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Its quite _ _,_,here.(那个地方)离这里很远。,2. Take the second _,_,_ on the/your right. 在第二个拐弯处右转。,3. _ the first turning on the/your left. 在第一个拐弯处左转。,4. _ _ at the _.在十字路口右转。,5. Walk/Keep/Go _ (on) until you get to the bus. 一直走,走到公汽站。,6. Go ahead and turn left at the third _ _.一直往前走,在第三个红绿灯处左转。,7. Walk _ the road and you will find a park.沿着路一直走你就会看到一个公园。,8. Its only about ten minutes _. 那儿离这儿只有走大约10分钟的路。,far away from,turn/turning,Take,Turn right crossroads,straight,t,raffic light,along,walk,径直走,在十字路口,在交通处,向右转,向左转,斑马线,在你的左边,在你的右边,Translate the following into Chinese(1).,go straight,(,on,),at the crossroads,at the traffic lights,turn right,turn left,zebra crossing,on your left,on your right,第二个转弯处,过马路,当你来到十字路口时,在街道,拐角,处,在教室的角落处,the,second turn,cross,the road,go / walk,across,the road,when you come,to,the,crossroads,at,the corner,of the street,in,/on,the corner of the classroom,Translate the following into Chinese(2).,Means of transportation,1.,步行 _,2. 坐飞机 _,3.,打的 _,4. 骑车 _,5.,坐公共汽车 _,6. 坐船 _,7.,坐地铁 _,by taxi;on a taxi,by bike/on a bike,by bus;in/on a bus,by boat/ship/sea;on a boat/ship,by metro/subway,on foot,by air/plane;on a plane,Words of directions,1.,在.的前面 _,2. 在.的后面 _,3.,在.的左边 _,4. 在.的右边 _,5.,在东边 _,6. 在某人的左/右边 _,_,_,7.,在.的附近 _,8.,在.的旁边 _,9,. 在.与.之间 _,10.,在.的对面 _,11.,在拐角处 _,12. 在.的拐角处,_,1,3,. 在.的角落 _,ahead of in front of,behind at/on the back of,on the,left,(of).,on the right,(of).,in the east/west/south/north of,on ones left/right,near. not far away from.,beside. next to.,between. and.,opposite to. across (from),around the corner,at the corner of .,in the corner of.,常见地点名词,1.,机场 _,2. 公交车站 _,3. 火车站 _,4.,旅馆 _,5. 大学 _,6,. 停车场 _,7.,超市 _,8. 银行 _,9. 邮政局 _,10.,地铁 _,11. 医院 _,12. 动物园 _,13.,图书馆 _,14. 博物馆 _,15. 公共厕所 _,16.,电影院 _,17. 剧场 _,18. 加油站 _,airport,bus station,railway station,hotel,university,parking place,supermarket,bank,post office,metro/subway,hospital,zoo,library,museum,toilet,cinema,theatre,gas/petrol station,问路、指路巩固练习题,一、句子翻译,1,、打扰一下,这附近有医院吗?,2,、你能告诉我去警察局的路吗?,3,、请问我怎样能到历史博物馆?,4,、 打扰一下,请问蓝天大酒店在哪儿?,5,、请问哪条路是去公园的?,6,、 打扰一下,请问最近的邮局在哪里?,7,、邮局在工厂和旅馆之间。,8,、它在中山公园隔壁。,9,、你最好乘,92,路车。,10,、离这儿大约有,700,米。,11,、沿着这条路走,在第三个拐弯处向左拐。,12,、对不起,我不知道。我也是刚到这儿的。,13,、对不起,我不能确定,你最好问那边的警察。,14,、仍然要谢谢你。,问路、指路巩固练习题,一、句子翻译,1,、打扰一下,这附近有医院吗?,2,、你能告诉我去警察局的路吗?,3,、请问我怎样能到历史博物馆?,4,、 打扰一下,请问蓝天大酒店在哪儿?,5,、请问哪条路是去公园的?,6,、 打扰一下,请问最近的邮局在哪里?,7,、邮局在工厂和旅馆之间。,8,、它在中山公园隔壁。,Excuse me, is there any hospital nearby?,Could you tell me the way to the police station?,How can I get to the History Museum?,Excuse me, where is the Blue Sky Hotel?,Which is the way to the park please?,Excuse me, where is the nearest post office?,The post office is between the factory and the hotel.,8,、它在中山公园隔壁。,9,、你最好乘,92,路车。,10,、离这儿大约有,700,米。,11,、沿着这条路走,在第三个拐弯处向左拐。,12,、对不起,我不知道。我也是刚到这儿的。,13,、对不起,我不能确定,你最好问那边的警察。,14,、仍然要谢谢你。