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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,2014新版教材新目标八年级英语下册unit3知识点详解,2014新版教材新目标八年级英语下册unit3知识点详解2014新版教材新目标八年级英语下册unit3知识点详解Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?学习目标:,1 语言目标:谈论做家务的词汇,及如何有礼貌的提出要求。,2 技能目标:能听懂和谈论做家务的话题;能写出重点单词和重点句型。,3 情感目标:培养学生爱劳动,分享家务的能力。,Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?,学习目标:,1 语言目标:谈论做家务的词汇,及如何有礼貌的提出要求。,2 技能目标:能听懂和谈论做家务的话题;能写出重点单词和重点句型。,3 情感目标:培养学生爱劳动,分享家务的能力。,1】 Peter ,could you please take out the trash?,Could you please do sth ?,用于提出请求,希望得到对方肯定回答,语,气较委婉。,肯定回答:,Sure./ Of course./ Certainly./No problem.,否定回答:,Sorry , I cant. / Im afraid I cant.,take用法,1取,拿:,Please take some books to the classroom.,2吃,喝,服用:,Take some medicine.,3乘车,船等:,We can take a bus to the park.,4花费(时间、金钱):,It took me 2 hours to do my homework.,【短语】,take care of 照顾 take a walk 散步 take away 拿,take up占据 take place 发生 take off脱下;,take ones time慢慢来,2】problem &question“问题”,problem:,客观存在待解决的问题,侧重困难。Solve the problem,question:,因存疑而提出问题,侧重疑惑。 answer the question,3】in front of & in the front of,【辨析】,at table 进餐 at the tabel 在桌边,in hospital 住院 in the hospital 在医院(不一定看病),4】come over 过来,【短语】,come across(偶然)发现,come back 回来,come up with想出,come true实现,come from来自,come on加油,come in/into进入,进来,come out出来,(花)开,(照片)冲洗出来,5】. she did not do any housework and neither did I.,1 neither 用作副词,意为“也不”,句子须部分倒装。,此时可用nor替换 neither。, Idontlikethisdress.我不喜欢这件连衣裙。, Neither/NordoI.我也不喜欢。,【注意】,肯定句:He likes beef,.-So do I. 我也喜欢。,2 neither nor 既不也不,连接两个词做主语,谓语动词就近原则:Neither Tom nor I,am,a student,3 neither 作代词表示“两个都不”,,它作主语时,谓语动词常用单数。例如:,Neither of my parents,is,at home.,【辨析】also, too, either, neither 的用法,1 also 较正式,在句中位于行为动词前,系动词、助动词或情态动词之后,。例:,Peter also likes beef.,I am also a student.,She can also swim.,2 too较口语,多用在肯定句句末。,3 either 表示“也”时,一般只用于否定句句末。,例:,I dont have much money either.,4 neither 用作副词,意为“也不”解释,句子须采用部分倒装。,【注意】:,also和too常用于肯定句,neither用于否定句;,either表示“也”用于否定,但,eitheror用于肯定。,练习:I cant swim, and_.,A neither can she.B she cant, too.,C so cant she.D can she,either.,6】finally/final,adj: final exam期末考试 n:World Cup Final世界杯决赛,7】or,否定句“和”。 We dont have tea or coffee.,陈述句“或者”。 Answer me yes or no.,疑问句“还是”。 Do you like red or pink?,表转折“否则”。 Hurry up, or you will be late.,8】in surprise固定搭配,“惊奇地”,He look at me in surprise.,可数名词,“令人惊奇的事或物”,That is a big surprise.,不可数名词“惊奇”。,To my surprise, he didnt leave.,及物动词,“使惊奇”。,His success surprised us.,9】need v 需要,作实义动词常用于肯定句。,(1)人做主语,sb. need to do sth 某人需要做某事,(2)物做主语,sth need doing = sth need to be done,need做情态动词用于否定句或疑问句.,(1)neednt = dont have to 没有必要,(2)need ,must 引导的一般疑问句,肯定回答用must,否定回答用neednt, Must I go there now?,Yes,you must/No, you neednt,练习:,Students need _ (have) a good rest.,The watch needs_.(mend),mending,to have,辨析When/while/as,一、when可以跟,延续性,动词,也可以跟,短暂性,动词连用;while和as只能和,延续性,动词连用。,例:I was out _ you,arrived.,还有哪些短暂性动词?,when,(arrive为短暂性),goleavebuy,borrowcomedie,Joinbeginstart,finish,二、when主、从句的谓语动词可以,先后或同时,发生;,while和as主、从句的谓语动作必须,同时,发生。,They had left _ I got the airport.,_we were dancing,a stranger came in,(,从句动作和主句动作同时发生,且从句动作为延续性动词时,when,while,as都可使用),when,三、,将来时从句常用when,(“主将从现”),I will tell her when she comes here.,as常表示“随着”;“一边,一边”,The students took notes,as,they,listened,.,10】辨析borrow /lend/keep,1 borrow ,常与from 连用,“借来”,borrow sth from sb. 