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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Listening and speaking,Reading,Grammar,Writing,Culture express,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Listening and speaking,Reading,Grammar,Writing,Culture express,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Listening and speaking,Reading,Grammar,Writing,Culture express,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Listening and speaking,Reading,Grammar,Writing,Culture express,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Listening and speaking,Reading,Grammar,Writing,Culture express,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,E英语教程第三册Unit-1翻译及课后答案,E英语教程第三册Unit-1翻译及课后答案E英语教程第三册Unit-1翻译及课后答案Listening and speakingReadingGrammarWritingCulture expressContent,Listening and speaking,Reading,Grammar,Writing,Culture express,Content,Pronunciation and listening skills,Conversations,Passage,Listening and speaking,Distinguishing stress patterns in,sentences,Listen to some sentences and put them into corresponding columns,according to their stress patterns.,Tips,一般说来,在朗读英语句子时重要的词要重读,不重要的词不重读。也可以说,句子中实词重读,虚词不重,读。重读单词中的重读音节一般要重读。这样每个句子都有了自己的重读和非重读音节,轻,重高低,形成起伏,也形成了英语动听的节奏。,Work hard.,Do it now.,I think so.,Send him away.,Come here.,Id like to.,Leave it alone.,Id rather.,What did you do?,All right.,Look out.,Ring me up.,Try again.,Have a try.,Sing us a song.,Of course not.,Distinguishing stress patterns in,sentences,英语的节奏是句子的重音在句子中有规律出现的结果。句子重音之间的相隔时间大致相等,使语言产生节奏感。,在英语语言节奏的训练中,英语学习者应该注重循序渐进的原则,尽量克服汉语语言节奏的干扰,在训练过程中,运用语法知识,体会英语语言节奏。多听英语材料,模仿地道的语音和语调,坚持朗读也可以提高发音的准确性和语言的节奏感。,Tips,Conversations,Conversation 1,Conversation 2,Functional language,Exercises,Exercises,Functional language,1.,Listen to a conversation and check (,) the correct answers to complete the following sentences.,Word tips,pick up,买;买到,smartphone,n.,智能手机,stunning,adj.,极漂亮的,fantastic,adj.,太好了,app,n.,应用程序,Conversation 1,- Expressing happiness,1,Jason is telling Lily a piece of good news by (,making a telephone call / speaking to her face to face,).,2,The smartphone Jason has got for Lily is (,difficult / easy,) to use.,3,The smartphone is (,the best one Lily has ever seen / just the kind Lily wanted,).,Its a new kind of smartphone.,2.,Listen again and check (,) the statements that are mentioned about the smartphone.,It has many features.,Its a videophone (,可视电话,).,Conversation 1,- Expressing happiness,4.,It can record videos.,5.,It is Bluetooth compatible.,6.,It can be used as an e-book reader.,7.,It allows you to download apps.,8.,It can be used as a navigation (,导航,) device.,Scripts,Conversation 1,- Expressing happiness,Jason:,Hello, this is Jason. May I speak to Lily?,Lily:,Hello, Jason! Lily speaking.,Jason:,Oh, Lily, good news! Ive picked up a smartphone for you.,Lily:,Great! Whats it like?,Jason:,This is a new kind of smartphone. It has every feature under the sun!,Lily:,Every feature?,Jason:,With a high-quality camera, it can take stunning pictures and record videos. And its so easy to use that even a child could use it.,Lily:,Fantastic! Thats just the kind I wanted.,Jason:,You can also use it as an e-book reader and download apps for about anything you want to do. And its your favorite color!,Lily:,Thanks, I cant tell you how delighted Im about it. Youve made my day!,3.,Role-play a conversation in pairs according to one of the following situations. You may refer to the Functional Language.,Situation 1,A tells B cheerfully that he / she,has just picked up a new kind of,laptop for B. B expresses his / her happiness.,Situation 2,A tells B that he / she has got,B a ticket for the concert of Bs,favorite singer. B expresses his /her happiness.,GUIDED,CONVERSATION,A: Greet B and tell B a piece of good news.,B: Show surprise and gladness.,A: Tell B more details.,B: Express happiness.,A: Give responses.,B: Show thanks.,Conversation 1,- Expressing happiness,(Sample),(Sample),(Reference),Conversation 1,- Expressing happiness,Role play - Sample conversation,Situation 1,Jack:,Hi, Ann. Good news! Ive picked up a laptop for you.,Ann:,Fantastic! Whats it like?,Jack:,This is a new type of laptop. Many of its features just meet your needs.,Ann:,Really?,Jack:,With 500GB hard disk drive, 8GB internal memory and quad core CPU, it will work really fast. It is also very light, too. Its very convenient for you to take it to school.,Ann:,Terrific. I cant tell you how delighted Im about it.,Jack:,Moreover, it is on promotion now. It will save you some money.,Ann:,Thanks a