物联网 the internet of things(英文)

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,The Internet of things,物联网,The meaning of its name,It means things and things or people and things are connected with each other by the technology. They can communicate with each other in a new way.,The technologies related to it,RFID:,(,Radio frequency identification,),射频识别技术,GPS:,全球定位系统,Sensing technology:,传感技术,The Internet,and so on,The Structure of,Internet of Things,A,pplications of the Internet of things,green agriculture,The sensor nodes are distributed in every corner of the yard,every minute of a number of monitoring soil temperature,humidity or the area,of harmful substances,to ensure the healthy,growth of grape.,Medical care,People can install different sensor,monitoring parameters on human health, and real-time,transmission to,the relevant health care center.,1,If the driver does something wrong, the car will have,automatic alarm.,If the driver is tired,the car can “drive”,by itself without a,driver.,Some examples,2 If you,go to work in the morning,your intelligent bag will remind,you of what you have forgotten.,3 If you are ill, the,doctor can know,your condition,no matter where,you are.,4 If you will go home after,work, you can turn on the air-conditioner or,other home appliances in advance.,The technology will,be made use of in,many aspects of,our life.,Evaluation,“The Internet of things” is called,the third wave of world information industry after the computer and,the Internet.,The end,Thank you,


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