Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 5th edition

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Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 5th edition_第1页
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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Chapter 1,*,Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 6,th,Edition by Douglas C. Montgomery.,Copyright (c) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 4th Edition,*,Chapter 1,1,Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 6,th,Edition by Douglas C. Montgomery.,Copyright (c) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,Chapter 1,Quality Improvement in the Modern Business Environment,2,1-1. The Meaning of Quality and Quality Improvement,1-1.1 Dimensions of Quality,1-1.2 Quality Engineering Technology,3,1-1.1 Dimensions of Quality,Performance,Reliability,Durability,Serviceability,Aesthetics,Features,Perceived Quality,Conformance to standards,4,Performance,Will the product perform its intended job?,Evaluate software spreadsheet packages. One outperform another with respect to the execution speed,5,Reliability,How often does the product fail?,How often does this car require repair?,6,Durability,How long does the product last?,The product should perform satisfactorily over a long period of life,7,Serviceability,How easy is it to repair the product?,If amazon sends the wrong book, how hard is it to get this error corrected?,How long did it take a credit card company to correct an error in your bill?,8,Aesthetics,What does the product look like?,Do you like the box in which Shoes are packaged?,9,Features,What will the product do beyond the basics?,Added features,Spreadsheet software package that has built in statistical analysis features,10,Perceived quality,What is the reputation of the company selling this product?,Prefer to use a particular airline in which the flight almost always arrive on time and does not lose or damage the luggage,11,Conformance to standards,Is the product made exactly as the designer intended?,How well does the hood fit on a new car?,12,1-1.1 Dimensions of Quality,Definitions of Quality,Quality,means fitness for use,- quality of design,- quality of conformance,Quality,is inversely proportional to variability.,13,Quality of design,Automobile differences,Materials used in construction,Specifications of the components,Reliability of drive train components,Reliability of accessories,14,Quality of conformance,How well does the product conform to the specifications required by the design?,Quality of conformance is influenced by,Choice of manufacturing processes,Training of the workers,Supervision of the workers,Motivation of the workers,Quality-assurance procedures that were used,15,Quality is inversely proportional to variability,Toyota versus Ford,That transmission noise (or lack of it) is wasted energy caused by components that dont fit precisely,Imprecise components lead to wear and tear,16,1-1.1 Dimensions of Quality Transmission Example,Your customer does not see the mean of your process, he only sees the variability around that target that you have not removed,17,1-1.1 Dimensions of Quality,Quality Improvement,Quality improvement,is the reduction of variability in processes and products.,Alternatively,quality improvement,is also seen as “waste reduction.”,18,1-1.2 Quality Engineering Terminology,Quality Characteristics,Physical,- length, weight, voltage, viscosity,Sensory,- taste, appearance, color,Time Orientation,- reliability, durability, serviceability,19,1-1.2 Quality Engineering Terminology,Quality engineering,is the set of operational, managerial, and engineering activities that a company uses to ensure that the,quality characteristics,of a product are at the nominal or required levels.,20,Inherent variability,No two products are ever identical,Slight differences in materials,Slight differences in machine settings,Slight differences in operators,Slight differences in ambient temperature during production,21,1-1.2 Quality Engineering Terminology,Two types of data:,Attributes Data,- discrete data, often in the form of counts,Variables Data,- continuous measurements such as length, weight,Both types will be discussed in the course,22,1-1.2 Quality Engineering Terminology,Specifications,Quality characteristics being measured are often compared to standards or,specifications,.,Desired measure for the quality characteristic,Example: Shaft and bearing,Too loose the assembly will wobble causing wear,Too tight, and the assembly can not be made, no clearance,23,1-1.2 Quality Engineering Terminology,Specifications,Nominal or target value,Desired value for a quality characteristic,24,1-1.2 Quality Engineering Terminology,Specifications,Upper Specification Limit (USL),Lower Specification Limit (LSL),Largest and smallest allowable values,25,1-1.2 Quality Engineering Terminology,Specifications,Upper Specification Limit (USL),Lower Specification Limit (LSL),One-sided,The compression strength of a Coke bottle must be greater than a given psi value,Two-sided,The weight of potato chips in the bag can