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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Company Logo,LOGO,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Company Logo,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Interchange-Intro-教案,Interchange-Intro-教案Interchange-Intro-教案Conversation, Hi. My name is ./I am., Its nice to meet you., Im Jennifer Miller.,My name is Michael Ota.,Im sorry.,Whats your last name again?,Conversation, Hi. My name is ./I am., Its nice to meet you., Im Jennifer Miller.,My name is Michael Ota.,Im sorry.,Whats your last name again?,Key,Language,Snapshot,Is the name male or female?,Is the name formal or informal?,Who are some famous people with these names?,Grammar Focus,My, your, his, her,1.Whats,your,name?,My,name is Jennifer.,2. Whats,his,name?,His,name is Michael.,3. Whats,her,name?,Her,name is Nicole.,Grammar Focus,Word power Titles,Who uses the Miss? Mrs.? Ms.? Mr.?,Miss,Ito (single females),Mrs.,Morgan (married females),Ms.,Chen (single or married females),Mr.,Garcia (single or married males),Word Power,Conversation,1. Whats her name?,2. Where is Steven Carson?,3. Is Jennifer in your math class?,Key,Language,Grammar Focus,The verb,be:,Im,Jennifer Miller. (Im=I am),Youre,in my class. (Youre=You are),Shes,in our class. (Shes=She is),Hes,over there. (Hes=He is),Its,my math book. (Its=It is),Its,Miller.,Are you,Steven Carson? Yes,I am,. No,Im not.,How,are you,?,Im,fine.,Grammar Focus,Thank you for listening!,Whats this?,What words start with,vowel,sounds?,What words start with,consonant,sounds?,a,book,an,eraser,an,English book,a,dictionary,a,notebook,Key,Language,What things are in the picture?,Who is Rex? Wendy? Helen?,Grammar Focus,this, these, it, they, plurals,This is a,camera.,These are,camera,s,.,What,s this,?,Its an,earring.,What,are these,?,Theyre,earring,s,.,Grammar Focus,Whats this called?,Whats this/What are these called in English?,How do you spell that?,Conversation,What are the man and woman looking for?,Who has the key and the wallet?,Grammar Focus,Yes/No and where questions with be,Is this,your wallet?,Yes,it is,./ No,its not,.,Are these,your keys?,Yes,they are,./ No,theyre not,.,Grammar Focus,Grammar Focus,Yes/No and where questions with be,Where is,your wallet?,Its,in my pocket.,Where are,my keys?,They are,on the table.,Grammar Focus,Reading,1. Where is his briefcase?,2. Where is his camera?,3. Where is his cell phone?,4. Where are his glasses?,5. Where is his newspaper?,6. Where is his notebook?,7.Where is his umbrella?,Thank you for listening!,UNIT 3 Where are you from?,CONVERSATION,Look at the picture,1 How mang people are there?,2 Where are they?,3 What are they doing?,Listen to the radio,1 Whose family is in California?,2 Where is Jessica from?,3 What is Jessicas first language,CONVERSATION,California,Korea Korean Seoul,Daejeon,originally: first, in the beginning,Italy Italian,Brazil Brazilian,Canada Canadian,language,Russia Russian,French France,GRAMMAR FOCUS,I am not from China,Are you from China? Yes, I am. No, I am not.,She is not from Russia.,Is she from Russia? Yes , she is. No, she is not.,She comes from Russia.,She doesnt come from Russia.,Does she come from Russia?,Yes, she does. No, she doesnt.,CONVERSATION,Look at the picture,1 Who can you see?,2 Where are they?,3 Whats on the table?,4 What are they doing?,Listen to the radio,1 What is Jills brothers name?,2 How old is she?,3 How about Jills sister?,CONVERSATION,cute: attractive; good-looking,smart: clever or intelligent; fashionable,the baby of the family: the youngest person in the family,Whats sb like? : Talk about sbs personality and appearance,NUMBERS AND AGES,numbers (listen and practice),ages,How old are you?,I think she is twenty years old.,I dont think she is twnety years old.,比较下面三个短语:,1 twenty years old,2 twenty-year-olds,3 twenty-year-old,GRAMMAR FOCUS,Whats your name?