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*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Lesson 1,Sellers Asking to Establish Trade Relations,1,It is fairly true to say no customer, no business. To establish business relations with prospective dealers is one of the vitally important measures either for a newly established firm or an old one that wishes to enlarge its business scope and turnover. This chapter deals mainly with the establishment of business relations and credit inquires. Through the study of this chapter, students will be able to write letters on establishing business relations and inquiring about new customers credit status.,2,Brief Introduction,Establishment of business relations means setting up business connections between two firms who have had no business dealings with each other before. Just as a factory requires a complete set of machinery to proceed with production, a firm engaged in international trade needs extensive business connections to open up as many international markets as possible and increase its trade volume much. Therefore, to establish extensive business relations with prospective dealers is of the utmost importance in the international trade.,3,Foreign merchants may be approached through the following channels:,Web,Banks,Commercial Counselors Office,Chambers of Commerce in foreign countries,Trade Directory,Advertisements,Attendance at trade fairs and exhibitions held at home and abroad,Mutual visits by trade delegations and groups, etc.,self-introduction by merchants themselves,4,Having obtained the name and address of the firm you are about to enter into relations with, youd better get to know all the possible information about the firm, especially its financial position and business integrity which are considered vital in todays business. You may approach banks, chambers of commerce, or inquiry agencies for information. As a usual practice, the first transaction dealers, especially importers, would be required to provide their own banks or trading partners with credit references.,5,A letter aiming at establishing business relations often consists of the following parts:,1) where you get the information about the person or company to whom you are writing the letter;,2) your intention for export or import;,3) a brief introduction to your business scope, experience and products;,4) the reference as to your firms credit standing;,5) expectation for cooperation and an early reply.,6,Correspondence,the lines of business being handled,long history and wide experience,Goods- State simply, clearly and consciously what you can sell or what you expect to buy. Express the desire to establish the business relations.,Finances,Financial standing,Closing-express the desire to establish the business relations.,7,Three points usually contained in letters aiming at establishing business relations,:,the source of information,the intention of writing this letter,a brief introduction of ones own company, including: the business scope, credit standing or financial positions, products and services that can be provided, etc.,8,课文原文,Dear Sirs,Your,company,has been kindly,introduced,to us by,Messrs,.,Freeman & Co. Ltd., Lagos, Nigeria, as,prospective,buyers of Chinese,cotton,piece,goods,. As this,item,falls within the,scope,of our business activities, we shall be pleased to enter into direct business relations with you,at an early date,.,To give you a,general,idea,of the various kinds of cotton piece goods now,available,for,export, we,enclose,a,brochure,and a price list.,Quotations,and sample books will be,airmailed,to you,upon receipt of,your,specific,inquiry,.,We,look,forward,to,your favorable reply.,Yours faithfully,9,讲解,1. establish: v. 建立,to establish trade/business relations with,与建立贸易/业务关系,to enter into trade/business relations with,与建立贸易/业务关系,establishment: n. 建立,establishment of trade relations with,与建立贸易关系,我们愿借这个机会与贵公司建立业务关系。,Wed like to take this opportunity to establish business relations with your company.,10,2.,company: n.公司,a trading company 一家贸易公司,an import and export company一家进出口公司,可用于公司名称中,如:,Ford Motor Company福特汽车公司,比较:corporation n. 公司,corporation指的是大公司,仅用于名称当中;,company可指任何规模的公司,不仅用于名称中,还可泛指,Chrysler Corporation克莱斯勒公司,公司名称该用company还是corporation?,公司自己说了算。,11,2. company: n.公司(续),名称中的“公司”常用缩写:,Sanyo Electric,Co. Ltd.,三洋电气公司,Motorola,Inc.,摩托罗拉公司,China National Machinery Imp/Exp,Corp.,中国机械进出口公司,Co. Ltd. (英)= limited company,Inc. (美)= incorporated= limited company,Corp. = corporation,12,3. introduce: v. 介绍,to introduce sb. to sb.,Allow me to introduce Mr. Peterson, CEO of our company to you.,请允许我向大家介绍我公司的首席执行官Peterson先生。,Introduction: n. 介绍,to make/give sb an introduction to sth,The General Manager gave the audience a brief introduction to his company at the press release.,总经理在新闻发布会上对他公司做了简短的介绍。