从某人那里借某物,You can borrow the book from the library.,2 lend,常与to 搭配,“指借出”,lend sb sth=lend sth to sb 把某物借给某人,He doesnt want to lend his book to others.,3 keep 保留,保存,(延续动词,可以与表示一段时间的状语连用)“借去用一段时间”,练习:,1)I want to _ a bike from my friend but he didnt _ it to me.,2)You may _ the book for two days.,keep,lend,borrow,11】辨析spend/pay/cost/take,人做主语:,spend: spend time/money on sth,spend time/money in doing,pay: payfor,物做主语:,cost/taketo do,练习:,She_ 50 yuan on the skirt.,She_ 50 yuan for the skirt.,The skirt _ her 50 yuan.,It _ him 3 hours to do his homework.,spent,took,cost,paid,【知识扩展】,spend-spent-spentpay-paid-paid,cost-cost-costtake-took-taken,Remember to spend some time with your,loved ones, because theyre not going to,be around forever.,记得花点时间陪陪你爱的人,因为下辈子也许,不会再见。,12】in order to,【辨析】,She got up at 5:00,in order not to,be late.,She got up at 5:00,in order that,she could arrive on time.,In order to 和 in order that的区别是?,13】辨析 get/ become/ go:,1 get+adj,多与形容词比较级连用。,Its getting colder and colder.,2 become,强调变化的结果 .,3 go+adj.,表示令人不快的事情 . go bad变坏,【短语】,get up 起床 get out of从出,get over 克服get on well with sb.与相处得好,get ready for sth.为做准备,get ready to do sth.准备做某事,get dressed穿衣 get off/on下/上车,He became a teacher.,14】【辨析】provide &offer &supply,provide为应急等做好准备而“提供; 供给”,provide sb. with sth. =provide sth for sb.,offer侧重“主动提供”,offer sb. sth. = offer sth to sb.,supply 定期“供应”,Supply sb. with sth=supply sth. to sb.,The hotel provides free wifi for guests.,【练习】:翻译句子,1 他们给他提供了一份很好的工作。,2 我们向超市供应新鲜蔬菜。,3 酒店向客人提供免费wifi.,We supply the supermarket with fresh vegetables.,They offered him a very good job.,5】develop v, development n 发展,developing adj. 发展的,developed adj. 发达的,【翻译】,一个发展中国家:,一个发达国家:,a developing country,a developed country,Since we havent got much money, we cant afford the house.,16】since(连词)既然,由于/自从,1“既然、由于”,引导原因状语从句。,【翻译】,由于钱不多,我们买不起那栋房子。,2“自从”,引导时间状语从句或表时间点的词语。,He has lived here since 2005.,【翻译】,自从我们上次见面到现在已经两年了。,Its 2 years since we met last time.,17】keep用法,1keep +sth /sb. +adj. “使.处于某种状态”,2 keep ( on ) doing sth 继续做某事,3 keep sb. doing sth 让某人一直做某事,【翻译】,让窗子开着吧。,我们必须保持身体处于健康状态。,尽管很累但他仍继续工作。,我妈妈让我写了一下午作业。,keep the windows open.,Though he was tired he kept on working.,My mom kept me doing homework all the afternoon.,We must keep healthy.,18】辨析as a result & as a result of,1 as a result 结果 (插入语,用逗号隔开),2 as a result of由于,【练习】,He was late _ snow.,It snowed heavily, _, he was late.,19】 辨析fall & drop,He dropped the cup.,The price of meat dropped.,The temperature dropped.,drop表示?,温度下降,价格下跌,失手摔掉,The leaves fall in autumn.,He fell down.他摔跤了。,fall表示?,自然下落;自身失去平衡而落下,情态动词could用法, 一 、表能力,1 表现在的能力,用can:,I can swim.,I cant type this letter.,2 表示将来的能力,常用be able to的将来时态:,People will be able to live on the moon one day. 总有一天人们可以到月球上居住。,Can you come to the party tomorrow? (,现在决定将来是否有能力做某事),3 表示过去一般的能力用could,特定能力仍用be able to,Could you speak English at that time?,那时你会说英语吗?,We were able to solve the problem at last. (经过一番努力达成), 二、 表许可,1 请求别人允许自己做某事can、could均可,但could 更委婉;,2 过去一般性允许用could:,When I was a little boy, I could watch TV every night.,特定情况“允许”allow,I was allowed to eat an ice cream last night.,三 表推测,1 对现在或将来的推测,can 常用于否定或疑问句中,could肯否疑问句皆可。,It cant be true.,Who can it be?,You could be right, but I dont think so.,2 对过去的推测后接动词完成时。,He cant (couldnt) have seen her there.,他不可能在那儿见到过她。,*四 虚拟语气,He could have told her, but he didnt.,他本可以告诉她的,却没有。,谢谢观赏,


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