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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,全国大学生英语竞赛,2021年C类决赛试题及详解,主讲教师:杨 璐,Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks),Section A (5 marks),five short conversations,Section B (10 marks),two long conversations,Section C (5 marks),five short news items,Section D (10 marks),a short passage,Part II Vocabulary and Structure (15 marks),15 incomplete sentences,Part Cloze (10 marks),Part Reading Comprehension (40 marks),Section A (10 marks),complete,summary,Section B (10 marks),T/F,+,answer questions,Section C (10 marks),complete statements,+,multiple choice,Section D (10 marks),answer questions,+,underlined sentences (E-C),Part V Translation (10 marks),Part VI Error Correction (10 marks),Part VII IQ Test (5 marks),Part VIII Writing (30 marks),I (10 marks),II (20 marks),Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks),Section A (5 marks),five short conversations,Section B (10 marks),two long conversations,Section C (5 marks),five short news items,Section D (10 marks),a short passage,Part II Vocabulary and Structure (15 marks),Part Cloze (10 marks),Part Reading Comprehension (40 marks),Part V Translation (10 marks),Part VI Error Correction (10 marks),Part VII IQ Test (5 marks),Part VIII Writing (30 marks),Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks),Section A (5 marks),In this section, you will hear,five,short conversations. Each conversation will be read,only once,. At the end of each conversation, there will be a,twenty-second,pause. During the pause, read the question and the,three,choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the,answer sheet,with a single line through the centre.,1. Why does the man want an early appointment?,A. Because he mustnt eat before he goes for the appointment.,B. Because he doesnt feel like eating breakfast that morning.,C. Because he wants to see the doctor without taking time off work.,【,听力原文,】,M: I have to have an appointment first thing in the morning. The doctor wants to do me tests and I mustnt eat for twelve hours before that. Im right, arent I?,W: Yes. She said the best way is to go without breakfast and come in early.,M: Yeah.,Then I can have a snack and not miss too much time at work.,2. Why is the man dissatisfied with the college?,A. Hes got problems in study last term and it further affects him this term.,B. His professor changes the timetable of lectures very often.,C. Hes unhappy with the time arrangement of the lectures.,【,听力原文,】,W: Hows college going?,M: Not very well, actually. Ive got a bit of a problem with my timetable this term, I mean, the last thing I need is,three lectures on a Friday. I wish they wouldnt change the timetable every term.,W: Oh dear. I think last term was much better.,3. How many students would take part in the school orientation tour this semester?,A. About 60.,B. Over 100.,C. More than 200.,【,听力原文,】,M: Aha, Linda. Thank you for doing this.,The student intake this semester is twice as many as expected.,Over 100. Only about 30 last year. I couldnt possibly take them all round the university campus myself.,W: No problem, Ron. Im glad to help out. How are we going to do it?,M: Well, I thought Id split the students into two groupsA and Band go in opposite directions.,4. Where does the conversation probably take place?,A. At a news agency.,B. At an airport.,C. In a handbag shop.,【,听力原文,】,M: It leaves in five minutes and we cant get all the way back to the check-insure you put it inside your passport, like you usually do.,W: And thats right where I always keep it, in the side of my handbag,but the boarding pass isnt there.,I didnt give it to you on hold, did I?,M: Not this time. Ive been holding the newspapers all the way!,5. What does the man think of real coffee?,A. Coffee companies sell it in cafeterias.,B. It is very difficult and inexpensive to make at home.,C. It obviously differs from instant coffee in taste.,【,听力原文,】,W: Theres a belief that real coffees much more difficult to make and also that its more expensive but certainly with the advent of the cafetirethe plunger potits really very simple to make indeed.,M: The coffee companies spend a lot of money trying to persuade us you can get real coffee from an instant coffee jarwe see people not being able to tell the difference.,W: No,of course you can tell the difference, its extremely obvious.,Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks),Section A (5 marks),five short conversations,Section B (10 marks),two long conversations,Section C (5 marks),five short news items,Section D (10 marks),a short passage,Part II Vocabulary and Structure (15 marks),Part Cloze (10 marks),Part Reading Comprehension (40 marks),Part V Translation (10 marks),Part VI Error Correction (10 marks),Part VII IQ Test (5 marks),Part VIII Writing (30 marks),Section B (10 marks),In this section, you will hear,two,long