitors to live in,standard,allowed,important,special village,a _ for competitions, a large swimming pool, a _ as well as seats for those who watch the games. Its a great _ to host the Olympic Games.,stadium,gymnasium,honor,The Olive wreath has been _ by medals. But its still about being able to run _, jump _ and throw _.,replaced,swifter,higher,further,(1) Suppose you are Pausanias.,Now you meet your old friend /your wife/ mother and you talk with him / her about,the modern Olympics.,(2),Suppose you are Li Yan.,Now you meet your old friend/ mother /teacher and you talk with him/her about,the ancient Olympics.,Speaking,You may begin like this:,Friend- Hi, Pausanias! I havent seen you for days. Where have you been?,P- I went to visit a girl in the year 2007,1,、The Chinese food _ to be the healthiest in the world.,A. considers B. is considering,C. is considered D. has considered,2,、John _ , for he went swimming yesterday without permission.,would punished B. had punished,C. punished D. was punished,一般时态:,am/is/are,+过去分词,过去时态:,was/were,+过去分词,Step 1,Revision,C,D,1.The people of Beijing,will plant,more trees and,build,new roads.,2.They,will pay,more to the athletes.,3.They,will encourage,children to take more exercise.,More trees will be planted and new roads will be built,.,More will be paid to the athletes.,Children,will be encouraged,to take more exercises,.,Step 2 品语境 找规律,SB1 UNIT 8,Grammar,将来时的被动语态,将来时的被动语态表示:,1. 动作发生在将来.,2. 强调动作的承受者,或不能或无须体积提及动作的执行者,将来时的被动语态由shall / will be +过去分词或,be going to be +过去分词构成.,Will,the port,be opened,to foreign ships?,这个港口将会对外国船只开放吗?,The classroom is going to be cleaned after school.,教师将在放学以后清扫.,The Future Passive Voice,(一般将来时被动语态),1. 构造: shall /will /be +过去分词,e.g. The 30th Olympic Games will be hosted by London in the year 2021.,2. 否认句: not 置于 shall /will 之后,e.g. He will not be sent there tomorrow.,3. 疑问句式: 疑问词 + will /shall + 主语 + be +过去分词,e.g. When will the SARS patient be operated on?,shall(will)+be+ done(1) 主语+谓语+宾语: 主动: We will build a new house next year. 被动: A new house will be built (by us) next year.(2) 主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语 (习惯上把间接宾语变为被动语态的主语): 主动: My mother will give me a shirt. 被动: I will be given a shirt (by my mother). 如果把直接宾语改为主语时, 那么在间接宾语前加to或for 被动: A new shirt will be given to me (by my mother).,(3) 主语+谓语+,宾语,+宾补。如果是含有复合宾语的主动句变成被动句时, 将其中的宾语变为主语,宾补不变,。例如: 主动: We,will ask,him,to help you tomorrow,. 被动:,He,will be asked,to help you,(by us).,1.They will give her a gold medal.,2.The construction workers will put down the old temple.,3.They will read The Music of Chance by Paul Auster.,4.The rabbits will eat the carrots.,She,will be given,a gold medal.,The old temple,will be pulled,down.,The Music of Chance by Paul Auster,will be read.,The carrots,will be eaten,by the rabbits.,Step 3,Practice,:,A,.Turn the following sentences into Passive Voice:,5.The Russian businessman will buy the famous painting by Xu Beihong.,6.The teacher will mark the students homework tonight.,The famous painting by Xu Beihong,will be bought,by the Russian businessman.,The students homework,will be marked,tonight.,7.They will make some parts of the car in the factory.,8.They will finish this project in five years.,Some parts of the car,will be made,in the factory.,This project,will be finished,in five years.,They,will build,many new sport venues,for the Beijing,Olympic Games.,What,will be built,for the Beijing Olympic Games?,2. Millions of people,will watch,the final match,on TV,.,Where,will,the final match,be watched,by millions of people?,3.,John,will carry,the Canadian flag at the opening of the,Olympic Games.,By whom,will,the Canadian flag,be carried,at the opening of,the Olympic Games?,SB1 UNIT 8,4. They,will make,all the flags,by hand.,How,will,all the flags,be made,?,5. Mrs. Jones,will take,care of,your pet dog,while you are,away on holiday.,What,will be taken care of,by Mrs. Jones while you are,away on holiday?,6. The government,will spend,almost 100 million Yuan,on this programme.,How much money,will be spent,by the government,on this programme?,SB1 UNIT 8,More and more students will study in our school, so it _,(become) much larger. The engineers _(design),a project now. a new building _(set) up.,The playground _(rebuild). New equipment,_(buy) When the project _(finish).,More books _(keep) in the library. We can _,(enjoy) reading in the bright reading room. There _(be),many trees and flowers in the school. We _(see),a beautiful and modern school next year.,will become,are designing,will be set,will be rebuilt,Will be bought,is finished,Will be kept,enjoy,wi


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