商务英语写作 1

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,商务英语写作,1,Part one,written communication an overview,2,Structuring your communications,Language and tone,E-mail,3,Structuring your communications,4 point Plan:,简述(背景和基本信息),细节(事实和数字),回应或行动(结论),结尾 (简单的一行),4,Details (1),Opening:,Thank you for your letter of,It was good to meet you again at last weeks conference.,We wish to hold our annual conference at a London hotel in September.,5,Details (2),Central sections: 简单明了,Conclusion (Action or Response),1.,Please let me have full details of the costs involved together with some sample menus.,2. If payment is not received within seven days this matter will be placed in the hand of our solicitor.,Close,1.,I look forward to meeting you soon.,2. I look forward to seeing you at next months conference.,3. A prompt reply would be appreciated.,4. Please let me know if you need any further information.,(Notes: Not Using - Hope to hear from you soon.),6,Dear Sir,Thank you for inviting me to visit your studios last week. I was most,impressed by your new facilities.,I am delighted that you can accept our invitation to produce a video to celebrate the companys 25,th,anniversary. This is a very special landmark in our history, and it is important that this video portrays both past, present and future.,You promised to let me have a draft outlining your thoughts for this special video. I look forward to receiving this before 30 October together with your approximate costings.,If you need any further information please give me a call on 2575632.,Best wishes,John Chen,Marketing Manager,ST Electronics,7,Language and tone,The weakest links in your business writing ( 4 points ),10 steps to good business writing,8,记住3R,引导读者(Reader)按照你的期望给予回应(Response),你就会得到所期望的回应 (Results)。,9,The weakest links in your business writing(1),So many young people with so many old-fashioned expressions,Examples:,We refer to your letter of 21,st,October 2004.,-,Thank you for your letter of 21 October.,As spoken in our,telecon,today.,-,Thank you for calling me.,Should you require any further clarification please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.,-,Please give me a call on 2894222 if you have any questions.,10,The weakest links(2),2. So many long-winded expressions,KISS 原则- Keep It Short and Simple,长单词,长短语,长句子, 长段落不会打动任何人,只会把人搞糊涂。,11,I should be very grateful -,Please,Purchase -,buy,endeavor -,try,Commence -,start,Terminate -,end,12,The weakest links(3),3. Lets get more active,Arrangements have been made for a repeat order to be despatched (快递) to you immediately.,- I have arranged for a repeat order to be sent to you today.,The cause of your complaint has been investigated.,- I have looked into this matter.,13,The seminar will be conducted by Andran Chan.,- Adrian Chan will conduct the seminar.,Sales of the 007 have exceeded all expectations.,- 007 sales have gone sky high.,14,The weakest links(4),4. Colons Colons Colons (冒号),Date: 29 November 2009 (Thursday),Time: 9.00am to 5.00 pm,Venue: Sheraton Towers Hotel,15,Revised:,Date Thursday 29 November 2009,Time 9.00am to 5.00 pm,Venue Sheraton Towers Hotel,16,10 steps to good business writing,Remember your ABC,Accurate,Brief,Clear,17,2. Be courteous and considerate,立即回复所有信件 如有可能,当天就回信。,如不能立即回信,写个简短的便条说明原因。这将会树立商业信誉。,理解并尊重收信人的观点。,回信不要让对方觉得自己犯了错误。,如果你对有些说法不认可,要机智应对,尽量不要冒犯对方。,克制自己,不要用相同的预期回复冒犯你的信函。相反要礼貌作答,不能降低你的尊严。,18,3. Use appreciate tone,We cannot do anything about your problem.,- Unfortunately we are unable to help you on this occasion.,This problem would not have happened if you had connected the wires properly.,- The problem may be resolved by connecting the wires as shown in the handbook.,19,Your televisions guarantee is up, so you will have to pay for it to be fixed.,- Your televisions guarantee has ended, so unfortunately you must bear the cost of any repairs.,I am writing to complain because I was unhappy with the way I was treated in your store today.,- I was most unhappy with the standard of service I received in your store today.,20,通过变换语气,你能用不同的方式传达信息。 