conversations. Each conversation will be read,only once,. At the end of each conversation, there will be a,one-minute,pause. During the pause, read the questions, each with three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the,answer sheet,with a single line through the centre.,Conversation one,6. How can Mark speak Russian now?,A. He can speak it very well even without accent.,B. His accent is so strong that nobody understands him.,C. It is his best foreign language but he doesnt speak it as well as before.,7. Mark can speak seven languages excluding _.,A. Polish B. Italian,C. German,8. What is the magic secret of Marks mastery of seven,languages?,A. He just enjoys learning languages and speaking with people from other countries.,B. He has the motivation to visit other countries and communicate with people here.,C. He has a strong memory for words and phrases especially in foreign films.,9. Does Mark think it is helpful to learn new languages with,a knowledge of languages in that family?,A. No, he thinks it always causes confusion.,B. Yes, it is helpful but sometimes he mixes them in use.,C. Yes, he says the more languages he knows, the more new languages he can learn.,10. Why was Mark only able to order breakfast in French,during his stay in France?,A. Because he couldnt understand what others said.,B. Because he was too nervous to talk with people in French.,C. Because he had not learned much French before.,【,听力原文,】,W: Mark, you speak seven languages.,M: Thats right.,W: Can you tell us a little about your level of fluency and proficiency in the languages?,M: Well,Russian is probably my best language.,6,I speak it pretty well because I spent a lot of time in the country, but its a little rusty. I have quite a good ear, which is a good thing and a bad thing because my accent suggests that I know more than I really do! The other languages are mainly Latin-based:,Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, but also French and Polish.,7,W: You learned the languages through a combination of techniques.,M: Thats right. In different ways, like going to classes, travel, private study.,W: Did you use any special techniques? Any magic secrets?,M: Magic secrets, no! But I did do some interesting things, like memory training, I watched films in their original languages and at some point I tried sticking lists of words around the house. But I think, with me, it was more a case of being motivated, and,the biggest motivator was a love of languages and pleasure in communicating with people from other countries.,8,W: Would you say its easier to learn new languages if you already know languages in that family? For example, you speak Spanish and French, so maybe it was fairly easy to pick up Portuguese?,M: I wouldnt say it was easy, but yeah, I would definitely say,its a help, although occasionally it gets confusing.,9,You might be speaking in one language and suddenly a word from another language slips out, causing complete confusion.,W: Is there any little word of encouragement you could offer those poor souls who are trying to master a language?,M: Er. thats a tricky one. What I would say is that knowing how to read and write a language doesnt mean you can speak it. You really have to get out there and try to speak at every opportunity. Take risks. Dont be afraid to look stupid, because thats the only way youre going to learn. And you know, everyone has to start somewhere. As a young man, I went to France after years of studying French to degree level, and, to my complete embarrassment,I couldnt speak the language or understand anything. All I could do was order breakfast in my hotel!,10,Conversation Two,11. According to David, what does a safer and more controlled world lead to?,A. The need to stay safe at all costs.,B. The demand for risk-taking sports.,C. Fewer people talking unnecessary risks.,12. Which is the benefit of risk sports that David mentioned?,A. They make people less aggressive.,B. They encourage an extrovert outlook.,C. They enable people to take risks in other ways.,13. Why do bungee jumpers particularly enjoy the sport?,A. They fall really fast at first, and then slowly.,B. They enjoy the thrill of releasing adrenalin.,C. They like the high-risk reputation of bungee-jumping.,14. How do some people escape from routine daily life according to David?,A. They simply stay at home and watch TV.,B. They try to eliminate risks to guarantee their safety.,C. They turn to some scary things for sensation.,15. Why are extroverts more likely to take part in risk sports?,A. They are generally adventurous.,B. They enjoy the feeling of overcoming anxiety.,C. They like the attention they get during risk sports.,【,听力原文,】,W: Why are some people prepared to risk all while others are happy to sit at home watching TV? Here this morning to talk about the strange phenomenon of risk taking for the sheer excitement of it is David