,Its beside / next to the Zhongshan Park.,Youd better take N0.92 bus.,Its about 700 metres from here.,Walk along the road, and turn to the left at the third turning.,Sorry, I dont know. Im new here, too.,Im sorry, Im not sure. Youd better ask the policeman over there.,Thank you anyway.,_the road and take the _ turn on the_.,Go along,second,_,the road and take the,_,turn on the,_,.,_the road and take the _ turn on the_.,Go along,first,lef,t,lef,t,Go along,third,righ,t,Exercise-1,Activity 1,Look and match.,看图,将图中的标志与框中的词语搭配。,( ) traffic lights,( ) the second turn,( ) turn right,( ) road,( ) crossroads,( ) turn left,( ) go across the road,F,D,A,B,E,G,C,Exercise-2-1,Activity 2,Look and choose.,看图,选择恰当的词语描述图中的动作。,1,2,3,a. Go across the road. b. Turn right.,c. Turn left at the crossroads. d. Take the second turn on the right.,e. Turn left at the first traffic light. f. Go along the road.,_,_,_,f,a,b,Exercise-2-2,Activity 2,a. Go across the road. b. Turn right.,c. Turn left at the crossroads. d. Take the second turn on the right.,e. Turn left at the first traffic light. f. Go along the road.,4,5,6,_,_,_,c,d,e,Exercise-3,Activity 3,Listen and tick.,听录音,标出对话中提到的地点。,( ),( ),( ),( ),a,b,c,d,Exercise-4,Activity 4,Listen and complete.,再听录音,补全对话。,学习策略提示,在英美国家,人们的空间意识较强,在与陌生人对话,如问路时,我们应与对方保持一定距离,以免引起尴尬。,bank,left,second,post,office,long,fifteen,A: Excuse me.,How can I get to,the nearest _?,B:,Go along the road and turn,_ at the first traffic lights. Then take the,_ turn on the,right,.,A: Is it by the roadside?,B: Yes. Its just beside a _ _.,A: How _ will it take me to get there?,B: About _ minutes.,You cant miss it.,A: I see. Thank you!,Exercise-5-1,Activity 5,Read and underline.,阅读对话,用下画线标出问路和指路的语句。,A: Excuse me.,How can I get to,the nearest supermarket?,B:,Go along,the road,and turn right,at the first crossroads. Then turn left,at the traffic lights.,A: Is it by the roadside?,B: Yes. Its just on your right.,A: How long will it take me to get there?,B: About ten minutes.,You cant miss it.,A: I see. Thank you!,Exercise-5-2,重点词汇和句型,How can I get to .?,此句意为“请问怎么去?”,这是最常用的问路方式之一。,其他常用的问路方式还有:,Can you tell me the way to .?,Would you please tell me the way to .?,Could you tell me how I can get to .?,Exercise-5-3,重点词汇和句型,Go along and turn right.,这是一个祈使句,省略主语,多用来发出指令或提出建议。它的否定形式是在动词前面加,“ dont”,。,eg Read the sentence again.,再读一遍这个句子。,Dont read the sentence.,不要读这个句子。,Exercise-5-4,重点词汇和句型,You cant miss it.,在这里意为“你一定会找到的”。,Miss,此处意为“错过”,它还有“想念”的含义。,eg He just missed the last train.,他错过了最后一班火车。,He misses his grandma very much.,他很想念他的奶奶。,Exercise-7,Activity 7,Listen and choose.,听录音,选择答案。,1) Where does the woman want to go?,(1) The restaurant. (2) The airport. (3) The store.,2) How will the woman go there?,(1) By bus. (2) By train. (3) By subway.,Exercise-8,Activity 8,Listen and judge.,再听录音,判断下列句子的正误。,( ) 1) The man doesnt know the way to the airport.,( ) 2) The woman wants to take the bus.,( ) 3) The subway is new and beautiful.,( ) 4) It will take her 13 minutes to get to the airport by subway.,( ) 5) The woman probably doesnt know where Dongzhimen is.,学习策略提示,边听录音边读句子做判断是很有难度的,我们可以在听录音前用一两分钟先读句子,再听录音并做判断,这样会容易很多,你也试试吧。