lot. Thats the best news Ive ever hear.,Conversation 1,- Expressing happiness,Role play - Sample conversation,Situation 2,Lisa:,Hello, John. Do you still remember that we talked about Wang Lihongs concert last week?,John:,Yes. Hes my favorite singer. I dreaming about going to his concert, but its very hard to get a ticket.,Lisa:,But I have got a ticket for his next months concert for you.,John:,Are you kidding? Thats marvelous. How did you get it?,Lisa:,One of my sisters friend is also a big fan of Wang. She bought the ticket but cant make it that day, so I asked my sister to buy the ticket from her.,John:,Thats the best news Ive ever heard. I just can believe it.,Lisa:,I knew you would be very excited on hearing this.,John:,Thank you so much. Youve made my day.,Conversation 1,- Expressing happiness,Role play,Reference for oral work,hooray:,a word that you shout to show that you are excited and happy about something,aah:,used for showing that you are happy, satisfied, or surprised,excellent:,used for showing that you are very pleased about something,lovely:,used for saying you are pleased about something good,for/on someone:,used for saying that you are happy about something good that someone has done or that has happened to them,thank God/goodness/heaven(s):,used for saying that you are happy that something unpleasant has stopped or has not happened,wonders will never cease:,used for saying that you are very surprised and happy about something,Functional Language,Expressing Happiness,Great / Fantastic / Good / Marvelous / Terrific /,Wonderful!,Thats the best thing / news Ive ever heard.,I cant tell you how delighted Im about it.,Youve made my day.,Conversation 1,- Expressing happiness,1.,Listen to a conversation and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).,Word tips,pay off,取得成功;奏效,pumped up,adj. 热情高涨的,competitive,adj. 竞争的;比赛的,intense,adj. 紧张的,John is overjoyed because his team has won the game.,T,F,T,John thinks they did their best though they had not been well prepared.,Johns coach gave each player a very detailed training plan.,Conversation 2,-,Expressing happiness,All the players in Johns team were pumped up.,2.,Listen again and check (,) the reasons why Johns team won the game.,They had good teamwork.,The players were well prepared for the game.,Conversation 2,- Expressing happiness,4.,They knew the weak points of their rival team very well.,5.,Johns teammates were in their best competitive form ever.,6.,Their coach was more experienced than the coach of their rival team.,Scripts,Conversation 2,-,Expressing happiness,John:,Hi, Maggie.,Maggie:,Hi, John. What was the result of the game?,John:,We won! Im so thrilled about it.,Maggie:,Oh, Im really glad to hear the news. I guess your team must have performed very well in the finals.,John:,Yes. Its great that all our efforts have finally paid off.,Maggie:,Im so happy for you guys! But how did you make it?,John:,Perhaps one important reason was that we were well prepared for it. The players were all pumped up and our teamwork was good. I felt we were in our best competitive form ever.,Maggie:,And your training program must have gone well.,John:,Absolutely. We have a very intense and scientific program.,Maggie:,I can see that your coach is very experienced. How did he design the program?,John:,Well, he made a very detailed plan for each player to train our speed, strength and so on.,Maggie:,No wonder you got good results.,3.,Role-play a conversation in groups of three according to one of the following situations. You may refer to the Functional Language.,Situation 1,A tells B that Bs soccer team won,the qualification to,compete in the,national championship.,Situation 2,A tells B that B has performed,very well in the school singing,competition and won the first prize.,GUIDED,CONVERSATION,A: Tell B a piece of good news.,B: Show surprise and excitement.,A: Praise B for Bs performance.,B: Tell A the reason why you performed well.,A: Give your wishes.,B: Show thanks and express happiness.,Conversation 2,-,Expressing happiness,(Sample),(Sample),Conversation 2,- Expressing happiness,Mr. Smith:,Jason:,Mr. Smith:,Jason:,Mr. Smith:,Jason:,Mr. Smith:,Jason,:,Hello, Jason. Your soccer team has won the qualification to compete in the national championship!,Really? Wow, Im really glad to hear the new!,You guys have done a great job in the past games. In the field, you were in high spirits and used right strategies to play. Another important thing is that you are all team players.,Right. We have been