= May I have your name?,My name is ./ I am .,Whats that/this?,Hes / Shes .,Who are/is they/she/he?,Theyre/Hes/Shes.,Where are you from?= Whats your nationality?,I am from/ come from.,Whats he/ your hometown like?,He is ./Its .,WORD POWER,other words that decribe personality and appearance,charming迷人的,ugly丑陋的, warm-hearted热心的, strict严格的, humour幽默的, outgoing外向的;ingoing 内向的,shy害羞的;naughty淘气的;naive天真的;generous慷慨的;strong强壮的;weak虚弱的; lovely可爱的;elegant优雅的;careful细心的, careless粗心的,Unit 4 : Im not wearing boots,1.Word power,Whats that ?,2.,Conversation,What clothes do they talk about?,What colors are they?,dry: not wet,disaster:a very bad event,problem: something that causes difficulty,Word Power,3.Grammar Focus,Sample:,(possessive pronous ),This is your book .,This is my book .,This book is mine,This book is yours,4.Conversation,1.Who is Pat? What is she wearing?,2.Who is Julie ? What is she wearing?,3.Whats the weather like ?,4.Whats season is it ?,Grammar Focus,1.Positive present continuous statement:,Subject + be + -ing,She is wearing shoes.,He is wearing a tie,2.Negative present continuous statement:,Subject + be + not + -ing,She isnt wearing shoes,He isnt wearing a tie,Grammar Focus,Present continuous yes/no questions:,Be + subject + verb + - ing ?,Point out that,shes not,is the same as,she isnt,Sample :,Are you wearing a suit ? Yes ,I am,Is she wearing boots ? No, she isnt,Are they wearing glasses ? Yes ,they are,Welcome!,What are you doing?,SNAPSHOT,Vancouver vnkuv,温哥华,Los Angeles lsndls,洛杉矶,Mexico City meksko,墨西哥城,Montreal m:ntr:l,蒙特利尔,San Juan,圣胡安,Lima li:m,利马,SNAPSHOT,Brasilia brzi:lj,巴西利亚,Sao Paulo,圣保罗,London lndn,伦敦,Warsaw wrs,华沙,Moscow msk,莫斯科,ksblk,卡萨布兰卡,SNAPSHOT,Cape Town,开普敦,Riyadh ri:j:d,利雅得,Bangkok bkk,曼谷,Seoul sl,首尔,Tokyo tkj,东京,Sydney sdn,悉尼,SNAPSHOT,Where are these cities? Which country do these city in?,SNAPSHOT,SNAPSHOT,Peru pr,秘鲁,Puerto Rico pw:turi:ku,波多黎各,Poland plnd,波兰,Saudi Arabia saudi reibj,沙特阿拉伯,Australia strelj,澳大利亚,CONVERSATION,Where is John?,Where is Debbie?,Is it 10:00 P.M. in Sydney?,Is it 4:00 A.M. in Los Angeles?,CONVERSATION,confer knf v.,When you confer with someone, you discuss something with them in order to make a decision. You can also say that two people confer .,商谈,;,商议,;,交换意见,eg: He conferred with Hill and the others in his office.,CONVERSATION,conference,k:nfrns n.,a large meeting, especially for work.,大型会议,awake,:,not sleeping,醒着的;没睡着的,GRAMMAR FOCUS:WHAT TIME IS IT?,oclock is for exact hours only, not,hours + minutes.,five after one,means five minutes after,one,a,quarter after one,means fifteen minutes,after one.,GRAMMAR FOCUS:WHAT TIME IS IT?,GRAMMAR FOCUS:IS IT A.M. OR P.M.?,Noon is 12:00 A.M. and midnight is 12:00 P.M.,in the morning = 1:00 A.M. to noon,in the afternoon = noon to about 5:00 P.M.,in the evening = about 5:00 P.M. to about 9:00 P.M.,at night = about 7:00 P.M. to after midnight,LISTENING:ITS 4:00 P.M. IN VANCOUVER,LISTENING:ITS 4:00 P.M. IN VANCOUVER,CONVERSATION,:,IM REALLY HUNGRY!,What time is it?,What is Steve doing?,PRONUNCIATION,:,RISING AND FALLING INTONATION,GRAMMAR FOCUS,:,PRESENT CONTINUOUS WH-QUESTIONS,Wh-questions:,Wh-word + be + subject+ verb + -ing?,GRAMMAR FOCUS,:,PRESENT CONTINUOUS WH-QUESTIONS,Why is Marcos getting up?,For the last picture:,What time is it?,What are you doing now?,GRAMMAR FOCUS,:,PRESENT CONTINUOUS WH-QUESTIONS,GRAMMAR FOCUS,:,SPELLING RULES FOR,PRESENT CONTINUOUS VERBS,For most verbs, add -ing to the base form.(,sleeping,),If the base form ends with a vowel+ a consonant, double the final consonant and add ing.