,F,F,T,F,T,Listen for the third time and fill in blanks:,Woman: Excuse me. Could you tell me _ _ _ the airport?,Man: No problem. _ _ _ to go by bus or by subway?,Woman: Id like to _ the subway. Its a new one, isnt it?,Man: Yes, its _ and _.,Woman: Where can I _ it?,Man: You can take the subway at Dongzhimen. It takes about _ _ to go to the airport by subway.,Woman: Thank you. Anyway, I _ _ find Dongzhimen first.,the way to,Would you like,try,modern beautiful,take,30 minutes,have to,Exercise-9-1,Activity 9,Read and underline.,阅读对话,用下画线标出问路和指路的语句。,In the street, Sara is talking to a man.,Sara: Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to Beihai Park?,Man:,No problem.,Would you like to go by bus or,by subway,?,Sara:,Id like to take the bus.,I want to have a look at the city.,Man: You can take No. 4 bus.,It takes about 30 minutes to get there.,Sara: Where can I take it?,Man: The bus stop is in front of the Art Museum.,Sara: Thank you. Anyway, I have to find the Art Museum first.,take 用法,一、 拿,取,拿些书到教室。,二、 吃,喝,服用,放, 每天吃三次药。, 你喝的牛奶里放糖吗?,三、 乘车(船)等, 我们是骑自行车去那还是坐出租车去?, 他们通常乘公交车上班。,T,ake some books to the classroom.,Take this medicine three times a day.,Do you take sugar in your milk?,Shall we go there by bike or take a taxi?,They usually take a bus to work.,四、 常常和,it,连用,,it,在句子中作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式。翻译成“花费,(,时间、金钱,),等”, 每天做作业要花费你多长时间?, 每周买书通常要花费她,20,元钱。,It usually takes her 20 yuan to buy books every week.,How long will it take you to do your homework,every day?,五、“做,事情”,常常和名词连用,,1,.take a walk,散步, take a rest,休息一下,take a look,看一看,take away,拿走,Tom takes the knife away from the little boy.,汤姆从小男孩手里把刀拿走了。,2.,take care (=be careful=look out),Take care! The car is coming!,小心!车来了!,3.,take (good) care of (,好好,),照顾,照料,I can take care of the baby all by myself.,我自己能照顾这个小孩。,4.,take down,取下来,Take down the picture and put up the map of the world.,摘下这张图画,挂上一幅世界地图。,5. take as example 拿举例,6.,take off脱下;飞机(等起飞), Sorry! You have to take off your shoes before getting into the computer room.,对不起,在进入微机室之前,先要把你的鞋子脱掉。, The plane is going to take off soon. 飞机马上就要起飞了。,7.,take ones time 别着急,慢慢来,Please take your time!别着急,慢慢来!,8.,take ones temperature 量体温,Mingming is ill. The doctor is taking his temperature now. 明明生病了,大夫正在给他量体温。,in front of和in the front of,in front of,表示“在的前面”,指的是在某物体,外面的前面,,即两者是,分开,的,其反义词是,behind,.,Wendy sits in front of me. She is so tall that I can see nothing on the blackboard.,in the front of,表示“在的,前部,”,指的是在某物体,内部的前面,,即两者是,包容,的,其反义词是,at the back of.,The teacher is standing in the front of the classroom. She is giving a lesson.,Hes sitting in the front of the car with the driver.,We can see a tree_ the restaurant.,A. in the front of,B. at front of,C. in front of,C,There is a car _ our house, and the driver is _ it.,A. in the front of, in front of,B. in the front of, in the front of,C. in front of, in the front of,D. in front of, in front of,C,An old wooden cupboard(橱柜) stood_ the window.,A. in the front of,B. at front of,C. in front of,C,cross, across和through,cross,cross作为,动词,用时,意思是“穿过,跨过”,如过马路,过河等。