Viscardi, a psychologist who specialises in risk. He has recently written a book, The Risk Phenomenon. David, why is it that some people seem to crave adventures and excitement?,M: Many of us live in a world which has eliminated risk and tried to guarantee safety. This emphasis on safety at all costs starts to seem boring toshall we call themthe sensation seekers of our time.,Many people find normal everyday life much too dull and still need excitement.,11,They turn to risk sports as an escape.,14,W: Are you saying risk sports like bungee-jumping or white-water rafting have a beneficial side?,M: Oh yes!,These sports empower people to overcome fears that inhibit them in their real lives.,12,When you do a risk sport you force yourself to do something very scary, but at the same time you learn that being frightened does not mean you are out of control. Er, lots of people say they would like to start a business, for example, but they dont have the courage. Risk sports help them develop couragea sense of being in control, even in the most terrifying conditions.,W: Mmm, which is the most popular risk-taking sport?,M: Oh, probably bungee-jumping. One-and-a-half million people worldwide have tried it. You can jump from a crane, a bridge or a hot-air balloon. Youre attached to a length of elastic rope and experience a free fall of nearly one hundred miles an hour before being slowed by an increasing pull on the ankles, which becomes a firm tug as the elastic is pulled tight. Bungee jumpers say theres a moment when they think theyll die and then theres a fantastic rush of adrenalin which hits them like a blinding flash.,W:,Is this what makes people take these extreme risksthe thrill of releasing adrenalin?,13,M: Peoples need to experience risk is certainly affected by their physical and psychological make-up. Erm, some individuals, such as extroverts, tend not to get anxious very easily. Other types of people are easily made anxious and tend to avoid sensation. Extroverts are more likely to seek out sensations so they can experience a level of excitement in the body which makes them feel good.,They tolerate anxiety or uncertainty better and are more adventurous.,15,Most of us enjoy risk to some extentwe enjoy riding a rollercoaster at theme parks, for example. Its just the degree of risk we will take that counts.,Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks),Section A (5 marks),five short conversations,Section B (10 marks),two long conversations,Section C (5 marks),five short news items,Section D (10 marks),a short passage,Part II Vocabulary and Structure (15 marks),Part Cloze (10 marks),Part Reading Comprehension (40 marks),Part V Translation (10 marks),Part VI Error Correction (10 marks),Part VII IQ Test (5 marks),Part VIII Writing (30 marks),Section C (5 marks),In this section, you will hear,five,short news items. Each item will be read,only once,. At the end of each item, there will be a pause. During the pause, read the question and the,three,choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the,answer skeet,with a single line through the centre.,16. What is the most likely risk in the coming decade according to the World Economic Forums Global Risks 2021?,A. Marked income difference among people.,B. Estimated food and water shortage.,C. Rapid spread of extremism and terrorism.,【听力原文】,The most likely risk facing the world over the next 10 years is the severe disparity in income between rich and poor. The estimate was made in a new report called the World Economic Forums Global Risks 2021. Many of the issues discussed in the report are familiar. Food availability and the spread of extremism and terrorism are noted every year.,17. What is the new proposal from the EU Commission,concerning cigarette packs?,A. Health warnings on cigarette packs sold in the EU can appear both in text and pictures.,B. Cigarette packs sold in the EU are not allowed to have company branding on the packet.,C. Cigarette packs sold in the EU must have 3/4 of the packet covered with health warnings.,【,听力原文,】,Cigarette packs sold in the EU will have to have bigger health warnings in text and pictures, under new proposals from the EU Commission.,The draft directive would require 75% of the packet to be coveredfront and backwith the warnings.,But company branding would not be banned.,18. Which of the pictures below shows a lower risk of early death according to the new research?,A.,B.,C.,【,听力原文,】,New research shows that overweight or even mildly obese people have a lower risk of early death than people considered to be normal weight.,Researchers examined the results of 97 studies. Most of the studies were less than 10 years old. They included almost three million adults from around the world.,19. Why are UK universities launching an online project?,A. To compete with US universities in student enrollment.,B. To share their education courses