making full preparation for each game. Its great that all our efforts have finally paid off.,Your coach is very experienced, too.,He taught us a lot and made detailed plans in our training.,Wish you good luck in the future games.,Thanks, Mr. Smith. I cant wait to tell my teammates this good news.,Role play - Sample conversation,Situation 1,Conversation 2,- Expressing happiness,Lily:,Carol:,Lily:,Carol:,Lily:,Carol:,Lily:,Carol:,Hi, Carol. I have a piece of good news for you.,Hey, whats that?,Youve won the first prize in the school singing competition!,Wow, I am so glad to hear the news.,You performed so well that we were all touched by your singing.,I practiced for this competition for quite a while. Moreover, my music teacher was very supportive and gave me a lot of good suggestions.,Im so happy for you. I hope you can win more competitions in the future.,Thanks a lot!,Role play - Sample conversation,Situation 2,Functional Language,Expressing Happiness,Im so thrilled about it!,Im really glad to hear the news.,Im really very delighted / happy / pleased to,Its great that all our efforts have finally paid off.,I feel great about,Im so happy for you!,Conversation 2,-,Expressing happiness,1.,Listen to a passage and complete the following table with what you hear.,Word tips,slang,n.,俚语,CUL,abbrev.,(see you,later) 待会儿见,F2T,abbrev.,(free to,talk)随便聊聊,GA,abbrev.,(go,ahead) 继续;向前,Passage,Different opinions on Internet slang,Positive opinion,Internet slang is cool and 1) _ , full of 2) _ and intelligence. It makes 3) _ easier and quicker.,Negativeopinion,Internet slang will 4) _ peoples language ability. Also, it is hard to understand and not 5) _ by many people, since the words might make people confused, even 6) _ misunderstanding.,The speakersopinion,The important thing is to use Internet slang with the right person in the right 7) _.,vivid,humor,chatting,harm,accepted,resulting in,situations,2.,Listen again and check (,) the correct answers to complete the following sentences.,Passage,1,(,Chatting online / Internet slang,) is very popular among teenagers.,2,The speakers tone is (,objective / subjective,).,3,Living in the Information Age, wed better know Internet slang; otherwise we (,may fall behind the times / will be ill-informed,).,At present, Internet slang, such as CUL (see you later), F2T (free to talk), and GA (go ahead), enjoys growing popularity among teenagers. There are different opinions on Internet slang. Some people think Internet slang is cool and vivid, full of humor and intelligence. Besides, it makes chatting easier and quicker. However, some other people think Internet slang will harm peoples language ability. Also, it is hard to understand and not accepted by many people, since the words might make people confused, even resulting in misunderstanding. In my opinion, every coin has two sides. Living in the Information Age, if we dont know Internet slang, we risk falling behind the times. The important thing is to use it with the right person in the right situation.,Scripts,Passage,3.,Work in groups to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using Internet slang.,Passage,Advantages,Disadvantages,lovely and fashionable,brief and attractive,full of humor and,intelligence,convenient,popular,Interesting,easily accepted by the youth,hard to understand,not logical and too simple,not formal and not universal,make people confused,not accepted by many people,not standard,3.,Work in groups to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using Internet slang.,Passage,Reference for oral work,Advantages of using internet slang:,There are several advantages to using slang. If you use slang, youll have a private language that not everyone can understand. You could also appear “cool” if you know popular slang terms. Its easy to write. You use less syllables when talking thereby getting your point across faster and more efficiently.,Disadvantages of using internet slang:,Some disadvantages of using slang are it is mostly corrupted versions of an original language and it is only understood by a certain group. Since the words or new meanings may not be known by some listeners, or the meanings may be understood as different, communication is limited.,Passage A,Passage B,Luv 2 txt,Are humans or,technology breaking,Olympic records?,Reading,Luv 2 txt,Lead-in,Text study,Exercises,Passage A,Passage A, Luv 2 txt,Lead-in,Extended reading,Pre-reading questions,Video appreciation,Lead-in,- Video appreciation,Passage A, Luv 2 txt,IMO=in my opinion,我觉得,我认为,KIT=keep in touch,保持联系,IOW=in other words,意思是,换句话说,TTYL=Talk to you later,意思是,再见,下次回头再聊,BBS=be back soon,意思是,马上回来,BRB=be right back,意思是马上回来,FYI= For Your Information,解释为,:,提供给您的信息,供您参考,是现在比较流行的英文缩写,常用于电子邮件中,BTW=By the way,意思是换个话题,在日常的短信及聊天时使用,以解决话题转换时给人带来唐突感觉的问题,相当于常说的,“,对了,”,,也有,“,顺便说一下,”,的意思。