当作,名词,用时,意思是“十字架,十字形饰物”,Be careful when you,cross the street,.,Cross the bridge, and you will see a big building.,across,across是,介词,,意思是“跨过,穿过”,主要表示从物体的,表面上穿过,。,The Great Green Wall,is,across,the northwest of China.,through,through是,介词,,意思是“从通过,穿过”,主要表示从物体,内部穿过,。,The two friends were talking through the forest.,He got into the room through the back door.,The post office is just _ the street.,A. over,B. through,C. across,D. cross,C,-Excuse me, wheres the museum? Is it _ the library?,-Yes, they are opposite to each other.,A. next to,B. across from,C. in front of,D. in the front of,B,If you _ the street, youll get there.,A. over,B. through,C. across,D. cross,D,Id like to walk _ the jungle(丛林).,A. over,B. through,C. across,D. cross,B,The river is too wide(宽阔的) to swim _.,A. over,B. through,C. across,D. cross,C,I heard that we had to walk_ three tunnels(隧道) and _ two bridges.,A. over,B. through,C. across,D. cross,B,C,练习:,1.We must _ the road very carefully.,2.Before going _ the road, you should look left first and then right.,3.Look! The man is swimming _ the lake.,4.They drove _ the street quickly, but the police caught them at last.,5. Can the table go _ the door?,6.I try to get into the room _ the window because I cant open the door.,7.Walk _ the footbridge.,8. Go _ the bridge and you will see the station.,9. We walked _ the forest.,10. Its dangerous to swim _ the river.,cross,across,across,across,through,through,across,across,through,across,打扰了,请问去最近的药店怎么走?,Excuse me. Could you tell me the way,to the nearest drugstore?,沿着这条路走,在第二个路口左转。,Go along the road and take the 2,nd,turn on the left.,不好意思,请问首都机场怎么走?,Excuse me. How can I get to the Capital,Airport?,您想乘坐巴士还是快轨?,Would you like to go by bus or by subway?,Translation:,我想乘坐快轨。它是新修的,不是吗?,Id like to take the subway. Its new, isnt it?,它是在路边吗?,Is it by the roadside?,是的,它就在博物馆的旁边,Yes, it is. It is just beside the museum.,我需要花多长时间才能到那?,How long will it take me to get there?,到那里你大概需要,20,分钟。,It will take you 20 minutes to get there.,Translation:,Exercise-12,Activity 12,Read and underline.,读下列单词,画出与其他词不同类的词或词组。,a. bank hospital post office restaurant,b. supermarket park department store bookstore,c. airport subway station bus stop crossroads,d. shop museum cinema theater,Exercise-13-2,Activity 13,a. bank hospital post office restaurant,b. supermarket park department store bookstore,c. airport subway station bus stop crossroads,d. shop museum cinema theater,Exercise-13-1,Activity 13,Read and circle.,阅读学校周边介绍,在活动,12,的词中圈出文中介绍的地方。,Hello!,Welcome to,Yanyuan Vocational School! Now, Id like to introduce our,school surroundings,to you. There is a shop near our school. If you want to go to the shop, just go down the Zhongshan Road and turn right at the first traffic lights. The shop is on your right.,Opposite to the shop is a post office.,There is a hospital near our school, too. First, go down the Zhongshan Road and take the first turn on the left. Then turn right at the first traffic lights. Walk along the Zhongshan West Road and past the second traffic lights. You can find the hospital on your left.,introduce vt. vi.,1)(与to连用),介绍,He,introduced,his friend,to,me.,Let me,introduce myself,; my name is Simpson.,2),倡导;提倡;引进,(. to/ into) = bring in,Our schoo,l,introduce,s,a new subject., A new subject,is introduced into/to,our school.,Many new machines,are introduced into,China.,他把朋友介绍给我。