with US universities.,C. To carry out researches on the use of computers in education.,【,听力原文,】,A partnership of UK universities is launching an online project,challenging US universities that have dominated this emerging market.,They will aim to give the public access to higher education courses via computers, tablets or smart phones.,20. What has the UN Security Council decided to do to deal,with the problem in Mali?,A. Force the Mali government to accept peaceful reconciliation with the rebels.,B. Offer food aid to the people in northern Mali.,C. Send a military force there to fight Islamists in northern Mali.,【听力原文】,The UN Security Council has authorised an African-led military force to try to oust Islamists from northern Mali. The council unanimously voted to give the force an initial one -year mandate. The resolution also sets “benchmarks for Mali, including political reconciliation and improved training for the military.,Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks),Section A (5 marks),five short conversations,Section B (10 marks),two long conversations,Section C (5 marks),five short news items,Section D (10 marks),a short passage,Part II Vocabulary and Structure (15 marks),Part Cloze (10 marks),Part Reading Comprehension (40 marks),Part V Translation (10 marks),Part VI Error Correction (10 marks),Part VII IQ Test (5 marks),Part VIII Writing (30 marks),Section D (10 marks),In this section, you will hear a short passage. There are,10,missing words or phrases. Fill in the blanks with the exact words or phrases you hear. The passage will be read,twice,. Remember to write the answers on the,answer sheet,.,1All countries have laws saying which drugs people can and cannot use. In a typical country, most medicines are available only with a doctors (21) _ and certain drugs, such as marijuana, cocaine, and heroin, are illegal under all circumstances. Such restrictions reflect the belief that increased drug use, even if it were legal, would lead to increases in crime, (22)_, and other social ills. One nation that goes against this trend is the Netherlands, where the open use of “soft drugs is tolerated.,2The Dutch have a strong tradition of personal liberty. The individuals freedom of choice is highly valued. Most people in the Netherlands believe the government should stay out of personal decisions, including the decision whether to use drugs. The Dutch government does not stay totally out of such decision, but it does take a much more (23) _ than almost any other state.,3Since 1976, the law in the Netherlands has (24) _ soft drugs and hard drugs, such as heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamines. Laws permit soft drugs to be sold in coffee shops and used in hash bars, which can sell school as well as soft drugs. More than 200 coffee shops in Amsterdam alone (25) _ sell soft drugs. There are limits, however No more than five grams of a controlled drug may be sold in a (26) _ and the buyer must be at least 18 years old. The coffee shop may not advertise the marijuana it sells. No person may grow more than five marijuana plants. All hard drugs are banned.,4Arguments in favour of legalised marijuana are many. (27) _ say marijuana is no more dangerous than alcohol which is legal in most nations. They also point out the (28) _ medical reasons for drug use: to alleviate the discomfort of an eye disease called glaucoma or nausea resulting from chemotherapy used to treat some cancers. On a very practical level, legalisation activists say that hugely expensive anti-marijuana (29) _ have never worked. Instead of spending millions of dollars to keep people from using this mild drug, the government should collect taxes on it and (30) _ gain more control of how and where it is used.,【,答案,】,21. prescription,22. drug addiction,23. lenient approach,24. distinguished between,25. are licensed to,26. single transaction,27. Proponents,28. legitimate,29. campaigns,30. thereby,【听力原文】,1All countries have laws saying which drugs people can and cannot use. In a typical country, most medicines are available only with a doctors prescription,21 and certain drugs, such as marijuana, cocaine, and heroin, are illegal under all circumstances. Such restrictions reflect the belief that increased drug use, even if it were legal, would lead to increases in crime, drug addiction,22 and other social ills. One nation that goes against this trend is the Netherlands, where the open use of “soft drugs is tolerated.,2The Dutch have a strong tradition of personal liberty. The individuals freedom of choice is highly valued. Most people in the Netherlands believe the government should stay out of personal decisions, including the decision whether to use drugs. The Dutch government does not stay totally out of such decision, but it does take a much more,lenient approach,23,than almost


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