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,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Terms of Payment,付款条件,重点、要求:,掌握好一些重要支付条件的用语与句型,掌握好于信用证相关的用语及句型,1,1.支付方式:,1) Transfer/Remittance,汇款,a) M/T,Mail Transfer 信汇,b) T/T,Telegraphic Transfer 电汇,c) D/D,Bankers Demand Draft 票汇,2,2) Collection,托收,a) D/P,Documents against Payment,付款交单,D/P at sight D/P after sight,即期付款交单 远期付款交单,b) D/A,承兑交单 Documents against Acceptance,3,3)L/C 信用证,Irrevocable L/C Confirmed L/C,Transferable L/C Revolving L/C,可转让信用证 循环信用证,documentary L/C Clean L/C,跟单信用证 光票信用证,4)分期付款,installment payment,4,2.关于付款,payment in advance deferred payment,预付货款 延期付款,cash on delivery(COD) cash with order(CWO),交货付现 随订单付现,down payment,付款定金,5,3.关于汇票,汇票(Bill of Exchange,Draft)是出票人签发的,委托付款人在见票时或者在指定日期无条件支付确定的金额给收款人或者持票人的票据。,drawer drawee=payer holder=payee,出票人 (接)受票人、付款人 持票人收款人,clean bill documentary bill,光票 跟单汇票,bankers bill commercial bill,银行汇票 商业汇票,6,4. endorser n.,背书人,endorse v.,Bills of Lading are to be made out,to order,and,blank endorsed,.,to order 空白抬头,make out,缮制,填写,提单要按空白抬头和空白背书缮制。,endorsement in blank endorsement in full,无记名式背书 记名式背书,7,Dear Sirs,We wish to place an order with you for 1,000,casks,Iron Nails at your price of US$150.00 per cask,CFRC5% Lagos(拉哥斯) for shipment during July,/August.,For this particular order we would like to,pay,by 30,days L/C,Involving about US$150,000, this order is,comparatively a big one. As we have only,moderate,means,at hand,the tie-up of funds,for three to four months indeed presents a problem to us.,8,It goes without saying,that we very much,appreciate the support you have extended us in,the past. If you can do us a special favour this,time, please send your contract, upon receipt of,which we will establish the relative L/C,immediately.,Yours faithfully,9,1.Pay,1)vi.付款、值得、合算,Pay in advance 预付 Pay in cash 付现金,Pay by check 支票付款 pay in installments 分期付款,Pay on delivery 货到付款,It does not pay to buy in small quantities.,小量购买不合算。,2)vt.付,给予,We trust you will pay our draft on presentation.,我们相信你方在见到我们的汇票时即照付。,10,3)payment,支付,支付的款,terms of payment 或 payment terms 付款条件,monthly payments of US,$300 每月付款300美元,付某种费用的款,如发票,费用,佣金等,常用,in payment of,如:,We enclose a cheque for,US $ 2000 in payment of all commissions due to you up to date.,付某种具体实物的款,如商品,广告,样品等,常用,in payment for,如:,We have received your cheque for US $ 2000 in payment for the bikes ordered as per your letter of May 5th.,11,2. 30 days L/C 见票后30天议付,见票后多少天议付的说法很多,以见票后30天议付的信用证为例,常用的有以下几种:,L/C available by draft at 30 days after sight;,L/C at 30 days after sight;,L/C at 30 days,30 days L/C,12,3.means n. 