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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Unit9知识整理,1. come to 来到,参加,2. have to do sth. 不得不做某事,3. prepare for sth. 为某事做准备,prepare sb sth = prepare sth. for sb 为某人准备某事,prepare to do sth 准备做某事,4. go to the/ a doctor 去看医生,5. have the flu 患感冒,6. How/ What about (doing) sth 做某事怎么样?,7. would love/ like to do sth 想要,喜欢,愿意做某事,8. an exam 一场考试,9. study for 为而学习,10. too much太多+不可数名词,too many “太多+可数名词复数,much too太+形容词或副词,11. go to the movies 去看电影,12. another time 其它时间,别的时间,13. thanks for= thank you for 为某事而感谢for为介词,14. go bike riding= ride a bike 骑自行车,15. have an exam 有一场考试,16. not until 直到才,17. hang out 闲逛,常去某处,hang out with sb 与某人出去闲逛,18. practice doing sth .练习做某事,19. catch the early bus 赶上早班车,catch up with sb 赶上某人,catch you on Monday= see you on Monday 周一见,20. finish doing sth 完毕做某事,21. plan to do sth 方案/打算做某 ( planning),22. invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事,an invitation 一个邀请,一个请柬,23. refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事,24. 绿色方框会背!,25.play soccer 踢足球,26. have a piano lesson 上钢琴课,27. look after= take care of 照顾,28. Whats today? 今天几号星期几?,What day is it today? 今天星期几?,What is the date today?今天几月几号?,29. make an invitation 发出邀请,30. turn down 拒绝,遇到“代词宾格it/ them/him/放中间,31. help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事,help to do sth 帮助做某事,32. be sad to do sth 做某事是伤心的,33. be glad to do sth 做某事是愿意的,34. the way to do sth 做某事的方式,35. see sb do sth 看到某人做某事强调整个过程和结果,see sb doing sth 看到某人正在做某事情调正在进展,36. bring.to把带到,37. take a trip (to+地点) 到某地去旅行,38. at the end of+时间/地点 在某时/某地的末尾,at the beginning of 在的开场,39. help out 帮助分担工作,解决难题,40. by在本单元中是“截止到为止,41. go back to 回到,42. have a party for sb 为某人举办派对,43. help with sth 帮助做某事=help to do sth,44. think of 考虑,认为,45. games to play 玩的游戏,46. the opening of 的开幕式,47. look forward to doing sth =expect to do sth,盼望/期待做某事其中to为介词,48. surprised 惊讶的修饰人,surprising 令人惊讶的修饰事物,to ones surprise 令某人惊讶的是,be surprised at 对某事感到惊讶,49. sothat+句子 “如此以至于,so that 以便于,为了,50. hear from 收到某人的来信, 等,hear of 听说,51. reply to 对进展回复,星期一,Monday,星期二,Tuesday,星期三,Wednesday,星期四,Thursday,星期五,Friday,星期六,Saturday,星期日,Sunday,Do you know week?,Do you know month?,一月:January 二月:February,三月:March 四月:April,五月:May 六月:June,七月:July 八月:August,九月:September 十月:October,十一月:November 十二月:December,Dear Tina,Thanks for you invitation. Im sorry I cant go to your birthday party. I am not available on Sunday. My mother has to go to work on Sunday. And I have to look after my little sister at home because she is too young. And I also need to prepare food for her.,Im really sorry. I will visit you when my mother is at home. Here I say “Happy birthday to you!,Yours,Jenny,谢谢你的邀请。我很抱歉我不能去你的生日派对。星期天我没有空。我的妈妈在星期日不得不去上班。并且我不得不在家照顾我的小妹妹因为她太小了。并且我也需要为她准备食物。我真的很抱歉。当我妈妈在家的时候我将会去看望你。在这里我说“生日快乐,Hi Henry,Thank you for your invitation to climb(爬山) next week. Im sorry, I cant come. I have a really busy week. Today I am going shopping in the supermarket. And tomorrow, I will go to Marys birthday party. On Tuesday I have to see a doctor on time. The next day I am going to play tennis with our school team and I will have a science test on Thursday. Some friends will go to the movies with me on Friday. On Saturday I will have to do some washing, because all of my clothes are dirty(脏的). I hope we can have another time to climb. Thanks for your asking again.,Tom,谢谢你邀请我下周去爬山。我很抱歉我不能来。,我的周末真的很忙。今天我要去超市购物。并且明天我要去玛丽的生日派对。在星期二我要准时去看医生。明天我打算和我们校对打网球并且在星期四我有一场科学测验。在星期五一些朋友将要和我去看电影。在星期六我将要洗衣服,因为我所有的衣服都脏了。我希望我们改天能去爬山。再一次感谢你询问我。,Invitation,Dear Peter,Im going to have my fourteenth birthday party at my house on Nanjing Street. I think it would be great if you can join us. The party is going to last(持续) from 2:30pm to 5:00 on Friday. You can take the No.6 or No.12 bus here. John is going to come. I think you must be happy to meet him. If you cant find my house, please call me at 852396.,Come and have a good time!,Yours Paul,我打算在南京街我的家举办我的第十四个生日派对。如果你能参加我们我认为它将会很棒。这个派对从星期五的下午2:30持续到5:00.你可以乘坐6路或是12路公交到这里。约翰将要来。我认为见到他你肯定是快乐的。如果你找不到我的家,请拨打852396给我打 。来吧并且度过好时光!,


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