,LOL=laughing out loud, or lots of laughs,,表示笑得很开心的样子,是网络常用的缩略语。,Lead-in,- Extended reading,Passage A, Luv 2 txt,网络中使用的英文缩略语,(,Netcronyms,),ur your,Gz geeze (,表惊讶,),IC i see,OIC oh, i see,IMHO in my humble opinion,L8R later,L8ly lately,OTOH on the other hand,POV point of view,Lead-in,- Extended reading,Passage A, Luv 2 txt,网络中使用的英文缩略语,(,Netcronyms,),ROTFL rolling on the floor laughing,Omg oh my god,Thx thank,Nt nice try,Gj good job,Nm never mind,Skul school,going to gonna,Gotta got to,Lead-in,- Extended reading,Passage A, Luv 2 txt,网络中使用的英文缩略语,(,Netcronyms,),What instant messaging services do you usually use when you chat with your family, friends, etc.? Why do you prefer them?,Have you ever used network abbreviations such as GF (girlfriend), u (you), and thx (thanks) when chatting online? What other network abbreviations do you know?,3. What are the influences of network abbreviations?,Pre-reading questions,Passage A, Luv 2 txt,Text study,Organization of the text,Language points,Text reading,Passage A, Luv 2 txt,Passage A,Luv 2 txt,1. You need to send a text to your mom to tell her your,soccer practice is,canceled,.,In an effort not to,get caught, you reach very slowly, skillfully and one-handedly into your bag. Drawing your bright purple cellphone from,the inside pocket, you are careful not to press any button,that will reveal your,mission,to your teacher, who is,talking at the front of the room. With the phone in your lap, you try not to look down as you type: “Soccer,canceled! pick2 thx.”,_,_,_,_,Passage A,2. Sent. You put it into your jacket pocket, fearing you will not be able to get it back in your bag without the teacher noticing. But wait your BFF Lucys hair looked,ridiculous,when you passed her in the hall,on your way,to the washroom. It would be unthinkable to wait until lunch to tell her. Only a horrible friend would let her,walk around,with such an embarrassing hairdo! So, you repeat the,sneaky,process of texting: “Fix ur hair, its sticking?!” Now, not only have you missed two whole possibly important minutes of your teachers lecture, but your spelling and vocabulary are getting worse and worse.,_,_,_,_,_,_,Luv 2 txt,_,Passage A,3. Can you understand the title of this article? Anyone who has ever texted or used instant messaging will be able to. Most teens love to text. Our English teachers, parents, and future employers would prefer we pay attention to our grammar, but in reality most of us dont. There are times when we have to use proper grammar and times when we dont. The problem is that the line between when to spellcheck and proofread and when to just type and send is becoming unclear and almost,invisible,.,_,_,_,_,_,_,Luv 2 txt,Passage A,4. The way we type,affects,the way we spell. Ever catch yourself writing the letter “u” instead of the word “you” in an essay for school? What about the letters “tho” instead of the word “though”? In a world where instant,satisfaction,is everything, we simply do not take the time to add the few,extra,letters. Although teens today will eventually become the ones who set the standards for spelling and grammar, our elders are the ones who are in,charge,now, and they,look down on,spelling and grammar errors. These errors can easily affect ones grades or job opportunities.,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,Luv 2 txt,Passage A,5. Notice it or not, the words we choose, or rather dont choose, when we use informal communication,are of great importance,. We almost never see a teen use,extensive,vocabulary taught by our teachers in a text message. Seldom do we see the word “exultant” for happy, “sorrowful” for sad, or “ecstatic” for glad in a text. We must reawaken this vast vocabulary of,obscure,and unused words if we expect to succeed in exams like the SAT that affect our future.,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,Luv 2 txt,Passage A,6. So, go ahead,work your fingers to the bone texting, but before you hit Send, think about what you have written. Consider your words and the way youve spelt them and maybe, just maybe, you will retype your message.,Luv 2 txt,Organization of the text,Structure,Part I,(Para. _),Part II,(Par


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