资力 、财力,moderate means 资金有限,means of production 生产资料,This firm is quite reliable. It never does business,beyond its means.,这家公司比较可靠,在经营上一向量入为出。,by all means 尽一切办法,一定,务必,by means of 借助,依靠,by no means 决不,一点也不,13,4. tie up of funds 占压资金,tie-up n. 束缚,tie-up in negotiation谈判僵局,tie-up of traffic 交通停顿,tie up a property 冻结财产,14,Dear Sirs,Our past purchase of Mild Steel Sheet from you has been paid,as a rule,by confirmed, irrevocable L/C,On this basis, it has indeed cost us a great deal. From the moment to open credit till the time our buyers pay us, the tie-up of our funds lasts about four months. Under the present circumstances, this question is particularly,taxing,owing to the,tight,money condition and unprecedentedly high bank interest,.,15,If you would kindly make easier payment terms, we are sure that such an arrangement would be conductive to encourage business between us. We propose either“Cash against Documents on Arrival of Goods”or“Drawing on Us at Three Months Sight”.,Your kindness in giving,priority,to the consideration of the above request and giving us an early favorable reply will be highly appreciated.,Yours faithfully,16,1. as a rule = usually 通常,As a rule ,we require commercial invoice in four copies.,通常我们需要商业发票1式4份。,As a rule ,commission is allowed to agents only.,佣金通常只付给代理商。,17,2. taxing 难于负担的,使人感到压力的,Such an amount is taxing for a firm of moderate means.,这样一笔数额对于一个中等资力的商号是有压力的。,tax,tax avoidance 避税 tax abatement 减税,tax evasion 逃税 tax holiday 免税期,to levy a tax on sth. 对某物征税,18,2. taxing 难于负担的,使人感到压力的,Such an amount is taxing for a firm of moderate means.,这样一笔数额对于一个中等资力的商号是有压力的。,tax,tax avoidance 避税 tax abatement 减税,tax evasion 逃税 tax holiday 免税期,to levy a tax on sth. 对某物征税,19,3. tight 紧的,难得到的,tight money tight market,Energy resources are tight the world over.,能源是全球性紧张。,They ask for this accommodation because their funds are tight.,他们要求照顾,因为他们手头拮据。,20,4.priority 优先,top priority最优先考虑的事,give priority to 给以优先权,enjoy priority in 在方面享有优先权,The question of payment will take top priority in our discussion.,支付问题将在我们的讨论中占最优先的地位。,We are unable to appoint you as our agent in your district, but you may enjoy priority in our offers.,我们不能指定你们为你地区的我方代理人,但你方可在我方报盘方面享有优先权。,21,信用证是一种由银行开立的有条件的承诺付款的书面文件。是当今国际贸易中普遍采用的一种主要支付方式。,它是由进口人履行付款的责任转为由银行来履行。银行保证出口人安全迅速收到货款,买方按时收到货运单据,从而提取货物。,采用信用证支付的好处是信用证项下首先负付款责任的是开证行。只要提供的单据与信用证的规定完全相符,即使是买方倒闭、货价下跌,银行都要付款,信用证的开立、修改和延期Establishment of L/C and Amendment,22,.,Establishment of L/C,开立信用证的表示方法,open a L/C ( 最普通的),establish a L/ C( 比 较正式的 ),issue a L/ C( 从 银行的角度说),Letter of credit will be opened (established)in a few days.,have sth. done (opened , established),23,申请开立信用证,开证申请人,即进口商,在买卖合同规定的时限内向所在地的银行申请开立信用证。申请开证时要递交开证申请书。