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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,九年级英语全册Unit9IlikemusicthatIcandancetoSectionA1a2d习题课件新版人教新目标版,一、根据句意及汉语或首字母提示写单词。,1,If thats the _,(,实情,),,,we need more staff.,2,The music sounds so _,(,悦耳的,),,,which makes us feel relaxed.,3,In my _,time,,,I often go to the cinema with my sister.,4,Lots of people lost their lives during World _,.,5,As we know,,,Zhang Yimou is a famous film _ in China.,case,smooth,spare,War,director,1,Lang Lang is a great _,Many people like him.,2,Who do you _,will win the prize for Best Actor next year?,3,Youd better close the door. Its too _,outside.,4,Which one do you _,,,an apple or an orange?,5,The man speaks _ English. It is a bit hard to understand what he says.,musician,suppose,noisy,prefer,Australian,三、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。,1,既然那样,,,我们就不再等了。,_,,,we wont wait any longer.,2,你妹妹喜欢什么样的电影?,_ movies does your sister like?,3,走到公共汽车站要多长时间?,这得看你走得有多快。,How long will it take to walk to the bus stop?,It _,you walk.,4,你能跟着唱这首歌吗?,Can you sing _,this piece of song?,In,that,case,What,kind,of,depends,ho,w,fast,along,w,ith,5,吃得太多有害健康。,Eating _,is bad for your health.,too,much,四、单项选择。,1,When the music started,,,the singer began to sing along _,_ it and the others began to dance _ it.,A,to,,,with,B,with,,,with,C,with,,,to D,to,,,to,2,What do you often do in your _,_ time?,Listen to music.,A,busy,B,spare,C,correct,D,lively,3,I like the program,Man,and,Nature,.,But I _,_ sports news.,A,prefer B,want C,choose D,miss,C,B,A,4,Telling a story is not as easy as I _,_,A,advice B,suppose,C,support D,suggest,5,It may rain tomorrow.,_,_,,,well have to stay at home.,A,First of all B,In that case,C,At least D,By the way,6,_,_ do you like?,I like Rock and Roll.,A,What kind of music,B,What kind of film,C,What color,D,What language,B,B,A,7,I prefer _,_ swimming to _ a picnic.,A,going,,,having B,to go,,,have,C,going,,,have D,to go,,,having,8,Shopping online makes the _,_,business grow larger and larger.,A,foreign B,international,C,national D,electronic,9,Students like teachers _,_,teach them how to learn instead of what to learn.,A,whom B,whose C,which D,who,10,Tomorrow is Sunday. What are you going to do?,_,_,Just stay at home and relax.,A,Not at all B,No problem,C,No way D,Not much,A,D,D,D,五、按要求完成下列句子。,1,I suppose he will come to the party.(,改为否定句,),I _,he _ come to the party.,2,She likes classical music better than rock music.(,改为同义句,),She _,classical music _ rock music.,3,Im reading the book. The book is about the famous scientist.(,合并为一句,),Im reading the book _,about the famous scientist.,dont,suppose,w,ill,prefers,to,that/,w,hich,is,4,I want to see the film,The,Banquet,. The film was directed by Feng Xiaogang.(,合并为一句,),I want to see the film,The,Banquet,_directed by Feng Xiaogang.,5,I like music,that,_,is,_,loud,(,对画线部分提问,),_ do you like?,w,hich/that,w,as,What,kind,of,music,六、从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。,A,:,Hi,,,Bob,!,Do you like music?,B,:,Yes,,,I do.,A,:,1.,_,_,B,:,Every day.,A,:,What kind of music do you like?,B,:,2.,_,_,A,:,Do you like songs that are sung by Jay Chou?,B,:,Yes,,,I do.,3.,_,_,A,:,What do you think of his songs?,B,:,4.,_,_ I feel excited when listening to his songs.,A,:,Oh,,,you must be an outgoing boy.,D,E,A,G,B,:,Yeah. How about you?,A,:,5.,_,_ I like Jay Chous songs as well.,B,:,Cool. Then we can be good friends.,A,:,I think so.,A,He,is,my,fa,v,orite,singer,.,B,Me,too,.,C,Ho,w,many,CDs,do,you,ha,v,e?,D,Ho,w,often,do,you,listen,to,music?,E,I,like,music,that,I,can,dance,to,.,F,My,hobby,is,to,listen,to,music,.,G,They,are,w,onderful,.,B,七、完形填空。,How much do you like music,?,How do you listen to music,?,Over 3,,,000 teenager music _,1,_ across the country took the survey.The results show that music has become a _,2,_ part of teenagers life.About 37.5% of teenagers _,3,_ music every day.They listen to music _,4,_ they are on computers,,,doing homework,,,studying or on the way to and from school.,What kind of music is the most _,5,_ among the teenagers in China?,The survey _,6,_ pop (33%) and R&B (29%),7,_,,,they like all kinds of music,:,hiphop,,,country,,,jazz,,,classical,,,rock music and so on.,Although many teenagers may _,8,_ mainstream choices,,,some still prefer their own tastes.,Where do teenagers get to know the _,9,_,?,According to the survey,,,TV and films are the strongest influence on the choices of music (45%),Friends also have a say.Twentytwo percent of the _,10,_ say they listen to their friends when picking up what to listen to.Radio comes third on the list.,(,B,girls,C,lovers,D,child,(,B,very important,C,more important D,less important,C,B,(,)3.A.listen to,B,hear,C,see D,watch,(,)4.A.what,B,who C,where D,while,(,B,beautiful,C,exciting D,interesting,(,B,says C,talks D,tells,(,)7.A.In fact,B,Later on,C,Before D,After,(,B,come C,follow D,worry,(,B,dances C,stories D,songs,(,B,parents,C,students D,men,A,D,A,B,A,C,D,C,谢谢观赏,


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