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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,九级英语全册口译精练Unit1Howcanwebecomegoodlearners(3)人教新目标,This information comes from Yang Xuehuiat Shili middle school in Xihe, Gansu.,我可以通过观看他们的肢体语言和面部表情理解意思。,I can understand the meaning by watching their body language and the expressions on their faces.,我能通过听关键词获得大意。,I can get the meaning by listening for just the key words.,我的发音靠听英文电影中的对话得到提高。,My pronunciation improved by listening to the conversations in English movies.,我通过观看电影学到了有用的习语像“小菜一碟”。,I learned useful sentences like,“Its a piece of cake” by watching the movies.,我可以通过查字典找到生词的含义。,I can find the meaning of new words by looking them up in a dictionary.,你是怎么学习英语的?,How do you learn English?,我通过小组合作学习学英语的。,I learn by studying with a group.,你通过大声朗读学习英语吗?,Do you learn English by reading aloud?,是,它对我的发音大有帮助。,Yes, I do. It helps my pronunciation.,我怎能阅读得更快呢?,How can I read faster?,你可以通过读意群来快速阅读。,You can read faster by reading word groups.,我怎能提高发音呢?,How can I improve my pronunciation?,唯一的方法是听磁带。,One way is by listening to tapes.,你如何练习口语的?,How do you practice speaking?,通过与朋友对话。,By having conversations with friends.,你如何学生词的?,How do you learn new words?,通过制作单词卡。,By making word cards.,你如何提高你的写作的?,How do you improve your writing?,通过大量阅读,。,By doing more reading.,你如何练听力的?,How do you practice listening?,通过听磁带和反复大声跟读。,By listening to a tape and repeating out loud.,你如何提高你的发音呢?,How do you improve your pronunciation?,通过观看英语节目。,By watching English programs.,你如何学语法的?,How do you learn grammar?,通过记笔记、做练习和大量阅读。,By taking notes, doing exercises and reading a lot.,我不会读有些单词。,I cant pronounce some of the words.,我总是听不懂口语。,I cant always understand spoken English.,我不知道如何提高我的阅读速度。,I dont know how to increase my reading speed.,我不会拼写某些英语单词。,I cant spell some English words.,我在语法上时常出错。,I often make mistakes in grammar.,他不能正确发音。,He cant get the pronunciation right.,他记不住很多生词。,He forgets a lot of new words.,人们跟他说话时他总是听不懂。,He cant always understand when people talk to him.,他没有得到大量的写作训练。,He doesnt get much writing practice.,听力会有帮助。,Listening can help.,他总是将生词写在他的笔记本里,带回家学习。,He can always write the new words in his notebook and study them at home.,他可以加入英语兴趣小组练说英语。,He can join an English club to practice speaking.,他应该找个笔友练习写作。,He should find a pen pal to practice writing.,我没有学伴来练习英语。,I dont have a partner to practice English with.,也许你应该加入英语兴趣小组。,Maybe you should join an English club.,Good habits achieve beautiful life.,Try to be your best,.,汇报结束,谢谢大家,!,请各位批评指正,


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