开证申请书出明确提出请开证行按所列条件开立信用证的要求以及受益人的名称、地址、信用证的种类与到期日和到期地点外,主要是两方面的内容:,1)要求开证行在信用证上列明的条款,其基本内容也就是要求受益人提交的符合买卖合同的单据条款,是开证行凭以向受益人或其指定人例如议付行付款的依据。,2)开证人向开证行的保证与声明。,24,1.Beneficiary 受益人,受益人是指有权使用信用证之人,该受益人为收取信用证项下款项,需提交符合信用证条款和条件的单据。通常信用证的受益人就是货物的卖方,当经当事人同意,可以下述第三者为受益人:,1)卖方公司中的一个子公司、一个部门或附属机构,2)卖方的商业合伙人,3)货物或服务的最终提供者,25,2.Date and place of expiry of the credit,信用证到期日和到期地,到期日是指信用证规定的提交单据的最后一日。信用证的有效期长短应视交易的具体情况而定,有效期太短将引起展期的问题,有效期太长则会造成额外的银行费用。,到期地一般是受益人所在国家。,26,3.Issued by the air mail 航空邮寄考虑时间和费用因素来决定是否采用此方式。,with brief advice by teletransmission 简电通知其作用是确保受益人在开证前预先获知开证及信用证的主要内容,但有效的信用证将是随后寄出的正式信用证文本。,issued by teletransmission 电讯开立包括以电报、电传、传真及数据传送网络(如SWIFT)等方式传送信用证。除另有规定,该电讯视为完全有效的信用证文本。,通常有开证行决定采用何种方式。,27,4.运输细节,应在申请书中明确、完整的规定装运、装船、发货的地点和目的地,并应在不得迟于(not later than)后规定最迟装运或装船日期。否则信用证的有效期将视为最迟装运期。,对于装运地与目的地应注意:避免缩写;避免使用模糊用语。,对于装运日期到规定清楚,如用迅速、立即、尽快这类词语,银行将不予接受。,28,.,letter,of credit,信用证的主要内容:,1)对信用证本身的说明。如信用证的种类、性质、金额及其有效期和到期地点等。,2)对货物的要求。货物的名称、品种规格、数量、包装、价格等。,3)对运输的要求。装运的最迟期限、起运地和目的地、运输方式,可否分批装运和可否中途转运等。,29,4)对单据的要求。单据主要分为三类:,A.货物单据:以发票为中心,包括装箱单、重量单、产地证、商检证明书等,B.运输单据:提单,这是代表货物所有权的凭证。,C.保险单据:保险单,5)特殊要求。根据进口国政治经济贸易情况的变化或每一笔具体业务的需要,可以做出不同的规定.,6)开证行对受益人及汇票持有人保证付款的责任条款,30,Letter 1,1. recourse 追索权,求助,with recourse 有追索权,有偿还义务,without recourse 无追索权,无偿还义务,追索权(recourse) 在金融活动和票据流通,过程中,票据持有人在付款人拒绝付款时,,向票据的背书人和出票人索回票款的权利。,31,2. freight prepaid 运费预付,freight paid 运费已付,freight collect/ to collect/ to be collected 运费到付,freight payable at destination 运费到付,32,3. reimbursement 赔偿,In reimbursement of these extra expenses, please draw on us.,为付还这些额外费用,请开汇票向我们支取。,reimburse 付还,偿还,reimburse sth. to sb. 偿还某人某物,reimburse sb. for sth.偿还某人某物,33,.催开信用证,一般来说,当交易达成时,买方就有义务在合同规定的时间内通过其往来银行开立信用证。在实践中,习惯做法是在装运期前一个月开立信用证并到达卖方,以便给卖方充足的时间办理装运,如准备货物、预定舱位等。如果买方没有能够及时开立信用证,或买方开立的信用证没有能够及时到达卖方,卖方就必须和买方联系,催开信用证或弄清信用证的下落。,撰写这类书信时,注意用词要得体,千万不要使用责怪和厌烦的口吻。应该有礼貌地说明所订货物已经备妥,但有关的信用证却没有收到。如果第一封信函没有回音,可以发第二封信函。这次,仍应克制情绪,但可以适当表示失望的心情。,34,催开信用证不是履行每一个出口合同都必须做的工作,通常在下列情况下才有必要进行:,1如出口合同规定的装运期限较长(例如3个月或6个月),而买方应在我方装运期前的一定时日(例如30天)开立信用证者,则我方应在通知对方预计装运日期的同时,催请对方开证。2如果我方根据备货和承运船舶的情况,可以提前装运时,则可商请对方提前开证。3即使开证限期未到,但发现客户资信不好,或者市场情况有变,也可催促对方开证。4进口商经常迟开证。,35,.,信用证的修改,信用证应该严格按照合同条款的规定开立。然而在实践中由于种种原因,如工作上的疏忽、电文传递中的错误、贸易习惯的不同市场行情的变化或进口商故意加列对其有利的条款等,所开出的信用证往往与合同规定不符,如果卖方没有严格的审核对方开来的信用证,没有将信用证中出现的问题及时要求对方修改,那么,将会给卖方造成重大的经济损失。因此,审核信用证是一项很重要并要求很细致的工作。,36,对信用证审核的内容,一般包括以下几个方面:,信用证的种类及条款与合同一致。,信用证中的两个主要当事人,即开证人和受益人的名称必须准确无误。,信用证中的合同号码是否正确。,信用证是否有效。,信用证金额应与合同规定一致。,付款是即期还是远期。,信用证有效期、交单期及到期地点是否充裕。,货物或商品的说明必须与合同一致。,装运港及目的港必须与合同一致。,有关保险的规定应与合同一致。,信用证中是否存在其它不合理的要求。