,13,4. Messrs.,法语“先生”的意思,用于以老板的姓为名称的公司、商行前面,5. prospective: adj. 潜在的,prospective buyers 潜在的买主,6. cotton piece goods 棉布,7. item: n. 项目;货(指说明书、目录、表格中所列的项目或系列产品),We are interested in the following items in your catalogue.,我们对你们目录里的一下产品感兴趣。,14,8. scope: n. 范围,scope of business (business scope)经营范围,我们的经营范围包括,Our business scope,covers,我们的经营范围包括各类电器和电子产品。,Our business scope covers various electric and electronic goods.,to fall/come into/within ones business scope,属于某人的经营范围,Garments do not come within our business scope.,服装不属于我们的经营范围。,你们想要的货物正好属于我们的业务范围。,The items you need happen to fall into our business scope.,15,9. at an early date: 早日,10. general idea: 概况,大概的介绍,11. available: adj.可用(得、买、找)到的,Our Sony headsets are currently available.,我们的索尼耳麦目前有货。,available to(某人) for(某目的) from (某处),难民(refugees)没有食物。,Food is not available to the refugees.,我们现在有各类草制品(straw-ware)供出售。,We have a variety of straw-ware available for sale now.,红茶现在没有存货(stock)。,Black tea is currently not available from stock.,16,12. enclose: v. 随附;封入,We,enclose,a copy of our pricelist.,随函寄去我方价目表一份。,A copy of our pricelist,is enclosed,.,随函寄去我方价目表一份。,Enclosed is,a copy of our pricelist.,随函寄去我方价目表一份。,Enclosed please find,a copy of our pricelist.,随函寄去我方价目表一份,请查收。,Please,find,enclosed,a copy of our pricelist.,随函寄去我方价目表一份,请查收。,We thank you for your letter of July 18,enclosing,a sample cutting of woolen material.,谢谢你方七月十八日内附毛料剪样的来信。,enclosure n. 附件,17,你来翻译,现随函附寄我们最新的手册(brochure)一份。,We enclose a copy of our newest brochure.,Please,find,enclosed,a copy of our newest brochure.,18,13. brochure: n. 小册子,手册,下面的price list (或pricelist): 价格单,sample books: 样品本(第二课详细讲解),14. quotations: n. 报价(第五课详细讲解),15. airmail: v. 空寄(第二课详细讲解),16. upon/on receipt of: 收到以后(书面用语),We lost no time in contacting the supplier upon receipt of your order.,收到你们的订单以后我们立即联系了供货商。,收到样品以后我们将立即安排生产。,Upon receipt of the samples we will arrange production immediately.,另:receipt: n. 收据,19,17. specific inquiry: 具体询盘,关于inquiry一词,以后再讲。,18. look forward to: 盼望,期待收到,to是介词,后接名词或名词性短语,We are looking forward to your early reply.,我们期待你们早日答复。,我期待与你见面。,I am looking forward to meeting you.,期待收到你们的确认(confirmation)。,We are looking forward to (receiving) your confirmation.,20,小结,重要语言点:,introduce,item,available,enclose,look forward to,重要知识点:,company,cotton piece goods,brochure,price list,quotations,sample book,21,重要搭配:,prospective buyers,fall/come within/into ones business scope,establish/enter into business relations with,at an early date,general idea,available for export,upon receipt of,specific inquiry,favorable reply,22,Translation:,兹介绍,本公司是一家人造珠宝(imitation jewelry)的出口公司,在这一行已有多年的经验。,We are introducing ourselves as an exporter of imitation jewellery having years of experiences in this line.,23,你们上周写给总部(the headquarters)的信已转交给我公司,因该产品属我们经营。,Your letter addressed to our head office last week has been given to us because the article you mentioned falls within our business scope.,24,我们可供出口的轻工产品(light industrial products)种类繁多。,We have various kinds of light industrial products available for export.,25,很高兴收到你方内附插图目录的来信。,We are glad to receive your letter enclosing illustrated catalogue.,26,我们盼望收到你们对于我们产品的具体要求。,We look forward to receiving your specific requirements for our products.,27,我们是一家信誉良好的私人公司(private company),非常希望与你们建立贸易关系。,We are a well established private company and desire to establish trade relations with you.,28,经理简单地给我介绍了一下Johnson公司的情况,他们有可能成为我们的客户。,The manager gave me a brief introduction to Messrs Johnson which is a prospective customer.,29,为了让你们对表格中的产品有个大体了解,特随附小册子及最新的价格单各一份。,In order to give you a general idea of the items in the sheet, we are enclosing a brochure and a latest price list.,30,我们的产品质量(quality)上乘,价格优惠。,Our products are superior in quality and favorable in price.,31,敬启者:,从今年4月份的广交会上得知你们(Messrs. Barrington Bros. Ltd. 地址:910 Queen Victoria Street, London, E. C. 4)是陶瓷(Porcelain)和玉雕(Jade carving)的大买主。我们经营这种产品已有多年,想借此机会与你方建立业务关系。,32,中国的手工艺品(handicrafts)品质精良,工艺精湛,式样新颖而闻名于世。为了使你们对我们的产品有所了解,现附寄小册子和目录一本供参考。,盼佳音。,上海进出口公司销售部,年7月15日,注:,上海进出口公司地址:,上海市南京路288号,33,Shanghai Import & Export Corporation,No.288 Nanjing Road, Shanghai,July 15, 20.,Messrs. Barrington Bros. Ltd.,910 Queen Victoria Street,London, E.C.4 UK,34,Dear Sirs,We learned at the Canton Fair of April this year that you are a large buyer of porcelain and jade carvings. As we have been handling these items for years, wed like to take this opportunity to establish business relations with you.,Chinese handicrafts are famous in the world for their high quality, excellent craftsmanship and novel styles. In order to give you a general idea of our products, we enclose a brochure and a catalogue.,35,We are looking forward to your favorable reply.,Yours faithfully,Sales Department,Shanghai Import & Export Corporation,36,


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