(,getting,),If the base form ends with a silent e, drop the e and add -ing (e.g., having).,LISTENING,:,MARYS ACTIVITIES,LISTENING,:,MARYS ACTIVITIES,READING,Where are they?,What are they doing?,READING,Where are they?,What are they doing?,Who is writing an essay?,READING,laptop computer: a small computer that you,can take away.,chat: talk, especially on the Internet,online: using the Internet,Internet cafe: a cafe where you can use the Internet,mowing the lawn: cutting the grass with a machine,READING,My sister works downtown?,Snapshot,How do you usually get to work?,Snapshot,Vocabulary,transportation: ways of going to different places,top: most popular,get to: go to,work: a job,Conversation,What are Jason and Ashley wearing?,What are they looking at?,What color is the car?,Whose car is it?,Conversation,Vocabulary,suburbs: outside area of a city where many people live,downtown: the business center of a city,public transportation: transportation everyone can use, such as buses, trains and subways,slow: not fast,Thats too bad: Im sorry about that,Grammar Focus,Simple present statements,I,walk,to school.,You,ride,your bike to school.,He,works,near here.,She,takes,the bus to work.,We,live,with our parents,They,use,public transportation.,Grammar Focus,Grammar Focus,Simple present statements,I,dont live,far from here.,You,dont live,near here,He,doesnt work,downtown.,She,doesnt drive,to work.,We,dont live,alone.,They,dont need,a car.,Grammar Focus,Grammar Focus,I/You/We/They,I,have,a bike.,We,do,our homework everyday.,My parents,go,to work by bus.,he/she/it,My father,has,a car.,My mother,does,a lot of work at home.,The bus,goes,downtown.,Grammar Focus,Conversation,Where are the speakers?,What are they wearing?,What do you think about they are talking?,What times does Jack get up on Sundays?,What time does Amy get up?,Conversation,Vocabulary,coffee shop: an informal restaurant,Lets.: I suggest that we.,serve: give (food in a restaurant),Grammar Focus,Simple present questions,Do,you,get up,early?,No, I,get up,late.,Does,he,have,lunch at noon?,No, he,eats,lunch at one oclock.,Do,they,drive,to work?,Yes, they,drive,to work everyday.,Grammar Focus,Grammar Focus,Simple present questions,What time do,you,get up,?,At ten oclock.,What time does,he,have,lunch?,At ten oclock.,Whwn do,they,drive,to work?,Every day.,Grammar Focus,Reading,1. What does schedule mean?,2. Whats Brittany Daviss schedule like?,3. Whats Joshua Burns schedule like?,4. Whats Maya Blacks schedule like?,Reading,Vocabulary,end: finish, stop,library: a place where you borrow books,go for a run: run,break: a pause from doing sth, such as work or school,project: a special job or assignment,Does it have a view?,House: a building for people to live in, usually for one family.,Apartment: a set of rooms for living in, usually on one floor of a building.,Look at the following two pictures, then describe them.,The house has two floors, a garage, and a yard. The first floor has , the second floor has,The apartment building has.,Who lives in a house?,Who lives in an paprtment?,What rooms are in your house or apartment?,Laundry: washing,Closet:a small room or a space in a wall with a door that reaches the floor, used for storing things, especially for clothes.,Garage: a place for keeping one or more cars or other vehicles in.,Elevator(American English):Lift, its a device that carries people up and down inside buildings.,Lobby:the area near the entrance that usually has staircases leading off it.,CONVERSATION,Does Linda like her apartment?,Does it have a view?,View: means a nice or interesting scene(a view of a lake),GRAMMAR FOCUS,Simple present short answers,Do/ does + subject + verb?,Yes, +subject + do/ does.,No, +subject + dont/ doesnt.,Grammar Focus,WORD