,37,Dear sirs,We have received your Letter of Credit No. 8888 with thanks, but we are regret to say that there are some,discrepancies,between your L/C and the Sales Contract No.0112 which are as follows:,Your L/C No.8888,1) Transshipment not allowed,2) Equal part shipment in March and in April,3) No,more or less clause,The S/C No.0112,1) Transshipment allowed,2) Shipment not later than April 1,3) 5% more or less allowed,In order to effect shipment smoothly, please make necessary amendment to your L/C with the least possible delay.,Yours faithfully,38,discrepancy n.,异样;差异,,不一致,如果单价与总金额之间有出入,应以单价为准。,请,核查原有的成本估算表与实际帐单之间的差额。,In case of any discrepancies between unit prices and total amount, unit prices shall govern.,Please check the discrepancies between the original estimate of the cost and the actual bills.,The discrepancies are as follows:,Commission should be 3%, not 5%,佣金应该是,3%,而不是,5%,;,Shipment is to be made during June/ July instead of “on or before 30 June ”.,货物应于六月、七月期间装运,而不是六月三十日或三十日前装运;,Goods should be insured for 110% of the invoice value, not 150%.,货物按发票金额的,110%,投保,而不是,150%,。,39,我们一个一个地检查,发现每个都有不同程度的渗漏。,more or less,溢短装条款;或多或少,We examined them one by one and found that each of them was leaking more or less.,折扣或多或少能给我们一些鼓励,能使我们更加努力地推销你方的产品。,Discount will more or less encourage us to make every effort to push sales of your products.,40,执事先生:,收到你方第8888号信用证,谢谢。但是发现信用证与合同不符,差别如下:,信用证: 合同:,1),不允许转船,1),允许转船,2),3、4月份等量装运,2),不迟于4月1日装运,3),无溢短装条款,3),允许5%的溢短装,为了能顺利地完成装运,请立即对你方的信用证作必要的修改。,谨上,,41,We have received your L/C No.555, but find it contains the following discrepancies.,Useful Expressions,我们已收到你方第,555,号信用证,但发现其中有下列不符之处。,We are pleased to inform you that L/C No.666 issued by the bank of china, Liverpool for our S/C No.111 has just received. However, on examining the clauses, we regretfully find that certain points are not in conformity with the terms stipulated in the contract.,现高兴地通知,你方由利物浦中国银行开出的、用以支付有关我方第111号售货合同的第666号信用证刚刚收到。但经审核后,我们遗憾地发现某些地方与合同规定的条款不符。,We thank you for your L/C No.999, but on checking its clauses we find with regret that your L/C calls for shipment in October 2003, whereas our contract stipulates for November shipment.,收到你方第999号信用证,谢谢。经核对条款,我们遗憾地发现你方信用证要求2003年10月装船,但我方合同规定是11月份装运。,42,Please amend your L/C No.789 as follows:,Insert the word “about” between “quantity” and “100M/T”.,Delete Items 1,3,5,7 and replace them by those stipulated in our S/C.,Increase the unit price from $0.78 to $0.87 and total amount to $12,,,345,00.,Delete the clause “Bankers expenses for beneficiarys account”.,取消“银行费用由受益人负担”的条款。,请将你方第,789,号信用证作如下修改:,在“,quantity”,和“,100M/T”,之间加上“,about”,一词。,删掉,1,,,3,,,5,,,7,项,用合同规定的内容取代。,将单价从,$0.78,美元增加到,$0.87,美元,总金额增至,$12 345,00,美元。,43,由于四、五月份没有从大连驶往你港的直达轮,请取消“用直达轮”条款,加上“允许分批和转船”字样。