be between 7.8 and 8.3 ounces,26,Design specifications,Over the wall,From design to manufacturing,Cooperatively,Between design and manufacturing,27,1-1.2 Quality Engineering Terminology,When a component or product does not meet specifications, it is considered to be,nonconforming,.,A nonconforming product is considered,defective,if it has one or more,nonconformities,that may seriously affect the safe or effective use,of the product.,28,1-1.2 Quality Engineering Terminology,A new car is purchased,A bubble in the paint on the door is noticed,Nonconformity yes,Defective car - no,29,1-1.2 Quality Engineering Terminology,Concurrent Engineering,Team approach to design. Specialists from manufacturing, quality engineering, management, etc. work together for product or process improvement.,30,1-2. A Brief History of Quality Control and Improvement,(Refer to Table 1-1),Frederick Taylor (1875) introduces the principles of scientific management; dividing work into tasks with standardized procedures,The Gilbreths developed standard times and motions (1920s),31,1-2. A Brief History of Quality Control and Improvement,(Refer to Table 1-1),Walter Shewhart (1924) introduced statistical control chart concepts and QC begins,Dodge and Romig (1928), Bell Labs, develop acceptance sampling as an alternate to 100% inspection,During WW II the shells didnt fit the howitzers leading to development of MIL-STDs,32,1-2. A Brief History of Quality Control and Improvement,(Refer to Table 1-1),The American Society for Quality Control formed in 1946 now known as the American Society for Quality (ASQ),1950s and 1960s saw an increase in reliability engineering, experimental design, and statistical quality control,33,1-2. A Brief History of Quality Control and Improvement,(Refer to Table 1-1),Competition from foreign industries (Japan) increases during the 1970s and 1980s.,Statistical methods for quality improvement use increases in the United States during the 1980s,34,Chapter 1,35,Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 6,th,Edition by Douglas C. Montgomery.,Copyright (c) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,1.3 Statistical Methods for Quality Control and Improvement,Chapter 1,36,Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 6,th,Edition by Douglas C. Montgomery.,Copyright (c) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,Statistical Methods,Statistical process control (SPC),Control charts, plus other problem-solving tools,Useful in monitoring processes, reducing variability through elimination of assignable causes,On-line technique,Designed experiments (DOX),Experimental design is an approach to systematically varying the controllable input factors in the process then determining the effect these factors have on the output responses.,Discovering the key factors that influence process performance,Process optimization,Off-line technique,Chapter 1,37,Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 6,th,Edition by Douglas C. Montgomery.,Copyright (c) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,Acceptance Sampling,Acceptance sampling,is the inspection and classification of a sample of the product selected at random from a larger batch or lot and the ultimate decision about disposition of the lot.,Chapter 1,38,Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 6,th,Edition by Douglas C. Montgomery.,Copyright (c) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,Chapter 1,39,Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 6,th,Edition by Douglas C. Montgomery.,Copyright (c) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,Walter A. Shewart (1891-1967),Trained in engineering and physics,Long career at Bell Labs,Developed the first control chart about 1924,Chapter 1,40,Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 6,th,Edition by Douglas C. Montgomery.,Copyright (c) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,Chapter 1,41,Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 6,th,Edition by Douglas C. Montgomery.,Copyright (c) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,Chapter 1,42,Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 6,th,Edition by Douglas C. Montgomery.,Copyright (c) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,Quality cannot be inspected into the product,When the organization realizes this, process improvement efforts begin,The objective,Systematic reduction of variability,First, by using acceptance sampling,Then, by using SPC,Finally, by using DOE,We dont stop when requirements are met,Further reductions in variability lead to better performance,43,Chapter 1,44,Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 6,th,Edition by Douglas C. Montgomery.,Copyright (c) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,Chapter 1,45,Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 6,th,Edition by Douglas C. Montgomery.,Copyright (c) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,Effective management of quality requires the execution of three activities:,Quality Planning,Quality Assurance,Quality Control and Improvement,1.4 Management Aspects