POWER,PART A,-What is this?,-its a stove,-what are they?,-they are armchairs.,PART B,Where does the table go?,Where does the stove go?,CONVERSATION,What furniture does linda have in the kitchen/living room?,What furniture does she need in the kitchen/living room?,GRAMMAR FOCUS,There is, there are,Theres no (+ singular noun),There isnt a (+ singular noun),There are no (+ plural noun),There arent any (+ plural noun),Grammar Focus,MY DREAM HOME,Cabin: a small wooden house, especially one in an area of forests or mountains.,Penthouse: a luxurious flat at the top of a tall building,Villa: a fairly large house, especially one that is used for holidays.,Houseboat: a large that is designed and equipped for people live in.,8, what do you do ?,1,Workplace,In a hospital:,Cook/chef , doctor ,nurse,receptionist ,security,guard ,technician ,therapist, surgeon.,In an office:,Doctor,lawyer,nurse, police officer ,receptionist,salesperson, accountant ,manger ,architect,In a store:,cashier ,salesperson,manger ,In hotel:,musician , singer, waiter,waitress, front desk agent ,bellhop.,2. Conversation,1.Where does Angelas brother work?,2.Whats his job ?,3.What other person works there?,4.Whats his job?,Vocabulary:,Too:also,front desk agent: person who registers hotel guests,Thats funny :Thats surprsing,3.Grammar focus,1.Wh-word+ do /does + subject + verb?,2. Where do you work ? = Whats your workplace?,What do you do ? What s your job?,How do you like it ? = Whats your opinion about it ?,1. What does Richard do?,2. What does Stephanie do ?,3.Whats Rchiards opinion about his job?,4.Do you agree?,Grammar Focus,EP:,My job is great.,I have a great job,.,Elicit or explain the patterns for be + adjective and adjective = noun:,A/An + (subject)s + job + is + adjective,A/An + (subject)s + has + a/an + adjective + job,Reading,Where does this person work ?,What days does he/she work?,3.What hours does he/she work?,4.What does he/she wear?,5.What does he/she do ,exactly?,6.How does he/she like his /her job?,补充:Vocabulary,auditions,: tries to get an acting job,paly,:a drama actors perform on a stage,following her dream,: trying to ucceed at something she really wants,tester,: a person who tests a product,rain or shine,: in every kind of weather,salary,:money you get for work,professional,: related to someones job,after-school activities,: activities students do after school,Broccoli is good for you,Snapshot,What foods are healthy?,What foods are unhealthy?,Snapshot,What foods do you like?,What foods you dont like?,Conversation,Vocabulary,picnic: an information meal people eat outdoors,hmm: a sound people make when they are thinking,drinks: things you drink, like lemonade, soda, and tea,all right: ok, sure,Conversation,What is in the refrigerator?,What desserts do Adam and Amanda want?,Grammar Focus,Some and any: count and noncount nouns,Do you need,any,eggs?,Yes.Lets get,some,(eggs).,No. We dont need,any,(eggs).,Do we need,any,bread?,Yes.Lets get,some,(bread).,No. We do,nt,need,any,(bread).,Grammar Focus,Grammar Focus,count nouns,an,eggegg,s,a,sandwichsandwich,es,non,count nouns,bread,lemonade,Specific:,Im eating an egg.,Lets get some bread.,General,:,Eggs are good for you.,Bread is good for you.,Grammar Focus,Conversation,What is Sarah thinking about?,What is Kumiko saying?,Grammar Focus,Adverbs of frequency,always,usually,often,sometimes,hardly ever,never,Do you,ever,have fish for breakfast?,Yes, I,always,do.,Sometimes,I do.,No, I,never,do.,Grammar Focus,Mealtime Habits,Vocabulary,meal time: related to the time people ate,habit: something you usually do,lunch: the noon meal,dinner: the evening meal,Reading,1. Do you eat anything special on New Years Day for good luck?,2. Do you do anything special?,Reading,Vocabulary,round: like a circle,custom: tradition,sweet: like sugar; enjoyable,coin: a piece of metal money,strength: having a strong body or mind; having power,collard greens: a kind of green vegetable,dollars: paper money,Thank you for listening!,I cant ice-skate very well,Snapshot,Whats the weather like in,spring,?,Whats the weather like in,summer,?,Whats the weather like in,fall,?,Whats the weather like,in,winter,?,Conversation,What sports are they talking about?,Does Justin like sports?,What sports does he like?,What sports does he play?,Grammar Focus,Simple present wh-questions,What sports,do you play?,I play,hockey,and,baseball,.,Who,do you play baseball,with,?,I play with,some friends from work,. We have a team.,Where,do you play?,We play,at Hunter Parker,.,Grammar Focus,Grammar Focus,Simple present wh-questions,How often,do you practice?,We practice,once or twice a week.,When,do you practice?,We practice,on Sundays,.,What time,do you start?,We start,at ten oclock in the morning,.,Grammar Focus,Conversation,Vocabulary,enter a contest: compete a contest,really well: in a very good way,not . at all: not in any way,Grammar Focus,Can for ability,I/You/He/She/We/They,can,sing very well.,I/You/He/She/We/They,cant,sing at all.,Can,you/I/he/she/we/they sing?,Yes, you/I/he/she/we/they,can,.,No, you/I/he/she/we/they,cant,.,Grammar Focus,Grammar Focus,Can for ability,What can I do?You can sing.,Who can sing?Philip can.,What + can +subject + do?,Subject + can +verb.,Who+ can + verb?,Subject + can.,Grammar Focus,Word power,Vocabulary,talent: natural ability to do something,musical: related to music,artistic: related to art,technical: related to industry or science,mechanical: related to machines,athletic: related to athletes and sports,Word Power,Reading,Vocabulary,climb the stairs: walk up the stairs,steps: stairs,reach the top: get to the highest part,cross: go across,time-out: time to rest,white waters: waves in a river that move very qucikly and look white,downriver: in the direction a river moves,Take the challenge: try to do this difficult thing,course: an area used for a race or other sports event,cash: money,prize: something you win,unit 11 What are you going to do ?,1.Conversation,1.What is Philip saying ?,2.How does he feel?,Vocabulary :,Celebate: have fun ( at a special occasion),Fabulous: Thats great!,Take .out :take (someone) to dinner or a movie , like a date,order: ask for , like food i n a restaurant,Embarrassing : making you feel shy or uncomfortable,2.Grammar Focus,1.,Im going to,study tonight ,Im planning to,study tonight .,2.,Subject + be going to + verb,Be + subject + going to +verb?,Yes, + subject + verb ?,No , + subject + be + not,Ep:,Are you doing to do it alone?,Are you going to drive there ?,Are you going to wear anything interesting ?,1.Who is going to go out for dinner on Valentines Day?,2.Where are they igoing to go ?,3.Who is going to go to a dance ?,4.When is this holiday ?,5.How do people celebrate it ?,Grammar Focus,Wh-questions:,Wh-question +be +subject + going to +?,Wh-question + be + going to + verb ?,Positive :,Subject + be + going to +,Negative:,Subject + be +going to + verb,5.Word power,Setsubun,:,a japanese festival that people celebrate before the beginning of spring . People wear costumes and throw beans.,Cinco de Mayo,:,a Mexican and Mexican - American holiday that people,celebrate on May 5th. People celebrate with special food ,music, and parades.,Eid,:, festival that Moslems celebrate after the Fast of Ramadan .People eat special food , send cards,and buy new clothes,Who are the people?,Where are they from?,Vocabulary,wish: tell some your good hopes for him or her,custom: somethi


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