,Please amend the credit to allow transshipment.,请将信用证改为允许转船。,Please amend L/C No.898 to read “This credit will expire on 31 December, 2003 in China.”,请将第898号信用证改为:“该信用证将于2003年12月31日在中国到期”。,As there is no direct sailings from Dalian to your port during April / May, it is imperative for you to delete the clause “by direct steamer ” and insert the wording “Partial shipment and transshipment are allowed”.,44,.,信用证的展延,1.展证信的由来:,造成出口人要求展证的原因是多方面的:主观上货源不足,生产事故,运输脱节等;客观上自然灾害,社会动乱或进口人未能在合同规定的期限内把信用证开到等等。,45,2.展证信的特点,根据责任的不同,采取相应的措辞和语气。但目的都是促使进口人同意展证,从而保证合同的顺利执行。,1)展证信涉及到两个期限:装运期和有效期。,2)展证信的中心内容:提出具体的展证要求,即要求展延多少天或展延到具体某一天,同时一定要充分说明原因和理由。,46,1.Consignment 发货,a new consignment of goods 新到的一批货物,a consignment sale 寄售,consignment merchandise 寄售品,consignment business 寄售业务,47,1.Please amend L/C No. 345 as follow:,1)Adjust Long Ton as Metric Ton,2)The “Port of Destination” should read “Hamburg” instead of “London”.,3)Extend the shipment date of your L/C to “the end of August”.,4)Partial shipments and transhipment are allowed.,2.Your L/C No.3350 does not conform to the relative contract in quantity, with a difference of,75.60. please amend it as soon as possible.,48,3.Please amend your L/C No.2345 by fax so as to cancel the clause of “The expenses of the Bank are to be for the beneficiarys account”.,4.We have received your L/C No.3346 and found that the amount is insufficient. Please increase by 520.00(increase up to,3125.00) as the contract stipulated.,5.Please extend the shipment date and validity of your L/C No.6789 to October 15 and 30 respectively.,49,执事先生:,事由:我方第518号销售确认书,关于我方第518号销货确认书项下的5000公吨苹果,交货期日益逼近而有关的信用证尚未收到,这一事实提请你方予以注意。请立即赶开该信用证以便使此订单得以顺利执行。,顺便告知,根据此地船运公司计划,“和平”轮预计下月中旬驶往贵港。如能在本月底前收到你方的信用证,我们则可能赶上这一班轮。,为避免随后的修证,请务必做到信用证的条款与合同条款完全一致。,期待佳音。,谨上,,50,Dear sirs,,Our Sales Confirmation No.518,Referring to the 5,000 metric tons of Apple under our Sales Confirmation No. 518, we wish to call your attention to the fact that the date of delivery is drawing near, but up till now, we have not received the covering Letter of Credit. Please do your utmost to expedite its establishment, so that we may execute the order within the prescribed time.,For your information, S.S. Peace is due to sail for your port around middle of next month, according to the shipping company here. If we have your L/C before the end of this month, we might catch that steamer.,In order to avoid subsequent amendments, please see to it that the L/C stipulations are in strict conformity with the terms of the contract.,We look forward to receiving your response at an early date.,Yours faithfully,51,


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