Men are From Mars Women are from Venus

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,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Men are From MarsWomen are from Venus,John Gray Theories,1,Values,Men like to offer,solutions,directly to women, when a problem arises, while women, offer,unsolicited advice,.,When men do this, it invalidates the womens feelings, and men do not like to be “told what to do”, especially if they didnt ask for advice.,2,Stress,Men tend to,pull away,and silently think about whats bothering them, Going into their “,cave,”,Women feel an instinctive need to,talk,about whats bothering them.,3,Motivation,Men feel motivated when they feel,needed,Women are motivated when they feel,cherished,.,4,Languages,Men express things more,literally,Women express things more about,feelings,5,Intimacy,A man gets close, but then inevitably needs to,pull away,Women need to understand this, and understand that when he retreats, he will swing back like a,rubber band,6,Loving Attitude,Women are more like a wave and men need to learn to interpret how to be supportive.,The wave is a natural cycle for women that is centered around their abilities to give to other people. When they feel full of love and energy to give to others their wave is in a stable place. As they give to others (and dont receive the same amount of love and attention given to them in return) their wave begins to grow until it eventually crashes. This is a time when a women feels she has nothing else to give to those in her life and she needs the love of those around her (including self love) to help come out of this dark place. Once she is rejuvenated (by getting the support she needs) she is able to pop out of this dark place and once again has love and energy to give.,7,Love,Men and women usually give the kind of love,they,need and not what the opposite sex needs.,Men primarily need,Trust, Acceptance, and,Appreciation,.,Women primarily need,caring,understanding, and respect.,8,Argument,Men,like to act as if they are always,right, which may invalidate a womans feelings,Women sometimes unknowingly send messages of,disapproval,instead of disagreement, inciting a mans defenses,9,Score,Men think that one Big gift or,sacrifice, balances many little,signs of affection.,Ex. $200 gift = 20 acts of love or service.,Women put equal values on each loving act.,Ex. $200 gift = 1 act of love or service.,10,


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