of Quality Improvement,Chapter 1,46,Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 6,th,Edition by Douglas C. Montgomery.,Copyright (c) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,Chapter 1,47,Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 6,th,Edition by Douglas C. Montgomery.,Copyright (c) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,Chapter 1,48,Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 6,th,Edition by Douglas C. Montgomery.,Copyright (c) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,Quality Philosophy and Management Strategies,Three Important Leaders,W. Edwards Deming,- Emphasis on statistical methods in quality improvement,Joseph Juran,- Emphasis on managerial role in quality implementation,Armand V. Feigenbaum,- Emphasis on organizational structure,49,Chapter 1,50,Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 6,th,Edition by Douglas C. Montgomery.,Copyright (c) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,W. Edwards Deming,Taught engineering, physics in the 1920s, finished PhD in 1928,Met Walter Shewhart at Western Electric,Long career in government statistics, USDA, Bureau of the Census,During WWII, he worked with US defense contractors, deploying statistical methods,Sent to Japan after WWII to work on the census,1.4.1 Quality Philosophy and Management Strategy,Chapter 1,51,Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 6,th,Edition by Douglas C. Montgomery.,Copyright (c) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,Deming,Deming was asked by JUSE to lecture on statistical quality control to management,Japanese adopted many aspects of Demings management philosophy,Deming stressed “continual never-ending improvement”,Deming lectured widely in North America during the 1980s; he died 24 December 1993,Demanded management commitment to use statistical methods,Deming Prize in Japan,For quality improvement,Deming was a harsh critic of US management practices,Chapter 1,52,Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 6,th,Edition by Douglas C. Montgomery.,Copyright (c) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,Demings 14 Points,1. Create constancy of purpose toward improvement,2. Adopt a new philosophy, recognize that we are in a time of change, a new economic age,3. Cease reliance on mass inspection to improve quality,4. End the practice of awarding business on the basis of price alone,5. Improve constantly and forever the system of production and service,6. Institute training,7. Improve leadership, recognize that the aim of supervision is help people and equipment to do a better job,8. Drive out fear,9. Break down barriers between departments,Chapter 1,53,Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 6,th,Edition by Douglas C. Montgomery.,Copyright (c) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,14 Points contd,10. Eliminate slogans and targets for the workforce such as zero defects,11. Eliminate work standards,12. Remove barriers that rob workers of the right to pride in the quality of their work,13. Institute a vigorous program of education and self-improvement,14. Put everyone to work to accomplish the transformation,Note that the 14 points are about change,1. Create a constancy of purpose,Focus on the improvement of products and services,Constantly improve product design and performance,Invest in R&D,Innovate,54,2. Adopt a new philosophy,Eliminate defective products,It costs as much to produce a defective unit as a good one,Dealing with scrap and rework is very expensive,55,3. Dont rely on inspection,Inspection only sorts out defectives,Already have paid to produce them,Inspection is too late in the process,Its also ineffective,Prevent defectives through process improvement,56,4. Dont award business on price alone,Consider supplier quality as well,Give preference to those suppliers that demonstrate process control and process capability,57,5. Focus on continuous improvement,Involve the workforce,Use statistical techniques,58,6. Invest in training,Everyone should be trained in the technical aspects of their job, QC, and process improvement,Workers should be encouraged to put this training to use,59,7. Practice modern supervision methods,Help the employees improve the system in which they work,60,8. Drive out fear,Create an environment where the workers will ask questions, report problems, or point out conditions that are barriers to quality,61,9. Break down the barriers,Break down the barriers between the functional areas of the business,Only through teamwork can quality and process improvement take place,62,10. Eliminate targets and slogans,Useless without a plan for the achievement of the target or goal,Instead, improve the system and provide information on that,63,11. Eliminate quotas,Numerical quotas and work standards often conflict with quality control,64,12. Encourage employees to do their job,Remove the barriers,Listen to the workers,The person doing the job knows more about it than anyone else,65,13. Have ongoing education and training,Teach them simple yet powerful statistical techniques,Use the basic SPC