Mars Venus in the Workplace Selling to Men, Selling to Women

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,Click to edit Master title style,First level,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Mars Venus Coaching,*,Click to edit Master title style,First level,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Mars Venus Coaching,*,Mars Venus in the Workplace,Selling to Men, Selling to Women,Presenter Details Intro slide,1,Mars Venus Coaching,To get the most out of your learning, You must be willing to have some .,FUN,2,Mars Venus Coaching,3,To make sure you get the most out of your learning .,I KNOW,The changing face of Australian business,81% of principal household shoppers are women,40% of the workforce is now female,54% of university graduates were women,34% of small business is currently run by women and that figure is expected to rise to 50% within the next five years,4,Mars Venus Coaching,5,The greatest destroyer of sales is,fear,Your buyer is:,initially afraid of,you,afraid of,making a mistake,afraid of,being lied to,afraid of,incurring debt,afraid of,losing face,afraid of the,unknown,Mars Venus Coaching,6,Apples and Oranges,“Different ways of thinking and behaving can complement each other rather than create conflict. Differences between men and women are like apples and oranges, one is not necessarily better than the other. A customer may prefer apples but that doesnt make apples better for every customer. An apple is not intrinsically better than an orange”,(Mars Venus in the Workplace, 2002, p.23),Mars Venus Coaching,7,The benefits of learning the language of the opposite gender,greater co-operation between you and your customers and clients,more harmonious customer and client interactions,a better understanding of the needs and concerns of your customers and clients,a greater competitive advantage for your company as a whole when they utilise both the masculine and the feminine skills,Mars Venus Coaching,8,Understanding the buying process,Mars Venus Coaching,9,Building the Sales Relationship,Through rapport - i.e. understanding each genders:,Listening style,Use of language,Motivators,Problem solving approach,Session outcomes:,Today you will learn how to:,Identify motivators for each gender,Recognise different gender responses to problem solving,Recognise the different ways in which people use language,Utilise this knowledge to improve your rapport building sales skills with the everyone, including the opposite gender,!,10,Venusians,offer unsolicited advice and direction,feel motivated when they feel respected,study people and relationships,feel an instinctive need to talk about what is bothering them many times they discover what is wrong by talking,get together and share their problems talk therapy,sense of self is defined through the quality of her relationships,experience self worth through caring, understanding and respect,11,When she has a problem.,Wants to talk about it,Seeks out colleagues who may be able to help,Walks around the office,Openly discusses the issues,Just wants the right answers,12,Martians,offer solutions, often invalidating a womans feelings,feel motivated when they feel needed,study things rather than relationships,tend to pull away and silently think over what is bothering them,go to their caves to feel better and solve their problems alone,sense of self is defined through his ability to achieve results,experience self worth through trust, acceptance and appreciation,13,When he has a problem.,Appears to shut down,Retreats into himself,May go into his office and shut the door or leave the office,Wants to be left alone to think,Needs to work it out himself,14,Mars Venus Coaching,15,Strategies for men & women,4 Strategies for men,Promote your support team as well as yourself,Avoid monopolising conversations,Respect her abilities,Dont lecture,4 Strategies for women,Promote yourself,Avoid tag endings,Be direct,Be concise,Create a dialogue,Assess your sales talk,how interactive are your sales dialogues?,Commit to do something different,ask more probing questions, listen more,Stop thinking in terms of educating customers,think more about educating yourself about your customers,16,Mars Venus Coaching,17,NLP & Rapport building,Modelling people who had deep levels of rapport it was discovered that this occurs when people in the interaction had the same or similar style of:,posture,movement and gestures,breathing levels,voice tone and quality,language content - visual/auditory/feelings and key words,beliefs and values,Mars Venus Coaching,18,Basics of communication,Words,Voice,Body Language,7%,38%,55%,VAK Rapport building,V - visual,A - auditory (hearing),K - kinesthetic (feeling),19,The Words we use.,Visual,see your way clear, look into it, get the picture,Auditory,Its your call, tell me about it, hear what you are saying,Kinaesthetic,get a grip, feel good factor, gut feeling,20,Mars Venus Coaching,21,Visuals,Sit or stand erect with eyes up,Rapid shallow breath,Speak fast,Lean forward in chair,Well organised and groomed,Neat,To sell to them:,Use words that create pictures,Brochures and presentations,Use visual language,Mars Venus Coaching,22,Auditory,Love music,Love talking,Move their eyes sideways and breathe from centre of chest,Use gestures around the chest area and keep their palms up,Appreciate distinct enunciation,To sell to an auditory,Appeal to their ears,Describe ideas using auditory words,Speak clearly,Ensure you choose meeting places that are not too noisy and distracting,Mars Venus Coaching,23,Kinaesthetic,Typically breathe from the bottom of their lungs,Tend to move and talk slowly,Will stand close to people,They work on gut feel,To sell to a Kinaesthetic:,Give them a sense of how good it will feel to use your product or service,Use the try before you buy approach,Let them get physically involved with your product,


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