因此认真选词是至关重要的。你既可以是咄咄逼人的, 也可以是和缓友善的- 这取决于你希望给人留下什么印象。,21,4. Write naturally and sincerely,I have pleasure in informing you,- I am pleased to tell you,We do not anticipate any increase in prices.,- We do not expect prices to rise,22,I should be grateful if you would be good enough to advise us,- Please let me know,Please favour us with a prompt reply.,- I hope to received a prompt reply.,Please revert to us soonest.,- I hope to hear from you soon.,23,5. Remember the KISS principle,in the very near future -,soon,We would like to ask you -,please,At a later date -,later,In the event that -,if,With regard to -,about,In spite of the,fact that - despite,24,句子中的单词数,7-10,15-20,27 or more,第一次阅读即理解的读者百分比:,95%,75%,4%,25,6. Use modern terminology (语句),We are in receipt of you letter of 12 June.,- Thank you for your letter of 12 June., the above-mentioned goods,- these goods,Please find enclosed,- I enclose,26,7. Include essential details,My flight arrives at 3.30 on Wednesday.,- My flight BA 121 from London Heathrow should arrive at Singapore Changi Airport at 1530 on Wednesday 12 June.,Our sales Manager will contact you soon.,- Mr. John Matthews, our Sales Manager, will contact you soon.,27,8. Be consistent,I confirm my reservation of a single room on 16/7 and a double room on 17 Oct.,- I confirm my reservation of a single room on 16 July and a double roomon17 October.,The people attending will be John Wilson, G Turner, Mandy Harrison and Bob from sales.,- The people attending the next committee will be John Wilson, Gloria Turner, Mandy Harrison and Bob Turner.,28,9. Use active not passive voice,The new system was developed by our staff.,- Our staff developed the new system.,The investigation has been concluded by our client, and the paperwork has been signed.,- Our client has concluded the investigation and signed the paperwork.,29,10. Compose CLEAR communications,Clear,Logical,Empathetic (设身处地),Accurate,Right,30,Exercise 1,Dear Sir,We have received your letter dated 27 March 2009.,We are extremely distressed to learn that an error was made pertaining to (关于) your esteemed order. Please be informed that the cause of your complaint has been investigated and it actually appears that the error occurred in our packing section and it was not discerned (了解)before this order was despatched to your goodself (你方).,Please find enclosed herewith (随同此信)a copy of our new catalogue for your reference and perusal(细读).,Kindly contact the undersigned if you require any future clarifications.,Very truly yours,Zachariah Creep & Partners,31,revised,Dear Mr. Tan,Thank you for your letter of 27 March.,I am very sorry to hear about the mistake made with your order. I have looked into this and found that the mistake happened in the packing section. Unfortunately it was not discovered before the goods were sent to you.,I enclose a copy of our new catalogue and I hope you find it interesting.,Please give me a call soon on 2357480 if you have any questions.,Yours sincerely,32,E-mail,(The weakest links in your e-mail),1. Wrong time and date,2. Vague subject line 模糊的主题行,“,Smart,” 原则:Specific,Meaningful, Appropriate,Relevant, Thoughtful,3. No greeting and no sign off,4. Poor formatting 糟糕的格式,5. Vague messages 意思表达不清,6. Hunting for the response 难以答复,7. Unfriendly tone,8. CC to the whole world,9. Bad grammar, spelling and punctuation,10. Just plain SLOPPY,33,Netiquette,千万不要认为你在与电脑交谈。,保证遵守恰当的写作原则。,电子邮件中可以使用非正式用语。,推敲你的标题,。(要为你的邮件构思出清晰而具体的标题),使用简短的句子和段落。,列举时使用数字或小标题。,整理长句。,在点击 “ 发送 ” 之前要确保一切都准确无误。,34,


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