,让我作自我介绍吧,我名叫辛普森。,我们学校,引进了,一门新课,.,很多新机器被引进中国。,3),(与,to,连用),引导,使入门,My younger brother,introduced,me,to,Jazz.,4,),提出,They,introduced,the idea that children could learn to read as babies.,我弟弟使我了解了爵士乐。,他们提出了这样的想法,:,孩子在婴儿时期就能学习阅读。,passpast,past,1.,adj. 以前的, 过去的,昔日的,These things happened,in the past years,.,Winter is past.,2.,n. 过去, 昔时昔日; 往事,过去的事情,The past is past.,Let us look ahead.,这些事情都发生在过去的年代里。,冬天已经过去了。,过去的事已成过去,让我们向前看吧。,3.,prep. (表示时间)迟于, 在之后, 晚于,a quarter,past,ten,a quarter to ten,adv. 经过, 过,穿过,A car ran,past,at full speed.,10,点15分钟10:15,10,点,差,15分钟,9,:,4,5,一辆汽车以全速驶过。,pass,过去式:passed,过去分词:passed,现在分词:passing 复数:passes,vt. & vi. 走过, 经过,When will the ship,pass,the channel,(海峡),?,vt. 递给; 传,Jake,passed,the football quickly.,pass sth. fromto意为“把某物从传向”,n. 通行证, 许可证,Tom gave him a free,pass,on the railway.,那轮船什么时候通过这海峡,?,杰克传球迅速。,汤姆给了他一张火车免费乘车券。,练习:,1. 我路过了公园。,I,_,the park.I,_ _,the park.,2.在过去几个月里,重庆发生了很大的变化。,Chongqing has changed greatly in the,_,few months.,3.在过去,那儿的人们过着艰苦的生活。,_ _ _,people there lived a hard life.,4.我们不应该忘记过去。,We shouldnt forget,_ _,.,5.请递给我一些水好吗?,Could you,_,some water,_,me, please?,=Could you,_,me some water, please?,6.他参军已经有三年了。,Three years,_ _,since he joined the army.,passed,went/walked past,past,In the past,the past,pass to,pass,has passed,7.他们把硬币从一个学生传给另一个学生.,They,_,the coin,_,one student,_,another.,8.现在是3点15分。,Its three fifteen.,=Its,_ _ _,three.,9.他考试不及格。,He,_,( )the exam.,=He failed(,)the exam.,=He didnt,_,the,exam,.,pass from to,a quarter past,failed in,to pass,pass,Exercise-13-3,Translation,大家好!欢迎来到燕园职业学校!现在我向您介绍一下学校的周边环境。学校附近有个商店。如果想去这个商店,就沿着中山路一直走,在第一个红绿灯右转,商店就在右边。商店对面是个邮局。我们学校附近还有个医院。沿着中山路一直走,在第一个路口左转,然后在第一个红绿灯右转。然后沿着中山西路一直走,过了第二个红绿灯,右边就是医院了。,Exercise-14,Activity 14,Read and mark.,再读介绍,在图中标出从学校到医院的路线。,Exercise-17,Activity 17,Read and choose.,读以下句子,从括号中选出恰当的词填空。,1) Walk along and turn left. Your seat is number _ (five, fifth) in the,_ (three, third) row.,2) The _ (one, first) building is the bookstore. Its just _,(beside, besides) the bank.,3) _ (Go, To go) along the road and you will find the hotel _,(on, at) your right.,4) Please go to the airport _ (with, by) subway. _ (Not take,Dont take) the taxi.,5) This is my _ (two, second) time to Japan.,five,third,first,beside,Go,on,by,Dont take,second,Exercise-19,Activity 19,Look and match.,看图,将路标与其释义搭配。,1),2),3),4),5),No Parking!,Turn Right!,U-Turn!,No Entry!,Turn Left!,Exercise-20-1,Activity 20,Look and complete.,看图,根据提示将行车路线填写完整。,Exercise-20-2,Activity 20,If you want to go to the National Park, first, _. Turn right _. _ the road. Then _. _ and _. Its just _.,drive alon


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