tools, particularly the control chart,66,14. Involve top management,Management should be advocates for these points,67,Chapter 1,68,Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 6,th,Edition by Douglas C. Montgomery.,Copyright (c) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,Demings Deadly Diseases,Lack of constancy of purpose,Emphasis on short-term profits,Performance evaluation, merit rating, annual reviews,Mobility of management,Running a company on visible figures alone,Excessive medical costs for employee health care,Excessive costs of warrantees,Chapter 1,69,Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 6,th,Edition by Douglas C. Montgomery.,Copyright (c) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,Chapter 1,70,Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 6,th,Edition by Douglas C. Montgomery.,Copyright (c) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,Demings Obstacles to Success,Chapter 1,71,Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 6,th,Edition by Douglas C. Montgomery.,Copyright (c) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,Chapter 1,72,Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 6,th,Edition by Douglas C. Montgomery.,Copyright (c) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,Joseph M. Juran,Born in Romania (1904-2008), immigrated to the US,Worked at Western Electric, influenced by Walter Shewhart,Juran Institute is still an active organization promoting the Juran philosophy and quality improvement practices,Dr. Joseph Juran,A founder of SQC,Co-author of,QC Handbook,(1957),His philosophy is based on management of the quality function,73,Chapter 1,74,Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 6,th,Edition by Douglas C. Montgomery.,Copyright (c) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,The Juran Trilogy,Planning,Control,Improvement,These three processes are interrelated,Control versus breakthrough,Project-by-project improvement,Chapter 1,75,Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 6,th,Edition by Douglas C. Montgomery.,Copyright (c) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,Armand Feigenbaum,Author of Total Quality Control, promoted overall organizational involvement in quality,Three-step approach emphasized quality leadership, quality technology, and organizational commitment,Says that QC should be concentrated in a specialized department,Conflicts with Deming on this point,1-4.1 Quality Philosophy and Management Strategies,Total Quality Management (TQM),Quality Standards and Registration,ISO 9000,Six Sigma,Just-In-Time, Lean Manufacturing, Poka-Yoke, etc.,76,TQM,It is a strategy for implementing and manageingt quality improvement activities on an organizationwide basis,Began in the early 80s based on the philosophies of Deming and Juran,Evolved into wide spectrum of ideas,Participation in quality groups,Work culture,Customer focus,Supplier quality improvement,Cross-functional teams concerned with quality,77,TQM,A success?,Moderately,Why not?,Not enough concern for reduction of variability,Ineffective training conducted by HR people,No knowledge of what is important,Success measured by % of workforce trained,Management not committed,78,General Reasons for the lack of conspicuous success of TQM,lack of top down, high level,of management commitment and involvement,.,inadequate use of statistical methods and insufficient recognition of variability reduction as a prime objective,General as opposed to specific business- results-oriented objectives,To much emphasis on widespread,training,as opposed to focused technical,education,79,More reasons for lack of success,Zero defects, value engineering, quality is free,Programs with no emphasis on reducing variability,Chapter 1,80,Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 6,th,Edition by Douglas C. Montgomery.,Copyright (c) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,Chapter 1,81,Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 6,th,Edition by Douglas C. Montgomery.,Copyright (c) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,Quality Systems and Standards,Chapter 1,82,Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 6,th,Edition by Douglas C. Montgomery.,Copyright (c) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,The ISO certification process focuses heavily on quality assurance, without sufficient weight given to quality planning and quality control and improvement,ISO 9000,Quality system oriented,Say what you do, do what you say,Much effort devoted to paperwork and bookkeeping,Not much to reducing variability and improving processes,83,Chapter 1,84,Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 6,th,Edition by Douglas C. Montgomery.,Copyright (c) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,ISO 9000,US$40 billion annual business worldwide,Registrars, auditors, consultants,Plus, 1000s of hours of internal costs,Effective?,Does it reduce variability?,85,Chapter 1,86,Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 6,th,Edition by Dougla


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